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- AI.T. EXT.OH. In the wondorful medicine to Whlch the bflttotod nro abovo pointed for relief, the tiscovcrer believee ho lias combined tn harmov.y inoro of Krtturc's most sovorpip curativo prop erticí, Which Gort luis lnstiUea iiito tlio vcrotablo kingdoin ft:r hmXjog tlio Riek, ware bver before oomblned in 0110 medicino. Tho tvklenco of tina fact ia founil in tin1 grrat v.-trlfty of most obstinate dlfleoaea whloh it li:in been t'ound tt) oonqner. In tbc cnro ot' UroncUIIÏh, Sevcrc CoQSlUf and tl0 carlv atagoa f CoiiHtimpOon, it has astonishefl the medical facnlty, and eoáiDCDt physieiaim pronounco it the pratest medical dieeovery ot tho ago. Wliilo it cuiva the Bovowat Congba. tt ftrengthena tho ■yatem an:l Inl3it8 likp 11oimI. By ita ffreat and thoroogfa blood pnrifjisg pruortis, it cures all Ilumora, from tbe worst Scrnlula to a comir.on Blotch. Pimplo or UrMpttnn. jrorcnria'i di-seaöü. Mineral Pulsona, and thoir effects are eradioated, anl viporous heftlth and a aonud constituüun vutab]iliud. Kryol)K;lQa, Snit Klleum. Fcvi-r Son, Wcnlyor Houti Skin, iu ohort. all tbc nnmorous disoast !ï cmintrt by bad tiooa, aro cooqnored by this poweu'ul, purify11.C cnó biTlgurfitlQg medioiao. i j[f you feoj (lul), drrwny tlebilitatod,IivO low color ofífctn, or yellowlli brown fputs uu hueor KiW, frequent neadacho ordizzluect.bad taste in mxïith, lateraal heul or rhiüa, altcmated wlth hot IVwig?, low ppirits. and gloomy forobodinirs, ïrrerulur appulitc, and tongue coatad, you i're sulnriuj Brom Torpid Xivcr or "BlUoninow." In n#ny cases of "Liver Cotnplalni " only part of ihcee Bymjitoma aro exp irlencaí. As a remcdy for nll puch casca. D?. Piorcó'- Golde.l Kodlcal DiMovcry bas no enti nltcff-CM perfect curea, li avirg tbe liver etrenethenod Rad healtnyi for the cure ef Habitual íioustl patioii of ilie bowels it, i a neveï fHiün remcúy. mi thwo who have u-i'l it for this pnrpoio am loud in itanmite. The proprletor (ifrora $1.Hii) reward lor a medí, cine tlmt wiil eqneJ ii for tlae curoof au the dis. (huís for v!iic:!i it ia recommcndcd. 8ld by druiriíiats at $1 vr boitle. Prepared fcy ■ K V Pteree M.D., Solé Pnpnctor,othia Chemical Lalioratury. 1M ftreet, fiuüilo, N. Y .' f oud yuuraddrebuíoraptuuiilikt. ._ K NEW08pftSp STORE! At Jïo. 8 Soutli Main Street. The tinderpL'in'rt t.-ikes pleaanre in anAOQDcIng to the cltteena of Ann Arboi and viclnity that he has opened a new basineM place, where he xvill Ueep coubtamly on hand a fnll aísortmeut oí BGQTS fc SHOES AnI eyorything in that ine, WIIICH WILL RE SOLD AS LOW AS P08SIBLE. Rcpairing Done TTeatly and Promptly. ZW Pleusc give me b cali. L. OilUXEK. Ann Arbor, Ang. 2, 1STÍ. JfMtl JC. A, SËS&IOAS' INSURANCE AGEBCY. His Comianie8 Aro Honud. ■pHCKNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONÍÍ. CAPITAL AND A8SET8,jBtTl,ÍSTI....$l,T81,00 CHICAGO LOSSES 75a,ooo THiB-VHfEIVIX i tlicficst conilucteft Flrfl Insurance Compsiiiy ín ttku i'nitccl scilfs, AlWttya prudent nnl sonnil, anti alivajrs prompt in puyinent i( Iosmes. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrst Compani lo )n?stheorclefil or thNew York Inauraoee Comml slonert slDCCthe Chicago fFlra,comlug ont i rum the severo test TRIÜMPHANT ! Associated Prosa Bispatch, November 2, 1871 , THEISTEBNATIONALIHBUBAKercOMTANy. The Superintendent of the New York -late IniinraiiccHepa-tiüciit, rbe 11 maUng ticarefnl ofHfinl azamlontton ot Um New york City Oompanlet toilny, certineB that the Intarnatfonal Oompany'a assets "f $l,5fl'i,000 are seciTre'y Inveated, aml iu capital ol 500,0C(r, flor provWlnjt for all Uabilltlea, inclndingthe ChicRffo flre, lawhollj aonspaired ThUCompanylap&ying allitMChicasolosees and ISMOOnd tud rcli-:ble. PolielMiaauadat fair ratea at raj oflice, No. 11 East Uuron Btreet, Aimi Arnfr, J.q. A.SKS.SJONS, Agent. i::rtf. TAMK8 McMAIION, Justice of the Peaee, Office in now block, KTortta of Couit House Iloney colleotefl and promptly paid over. INSTJnANCK AGENT. Trinmph, aaects, Nortli Missouri, " MS.4U.91 Hiberntaj " 350,ooo.üü T17h:AT, K8TATE. I have 8" acre of land K of a mlle from t!ic city imiix, Snely loeated for fruit or arden purposes. AIbo 40 acres. Also Hl BorovWltB h'Miec and bnrn.irnd allvely stream of waterranolngthrough the barn yard. fio aeree-, a mllc out. 1 wil! Bell any or all the above clieap, or exchonee ford.yproperty JAMK3 McMAHON. zz. 1 Goto R.W.ELLIS & CO'e forstrictly Pure Dvugs and Medi eines, Painte.Oile.&c. fTMÍK IN MARKlil', AT FINLEY i LEWKS' TUR Fiiiest, Largest and Most Complete Stock of Fine Goods for Ladies, Miases aiiíl Children, at FINLEY and LEWIS' JJurl's Fine Calf líoots at Flnley k Lewis, and at NO OTHER lJlace in Town. The Best Kip and Stogn Jíoots in Towu t FIXI,EY & LEWIS'. The 15cv.( Boys' Boots at FINLEY A LEWIS'. Tho Stock wblch I bonght fot casII cun be oíd tt btMT pnce tlum tfiose lougutON TIMK Finley & Lewis BUY FOR OARPí t and can sell fe!rgood at I'AIR 1'KICES, A " [xÁ íuiníLuuiiiLil I All NOW OI'i NIÑO 1OO CASES MB3TS AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes ! Ladies', Misses' and Children'g BootSj Shoes and .Slippersrsieae goods havo Jnt been "parclfiseí of flret haxid, and as I hovc no cxpcnflc of KENT, and rive my onürc pursonal .tttention to tho batlnsM, I Compete Successfully witii all engagéa in the A. D. SEYLERr Ka. o Narthfltaln st. Ann Arbor, ug. 8, 1872. ISMmS LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST 1 Dcnls in both. FINE CUT AB SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST IIUKOX ST KEET, Xext to tlie Express Office. ANN AHBOB, IUICII. 13-lfitf lonrr forcet Thnt (he Fairest. Squarcst. and hcst place in Anr Arbor lo bay Pora I)nr_'s and Medlelneei wiues aLd L'uiiiurs, for Medicina] PnrpoSGSi PAINTSj OÍLS, VABNÍSHES, BRU3HES, &C, IS A.T R. W. ELL1S & COS. Corner OppodM the avings Iïank. Our Permanent ('ol"r. for oatsldeor [asido paint Ing. maunfactnred rm Pure liil' Lead, .iuc, and LiQseed OH. Oheaper aivi heder tluin ai. y othei Pair.t made BoM by the jralloD, kns or' barrel AlsnPuri; WhlM Lead, Zinc 4e., at Mtlslhctorj Prices KEMICMUERNAMK ASII PLACE. n. w. BLTLis & ro. Q L. PACK" Xeeps on hand a first class stock uk cigars, tobacco pipes, swuff And all smokers articlcs AT THE OLD STAND 2 doora west of Cock's Hotel at the sign of tho BIG INJUN. 1383m6 T)OTTLEÜ LAGER, ALE AND rOKTEIÍ, Put up in Pinta and Quarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. BV Order Ivtt at I. citer A; Co.' Iïr:;c Ktore will bc promp(l) iülid. niLL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arhor fMay M. 1872. 13Ttf 6BAHAK 1 LOUB, BUCSWUEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED OF ALL SIND8. AlHheabovenrticlosarc warrnntid to Uairc n Hiipcriorin Porsaleat o Partridges Flouriag Millsjj_ jj. GriHtiug done at fchori notfee. Finest ssortmen tof Toilet ■ Goods ir the City,by fl.3U.Bli?& 60., Erutos. . j lL li. GlüLEY, Snccessor to COLORÓTE t SON. " ? ( j DR1MT Al CIIEIST IN 00 il 'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, DKALER IN DRIGS, ÏIEDIffSES, FISiE WIÍIE9 IND LIQVO&S, CFCR MKPICAL PCRPOSES ONLY.) Faney Ooods, Perftimery, PAisiïs, ir,s, VAKNISIIKS, AM, AXO PlITTÏ. PflïSHMS' PBESCBIPTIÓNS Cfirofully compoumlcd at all hotirs. I PROPOSE NOT TO BE UNIíEHSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFÜRNISH &S GOOD AN AATICLE. 13(7t f J. Walvis, ProprUtor, R I!. McDomald A Co., Drufpim L Gen. AftuU, tbu . tnd 31 (V-inm.-rce lUMt, N. Y. ']UIM,1ONS Bear Teatltnony to the WoikIímTiiI 'nritiv(; Kllrcts. Tli cy ure not avile Fnncy Drink, Jl.tde of Ioor ïttim, Whiskcy, Proof Spirits mul Refaao Jjiijiiors (' ■ 1 to picas tho tastccnUefl " 'A ipfctIierfllRostoreT8,fT&o.4 tlifttleail thctlpplorontodi unkennessftndrali,butan a truc Medioine,ihade fromtho icntfvo Knots and llcrlis Of OaUfornia, fvee from all Alcohol ie Kiïrmi Innt. TheyarothoGttEAT ïïroiïï) IM'RIFlKUaiui A LIFE UlVIKG l'KINCll'LE ft perfect Ronovotor anil Invigoratót of tho Bystem oarrylngofftül polsonotis matter and restoring theblooil to a hcultby oondltlon. Ko porson can toke tliGM Tutters according to direct ions and rcninin long anwell, provulctl ttioir ara nol dostroyod by mltternl poiftonor oLlicr nionns, and tho vitnl orgaiia waatcii bcyoiul tíio polnt of repair. Timy are o. Gentío PnrarntlTona weil nsa Vaulct pomowfnK, also, thopecul i n ■ rit ol actltig as apoworful offent i;t rollovinR Congestión orlnflamniation c f the Livcr, r.tul nll thoViRcernl Orgtui ■. POR FEWAI.E (:Mi'L.VI.NTS, Inyonnffor ■ :i '■;" womanhood orat i ji turn of life, Ui ■ : i eqtial. Por In II animator y nml Cliroiilo íUifíiuia1 1 -■ iri nul (itiüi, Dyspopain pr ludlgreetiou IHIIonMf Re tuitte ut a ud Intcrmtttcnt FrTer iïïsi-nsoH of thn lilood I-ivcr Kiliioya utitl BI aildor theso Hiticrs Imve boon most ifol. Siich Itaenoti aro cause 1 by Vitintcrt Jllootlf whicli is senerally produccd ly derangoment of the DiKcntlvo Oren il. DVSl'Ci'SlA OU INDIGESTIÓN! Hedacho, Pala In tlicliouMer.CoiiKlis, Tlbtnosfl of lbo Obeati Dlzzio ractattODfl of ilio Btomacbi Bad Taste In tlie Mouth. Ittllous Attackf, l'alpiiation of tiic Beart, Inflammation of the Lnnga, Pain IntheroCÏone of the Ridneys. anti ahandfed other pamful symptoms, ara tbo onprinars of JJyspepsia. Thcy iiiviirorato tho Stomaeh andstlmnlatethotorpld LI ver nnd fiowela, whicli ronder tïicci of uncquullod offleacy in cleanninfi the blood of a!I nnpuritles, and iinpartins- now i ' :.ystem. POR SKIN D1SEAPEB, Brapt1onfl,Ttter1 Balt Kliouin, Blotchw, Spots, Pimples, Postales, JíoÜs.Carbuncles. Rlnff-Worm, Scaid íít:r.'t, Bon Hiyej, KryKipp!■. Ii' oloralioiuüfthe Skin, Dumorsaad ■ name or nature, aro literal i v dug up at) '. carrled out uf tho ftystem in a short time livthc üfleut theso Hltters. Ono bottl? ín auch caRca wil! couvinco llic uiust increduloua of ibeir curativc fciTiTts. Cleanso tlic Villatoil Blood whencver yon flud ita lm purltfr-s boretfnc tlirou;-li tho skin in PImptofli Eruptions or Srfres ; cleanse it trben yoa find it obstrootod andHluïish In tho relm; eleanse Itwhen it isfnul, aniï yaur FwllnffS Wlll teil youirhcn. Keep tho blood pure, and the heakli of the Byfitem will follow. Pllii Tupí', nnd other Worms, hirkinp in tho Bystem of so tnany Uiousands, are effectually destroyed tnd remoTed. Baya .a dfetlnulshed phwlolofftot, tliero i searceiy an imlivitlnal upon the face ofthe eartfa whoso body is exempt from tlie presnnco of worms. It fa not upon tho hpallhy elementfl of tho body that worms exlat, but uinn tho difUMscd humon and aun); deposita that breed these liviner monsters o( disoafi-. No Syitem of Medicino, no vorinifiuíes, no anthclm Íntica will freo tho system from wonns liko Kmse lïitters. J. WALKER, Proprictor. R. H. McDONALD & CO Druggists ai,d (ron. Agenta, San Frnaci?co. California, and 32 and 31 Cormnereo Street, Ntw YorkB3"8ÜLX 1ÍY ALL AND DEALERS. (OR.CROOK'SWÍÑÍOFTaT èlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved Jr. Crook's WINE -j vTo liare more AñMáUj. - crit titán any 'aB & similar propara the public. Tt i rlcb In tlie medicinal nnaliUes of Tar, and aoeqaaled i'or disi'asos of tbe Throat and XilUlgs, períurmiug Üio oiost remaik ftble cures. Conghs, ColdK, Chronic Congbs. Xt eílectnally cures them all. AsUuna and Bronctaitl. Has cured so many cases it has becn pro nounced a speciñe fot these complaints. Kor pains in Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Dísease, Diseases of tlie Urinary Organs, Jauudice or any Liver Complaint, It has no eqnal. " It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthcns the System, Kestores the Wcak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digest, Humores Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarious Fevers, Gires tone to your System. HURRY UP ! PABTIE8 wll :jth jiiüi i' iper Wl Ddow ... nll Ni'W Si : . f tor) i'ti' b by J . 12. Wbktr 4c Co., Bjok ture, ucíirtbe !:;■■ Oí X - - -H Go to E. W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines andLiquorf for Medical Purposes .


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