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Klction IVoiïee. SHBETFP'S OFFTCE, Wauükva . Aiiiioii, August 27, i :-.T2. j i Uu 1 Ydu in 1 1 t-v notifleU thai at the next General .'■ ■' on, i ■■■'■ in M on the uu, following i ui Pk sideni and ■ ■ omtnifinoner, ot thi ublic ] ■ on, ' ■ ïdwin W Hik i Slfit . 1872, :.■ ■ I ate, i" ■hich ■ tor for the Founh i fcrict, eansiHting oí ■ ■ reeable ovisious oí Ac1 Mo. I i1' oi Uei ■ B71. Algo the roUowtng oonni robati . , one Countj ■ ■■. two 'hvnix Court ü ■■!. ii . ,sÍJ í or ■ nd one ' 'ounty Sui ■ heruby notifica that nt raid General !i!,ution ■■ OÍ 1 ln: r their adoption orrejection, pursuant tothe itutíon and the resolutions ibmitting th' d A o " m . Iraeni pfroi tnent of homls iasued nnd negotiated, and thereof roalized prior to the twenty-seventk dv of ■ townsbqM and tnxaa - the sanie, for ñn 1 i-i ;ii t of rmy Raifroi ■ , bi .'■ inl & '■ iiiiuii No. 31 of ti 171. An " Amendment relativo to tbo limita of , and tbc number thereof," provided Joint fcte olutfon tf oi 1871. Andan " . the ..laries o of the Circuil l ourt," providedfot by the lat uforcaiiiü Joint liesolution. MYHON WEBB, Sheriff. Sik!'. DEFAULt haring been made in the condftion of . made and cuted '■■; I M. - . ■ I . I.M ■ ; of March, a. :. ■ , nnd :■' oordi il in I ■ of the Regfotex of Deedfl of Washtenati Michigan in fjbor forty-three of mort four bnndred and twenty 1 M;ti'O., a. i. eigbteen liundtod and sei aty-onei i 1 on -fonri h oo] ick á u.; and ■'■■■ p haviug beoom tivo -y rcason of uch default, and the nam I aad twelvo doll I to be due on snid i ■ et th notico, nnd tlie bomt aa ompanyiag tl.o same, also ■ ; 's f e of thi .■ r in Bal no mil oí pi c ■ ding al Inw oi ■ ■ tving boen in-itit uted to 11 c parttheroof: Noiice 8 therofi ■ ■ ren, thi lortgagtf wil] ■■ ■ . be mor raafter mentioned i ndi forih, ■ b fcherei 'is wil! iun1 , on t?atu day, the beventfa d . . o(uoolt ín il e fovonoon i f i tid day, nt the Rnuth cloo ■ ti the Oom ■ boing l ircuit C'ourt for 'tí pounty oi Wn btenawj the eaid pwmiae to be bo by virtuoo te ín f iid nSori ■ r; of lol w-r. . ■ four {■!) rot wld by nine ■ p, ín bloek nnmber flvo i iouth of r np Land CompHiiy's addition tg the city of Ann Arb ■rly rülnge). '.-i ihtenav coanty. itichigatt. DatedAnj it. 11, 1S;2. fTOCK !'. SILLfHort) 1). CbajceH) Att'y for rviortjriigee. Mortgage Bale. WHEREAtí Wiiiúmí J. buiraing, of Tori, tcnuw County, Michigan, on the27th day A] ril, A. '. 187, i ■ i leïitoi En pn i intei orded tbeoüi I ., thecounty Waahtcnav und 8 ■ on i oí' Am il, A. Jï 1870, ut 3 j I :U üa Líber 42 of mortñtges, onp4igc3G3, nnd .default has been made tör more ihen I the i ayia ni of nu i... :":i"::. ent et sai ey whicli beenme dne tfntbe -71 h dny of A-pril, A. 1 lsTii, Jy rcnsoD wh Haiil l;: ■ Bftid princi] ■ ' ■ ', with ill n due nnd na; modintely : .■■ an-i nu . the mm o] i v dolíais " foroolose saíd t ten in■ ■ by giv n thaton Saturday, (heflfth aai nêxt, al two 6elock in the 1 loor of tïio 1 ' irbor (being thu giu whidh th Circuí Court for the ■ tuf of ■ ■ mtained in I. sliiil r nt public auclion to tlu1 ■ ;;l -;;iiil mo ' i-.'y the amoun : due, ■■ : : fO 'VI' : .''. ce] oi lanf] wit : The e i ■ ble to ijhe ■'■-. ■ uraor t -■. Dated, Jly lí, I872. i;v t , JAMES ■ John N. Gott, á igee. Mortgage Sale. Dbeen ma Ie in ( be oondiüon of a CPrfi ! by Aii;.i:ida Burbonli ' ■■ i ■ ■ r, !■■ aüng tliirtei-iTt h day of Beptomber, A. i ). oiga teen hun .! in the office ot' the i iMiiiiy of Waahtenau . and if Hort anü one-foiuth 1'. M , an mortis reanon of raid o i e due ■ :tt the date of ihis noiafl 'A mortgage and no snit or proóceding nf I" tfr rr in cl institutcd to recover the NoIíoq i-; thi i ■ ' bal said d wil! be foreoload by a snle ot the mortgi ■ and srt fort li, orsonvuoh thoreof n& wfll i(.' d tn s;tl : ■ üt OU -'':i u M v. the 1 '■'-'' I t y-first day of Deoemltor m-xt, nt eleven o'clock in I noon ot' ftaid y, at the aoutn door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, thai being the plaoe fox holding tho Circnft Coutt for the County ol Washtontin'. The - to bi' Bold by virtue of the power oí sale i:i s:ll mortga pe are described in suid nortffage ns followi : AU tho land kniMvn ;nil described as I.-ots nurabor Two, '■_),') Three, (3 ,) and Four, f4,)lnJ D. Baldwin's : Addition to tho City of Ann Arbor, in the County of ■■■na-.v, and State of Michigan, Dated. Ann 1 T1-?. VTORE OEAMER, ISOStd Mor tg a -j-CO. Chancory Notice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, countyofWashtenaw, w. 7 The Circuit Court for tho county oí AVítóhtcna- In Chnn Andrew Bailey, Complainant, vs. Olive Bailey, Defendant. It BBititfactoi ■ 1 1 tliat the defendant, (Mive lijiilt y, is m of said county or st:it o, on niotion of V B. Qew tt, solicito! for complainant, it i ordew m1 Olive Bailey oanse her appearanee to beentered in thiscatu in three montha froxn the date oflhis order, and in in r answer ia the cotnplninant's bill to beflledantl acopj thereof tobe Uox witíiin twenty fter service of ii l bill and notice oi thÏB order, and on default thereof, thesai 1 b taken aa oonf ld defendant OltveB and it is f urther ordered that wilhin twéntydays the siiiil oomplainant cause a notico of this order tobe published in tho Michigan Arga&, & newspaper pubQshed in r'.v city of Ann Arbor, in sak) county, and ihid v. f.iptir at lenst m. Ie for Bix socoessiro wi ■ ks, or tbat ha eau - ved on he iddefenaaní Olivo Bailey, atleasl twentydays before l "r hex appeaj Datcd, Öeptombflr 18th, :'2. K. BEAHA rt CoTnmis.iincr, htenaw County, U lo] A K. ITnwKTT, Complaioants Solldtor. Chancery fótico. CTATT 01' MICmGAN, fcfae Circuit Court for the ij ooi ii;uv, in ohaneery. Thomas C. Judd, Ooaaplainant, . Ifina A. Judd, Defendont. It satüfaotorily appearinfl to ihiCouítby nffiilavit thai tbe defendant, Mina A. Judd, is ii"t i resident of this State, buí i of Indiana, on motion of D. Cramer, BoUoitor tor Complainant, it ia ordered thaí tho defendant cao ib ■■ to be entered in U.i ■ cause within tfixee montha íreaatb.o date of this order, and thal In eaae of her a a neransurer to the oomplainaut'a till to bt; ülr-i, and i eopy thereof .to ■ ; i i1 r i n - loücitor within twenty days after service of a oopy of said bul of c mpl ni nndnoticjeof thi andin default thereol, that ths sald Bill j ' : tant ; and ir. ia furi dered títiat within twenty days the naïd complainant - fthisordei to 'M.í, u QGWspaper printed in hívíc! county of oawt and thai t':--1 publication cmi: ■ tbatbe ■ the said Di fendant Hccordiny o Inerulca uud ] i of i ]ai' R. BEAHA N, Circuit CourfeQsinmia a hti naw County, Michigan. D. Cramer, Solici' i inant. Estáte of Moses Bich. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washteo O Atnsosaioiiof the Probate Court for the County I the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tho sSxtb i oí one thouaasd eight h ana sevents -two. i'n nt,Hiram J. Pïobato. [i h, doment oJ - ;,i ],,. ;s ]1; i ronder his final ac■ luw oí ■ . tne i md the CU y of Aui County, nd show cause, if an; ■ 'y ie anid aocouní should - : : AJtrf it hs-furtiier notíce i ; , oi the v : , and the he , hree ïu ■'■ sive wei Stniocopy.) EQKAMJ. I 1383 ■ Judgeof riübato. PBÏSW11AS? PBESCRÏFTIOSS ICCURAIELY AKP CARBFtJLLY PREPAfED BY R. WJSLL1S & OO.,IBUGQI82 ■teofWilli ingW" J At .1 -.ion rif tl , 'Í"1,, ity of Arm Arbor, on Satnrday, the f,,,,r,?;,?"' -iwo. uBt huu. " Of PnAui m,sm „Mt ■ tition, dulv ,.,■ ïl", I'vnvinK th,,lT1 ■ ■ on mny be aimobij w ■tlltCO) BUld li'va-i'l ■ ■ nii i ordercd.thnt Mondny, thetw-,1 . ay oí Ootober next, at ton o'cluckiñ th S.''8" hearing of snid petition .SPÜft he h. ín ut law of ■ , .,„,1 ai] o,l,V, "' iterested iusnid ■ úiedloaDneSHf11 to l'Chi.ldcnut hj ?" í Ann Artor, ana ho " ny tli. ti: r, why the prayer ot tho Kl'i'icmrí"?1 '' ., ;:,"";', !d icririvcnoti , i-,;, -,_!.', "i" id A..!íH,1,i"n';llr,;;1ci4 i Mpy of this ordt'r ,?? (■ tnwcopy.) HIKAM J. BEAK1S JudEe Of Pn, Ëstato of Eber M. Muüro " Q TATE OF 11 [CHIGAN.County ofWui t. W office fou&! ethouaandeighttaSJ nt íüiiim .T. Beakc-s, Juago óf Probat In tho matter of tho e?tiíto of Eber M v "ufw, On reading and filing thc petition, dulv vfrifui '♦"x,prayinBlhitïïïï'ï licenxedto sell certain real estáte, wliertof l1 ■ .-'A, thm.i . hearing ofsaid petttion niiltkT?' . isees and heirs nt law ol said j, ■„ lt"f "' ear ni :i Kcssion of ai'1 court, then'in i?íf ntti i.r. íi i cause, if any there be, why the m-amí?' petitioner should not be granrerf : And it ' , {" ortlstod, that said petitioner gÍTenoticé TtsflaüS intensted in aoid estáte, of thc m,w '"' unid petition, and the hearing thereof, tv 3 cnpy of thw order to be published in tiie ir?" , a aewspapor piintrd and circulatin ÍT1 eounty, four successivu mto iJieviuusto miri 5" hearinir. """IK (A truo copy.) niRAJt .1. HEA1(L 13aj Jdge of lrob. lístate of Marshall Nowell ÜIA CHIGAN,Cinfy6fW.dHaWl yj At m Bession it the Probate C'ourtforU(vïi5 of Wanhtenaw, hol.iin at tho Probate i ffl.intv? ,■ ' of AnnArbor, on V,.l,,,s,lay. tho (i,fi ,' Septemlx-r, m the yir onc thousaud fiitht h.,S nt, Birom J. Bnke, Judge of Proluto In the matter t the estáte of Murshall Vo. n decnn'!. On reailinR nnd filifii; f).. ,,,..'(i ' T'ï TorüiKl, of Thompson D,Weoks, praïinf. '&,d, lf wiU . ' ■ of said d( cealei ma7tTiïïii!? filed nnd re, ,id eonnty, nad ttu,S' trationof lid estáte, in suid cuuntv, nm-i.. . ■ ïhe upo it tocrOered, that irondny,thofoiai,ii, lay of O ,f ten o'cloii j„ fg? noon, be mwigned for the hearing of aidtoUHi nel that thi ■ . and hein t i„ 1 '. nnd U ither perBons inteniïïis at a BMriü. 3 said Cmirt, then I -; :l-, , ■ l'mhSTnï in the City of Ann Arior, and sl„,w SZ If"' ;"it be, whythe praycr of Mc petitioner thMUwS gran ;. tl,;,! i?'' (utorju-iTo notioc to tho persons interwted inMili! tato, ncy of -ai.l aceonnt, nnd the W thcroof, by cnusinir n copy of thi order to V ï "5 Isttnita said County, threesuccessiTo veeka ireSï to aavl doy ol hearing. i""irai (A trae copy.) HIHAM J. BEAKE9, '■'!- Judge of Pnhk Estato of Xancy Kobison. OTATE i iF MICHIGAN, countyof Wwhtcn. - of the Probato Court for thecon'it) kshtenaV, Itolden at tlie Pi-oiiat (iffice iniki city of Ann (Vrbor, &n Tlmrsday, thc nineteëiitbtatrf September in tlic j.;ar one tboiiaimd eiglit 'hnn,i and aeventy two. Present, Riram -T. Beakes, Jndgoof Prolinte In tho matter of the ostate of Nanct fielisot, [ingnnd Hint: the petition, duly veriSed d a I i obigon, pntying that he or ome otiier suiiaHe peraon nyny be :ip]ointeil ndmiruitraict : i-ased. i ( il ,t hat iloiidny.the cïrt8tl i!.iy of Oetober next, at ti-n o'clock ín the foitnom1 for the hearing of soid petition ai :■■■ law of nni'1 deceamd, and il] ed in saiil estáte, re reil n session of said court, tien tol 1 ifh'ce, in the city of Aon Ai ■ ■ therc ! ■-. niiy thepriTti -):,,u!il not b ri tij I ( said petiti t tonj erested in -:,'l ertute, of the ftiijcneyoí lid i lile hearing thereof, by cansiM ■ copy oí tliis order to be pubHshed in the Xidimn Anjus, il n, rinted nnd circnlatite iniiid couü iBive woeka previousto ssiá 4syef hcitruiK. (A tiue copy.) niP.M .T. BK.tííí, 1302 Judge of Proktó Estáte of Jool üornbeck. ijTATKi. ■ (Taaktan, ■ At ii i-i-m of : i ■ Probate Court for the cïmsiy tt Vaehtenatr, hohlcn ut th ■ 'Stótj of Ai "ii tfatflrdiïj', the leñatl ía; ol Ueptember, in thc yenr unu thousyud eight haudred Present, Éham J. Bonkes, Jdi:e of Probntc. In thi matter of the estáte of Jod UornbteV, (lcCOü I On r, adinpr and ihn:; tlip ijotition, dulv roriBcd, of Farmenio Davis, exeoníor, prayhíg thnt he frty bc Ucensed to sell the renl estáte iivnt siúi dueísíí eized, íor the pui-pose of Uien oi su.-h -al' among the derisees camed infle ■wiU oí Mñá d, e, d, Huit Jiondfir. thetwfntyfirst tljiy of Ootobfir firx! . at tea o'clock inthfforfnoocy be omgned for the heai-ing of snid petilioa, urdthit t li'1 1. : licirsatlaw of jyiid dfceaifd, and a.i otl per rested in said estiitf, are retjuired to appeai nt ■■, s, ■■■: -'.tles róbate llkce, in tlieeity if Ad . ari'l ilu,■ cause, if any thew be, váí Út priiy r of th - rantoo: And ■ ■ d, that BnidpetitionerciTenoöecM the persone inti rest 1 n said estáte, of jndeney petition and the hearing thereof, brcsni copy of fchis order to be publishi ,1 in thc Mki$ en At' ih.. a nerrs] nnd circnlating i titsnry. four BucoesJUTe weeks previoua to sjikI day si (A truc copy,) HIRAM J. BE4ÍÍ8, 1301 Judgc of Protxte, Estáte of Tocums - -minors OTATE OF MICHIGAN', Connty of t' At a session of the Probate ourtfortheCcillíJíj Wiishteimw, holden at th, . '";-, mtie riiy of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tl, e siltll day I $f tember, in the year one thousand eilit hundred ai Berenry-tvo. Preseni llirnm J, Iicaken, .Tudgo of ProbAte. . In matter of the estáte of llrlpn.I. Yom, v". -;-i,:u minont. Harriet wateon.tfltrajii into Court and reprepíntí'hs: is now prepared to rtiider her first aecuunt assicö guaTdian. . Thereupon it is that Mondar, tM seventh day of Oetobcrnext, at ten nVlockrattieltmnoon, be ,wsignel for the liearing of said [■titio, that the next of ki of said minon?, uuo 11 "' interested in said estáte, re rí-qmreí Io :■ n of -..-iiil-Court, thentste bMej at the Probate O'lflee, n t: ■ show onuse, if any there be, v.hy the prayffit 'P% titioner should not begrnnted: Anoit sftuwJJ" dered, that sairt guardián give notiee to ttep""' interested in - ii I estnte, of the pendeaey of "JK tien. and the hearing thereof, by canBasaMfi0 bepublished in tho ■ ■■■ ?" prtnted and circulnting insaid r.ianlr. i . weeks previous t rnid day of henn?i A i rae copy.) HIRAJf J. KEAKM, 1391 judge of Pmtal. Estáte of Christopher Lringe. lT TATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof WmBWJMÍ i At a srasion ai the Probate I ourl for tho toJ of Washtenaw, hol Probate Offl," city of Aun Albor, on Thursday, thc ""J"1!',' ubr-r, in the year one thousand ei?" " dréo a,nl s'-.tír-iwt. Present, lliram J. 1 (enkea, Jrrdge of P5"',..■In thu matter of thc estáte of Christoph um dcceascl. ...i nf O ea ing and fllinfr the petition, dlyl riek Kapp. Admínistrator, prayinf "'ají ■,. whereot s r ceneed died peized. , pmíí ■riur.ü ,■ .litliat Mondnv.tmW"" , 1 'e5'íhttii I for the henringofssid pelillos. """„,,. Idecoascd.nndallotberpn estaré, aro required 'f'";, ai in of said Court, tben to l'e hoAn ' ,u (ho city of ABn h n,' and show cause, if nny .-'.i petitionershould not begrniitt'i' . her ordered, that raid petiíioner W " ,te.oftliP" , , and tho hearing thereof, l'J "ZSL, copy of this order to be published in tte J"1 ■ ■'■ printen umi cirrm "'"jj j,j .. four miccciaive wiwïs pn-vunu wïiu 1891 Jiiteol. Estáte of James Lindon. OTAT E ( V M 1 1 ■ 1 1 : ' ■ A v . ■".( y of wíffitl Washtcnuw, holden at thc Prob, of Ann Arbor, on Baturday, thi tv' "Vr'S-iiW ,in thoycar one thousand dg" bClrerat?HirumJ.Beirí..!ü.1úf Frótate-,: nnd filing thepstltton,'' 'f ;.;.,, on and Judson Lidon, VTJrtHavil)H t;,.,i insnuiiH'iii nowonlile in !1 j,Blf willondtesl ''.it-.vl'' beadmitt, ite.andtliattheynuï'-' _, , ,. T.r ge(i: ..-..-.!, that ÏW'. ,i,r ,,r next, nt ten o'olock IMJ for the h, at law of said dec ' ;-lfatoP; 1 : 'tal11') ii of lid Court, lh '■' ':M. f , .,...;.. ■!■ thc PJ „'thc pi1" önlcv.l.l!, IU judge ofl Commissioncrs' Xoticc. rf rrobutc Court for said wv.M} ■'"',, dciftL il Afi '■■■■"S ,„ ir0 ifwilj. ,ji,-ird'S ;rr ut-B.W. Septembe, .rAIj 1333


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Michigan Argus