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- (J ro'ey is to bo elocted, notwithstanding tho H.-idical v'ctories in Ohio and Pcnusylv.iuia. John Coolirai o, chainimii of the Xew York Liberal State Coinmittee, has íigurd it out according to Dabol or somo other "arithmetii: follcr,'1 and makes out that twenty Statea aro suro to givo him 1200 electoral votc8 - 10 more than aecessary. We shall swcar by Oochrane - until afterclection. At tho saine time we don't advise our frionds to Vet on hi.s iigcitvs. Botter allow a discount of five or ten of those electoral votes. - It is opcnly charged that Ilenry Clcws was privatoly advised in advanco of Socretary Boutwcll's recent raid on Wall stroet, and of his intended manipularon of bonds and gold, and thiit by renson of guoh advioe he or his firm oleared one ïuillion dollars. Is it any womli r that the Iiouso of Clews could afford to subscribo $230,000 to the fmid raised to carry Pennsylvania and Ohio!-1 - Samnel P. Ely, Deraocratic-Liboral candidato for Congrcus in tho Ninth district, has published an address to tho electora of his district, in which ho declares ín favor of a protectivo tariff - taxing one man to give another illegitimate and excessivo profits on his business - and against freo trado, which he denounces as a " mischievous fallacy." Wc rojoice that Ely is not running in this district. Ho certainly holds opinions neither Democratie nor Liberal. - "A Methodist" writes to tho Frec Press, calling attention to tho fact that tho same Methodist ministers who at tho recent session of tho Michigan Conference, at Jackson, voted for a resolution condoraning tho uso of tobáceo and throatening a tobáceo test, aro zealous supporters of Bagley, whoso solé qualification for Govcrnor is much money made out of tho manufacturo and salo of tobáceo. - The Denioerats of Pennsylvania made a sorious mistake ín putting the honest Buckalow against the disreputable Hartrauft. They should havo borrowod a candidate of tho üartranft stripo, - y Yerkes, - and fought corruption with corruption. Honest candidates stand no show at all in Pennsylvania. - Over 16G,000 voters wero rogisterec in PhiladeTphía, but only 1 18,000 votes polled. The repeaters woro so closely watched that the Radicáis lost about 48,000 of tho votes they had arrangod for. In other portions of tho State they wcre more saccessful. - The Republicans promise that the Indiana Logislature will reverse the decisión of tho people, and that Browno no1 Hendricks will bo tho next Governor o Indiana. The peoplo have no rishts which a Ropublican Lcgislature is uuder obligations to ri'spect. - President tírantcouldn'tleave Washington long enough to attond tho funeíal of ex-Secretary Seward. His stable and dog kennel had too stroug attractions, and, besides, a funeral he d:m't regard as being noarly as checrful as a horse-raee. - It is alroady gi.ven out that 'aek Chandlor is to be a member of (írant's reconstructed Cabinet. Tho great and original blood-letter will probably be made Secretary of War, and then won'l the British lion íiavo to hunt his don. - Tho dofeat of Dan Yoorhees ruay bo attributed to the speech he made at Terre Haute boi'oro tho Baltimoro Convention. lie flxod a lot of his constítucnts in tho Bourbon faith, and couldn't unfix them after he feil into line. - " Tho late Gov. Seward declares for Grant" says a Eepublican daily. By what spiritual lino of communication wms the messago forwardcd trom the other ' spheni" 'i - Ohio wns sared to tho Badioala on the 8th inst. by the Bourbon vote. If tho Bourbons vote for O'Conor and Adams in November the State wflí go for Greeley. - Col. Win. SL. Grosvcnor Iias been noininated for Congress by the Doinocrats and Liberáis of tho St. Louis (Mü.) district. A capital nomination. - Forney is warnod that he will not be permittod to stump Pennsylvania for Grant. He is denounced as a "dead duck." - O. P. (short for opodoldoc) Morton is to be his own successor in the United States Senato f rom Indiana. - "Thf,t noble oíd skeleton" : that's what the Toledo Commercial calis Parson Brownlow.


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Michigan Argus