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His Reasons For It

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a correspondent ot the lSuflalo Covrkr receiitly interviowed a tobáceo man, wbo intendod to vote for Greeley, but didn't wunt the fact known. Ho had his reasons for dosiring to keep still : "Well," saiil he, "my business would be íhjuied. You seo this infernal revenue business is half tax and half bluckmail. It's a perfeot despotism. I am entirely in the hands of the assessor. No matter how honestly I. strivo to keep every requireinent of Uio law, the Btatatea are so compheated and bis powers so ampio, that tho assessor can ruin mo when he likes. He can elose up my factory take my booke, and keep mo from doinK lm ness for is ntontha or a year on the i) frivolosa charge, and no matter liow mnocent I may be thero is no redress. Now I have everything íixed. I know just what ones to bribe and how to fcribo them. I pay tho brother of one the nephew of another, two sona of still another high salaries for doinK nothiní at all in m y store; in fací, I should not allow them beliind tho railing. If Grcolcy goos in thoro will ba a complete sweep. It will bc six months or a year before I can gct ni y biuúness to running ngain. I assuro you thut I pay tlio gor eminent overy cent of tax due it, und that overy oent I pay out is blackiuail I da not oomplain. I would losotrobl what I pay out." We liave the J-kltctie lor October. It lms a very fine portrait of Kfazzlnl, and aroong Ita papers nre: Lord Hyron- Anothei View, filackicootfs; Tlic Middle Ages and the Revival Jf Learnlng, by W. G. Clark ; Laman, Cornhiü; Th Longevlty of the Patrtarohs, Kruer's Magazine; Tlie Doinestic Lift of Mlrabeao, London Foelcty; Dr Carpenter'a Addresa betow the Brtttsh A-Roclatlon; thrce more chaptem ai The Strange AdventnreR of a Phwton, by Win. Black ; part n. of the brUllaot sketch of Barney Geoghegan, thf Irisli Ilember, lesserartlcles, poetry, editorial, scienca and irt notes, etc. $5 year, E. R. 1'klton L Co.. 108 Fiilton Street, New York. Alsu tlie October Overland Monthly, wlth, Isies of the Amazus, part n., The Northern California Indians, v., Hawallftii Fmi Iicitms, The Victory at Fort Plslier, A Romance of Goplierton, PhODetlcs and Dollar, J apáñete Wreek lü American Waters, El Kio Colorado del bur, etc. $4 :i yi'.-ir. JonN II. Cakmany & Co., Sun Francisco, Cal. The Uctober LadUê' Repomtory haa 11. lustratlons, beautlful both In destRri and engrayiog, and tableoftcontentscoverlna the usual Repotitory range. The engrav Ings are "A Suramer Clood" and "Happy Times," and of the n ameróos nicles tbe most ootlceable are : Vncfent find MoI rn Sisterbood, Out of the BIjjllwRys Intlie fatber-land, A Dark Record, Mr Hiidd tbe Vorklog-man- chape, ii. and rn., V's't to ie Guajiro Indiana of llarncalbo, Ilias., The Qnlde of the Alps, The New Qerman Km pire, The Wonian's RIghtg Vlllage- hap. i., whlle the losser papers and the everal departments wlll be round eqnaüy eftdable. The new editor will let down ie Repository standard in nothlng. $ii.fiO jear. HlTOHCOCK fc Walden, Clncinii'iï, Ohio. From the sime piib'ishers W6 iinve Ilic Qoideii Bout for Uctober, illled witli good iIiil's fot the boys and gl ris: storles to ui.i'i'cst, sketches to Instruct, poema to lease, and oharades and puzzles to amuse. t is a yood number of a good magazine. 8 a ycar. Addresa same as for liepository. - From T. S. Aitnitru & Sons, Phihtelpliia, come corren t (October) numbersof ie Lady's Home Mugiizine, veacluble in ill s departments. Also the Children's Bour capital number of a capital periódica! lor ie littie ones. $2 50 and (1.36 a year. - We also have the October Nurscry, eautiful In typography and pictures, sure to :i!iiu-e tlie fonr, Hve or slx year oid by the honr. ?l,50 u year. JonN L. Sbohey, Boston.


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