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The October Elections

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Our mathematical editor is engaged in tlio study of loss and gain (political), so deeply cngaged that lio lias noglected to givo us tho statistics of the recent elections. While he dreams or meditatcs sufficc it to say that somebody was beaten and disappointed on Tuesday. In brief : In Pennsylvania, by filling the Navy Yards, omptyiug tho prisons, iraporting negroos and governraent clerks, etc., Haiitranft beat Buckalew. Majority claimcd froin 15,000 to 20,000. Legislature Eepublicau and a gain of Congressmen. In Ohio about tho samo story, Kepublican majority on Stato ticket trom 8,000 to 15,000, lt'i Eepublican Congressmen, and 7 Demoorats, - a Democratie gain of two. In this Stato the result is bctter than we cxpocted. In Indiana, tho elcc'ion of IIexdeicks and the Democratie candidato for Con gressman-at-large is claimed by from 1,000 to 2,0()0 majority! Two Congressional distriets aro countod lost, that of V00UHEE3 boing ono, and the Lcgislaturo is in doubt, but with chances in favor of the Democrats. Nebraska went llepublican by about 5,000, and the District of Colombia the sanio way. - In the Connecticut town elections on Monday tho Domocrats made largo gains, insuring Giikeley the State in November. - The latest returns from Georgia pul tho Democratie majority at ncarly 60,000. Tho vote was a full ono, whích disposes of the bugbear stories about negroos being driven from tho polla. A NTJMBKlt of our Democratie exchanges have not yet substitutod tho name of D. DaSWUT HTJOHE8 for Attornoy General, in placo of MATTHEW H. MayNAitu, dr-cliued. It would bo woll for tho Chfiirman of tho Democratie State Committee to addross a circular touohing tho chango to every County Committeo and Democratie journal in tho Stato. Tho voto should not bo dividod between Messrs. HUOHBS audMAYXAHD. Dr. Maiian addressed a largo Deraocratic-Liberal meeting at Milan, on Friday ovoning last, and made a favorable imprcsMon. His figures and facts and arguments are in happy contrast to the "highfaJutin of lus opponent, - Henry Waldron. - Dr. IÏAHAN givcs fivo cvonings of next week to this eounty. Seo his appointnients in another column. The leading hotel keepers at Jackson bavo published a card, in which all threaten to closo their doors against the traveling public in case eithor shall bo prosccuted for solling liquor in violation of the statutes, and calling upon business men to protect thein. Asany cilizonmay mako coinplaint wo are at a loss to seo how any numbor of business men can guaranteo them against prosecution or conviction.


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