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BTSIESS DIRECTORY." FVSASTI'S TIIATCIIER, Attornoy and i rounselor at Law, No. 5 Enst lluron Htreet, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sfi MP. FASQ.IIEI.I.E, TH. D. Offlcn over A. . ferry's store Rraldence Washington Street, four doore cat of State. 1873yl A -VN Altltttlt miJTHKAL SPRIÍÍOS. M rri Hale, M. I)., Superintendent. Office B buildinir, corner Mann and West IIu ron Streets. WINES k WORDEN, 20 -'outh Main streot, Ann Ariior, Mich., wholcanle and reuil dealrin Dry O-imla. Carpeta and Qrocerles. 1351tf IE. I1HOW!, Aïcntfor the Plnkle & Lyon ' Víctor" .Sewinsr Machine. Thaj are filent, phnltlTe, rnneisyandmika the lock stltch. No. " jouth Main Street, Ann rbor. lS4"yl Tl 4.CK SCIIMID, Dealers In Dry Oood, il lïrocerk-s, Orockery,&c. No. 54 South Malu Street. MiriïAi:!, niIRBAV, Roofcr. Fire and Water Prooi, Ftlt and Oomposition Gravel H ! v-U nu to order. mdwarrauted. Beeidenceon leiterton Street, Ann Arbor. RW. i:i.I,IS Ar CO., Drugglsts anddealere in Piut8,0ils,etc. Nu,2 South Main Street, An Arbor. Wil. JACKSON, Dentlst.snccessortoC. B. Portar. Oflli-o comer Main and Hurón streets, jver the store of B. W. Kllis & '"o , Ann Arbor, íueatheticsadministered if reqaired. WI'. IiniMKKY, TI. D., Phj-Hician nnd BnroflOB. OlHc-, at residenc córner of Huron and División Streets. llrst door east of Prcsby.erlan Charch , Aun Arbor, Mich. ES, JOUXSOiV, Dealer In Hatu and Capa, Pur, Straw Goods. cnta' Furnishint; }oods, Jfcc. Ño 7 South M:iin -treet. Aun Arbor. Mich. VTJIERLAND & WHKDON, Life and O H'iro Insurauce Asentí, and dealersm Real Estáte. 3Ilceon íluron Street. LEWIS C KlSOtt.V, I)(-:iler la Hardware. Siovcs. Eloow liirnrhiug Goode, Tin Ware.&c. S'.i. 31 South Main gtreet. BACII A: ABEEi, Dealers In Pry Qoods. Oroceric, c 4c.,So. 20 South Main .Street. Aun Arbor. SI.AWSON SO', Gnwein, Provisión ;lnd Oinntnissioi) Merchaut8, and dealers in W;ilcr imc.Laiut Plaster.aud Piaster Piirlu. No. 16 Kast fraron Street. SüllXOHeiX, ffboleaale and Rclail Dealer iu liaady vlade ''luthlng. Clotha, Cassimeres, I istiugs, atad Gent'a PurnUUfng Qooda. No.usouth Main Street. W.TI. VA(;m;R, Dler in Kady MadellothIng, Oio tbs, CRaslmerea. Vostincu, Hats.Caps, Prunk,:arpet I(:i, &c 11 ?onlb Malntret. íiII.níHir. A; FISKB, Baakacllen and.SUlT tioners Medical Lw nnff College Tct Books, Sahool :icd WlscullaaeoB Boaka. No. 3 North Main ifeet. Qragorj Ulock, Aun Arbor. FI!l,r:V & LE WIS, llealersln Boots, Shoes, (iiitiTs.S ippurs.&c. No. ' East lluron f treet, lUin Arhor. "TSJOAIi W. CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Ö1he wlthE. W. Morgan, Kast sidcnf Court llouec Sqiurc. 1331 T SSON8 IN FItENCH. I i A. HENNEQU1N. lately arrivcd from trance, wil gtve luntrnctlon in the l'rcnch LfUQgalga. l'rlviUu li-inuns :it the stnilont" roldencCt or In eins! of four pupil and upwards. Mr. DenÏittQnia c in i) peda ttx m l 1 at hfo resldeno -. W luruD etrect. car of Mrs. . Fa-quclK', Aun Artwr. VH mV CT. F. SCHAEBEELK, Teacher "f Music. G'wesim;tniclWii on the PIANO, V10LIN AND GUITAR, ■thla ffici'. Xo. ■'■: South Mnin stroot, CMoure'B buildingj.or at the resideace of the pupil. PIANO TUNIftG, tnntle a speciaüty and satisfaction guarantced. I3i4yl jiKOCKBll Y GL.lSSWAItE & GIIOCERIKS, J. & ï- DonnellyIt vc in'itorc alftr(!fltock"f Crockerj, Glasswarc, Ustad Waro, Cmlery (ïrooerien, &c, Ac, all lo be Pold at unus:aily luw pricep. No IJ Kast Uuron Slri-ct, Aun Arlmr ttMtr j. & i. doi;i.i,ï. JOHN G. GALL, DEALBB TKT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, 1,11(1). SAISACES, F.f., OrdiTmolii-itcil and promptlj (Bied with tliohont moatH iu the marki-t. 31 Kast Washington Ir (t Ann Arbor, Spt. lth, 1809. lüSUf T F. BROiü, M.iuufacturcr of CmaiAGF.S, BEfiIB8, I.UIBFR A4If8, s'í:i m vi;ovs, i r ikk-, si,ki;;h, &t. AH w.trk warrftnted nf the best matcriar. TtopalrIns dono promptly ftnd reaffOBAble, Aliwork warfantetlto ijiTe pur'fect satlsfactlon. G S uth Main gtreet. 13y! N. AKisKÏ' a Mnnnfiicturer tft Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND 8[.EItHS, of everjstyle. made of the best InnterlAl, and mnranted. RepalriDg doo pnmptly and pricus rciiRonable. Detroit Street, ncar H. B Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. tüijl. ÏarTc. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Prcseriptiojïs, At all koura, at Na. 1 (ïregofy IÏIocTi. C. A.LEITEK & CO. Ann ArVoT, Tec. 22d 1871. 1854 TR. 0. B. PORTEE, 3DE3STTIST. fEoeia theSAVIKGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 411 OpëratiönS on the Natural Teeth l'F.itFORMRD W1TH CARE. 1 S30RPA3SBD FACILITIES AtíD E3ÉPEHIENCE sirtRih mimi tefjh, ro nr; tficn TNOlviDtfAti ffntTfïofthe proper ntr.e. kape,f,onrtfirmneini! ia al ezprcition 1244 pLOIJR. ffBAHAÏ FLOIU, BÜCKWHÉAT FliOüS, ('0R HGÁX, Fi:Eï)r.LLKIM)i. Allthe ibo vi nrtirlrs mtc wfiri;iti(l to liavc do Superior in For snlc nt Partridge's Flouring MillsjSf. D.- tiTisting douc al bhori aolke. MICHItiAX CENTRAL KAILKOAD. SDMMER TI.MK TABLB. Passenger trainsnow leavc tho soveral itntions.nn followa: GOINU WEST. _ STAT1OXS. _: S S 51 . . . a & g ï a % % a o w _j_ __ A. : 4. M. T. M. T. M. I'. M. 1'. M. Detroit, lenvo, 7 00 'J 20 4 O.ï S 50: 8 ii 9-10 rpsüantl, s 30 in U -i BJ 7 17, 9 48 10 -18 VmiArhor, 8 M 10 4'J 6 (10 7 50 10 It 11 H7 Dexter, ■ 25 6 30 8 13 10 15 Chele '■' 15 8 SS' 11 CJ: OraM l.nke, 10 15 ; 9 00 11 3s a. k. Jackaun, 10 50 11 M 9 3S: 1 U0 12 U I. M. t. M. A. SI. A. M. Kulamnzoo, 2 10 2 U 12 25 4 20 Chioago arriTt, 8 45 7 30 HOI 10 M 7 . OO1NO KAST. {lifLU a Í S I I f t 3' p. Si. r. M. A. H. A. M. Chicngo, lcftVe, 5 15 a 00 5 30 9 30 K. M. A. M. F. M. Kakunazoo, l 5 001130 228 a. m. r. m. Jnckson. 12 35 4 Ji 8 10 2 55 4 40 GrassLake, 8 4!1 3 25 Chelsea, 1 m 9 W -1 M Dexter, - - I 9 B 4 1 Ann Arbor, 1 58 00 6 55 9 55 4 45 5 40 Ynsilanti, 2 22 6 20 7 20 10 20 5 (18 6 00 Detroit, arrive, _8j)5 7J5_8_45 11 S _M 7 The Atlantic and Pacitlc Eipresa run bctween Jncksuii ftnd Niles on the Air Line. DfttedJuly 22.1S72. pORÏ WAYNË, JACKSON AND Saginaw Railrcad. The Qwt direct route to Plttsbrue, rhilnilelphis, Iialtimore, Washington, and all points outh and southweat. Trin run by Chicago Time. ibainb uoiNo sotrrn. Mi'il. Krvrfst. Angnla Ace. Jackson, 7 15 a. sí. 12 10 r. M. 4 40 r. m. HanovL-r, 1 54 12 40 5 20 Jonesvlllo, 8 25 1 20 5 50 Angola, 9 53 7 35 Waterloo. 10 33 8 15 Aiiburn, ■ 47 8 29 FortWayne, 1145 0 25 Indianopli, 0 00 r. . I'JSOa.m. Cincinnati, 8 50 Louiaville, 10 45 10 45p. M. TRAIKS GOINO NOnTH. Aiifjola Ace Exyrtss. Mfjil. ïx)Uisville, 9 10 a. m. 10 25 r. v. Cincinnati, ? 10 a, m. Indianapolis, 4 00 v. M. 10 10 Fort Wayne, 7 05a. m. 4 25 p. m. Auburn, 8 00 5 22 Waterloo, 8 IS 5 37 Angolo, 8 50 H Jonesville, 10 18 3 05 p. M. 8 02 Uanovcr, 10 50 3 iS 8 32 Jackson, 11 30 4 IS 9 10 At Jacknon- ("loso connections are made with Michigan Central, Jackson, Lallsing & Öaginaw, and(.ïralul Itiver Valky Eailiood. At Jonisville- With Lake Khore & Michigan Southern Riiikoïid. At Wnterloo- WWl Lake Shore Sc Michigan Southern (Air Line). At Fort Wayne- With Ptttabing, Fort Wiiynn vt Chicu?o; Toledo, Wabash & Western, and Ft, Wayue, Muncie & Cincimiati Kuilroiul. W. A. BBH8T, Supt. Rob't. Ru.i-ie, Gen'l. Ticket Ag't. July i:i. 1872. PLANTATM Bi TTii ÜS. S. ï. - 1860 - X. This womlerful vegctnlle restorative is the slicot-anchor of the feeble and debilitated. Ae i tonic and cordial for tlie Rfjcd aiu' languid it lias no equal among stomachics. As a mnecly for the nervons weaknesesa wliicli women are especial!}' subjected, it is enperseding eérj other Btimnlant. In all climatee, tropical, températe or t'rigid, it acts a i speciticin every species of disorder which undenriiües the bodilj strength and breaks down the animal spirits. 13SS-yl. Beautiful Woman IIAGAWS JIAliNOLIA BALH pivfi to tí.r Complexión tlic l'rcsliiiciis of Vuutli. IIa'í.n'í Ma;noma Bai.m overcomes tbe flushed r.;p ■- runceCilUícd hy neat, fatigue and exciten;eut. It m:ik('s the lady of foriy appearbot f.v -n y. :iml so Mtaral 'ii'l perfect thut no person cn detect te :'Ti. Dy it3 use the r-'iighest kin is made to rival che pure radiiint texturc of youthfnl beHUty. It removes redaes, blotches, aud pimples. It contamiaothiu; thnt will injurc the skin in the lenst. Hagsolla Balm is used by ill FMblonsble ladtea in New York, L(ndon and Paria It cost t)i)iy TB cents per Iiottle, and 18 aold by all Drui.'!?'"!8 and Perfumer-. 1358-e3w-y. OOKS J. R. WEBSTER & CO. KV HOOK STORE NE AR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE" LOOK TO ÏOUR INTEREST ANJ) CALL. BOOKS j i_ Mineral Spríñgs House. This haautlfiii reeort for he.ilth-BecfecrB ïs now open, with Uu IRON, MAGNESIA, ANO SÜLPHÜR WATERS, OonmodioiisbBlldlrg linjited by stcam, and lATjp nul wcll-víintilíited rooroeWATER AND AIE BATHS, Of :1I tcmporntiíres, nlso Shfwir. "rï ir r, Medicated :inl Klfctrir. líiitlit are omployul with aavantajce in the tn-rttment of vU forma OÍ ohVffBIC i and dicftec8 of ft-miilcs. jicciat atlcntiui, paid 10 niet. With p'cnant siirroiindins. and Fitóntod in ouo of thontnit K'.ilthy nnrl heantifiil ciiios in p(íp(;íhi'h atlrnctrms fui invjitïdt Or forjtk-aBnre-sci kerp seldofti fotind nnnlyslsof the Sprints tfíll íe Utrnished on nppliciüoii. Fersoni malfíoa circvlnrH tr pend to theïr frlniíscan tTicm it Uur íli'-rof th rhnrrh;torfl on Rá'rOn PtreeL,or :it thc "prings. Atidn-st n) letien oí inuiry to MORKIS JIALE, k. D., Suíf. Ann Aitnoit, Mk.ii. Satín-i l;illd iitíií V!i((Iuii, Prop'; Anu Arl)or(MÍtb. hiño, H, UW#


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Michigan Argus