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Science And Legislation

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In tlie .-truggle that scicnco ia niaking n overy civilized land to gáin soiuo cou■ ion for her demanda, too littlu utention is paid to the servioos tlmt slio ïas resdered tb tho human r&oo in past JM, Ti.o Liws of ovory country boar tü groator or loss oxtont xho impioss of tho ■ that havo been derived from sci: ons. Thl gtéat li.:lrov Logislator planned ïis lawa on a sound seionttlc baeis : be ignlated the diut of his people to suit io clhuate of tho lands to bü oooupied ; ie ordorcü the buri&l of overy speoios of xcrcmcnt and rcfuse ; he iixod tho linos t' prohibition to marriago, and founded nd erected his system with suoh success int tho frequent oscapo of tho Hubrew tce from tho til'ecta of terrible opidomcs has by somo boon nscribed to tho siuiiary rogulutions of thcir religiooa code. Iu China likowiso Boiontiüc prinoiples instituto tiio basis on which tho laws ro founded. Nothing ia wnstod. "VVhatvcr the oivrth in her bounty yiolds is re■urned. Not u purticlo of sowage is lost, nd as the rcsult we tind that ono-third f th! human raco is supported withiu ie limita of that rnonarchy und yet tho and has loat nothing of it-s furiility. Eypt, Gresco, Kotno, also givo tho inflMCTlCC of :; OOWldgo in cloTuting thcm to tho loi'ty on thoy cach in turn occujiied. Tl. o ory í'.i!QÍ(!3 of tho lioman Empire deicnded on ad vanees iu scienoe for theii iHcioncy. How to niovo such a ninas, - n what to feed it, to i;oo it in health, - ïow to improve its moans of ftttack und B, - all thoso aro scicntiiic problema f the highest order. Turning to our own time, tho explanaion oiTorod on all sidos of tho rosults of tho 'ranoo-German war iü l!rj thorough edCtttion of tho Germana, wheroby thoy vera rendered more efficiont, and could et niore.intolligently toward tho accomjlishinent of tho dosired end. Tho lcaon taught by thoso facts has now boon o cloarly perceived by all Europoan nii;ions, that enactinonts are appearing evrywhere, the object of which is to uid as iberally as possiblo in tho advancc and issomination of scientifie knowlodgo uuong tho masses, not only for tho purose of increaaing the military power, uit also to iinprovo their liternry culture. t viiiy not bo possiblo to inptill ideaa of efinomont of language audmanners iuto hn niind of liim who is to spond his lifo n manual labor, but he ca.1i be taught to essen his labor, or to obtain moro favorable resulta from the samo amount of ox■rtion. When this stop is gained tho other follows of itsolf. In place, therofore, of tho antagonism that letters so gonerally display in our collogcs tuwavd Boience, thoro should exist a most cordial understanding, for it is often through the advance of scienco that nrt p.nd litoraturo havo their own advaneemont. -


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