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HOW TO GO WEST. TM ïs an inqnlry which cvery ono phonld have ruthfnlly aitsweri'd bufore he etarts on hlsjnnTney and : lirtlc cnre taken in cxnmiimtion of Aontoa wlll in many casee save much trouble, time am mtmey. # ThCkrH, K. R.," running from Chic:i go throogh GFulcsbn-rg ta BtfrWngtwi, bav&CÏAoTO : spiendld cepotatl)O Ín the lust tft'O yenfs ffs the Ittdtng Pattenger Houtc to the west. At Bdritug tou it coimpcts wilh the grcat Hurlinton Route which ruasdirectly through Southern Iowa to Ne qraskaao3KtM. witli rkwHí ronnecïinntrtoCalIfornVa aii'í1 th Tcrrítories t oud paweBcra ftnrtinc frotn Washtenaw Couniy, on thetr "'ny wcstward, cAnnot do bettei th:ip 19 take the C. B. &í. and Burlington lïoute. Thisj line Um pxüAitítxd a pampblet caTled " IIoy to tro Wnst," which coutftius much valuable informi.tion; a lurge correct mnp of the Oreat West, whlchcun hc oMniuod free of char9" liy addreaeina the Genot! Passocger Agent B.& M. Ii. R. llur1iiLCton Iowft. J3O M M E R C I A L 4 AXX AUBOB, lrHURSDAT, Ott. 17, W72. A imi.ks- 25(g):!Oc pcr bus. BüTTEB- 2OC. Beans- $l.Tfi@2.00 perbuttvCmN- BringB 50c perbu". Chickens- Dressed I2)ic 12o gs- Coinra and' 22c; Hay - 12(ïï5 or tontaccording to quaüíj". HomT- In cap, o@C.ijc. I, au -The mmket stamlsat -S@i7c. Oats- OIO, 3O'(ï33c. ; qw, 26@8c. New roTATOKt- 70(a,S0!. TüKKEYS- lC. AViijat- We quote Wliite at $1.60i$l.GO; arabor, 1.3i@l.H. SM-znuiiT mom t i; MABSET. LfttMt quotiition for Ivndinir articles of country produce- Oclober 17th, m-c aa followa : Wiikat- wliitc, r.rD@l.i5 ; amber, $1.4 )@í.43. Baiiley- $l.4@l.v per oental. EïK- 6070o pw bu CojtM- 40 Oats- 38@33c IOTATOES- SO@ÜJC. On'ions- 4j(iïiw5r. ITay-íIí'ííí -.■!'. WoOIi l'V.V'c 1ÏUTTKIÏ- ÍtVfc2H'. IjAkd - 7 't Sc. IIoney- 18390a. Detroit Live Mock ííarkct. FrW (he Detroit Free FfMtf. KiKa'B Tabd, Morxiny, Oct. 14. ïlic nrrlT.-iIs t ïii-t woek innnit to 515 hcad of cattïc and Ml sheep, nml : ■■' ' ■ Tlu'i'C was rut lier n lively ilomnml for oattlfl nt lnst prioe. Qoodortftle wororathcr s';ircc in the ma: k-t, nnd then' mre hut few wliieit brought over .1 oenta per ïb. Only pne wna bonglit to sbip Kast. The number left over UOt boW wis al.ui 60 bciul. Kivst guaiitT ? 04 7.r. Gerond qu.ility 8 25@S 7." 1'hirdquality '2 53 io Sïionp T-1 nt doing BO wtll. Thcy foll for 3.75@ 4 '2i per huudred. lUifiS. Hogd aro of n r;thcr joor quulity and geil for $3.75 É.60pft lnindicil. peur iuxïismtM. WEW FLANIMELS. .t Itcrivcd,2() PEcccüinorcof tluiHc Canuda Pliiirt M:iiiiicls, yard ivid.', mil all mooI. '1'IicKO rouils are bcttvr Ntylcand qualiiy tlinn anylUiiiR manufacturcd in tbe slal. UM JO2IN U. !AV.ARD,


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Michigan Argus