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R.ül Estáte S'ilo. CÍTATE OP MICHIQ .N, County of wnslittnsw ss. In tho matter oí theKstutooj Carohne J. l-'rcer, i ..í in pui-Mittnce tí anordorgrantcd to p, Idmniistrator :C thoestate oJ : ' ' J ' '" Bon. ■' ;; ■ "i róbate ti.r ■.!!■ oounty i' wasbtenaw. on the íiftf iilli ilny nf iluly, A. J. 1872, there wiil beaoldnt rendnfi, totlio hiL-m:.t bidder, ut ilie bridge iear the norlhwi ñ corner of t ti-? túnd tuHreiuafter din the County ot Wnshtennn In add State, m Tueadaythetwenty-turthdayoí Heptciuher, A. I). ,874 nt ono o'clock in Ibe -ïu ntoon of tbní day [nnbject oauencoi branc ■ ■ i.or othennee existngol the time ofthcdíith of siiid deooasod,) the fo)oving descrïbed Keal í-st if.c, to-wit: The vwtiwrïi tf the siHitli wrst qnarter of acction ílnrty-two, in lovnahip thre sotl oí runpe ftvo e;ist cuntuining uorea mol or Lcib in -;ii'l tttutL bafedi August Ui A. i). 1872. ALTA VHKEIt 13SStd Arli.iinisiiator. Thenboresale is postpwiedto Tluinídiiy, Oelober '4fli, at tlio s'imp time i day and piuco. Dated, B( p ■ ■-■"'■i,i.v. l'KK-EQ, Admlnistmtor. Attaclnnont Notioo. NOTICE In reby ;:v. a t!i' un the bvcttty ■ dy oí Altéis', eighteoii hundi-od ai 1 sevflnty. imenl waa ieaued oul of i ; ■ ' irnit I tourt i 'i-jiiiy oí' Washtenaw, in favoi of . : i 11. VVhitakir and ChurlesB. . ■'!:ti:i!:ÍL,:i lina :i !.i ts.ti ncmQIltfl goort I Tfí . tí üls, tilo . i-, retnrnable hi Monday ' ttio niDth day of Septcmuerj 1872, and ,::-. to unid writ, Ihnl propittíiohed thert-on, mul thnt saiddefendilnd. UuU-d, Aun Albur, ; p'. ■'..-: Oth. 1872. i-;; !:!.i-:s BitoNSON, JnüN :. VVH1TAKEK, CUAKLES 1!. ri'.ll.l.ll'S, Huía-i J. r.r ■ l'liintili. Att'y :■')■]■] I i --M" mt toners' Notice. JTATE "V MICHIGAN, oounty of tt ashtenav, bs. xhe ! ]V the xobatoCou tfoi lid i raty, Commiuiojiera ;■ y eive examine and adjUBl allolaimsand dmitn' : Kachel Uo''ormick, late of . ,, acó i '-.I, her !■ p-ive noticc tlial ix oojitna (rom ■ ' of s'ii'l Prpore to presen! i !,■ rclaimaagHlnBt ■ ■ of seid dflo nued, and tl:nt thcy will mect :it i Jobu Harle, Bl( .", in ató oonntjr, "" Hatnrday. ''■ twenfir-third ■ 13 i b . i ironty-íourtli day ot líaioh nezt, nt ten it ten o'elor.k a. m. of ":■'' of oid (luya, to rwjeive, i, and odjosl ii'l olajnu, "Váaónkw, EDWIN" CÜKTIB, ;w# t niaiTiiiuners. A nsw Phaaton BttgOT end n seeond hand Csiringc, ■„o.O,,,,,,,,;.,.,,.,,,,,,,,, Ana Aibot, May ÍSd, 1872. L3;MÍ Real Estáte for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN', county of Waslitenaw, ss. In t lio mutu-r of the estáte of Úprneliua Luughlin, ■ i : Notioe ia hereby given, thiti ín pursuance ot' an order gránted to the unduBigned Admmistrutor ; the estáte ofsaiddeccased, bj tne Kon. Juige of Probate for the county oí Wíwbteimw, un the twenond iliy ut'July, A. I). 1872, there will b public vendue, to the blghest bidder, itt i be dwellingaoizse on tb% premises horeinufter described, i:i the county of Waahtenaw, in said State, on Wcdnesday, the elghteenth day of September, A. D. 1872, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to ill enoumbrances by mortgage ov otherwise existing at theÖraeof thodeathof souldeccased), the foüowingdecriït'd real estáte, to wit : The west half of thesouthffeet "luarter of aeotion Iwenty-three ín townahipone south of rimL'' ix eat, in said Stkte. eontniniiifï eighty acres, mon or Igps. Alao a parcelof laúd deBoribea nu comraonoiiiK ;tt tlie quartcr post bstween NOtions twtntv-iwo :ml twcnty-tlnce, ■wne townsbip uiid ïiinr, :ml running on said quwrtfl ïme iü the subdivisión post, tbenoc north on BéiA line twenty-foMr roda bhfinco West to said wol Ion line etehty mu is, Uieñoosonth i wmi r-lbfir rods to the plaoe oí be ninninff, oontainlng twerre acres of land, wxi t'yojiï the ivbovt' the foui acres conveyed by de s:iil Corneliua CJaughÜn ftod wif e, undfir date of Deoexnber8Üi, 1853, to Jajnw Kennedy, whtóh uoddeed ín recordod m líber 60 oï deedft, on page 597t in t.i the Register of Deed in said oouaty. Duted, July 22d, . l E87Ï, WILLrASI lU'KKi:, AdminÜBtrator. Th o alMive pnle is inljourued ti Fnduy, Octobor 18, at the same time of duy and place. D d, Beptember I8th, I WILLIAM BURKB, Adminteimfebr. Real Estato for Sale OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, bs. i In tlie Küii ' ■ i ol the i - ftt of Anscl A. H deceasèd. Notits is-heve Bfiven, that tnpursuance of an'ordergranted to the andersigiied, administrator on í tateot said deceased by the Hou. Jndgeol Probat for the ('ounty it Waslitenaw, on the seo mber, A D. 1872, there will be Bold at publio . tottie highcsi bidder at the oouth ■ irt House in the Countj ol Waihteimw, ín Bftid .... odnesday the tweuty-Üiiid dHy ofOctob p. A. 5. L872, at one o'clock m the nftei-nooo of chut day isubJKCt ta uil om ■ :':■"■ ot 01 bei ■ wiae existing u the time of the death oj I and atoosuojeot to the right of dower of hiswldow therein), the undivided half of thefollowing desenbed real estáte, to-wit : Commenclng rí a Blone plnntd tor the corner, atn pölnt beurtntf south afateen greel , l wenty-nine nnd u half Unks from a red oat troe thirty inchee in diameter beiog In the west half of the Bouth-w rt quorter of aection tv.-cnty-Wirlit Ln tOfl QShip Cour south of rangv six east in aaid Stilte, and rnusiúig tbenoe south one degrea wt along the wost sitie tf thelriKhwiiy five ohatafl and thivty-ono links, thencü south twenty-eight dopces vost two ohatns, tlienci1 fouth eiifhty-oiht dcineea wnt two ohaintand ten links, fchenco north twelve mul nr half deñreos west four ohaint and xty-two links tlience north fifty eteht draTeea eaa flve ohaim and links to thr pviM ff beginniiifif, containing two acres, umi nvlnfiinir If-o all betwasn the oloehtg lino In wholo jmrcfl and the center af the Saline river. Dated. September 2d. A. ï). 1 I JAMES LAWKENCE, 1300 Adminwtrators.


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Michigan Argus