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ÍDR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO TEABS PUBLIC TEST Hos proved Dr. Crook's WINE m #a xi rTo have inore .xMáñuL rit Iiatl JIIy 4S73H 30S Nlitiiliir proiar:i&mBSÊMÊÊ Hoii ever oiiered the public. Tt ia rlcta In the nicilloinal niialilics of Tar, and uneqnnll for dist'jisoH of the Tliroat and luiif.;s. perfonning tlio Uiüst remurk ble cures. Congtas, Colíl.a, Cbronlc Conghs. It effectually cnrcs them all. Astlinia and Ilroncliitla Has cnrod so many cases t lias been pro nounced a spocifio for these coniplaints. i'or pains in Breast, Sido or Back, Gravel or Kidnoy Dïscase, Discascs of the Urinary ürgans, Jaundice or any Livor Coinplaiuty Tt lias no equal. '" It is also a superior Tonic, Restores tlio Appetite, Strcngtheus tho System, llcstorcs the Weak and Debilitated, Causes the Food to Digost, Kemovos Vyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarious Foyers, Gives tono to your System ÜOR 8ALE ! A ii Pbaeton Ruggsand awconcl hand Cairingf, foi' 1 ur 2 huiiios, in k'-í coodi&ion Inquire it sn.vs JI. DWCULA83. AiittArboi, .May :'.";!, Uil. Chancery Notice. STATK OF MICHIGAN, rounty of Washtonaw. ss. The Oircuit Court fur tho cuunty vl Waahteaaw - I n ('!ianr'iy. Androw liailey, Complainnnty m Olive llailpy, Dcferhlhñf. It MtlBfaatorily. nppcarinpr to tliis f'ourt thnt ttic dcfendant, Olivo Baile?, in nnt a resident of said county or Stuif, on nmtion of A. E. Sewett, snHdtóf for coinplainont, it la ordered tfaat the defeBdtmt Olive Bailey i"-;iui' her appoarnnce to be entered in thia cjuisq within ihree montha trom the dto of thie order, and in feftseof her ojtoearance sha bause lier nnswertothe Rompliiinant'ts bill to Ijl1 bied and a copy thereof to be sorved on the co&iplainant'a HDltcifor withtü tirenly days atter servii-e of :i eopy of Baid bill ;iniï notice of tliis order, aml on default thorcof, tbe mW bil! to be --.i-i by siii'i defendftnl ' iw I :iitï it nivfln-rovilerfil Ilutt uidiin t went y Aa tlio said coni]ij:unaiit cmtse u ntire of tliis order tobe publisluit in thé itidiigan Argtu, a newspapir pubUshed in Öe oiiyut' ABn Atdot, in said county. and tliat tlic s;iid publicMtinii be oOntSnued in said paper at loasi ontv in taoli wfk for si x uccessive w-eetis, ov thrtt hv caubt' a eaM itl'tliís ocdVte In; {ferftHlflliy s-r ■! r.-n the said defendani Olive Bailey, atleasf twnlydays bjpfore the tjme abovo pres ribed for her appearuncc. DMed, Bpptember I8th, 1873. 11. BEAEAN, (iicuit Court Commisiioncr, Waahtonnw Oounty, Michigan. A E. ITewgtt. Gomplainant'a Solicitor. Chancery Notice. OTATEOTP MICHIGAN, Öw Ofrffntt Cort for the O Cniinty oL Waflbtenaw, in rlianocry. TJbOmM 0. Juiid, Culii)laÍnaut, TO. Mina A. Judd, Defendant. It Bntisfoctorily appearing to this Court by ïindrwit that the (lrtVn.ln.nt, Mina A. Judd, ï not n. reaktent of tb is Htate, bnt resides in the sint' oí [udittaa, on motion of D. ( iramer, BoUciter for Complninont, it i.-i orderod tliat tlir dfndont nivbti Uur appearanfi to bc entered in tliis causé wifliin tliree montha fi-om tlie dutt ot" tíiis order, and that in caso of hor flpi1' RXhiB sheeauu htrnnswcr to the complninnnt's hill to be fil-ilf and a copy thercof to bcaorvt-d on the (oinplainant'.i Sulicitor wiïtiin twenty tlnys ifit-r s-'vyiro Of A COpy oT b lid bill t' (viiiipiaint umi not ico of tliis order, and in dGfault thercot, that tíip aaíd BiUbetnkenafl confesed by the said aefendant ; and it ia further ordered thüt witlijn fcwenty days tho said oomplainant cuuae a oQpy of thia onb r tw be published in ute Mich iáan 'Arpa, a newspapèr prihted in said connty of Washtenav, and tliat the publication continue at ;..i-i once a sreeli f slxauoorásive weeks, or thathe OAonaoopyol this order to oe oersonBlly aervedon the said 1 )i-tVinla:it aviording ta tne rwlcs nnd practico of tliis Court. Dated September ISthA, 1., 1872. II. UKAiiAN", Circuit Court Commfosiom-i', ';isht'iia-,v ("otiniy, Mirfii-an. D. Ciíamíji, SotiOitOI tor ('oniplainant. Atiachmcnt Xoticc. NOTICE is hfVcby (rfvoil that on the twcr.iy-srcond da y ui1 .'iiir.i i, eiyhteen huminii -,uh levmitytwo, a wrtl i't attnehment was Usuea out of the ( 'ircoil Court t'r the bunfc of Washtcnwm, in favor of Calvin Uronson. John il. Whitakti and Charles B. Phillips, Pluioüibiiiaiiinst thelandBttei i cbaltélB, monoys and eifecteof liiram '. aiüu, the dcfendant therein, fur the rt-covory rt tlic sum uf seven thottsand dollars, wbioh said wri iroa returnable on Hondny tho ninth d:iy i Bepteiuuer, 1S72, and that it appt'ars by tho ralUTB to saiil wrií, t hm prop iti has ■!! .■ni.ich'-'i ia, and tbat aoid deieaaant conldnot BefOUBdi Duted, Ann Arbor, Septem&flr lOtb, 1872. CIIAJII.Eö BAüNSON, JOUX H. WHITAKEB, CH RLEB K. J'lIUJ.ii'S, Jtr.tAM J. BsAKXfi, l'ii.iinüls. Att'y for Plaiuliff, i. . ■.'_',■,■■


Old News
Michigan Argus