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"arizona Diamonds."

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From the San X'Yancisco itullctin, Sejit. 2J. As tho furore of exeitement, which attended thereportod discovery of diamonds in Arizona begius to dio away, under tho dampening influonco of " salting," London iiegotiations, etc., itmay notboamiss for i personal observer to cast hi " wot blanket," however diminutivo, upou what wo beliovc to bo au enormous swindlo. In company with a gentleman who spent sovoral years in South America and luis had auplu opportunities of obsorving both the diamonds and tho diamond mines of Brazil, and, also, with a well known gcologist, tho writer hercof travelfld Over and through tho "Diamond" and "Ant liill " regions, looking tbr diamonds, rubios, etc., but in vain. Diamonds and rubies, - to the unpracticed eyo- we found ; but, alas, tho diamouds paled in quartr. crystal, and tho rubios into garnets. Tho crystals are somo of thoin vory beautiful, jurfectly trausparent, and presenting a ñve-sided foriu of oryetalization, very nearly approaching to the lour-sidod of tho diamond, but easily dotocted by the most simple mcans. In vain did we soarch for the pregnant, ever present üacolvmitc, but no traco of it coula wo discover, whilc tho fanoiful dianiond was fmuid dispened through varioniformaüona- granitr, sandstand, limestone, basalt, etc., nul tne writer of this has now in bis possession severa] speci Diens of "diamonds npon diamonds,' and the whole formed apon, and adhoront to, siliciHud wood. Butenough; for we can not say positively that there nro not dianimids in Ari.ona, but we givo it as our opinión th,it if diamond have been taken out of Arizona gravel, that grava wat talud bcure liand, and to thosc iiaving tho " iever wo would say watt and tee, for it ttfêre aro diamonda at all, they are scattered ovor too extensivo a field to bo monopolized by two er a dozen companica.


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Michigan Argus