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M'.w COODSatGottN Casi Store, at tlio I,on's t Cash Priccs. (al 1 i n cl see Ilicm. Octobcr lst, 1S72, ■ i ■ 1 1 DANCING AM DEPOBTXENT. Prof. G. W. FOWLE, of X. Y., will apen a Dano ing School in Ann .Arbcr in October. He come wcll recominendcd fioni Roohester, Ocncva, Senocu Kalls, X. Y. 11e also tau?h! in Aiirinn, Teoumseh, ITii!siiii, lïillsdule and Blisafleld last winter, where lie established a good reputatioñ as a gentlemanly teacher. bas seonrsd tin1 services ot Cub Berdan,of Ynt-ilanti, for music, and 11 gooci BChoo] may be expectcd. He will have schools ttiis winter in irillsdulo, Hudson, Adrián, Teonmseh, Xpeilanti and And Arbor. 1393 2w IIOW TO GO WEST. This ís nn intiuiry whlcta every one slimild hnve 'v answcrf d before he etartfl on bisjoorocj and r little care. (ken in exBTntnntlon of lioutcs wi]l :n many casca save mnch troubl;, time ond moncy. rhe"C, B. & Q. n. I?.," running from Chicnso tbroaEh Qaloabnig to Bnrllnjtton, Ims achlerei asplcndid ceputation In the last two yenrs ns the leadlnj PasBeuger Routoto the weet. At BnrllDg ton jt connivís with the -rcat BnrllBgton Rome liich rnnpdlrectly thronsh Southern lowa to Ne qraaknand Cansas, witij close conoeetlonstoCall for '■ nia :ni'l th( Terrjfortoe : and passeneen itartlnu J frora Wasbtenaw Connty, n thelr way woetward, cannot do better toar totakethe '. & (. and Burlington r.oute. Thl line bas pnhllsheil a pamphlctcalled " now to i;r Wiisi," wiiicli eontalns mnch rnlnable Inforrattlon; a lufge oorreet map f the Groat Wit. which can i ! abtAlned freo of cbarze by acldresalns the General Pasuergcr Agent U.& .M.R. lt. Burington Iowa. DesJiier's Fcvcr RiidAgno IMils. isnonew remedy, one tlmt hna tood the test of !;„,', ytart? nse. Tbeyoontafa) nofnercury, artsnic, or quíníní, nnd instead of redüdng the systiia, ntrengthen and iovignrate it and leave the patiënt in s helthy and sound eondition. From a mnltitucle of letters we insert the following : Jamaica, L. I., June 8U1, UTl. "Ttnke pleasnre in bearinfr wiiness to the eiHcacy " Di.sliier'a Fever and, Agne PlDs, bavincr usett tluln in my tamily with complete sucosas for the last ten ' -i-, and chcerfully reenmmend tliein to any one öiictcd uith i'f;vi v and AiMie. s. T?. 0EO88MAN. For Sale by lt. 'ÍV. KI.LIS & CO., and EBERBACH &CO. MARRIED. At St. Andiews Cboroh, on Uonday, SOtb, inst., by Kcv. (i. 1). OUlespie, THOMAS DtX.ON.of New Orleant, Ti.. and BACCHA L., daughter of thu late John 1). in. ni Uemphis, Tenn. DIED. In Alpena, on Mie2Tfh uit., of bilious fevcr, MRP. ANN MAKIA, wifeoíEev. A. 13. ALLEN, and niece OJ ]■:. II. Pond of tliiscity, aed 28 yeurs. C nionths, nud l(i days. Her eulogiiim is writtcn on tbo hciirta of those who knew and loVed her. OOMM ERC I AJ_T An Aubob, Thubsday, Oot. 3d, 18V2. .4 1'1'les- 25@30c per bus. BUTRB- SOO. Beans- il.;o@2.00 per bus. ConN- Brings óOc per bu. Ciiickkns- Dressed 12)áe .EfiGS- Command lGe. IIay -$12fail5 ]ier ton, aecording to uality. (I'i.nky- In enp, '.0120. Labd- The market stands at fl@Oc. Oats- Old, 30la33c. ; new, 25q)ü8c. Nkw Potatoes- 7OCs80c. TüUKEÏS - 15c. Whkat- Woquoto White at $1.5O@1.GO; amber, 1.35@1.40. DETROIT PBODIJOE .HAKSr.T. Lateet quotation for leading anieles of country prcduco - Ooiober 3(1, KM ns follows : Wiiieat- white, $1.8001.60 ; amber, flAB. I!aui.t:y-$1.SS@1.C0 per ccntul. Kv: -66@T0o per bu ('OKN- ÍOraS2c. Oat- 8aS8c. I'otatoks - 7.Vaüne. Osiosft - 40f5ir)0c. JTav ?ir,a.-'O. Wool- 15OSCo. r.iTTEE- 17(S23c. F.GfiS- ÍV&Í'OC. IuUtDÍIONEY- 18@20o. Detroit Live Stock Jlarkot. From the Detroit l;ree Preps. Kiní;'s, MoadH7i 8ept. 30. Thfl RniTflls tliis week nmoiint Ui TOO head of cattle iheepi aiiil 'M ljojpi. As isunl the raarket mi ovr-rtockod, mostly with cattlt'. Only one load wnsbnufylit to-ship Eost, and l!if'[';d a lowflgvre. Tha Imtchers bongbt a nod Kiipply at íi decline of 25c pu humlred on all ífrades. Abont 150 headwero left over. BEÜVK.S. First qnaltty í flnr4 fs Sofrtnilqiiitlity ,3 2.r)ría3 75 Third quulity 2 5 r.fH u) MICBi The demand waa not ogood, and abont íícoflin jimív. Wb quuto thcm nt f:i ;b%i 23 por huudred. nor.s. llogn ara niliog for ?4 5H I Tí per hundred. To pm-if y Clottoinjr and ïircldinsr, UFed ín feven. "Spi Inble ir sOAk i h Bcoibo í"iloraluni, (Hlutd Hcrordinf? to dirertioiis. Prcpnred only l.y Co , 170 TVilllom Pt., K. Y.


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Michigan Argus