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Chancery N ótico. OTATr.OV MTí'l! : yot WashU liaw,ss. 7 The. Circuit Court for thu couniy ut H!.., In Cl t mear y. Andrew Baüi y, Com] Utinantj vu, Uiive ]i;iilcy, Defendant. igtotbia C'omï thai the de:-. is not a raideirt of míiI i onnty I A. ];. Hetffett, solicitar foreomplasuant, n i orderod the defendani OliVu B&tiey cnuse ).■ ■ ■ nt rod ín thisenuae with1. 1 lliis order, ood in cuso of her :'■:■ ■ callao her i ■ bo flled and a cöpy tbercof lo be ■■ : ín ■ '■■ Itúi '.'■ it bis tweniy ■'■■ i {■] y df Bftid 1 l K ::r.ii n ihw order, and on defautl tliercof. tl)O9icl liilllobe tak ü :■■ anu Uive tïafley ; I uya lh s;iiil con ti i : . of ti publübod ; 'i Üw 4 '■■■'''.; tti ,!■.■■.■., a uewapapor pub1 y, aiil ■ iun be ooiitiiiK. ! hl nakl piqier ut '■: 1'OrsLX 9V1O , 'r tbat . . at Least i tfen'1 da] b before the t mo above prescril e i for her appearuntíb. Í);U. ' ■ W72. Jt. JU .. ü i tjnmïB -iinci', Waidi ■ . Aiichiganu A K. Jls :n:.ui V Bolicitor. Cbanoery Notice. QTATB Oïï B the Círenit Court fór Oio O Coiin Thomas !. Judd, Conttlaüiant) ms, Minti A J tnnt. .■ to thfa Courí I y nífijavít fehat tb il ina . -' ud !, nol i !■■■ ■ of [udinim, tion of ). Cra ■ i ■ mylninant, i dered tbjit tho rl fondani cause hi - to bc 'iitl:iu fchr ii; cis ■ ni hfi' Hpi Hlod, and a copy bc] cj I the Complin■ii- tin' vi"li:popy of Boid bilt of ( Bnd in default thereof, thut the i ikenus i l ■ the said di t indnnt : au 1 il ta nir! dered that vrithin twonty daya the -: '. compluiTinnf cause .i copy of this ord cto be publúhed in the ftich■ in Eiaid '■ tunty of ' ication oontinue ;it . ■ . (teeïs, or caiüflO a cbpy of this order to ho pênonaUy set tho srxi.l Ijrft'udant actioidiiig to the rules and practiee of tliis Court. Dated September IStb.A. D., Üliï. R.BEAJEIAN, Circuit Court O Washii dow Oonnty, Ifioliigun I' ( ' ■ '"i fot Complainant, X GENTS WAÍNTED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. The best books publiahed on the Jïormi and the GoWi Liberal term ■ ■ Uy by Agenta bi toks. S'tiii fot cíi fORTBH COATES. PvwuHiBB.PUÜadelphl, Pa. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, eountj ef'Wnflhtenaw, ss. ín the mal ■ ■ ugïüin, . tliat m puvauance 4f un order grontèd tu the nd rsigö" d Admini f the estnte of -uñí deceased, by the llon. Ju Probate for the connty öf Vfthtemnv, un tlu .' .i.iy oi July, A. I. 1872, there will sokl at public vendue, to the highest bidder, h1 the dweUinc■ i the premisos hereinaftei deecribed, in Lhe i f Wushienuw, in snid'fitntc, on VVeai the eighteenth day f Bepfa mbjer, A. 0. 1872, at ton o'clock in lif f' renoon oí öxni day [subject 1 ■ ■ cutnbrances by mortga #b or oth i ftt the time oi thedenthof ■ l), the folluwïngdeUite, to wit : The west haü v.' si ;;i 'i f . i of soctïon i weoty-tt sout li of range six enst, ba said Stete, coñtninlng oighty aerea, n , AIso ;i parcel of i nmencing at the qnwrter post 1 t sFtnty-two and twi nty-thwe, buiim lownship and range, anq running oast on said quarter line io livision post] t1.: m ■■ o "I h on Baid line 1 (renty-fouv rods, theno ■ BecUonline ï )■!-. th 01 ■- ;-nty-fi)Ttr r.xls to the plai iniiiür, oon.taining twelva noxea of tandt excepting ■ :.r aorea oonvej ed by de d trom Lauohlin and wife, under date of IVennedyi whioh Bai i i-eoorded in liber 60of deed, on page 687( lb 'i-(' oitice of tlie l'i ■ .niy. Datcd, July ï.M. A. ï I WÏLLIAM i'.i RKE, Adminlstrator. The al ftve sAle i ndjourned i Friday, Ootobex 18, ■ of duy and plnce. Dated, Bept nabei I8th, t8ï2. WlLI.lAM BUKiKE, Admlnistxator, al Estáte for Bafe. STATE OV MIC HIGAN, cónnty of Wi In Üïo matter of the EaUUof AnsolA. H" r. Notice i a that inunuanee -tiet], ulmiiit bj Lhe Boii.O I bate för the County of Waantenaw, on i he so ond l : i ■ . ■ . , there Will bc boM al vendne, totüe highet bidder at the soutli door of : WaahteDAw, In : the ! w I n! y-'liiiil ■: o'clock ni the flfternoon ofthni ocefl by moi at the tirfteof tííisdeftth of said dei rhtof dower ot hia widOTV thereiq), the undivided half of the folio ving descub■ -ate, towit : CommenciB at a atow ed for tlio corner ftta point beannfc eonth Biitoen deten es went, twétat -nïn ! and n half links from a red n-ik treetbirty hich '' '■' ;: balfoi the south-west qúartcrof seotiön twen in töwnRhip tornt ïonth ofrnngeIx i asi rvnd run'..'''.' th i- e Bouth one degree w wostftidpof thehipbwny flve chaina Jin] Hm-: thence south ■ "; ;"(i Chaina, t-heiiceHvitii .-ility-i-iuiit &egr&m west two . thencènortt tvehv mdahalf dcinws wet tour ohain and wity-twolmlw, I ■ í flve chftini and i acre, nnd inoludinir nlso llUQ 1U wWe pitreo] nnd pi ntcroftho SaUnerivcr. OCB, 130 mistratoTK


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