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ThU Cut Illustrito) the mannor cf Ujlng wÊÊÊ !■' lrn. pibroe'S Unfinl Fonntaia Nasal gajcctor[lB ThlaiDStrnmcnttsaEpccially dealgnod for the perfect applleiition of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Itio the only form of instrument yotinventod witli whioh fluid medioine con bo carHod hij'h vp and pcrfeclly c.pj'Ucd to all p&rtt oí" tlin atíocted nasnípaasagcfl, imd thochamberaorcavitleacommnnicutlng therewith, In whlch soreo aud ulcera frcquoutly extst, and from vltieh tho catarrhai dlschargo'gcnerally proceeds. Tly want of succese In treatlng catiirrh liorotoforo ba arlseu largely from theimpossiMlity of opplying remedies to tliföo cavilioa and cnambera by any of the ordirmry xnethuda. ïbta obstado in tho way of rtïoctiiig curca id entirely overcomo by tho inveotion of tho Uoucbu. Iü using thia inatrument( the Fluid is carrjed by lts own wolght (no snufflng, forcina; or pumping boing requirod,) up onu no6tril iu a rül pciuly ilnn-fog Btrenui to tho biffhest portion ot' tho naaal paasagca, pasaos into and tbbroüghly cloansoa ?I1 tlio tubca aud oiuunbarfl ooimcctau therowith, and fiows out of the opposite nostril. It bo ia plaaant and so eimplfl tnat a cliild can nndarstand it. ïftxll anti oxnttfiltdlrcctlQns&ocoinpany oachinatntment. Wlien nsoá vrith thi-s iiuitruiuent, Dr. Sado's Cfttiirrh Keiuodr otirea recent attacka of 'iCoid In the HÍcíkí by v foxv npplicativns. Hyuipf tiiis 01 Cntaii H. 'Froquent hoadic})L, (ïidclmio fltfiing luto fEroat, ometimes prdiuso, walery, toick inuqiis, purnïut, oücn6ive, &o. Iu othon a dry ocas, dry.wötery, ■uoalc or inttainptl èj'CB, atopplnj( u; or olMtraotion of iiRñn, .. tuis, dctt':jes.-, bavking nii(i coushiiig to clear tbroat, ntcérattouo, scabA tïum alcors, voieo altored, iüiéi bva&g, offenaive breaüi, impaired or total deirívation of sansö of eiccU and t ba, mental drpreseion, hvsa ofappotlte, néi slion.enlargod ConsÜfi, I ... dto, Onljiifuw ■ I symtonifl aio likolv I ■ na. IJjt'. rnge's t air.rrli JKcna d used v:th ír. Pkrrcñi Hasftl fk.Udt and ftocomfianledwlth tlu constituü nal titatiDent'wbJcb 3 rccoiuntfiïdi'l in tbc ptfpblet th.:t wi apa each bottifi of thfl Remi t spocitioiArtiüa loatii, and the prprietor ofiers, ia good iaitii, SÖQO "w&s a caso h oauDot euro. TudKoffieriji i.i mild oud leaaaut to Bao, containlne no tti-ong or oaastío draga or poiaoiiM. 'i KoCatarrh Kemedy iaeoldat SOcoat. jDuucheatOO ceuts, b M UrunEl, or eithor will beiuu:ledliy proprletoron iecëiptof60oonta EroprietoT, liCIFJCLQ, N. T. NEW I0ÖT &SHOË STORE!. At No. 8 Soutlï iain Street. The tind'riKiiril tskes plenmre in annowiclns to hv cil.tzens of Ann Arlioi and viclnity ttaat h ha i a ik'w lüüiiiH'.sf i]:iíí, whfre he will keep onstantljoa hand a full aiSürtmcnt ol BOOTS $ SHOES AsCeverything in that ine, WIIICH WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. Repairing Done Neatly and Promptly. CS1" Picase give me a cali. L. GRUNER. Ann Arbor, Auk 2, lATJ. E8tf T Q. A, KBSSfOJKS' INSURANCE AGICI Ilis Coinpanles Are Souud. .pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., IIAKTFOKD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, Joiy 1,1ST1 $1,TS1 ,000 CHICAGO LOSSES i 760,000 TUF, PIHEXIX i tnebcst oaducted Firc Iiinii ranee Compuny in tl e l'ni trl States Alwuys prudent aml kumikI, and aliïiiys prompt in payincnt of 1 osCS. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. Tho (1r.-t Rompnny to passtjieonleal of the Nci York Insur;mce Comip.íPKionor piticctlic Chicago Firc, coming o;.t Irúm thesevore test TRIUMPHANT ! AsBociated Press Dïspatch., November 2,1371, THF.INTr.RNATIOSAl.INSUnANCKCOMrANY. The Superintendent of tlie Xew York State In stirAncc Department, who te makin ncnrefnl ofil cial Gzamiii.'ttioii of the New York City Compnnle to-(!tiy, certiAès thattbe Iotarnatloaal Compauy1 assets of $i,íí0!,ooo are ccureiy l&Toatodi and it cnpltalof $000,000, aftcr provldlng for all Uabllltlea includinthc Cbicno ffre, is vrholly, vninip-iind. This Oompan} is pftylng alliu Chicago losaes an is nou ml nnd rcliablc. Policios iHBuodat fuir ratea at my ofllco, No. 1 Baat iluron strect, Aun Albor, J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. i .-.. . TAME8 McMAlION, Justicc of tlie Peaoo, Oifico in now block, North of Court Hous Moiiey collectcd nnd promptly puid over. nsrstrrtAisrcic agent. THnmpb] asaeiB, $T2T,OO2.] Nortl) Missouri, " 45,411.1 Hiburula, " 350,000.0 RKAIi K9TATK. riiávc 8i cresof land Ji of a mile from thecit imltf , fi n cl y locntud for fruit or garden purposce. Aüo 10 acres. Algo 10 Ares, witli h"URe aDd barn,nnd a llvt-j rjtream of watcrrunniiithroiihthc ham yard. i;o acres, a milc out. 1 wlU uH aay or all the abore cheap, or oxchanc for city nropcl'ty. &Ï4 JAÏIES McMAHON. A T AM NOW OPFNING 1OO CASES MEN'3 AND BOYS' Bcols and Shoes! LaJies', Misses' and Children's Eoots, Shoes a ád Slippers];O3'5 goofr havo jut boen purchtised of flr.-íl liands, ünd na I havo no expense of RENT, ■Ü nndjjlvemy eniire personal alten. tlou to tho business, I hope lo Compotö: Successfiüly with all cugagcd tu tlie A. D, SEYLER, No. O NortUMüiii St. Ann Arbor, Aus. 8, 18T 2. lSSOmS yyfü. wÁGMÉk" IS NOW P.EADÏ FOR THE FALL TRADB Haring Keceivcd a LargeStockof FALL k WllíTES G-OODS, 1NCLUDING OLOTH8, 0A8SIMERES, VESTINGS, &C, of the BEST SÏYLES and ÖUALI TIES WIIICH 1IK W1LI. MANUFACTURE oh tcrms to suit; Also a full Une of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜRNISHIM Goods AbSO LADII56' AN'D GENTS1 MOBOCCO SATCHELS No. 21 South Main Street,- EustSide: CALL AND SEE THEM. WILIIAJI WAONER. Ann rbor, Octobcr lst, 1S72. g B. GIölKV, Saccessor to COLGKOVE & SON. Vi , DBUGGIST AND CIIiliST IN CÖOK'S NEW nOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET, DEALER IN DIUCS, MEDICINES, Sl'RCICAL nSTRIIBF.STS, PIKK WIRE8 AIB LIQIOBS, tPOR MEDICAL PÜRPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pefftuncry, PAUKM) oil.s, VAHiVISlIES, OCASS, ANO rilTTY, PHYSIGIAKS' PRESCBIPTIOXS Carefully componndcd at all honrs. I PEOPOSE NOT 10 BE UKDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOPURNISH AS ÜOOü AN AftTICLE. L:. ii. Jini-I'.ï. isr.Ttr DOSM'T FÖRGËT Thftt the Ffllrest, Squarcst. and beet place in Ai:n Arbor to bay l'uro brOL8 suó Uêdlcines, Wiiica mul Li(juors, fot Medlcinul I'urpusoö,) PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, ORÜSHES, &C, IS Aï R. W. ELL1S & CO'S. Cornac Opptwltc the Savings Bank. call isrxD E2s:L.3vrxKrE Uur Permivneiit Cotors for 03taldeor Inslde paint Ing, mftnufücturcd from I'urc Whi'.c Load, itic, iind Llnseed Oil. Chenper and l)Ptter ttmu aijy other l'iiint made. fiold hy tho galloni keffi or barrel. Alsc Ture W)iit Load, Zinc, At:., at s:Uifactory ñsoes. BXMBHBEB NAME A.NI) PLACE. K. V. ELLIS ■ TOTTLED LAGER, ALE AND PORTER, Put up in Pints and (Juirts for Family usc. ALS BY THE KEG. fw Orders left at Icitcr : Co.'s Drtifr Store Mili bc promptly fillcd. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor fMay 28, 1872. ÍBT6H CHËAPLÏNENST Wk liavo 20 PioceN Table Liiucns and 3ÜO Bozen Towols, IVaikin, W Jiü.i Quilts and Xable Covers. Families preparing to takc Boardcm sliould sec tuis Stock. 1300vG JOHN II. MAYÏURD. r1 AT FINL.BT 0: LEWIS9 THE Milest, Largest and Most Completo tocï of Fine Goods for Ladiès, 3Hnses and Children, at FINLEY and LEWIS' Burt's Fine Calf Boots at Finley & Lewis, and at NO OTHEII Placo in Town. The Bost Kip aud Stoga Boots in Town at FINLEY & LEWI8'. The Beat Boys' Boots at l'l.N LET & LEWIS'. The Stock w blch la bougbt for CASH can be sold at butter pticea tUuu thuse boulit, ü. Tl.VK. Finley & Léwis BUY FOR CASH I anJ C&D sell thcir goots at FAIR TRICE J. Wukie, I'rDprietor. R, H. McDoxalo A Cc, lírugitu A Can. Asuriu, Snu 1 laucii"-", C:.l., tin.l 31 Comnrco (trool, '. Y. W1L1.IONS Itcar Tcstiïnouy to tlielf rf WondQriul Ciifntivc Efloctn. They are not a vilc Fancr IrInU, Hade oL Poot Hum, Whïsitey, Vrof SplrlLs and Kcfiine Ijííinovs doctoredf riícclí and sweutenedto picoso tho taBt,oalled "Tonics," "Apjietizcrs," 'Iiefltorcrs,"S;c., that lend the tipplcr on to drunkennesfl Bind ruin.but are atrtic Mciltcinc,in:ulo fromthcNativc Eootfl anil EXerbl oE (Jnlifumia, free fi'oni nll Alcoh;lic StimntastJh XhoyarothoGBKAT ISLOOI) PUKIFIERtind A LIFE GIVINÜ FHINCITLE, n perfect Reno vator and lnvixomtor of the Bystfta, oarryingoSoU polaonousmattrondieBtorkigtheJülood to a hcnltliy condition. No person can take tliceo Bitters according to dirccliona and remata long nnwcll, providcd thcir bunca ftra not dcstroyod by mineral poisonor otiier mcana, and the vital orana waatcd bcyond the point of repair. Thcy aro a Gciitle 1'iircntlvon wcll tin a TonïCt ponowln atoo, tho peculiar merit of nctinx :iu a power ful nRcnt In rclloviDg Congestión or Inílamuintiun of the Livor, and all LhoVlscoral Organs. FOR FE.MALE COMPIAINTH, inyoongor ('.i.:.:;; i or single, ut the dawi ■ "1 orat tho turn ei lite, UicsoTonlo Bitters have no cqiml. For InHnmmiitory and C'Hrouic ItiicmnalÍHiti iiiid (out, Dyspopsin or Indiircsllou ItilloiJB, Remlttout and Inicrmiiicut Fcvors, lïiseasts of the iJlood, Uvcr, Kl!ucys nnd Hluddcr, thtsc Bitters liavo been most snoccft-sful. Sncii D.ncaüca aro causedby Vitiateri Illood, wlilcli isgcncraïly prodoccd by dcranf;eruent vt the Digestí TO OrsntiJ). DYSPSPSIA OH INDIGESTIÓN, IloJachQ, Paiu in tlioSliOulJers.Conshs, Tightucs of Iho Cliest, UlizincfiS, 8our Eructatlous of the Stoniacb, Üad Tiïstc In the Mouth. Cilioüa Attacks, l'alpitatiouof the Ileart, Iiiilaiinuation of tlie Lunys, Paio intberecloua of the Rklncys, and a hundroO other pamful üyinploins, aro the oflsprlnsa of Dyspopsla. Thoy invicorato tlio Storaach and sthnulnte the torpi J Livor and Heuvels, ivhicïi reuder tbeni of unequaileu cfficncy in c!cnnsm;r tlie bloot! of all iin;mritioL, and impartios: ew li'o autl vigor to tho wliole Êyatoni. FOR SKIN 1)1 SRA SKS, Üruptfons.Tctter, Salt RlieiiTo, lïlotcbcs. Spots, Pimples, l'ustulea, iioils, C&rbuucle. Binr-Worms. Öc&ld Hen 1, 8ore lyv, .Ërysfpelas, Itch.ticurfs. UiycoloratiotiH uTiJio kin, HuDiorstui'i DiscftsDS of tiio Skin, of whatcver name or naturo. aro litcrallv il u e up and carried out of lbo system in a stiort timo by lïie uso ot thosts UUtors. One tottlo in such CAses will couvluco lbo most iucrMuluua of their curatirc eflecu. CleaiiKO the VHÍatocl lllooci whwmr you Cnd its lm poritics liurating: throuhtbc skin in Pimple Eruptlons or Sores; cleanse it when you firnl it obstructed Andslufgisli in tlio vt'iiij ; clean r,o it when It is foui, eud your feelings 'ill teil yon wíien. Koop tho bloot! pure, and the hcodtÜ of tbo systeca will follow. l'iii, Tnpc, and otlier Worms, hirkinsrïn tho fiTSteiti'of so raaiiy tliOusaoda, aro cíToctually destror and romorad, Bajm a distiníu ihcd pliysioloist, tbere is ecarct'ly nu inilivi'tual upou the face of tlu carth whoso bjdy ia exempt frmn tlie pnsenco ol wormR. It Ís uot upon tbo licaltby f-leiin-nts of tho bodjr that worms exist, but upon the ilisensod bumors and slimy deposits tliat breas uim Ilrlñf monston ol discasc. No System of Medicine, no vermifusos no antbulmintic.R will freo íiio eystcui from wonns liko theso liittora. ƒ. WALEElt, Proprietor. R. n. McBONALD & CO Driiírjfists aml (ion. Agente. San Frnncisco. Ufilifonita, and 32 luid 31 Oommearoo Btroot, Now York. BrfSOLU UY ALL DKUUtiISTS AMD DBALÜRS. Hj3R. CROOKS WINE OF TAR JO YEABS PUBLIC TEST JDr. Crook's TXTINE ■. ' rTo Iiave inore .fMáSiaÉE 'erit !u y ■íbbSHIbBe (ion ever oflereU tlie public ' It s rich in the medicinal qnulilics f Tlïr, and uneqaalcd Ibr cliscases of tlie Tliront and Ijlings, porfonuiug tlio most remark able cures. Conghs, Colda, "" Clironie Congna. X ílectiially cures them all. AsUiusa aid Broncliitls _ ■ . Has cured so many cases it has Leen ' nounced a epeciñe ibr _. these complaints. iTor pains in Brcast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidnoy Pisease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Livor Complaint, It haa no equal. It is also a superior Tonic, Eestoros tko Appetite, fitrengthens tho System, Kustoros tlie Weak and DcJiilitatcd, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestioo, PrevcntsMalarioiis Ferers, Gives tone to your Systein. Attachmcnt Notico. NOTTCK i. hereby givon that n thc twr-nty-secont dáyof Augusta eightoen bundred mul gevent] i";ihti Broneon, .Ii.íüi 1L. Whitaket and h Phillips, riuintifibjiininst tholitndti, tenerneut guml W . M ül.s, tli ■ ii, fi 1 1 lie recorcrj' oí tito .-um en Üioossnd dollars, vli!c!i Bftid i:-t i on ttonduj ti o nintli ;-.y u{ .x ■ tliat it appéaxs by the uiurn to erty h;i i o:iííI dt'icudvnt conlil not Im íoíhh]. i ..i.-il, Aun Arlor, September Ifllli, 1ST2. i m. ld K ■ ;-.i ■' JOHN II. H HITAKBrl, U. Í'IIILLIPS, UiüAít J. BiPlaintim. AU'y for Platal BE,


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