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Election lotice. BHERIFF8 OFFICE, Washtsxaw Couwty, ) Ann AiUüiit, Ausíum ;, 187Í, ƒ 7bM Elector of thé Uonmtyof fVaMfUtnawi Vou are hereby notifit J tbat ttt tlio iicxt General lection, to ba beid od the ïaesdni' BnooBoding tlic ..ulay of November ut xt, in state ■■- ffan, the Eoltowing ofUoem ar' t be electéd, viz : al and ■ President oí the Unit Oovcraor, U ivernor, ■ i enerul, Bi 'i'j toner, ni i . ■ ■ i torney (joncral, Superintendent of tubUa [nAtraction, n ií&mbeaeoi the Btote Board of Eduoation iti Edwin Willita, whosetenn of otKoe willexpbra DeoemberStat, 1872, andaBepveMintatlva ín Co lor the Secuiid Cungi ■ . iel i' thia 8 wiiich Washtenaw Oonnty biffttaehed laoa Éien■ the Komth Benatorlal District, conriittingof Waabtenaw County, ugteeable to Uie provi ActNo. U'8, ofthe oi 1871. Ai RepresentatiTes ia the state L to the proviüions of Act N'o. I4Ö oí the sew ion f 1871. Alsotha fottoVÊnfl county officem: ouo Jndge of Frobiit. . , one County Oleik, oue ('uunty Treasurer, ono itcpiüter of Deeda, one !Pïoecuting Atturney, two Ofaronit Court CommistícÁers, iwo Coroners, and ono County 8ui I You are oübo hereby notifled that at said pnorfil Elnction the followlag amendmentoto fabe ( ionatilution if Uiii íjtiitu me to be eubmitted to the peopl-.1 erf tihM Btate for thelr adoption orrejeotion, pursuant totiio iv'-uiri rrr.irts 'jf tntí CöiOfltrtutioïl :ind tho resolutions of the Legialatnre nibmltüna them, viz: An ' Aincnclinent providin for the payment of bonds issuud and negotxated, and the purona thcreof realizad prior to thc twínty-Kcv,-jii L tl;tv oí i_'liten bttndred and seventy, by the coimtie, twusliips uiid luunicipaliticM ïbsuing thesome. lor and In a ui of any Kailioad Company,1 provided for by Joint Rcsolution Wo. 31 of tho tiession Laws ol 1371. An " Amendment relative to the limita öf .ludicïa! Circuits, and the numher tbereoi," provided for by Joint Beeolutfon No. 36t of the 8eenon Lawsof 1871. And íin " Amtíinlinent relative to the salarius o: Judies of tlio Qixouit Ccntrt1 providcd for by the last uforesaiU Joint Rcsolulion. HYRON WEUB, Sheriff. Mortgag Sale. DEFAVÏl' haviiiL' botfii made Ib conflition of ft eert ni n moTtgage, made and exc-cutcd by Nelson U. Schoft and Elizabeth Bchoff to Cometocfi F. Hill, beaxing date the ttrat day of Marrh, a. i. nighteen hundred and stiventy-nno, and rccordul in the office of the Kepis ter oí' Deedt of Washtenaw Coimty, tfichigan. in Líber forty-three of murtgHge. on pago tooi huudred and twenty-five, on the fifttenth day of Mlureh, . i), eighteon hurhlred and seventy-one, at :eii and onoíourth (dock a. m.; and the power of sale coutained in snid mortgnge having bccomc opera:ive by reason of snch dcfuult, and the suin of eight Ftunóxed tmï tftaffre doltors and flfty cunta being claimcd to lw duo on said mortgage at the date of tliw noticc, and the bond aecOEOpanying the same, also an att'irJioy'sfec of tiihty dollars, asprovided tor in Baid mortgage, and no suit or pncccding ut luw or in chan ii-ry boring been intitut'-d tovewver the ame or any part tliereof : Nottoe ia tlierefore hert;by giten, that said mortgage will be torecloaod by a sale of the mortRngrd lanas ind nromün ilioroin doaciibad añil hará iuírfter niuntiiUK-d andaat foi-th, or o miicb. tii&G&t is wil] be Qooaaaitfy to nul brfy aaid amount, on Saturday, tlio sevt-nth day of Docenilxïr next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of suid day, at the south door of tho Uoiirt -Iloutw! in tho city of Ann Arbor, thu beiner the place for holding tho Circuit (,'onrt tot th county of Waabtonawj the said premises to be solt by virtne of the powtT of sale in said niurtprage nr doïicribed in aaid mortoage ns follows : All of th cast part if lot numbor tun (10), boing four (4) rot' widc by nine iïtj rodft deep, in blnclc nuniber tivo [i ribüth of r ge numbr six (G) eatit, in the Aan Arb Land CVunpnny's uddition tu the city of Ann. Arbo (forracrly villaje), Washtenaw coimty, Michigan. Dated Aun Arlwr, Sept. 11, 1872. COM8TOCK F. HILL, Morteagee. 1. Cramrb, Att'y for Mortfmgee. I391td. Mortgago Sale. Dl-i . r ] ,'i taade in tho condition of certain murtgage, made und ext-ented by Ainai dr BurbanktO liensmoreCramcr, buaring date tl (hirteenth day of bepteraber, A. I). eighteea hui dred and seveuty-one, and recoided in the oltire of th . Kegiiiter of Ieeds tor the County of Washtcnuw, anc tittttèoT MKrhi2-:i, in Llbex förty-flTe [46) of Mor gages, on page one hondred and seventeen (117) fit si and onc-fuurtli 1'. M-, and the power of sale in nait mortiraije huving become operativt by raaaonof sai defanlt, and the Klim of ono hundrcil and twt;ntyi i dolían and eighty-two oen dmed to bedi on said mortguge and the note aocompanytagüu ivm ut the d:te of thi-s notioo; alao nn attornL-y's fee o fort y dollars as pro dcd for in and n soit oi pxooeeding at law or in chanccry'htmng bee instiuitcd to recover the same or any part tiuezeof; Notice is therefore huieby givn tbat said mortgagn will be foreelosed by a sale of the mortgaged Landa and premiaee theroin desoibed and li enUoued and st-t forth, orao nuiih thereof as will be v. i to öatiisi'y said amount, on Satunlay, the twenty-tiist day of December next, at eleven o'clock in t i v forenoon of aaid day, at the south cloor of the Court Btooftd, in the City of Ann Arbor, that being the plnce . for holding tho ('iivnit Court forthoCousty of "W nsh1 tcnjiw, The sfiicl pretltiMfl to be fold by virtue of the power of sale in anid BMrtfftuiti aro iSescribed in snid mortgage as fullows : All uose tracts or pafo&laof land known anti described as Lots nninbor lv;. ;_', Tbree, (8,) and Fonr, (4,JlnJ-D. Baldwin'a i;astcni Addition to tho Ctty o t" Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of BUobtenn. 1 BnU-d, Ami Albor, Bept. W, 79. DüNöMOlii-J CRAMEB, 1393td Mortgagee. Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT having Veen Stade in the eondition of a oartaln indcnturo of mortgage made and executed by Charles (i. (Hurk, in lus lile, time, and Mary E. Clark, his wit'e, to H. Liouisa Saoketj bearing date the fint day of DeounbOT] in tho yenr of our Lordone fcbMMftJtd ci-flit tmdxed ;tndixty-six, and recorded Ín the olh'cc of tho Bgkte of Deed of Wiiehtennw County and State of Michigan, iü Líber 36, of Mortgages, on page 235, on tht1 4th day of loeembcr, 1SC6, and the power of (-ule eontained in said mortgage having becomc operative by reason of such default- nud the sum of eleven hu ud red and twenty-five dollars, Ix'inií claiincd to be due upoii said mortyifiC at t lio (latent thi.s notice, fur principal and interest, beside tho sum of tfairty dolían stipnlated Uicieïn as a reasonable attorney fee for the foreclosure thereof - and no suit or proeeedings at luw, nor in chuncerv havins been instituted torecover the debt Becozea by mm mortgage 01 any part thciiuf. Notioe is thereiore hereby given tbftt sumI mortgage will be foreclo.sed, umi by wtM of the power oí Kale therein contained, the preiniscs describcd in tho mortgage. and hereinafter Biso desriibed and sul forth, et s mie part thereof, uil] bc sold by me al public auetitn, to the highest bidder, tOBbUafy&aid mortgugo andcosts, on öaturday, the 4th day of January no.xt, at eleven o'olock in the l'oreuoon At th Honth door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor - lh:t being the building in whirh tho Circuit Court for the County of yashtcnaw is held - the mortgag-ed jmmisee are deaoxihed aa folloVB, towit : Tot number three in block mimber one south ol Huron 8tixet, and ranpe eleven enst, in the city oj Ann Arbor, Miohigatl, according to the recordtd plut of the Ann Ailnr Land Company Addition. Dated Arm Arbor, üctober th," 1SÍ2. II. LÜV1SA ÖACKET, E. C. Seaman, Moit'agee. Att'y for Mortgagee. lÖltStd Real Estíite for Sale. CtïüUn fF MICH1GÜN, County of washtentiw fs. O In the matter of tu; lístate of Caroline D. Freer, doceasca. Notice in hereby given, thatin pmsuane of anofder tranted tothe ündenlgilBdj AdnUDtlstratol of the Oütote (tf aaid dooaaaod, by theHon. Judgcol I'robate for the cotuity oí' Washíenaw, on the iiftfcuthday of July, A. 1. 187, thWfl will bc sold ut publb venene, totlio hifjhest bidder, at the bridge iie;tr the nofUi v.-:sb coïner of the land hercinafter di'srri bed in the County of Wiiahtenaw In attid State, on Tueaday the twenty-fourth day of Heptomber, A. IX lsTil. ut one o'elocli in the afternoonof thatdat (anbjeel to all enoumbranoei by inortgufre or uCtlcrwlse existing at the time ofthedeath of suid decenacd,) the folLowing desotlbed Beal Estáte, to-uit: 'l'he wqbI hnU ot" tli" soutli west quarteï of sectiou fliirty-two, ín township thrce Bouth of rnnce live oost oontainixig i'iirlity acreg moifi or leea in said state. Dated, August öth A. D. 1S7:. ATA" A FR EER 13SGíd Adminiatrtttor. The fihove sal is postf onod to Thursday, Octobcr 'i4th, al the sanie timo of oey and plaoè. DaÜAj Septoaober ïth, i AiL-VA F&REB; Admintatrfftór. Commissionors' Xotice. QTATE OF M H ■ 1 1 K i A X, county of WaahtenAW, Ba. o Thü andersisiied having boen appointed by the Píchate Oonrt for aaid county, CojamiHionen tore-. tii'i ti ust aUAaima and demanda of all persons againat tho estáte of Rachel Mc 'ormick, late of iaid irounty, dcoeaeed hereby rive notáee tha4 tói munt hts f rom date anallowed, by oxdBT Of SAld Fiobate Court, fororoditon to present tbeircIoúpsAgninat i dooeased, and Ëhai they wffl meet at i j.'dcc of Jolni Harle, Salem, in nnd oöunty, ou Satnrday, the tventy-third day of Noveaaber, nml Monday, the tweuty-ioiirth day of Mnirh nrxt, at tea ,vt teil oolock a. Bi. of fiich of said days, toreceive, examine, andadjuit said claims, Dated, September 23d, A. D. i ISAAC WKIT, EDWIN CTJRtïa, 1393w4 Conunissioners. Real Kstatc for Salo. QTATB OF :i i ' KIGAW, oounfey of Wnahtennw, ss. v In tho auttev oí the lístate of Anse] A. Qoleomb, !. notice is hereby i ven, Uial i;i puAuaace of :m order trianted to the uuoereigiied, nlministrator of theestate of said deoeaaed, bj the llon. Jndgeof lrotate for the County of VaahtenaTi , on the seoond duy f September] A. 1. 172, títexe ttüI be sold at public vendue, tothe htfhest bidder, at the nouih door f tho Comt HotMi uty of Wiwhtenaw, in s;iid átate, on Wedneeday the fcwenty-Uiird day of Ootober, A. D. 18Ï2, at one o'olock in theafternoon oí that lay (subject to all enctteübrancefl by mortgageor other-■ ing at the time of the death of aaid fleceaaed, ind also sni'ject tothe rizhtofdower of hiawidov Jbereia), the undividea Tiaïr of thctbllowing' ■■ il real tstate, to-v t Comm Delnc ni aatone plbnted l'n1 Ihe sornezi M n point hearing aonth sixteen m .(, twcni y-uino nd a half links f rom a red ak tree thirty inchea in diameter being in the vest ialf of the south-vi!t qoartef of wetién fewenty-eight n totrnithip toni sottth of range ix aast in said Stme, tnd running' theneeaotfth one dgree west along the of thehhhiray five ohaine and thlrty-one inks, thonoe south twenty-eight degreea west two hains, thenoe TOuth eightj eea vest two hafne nnd ten Units, thence north twelve and p. half v,r-j foor ehains aad rfsrty-two lints( thenic freea enetflve chains nnd seven' tnks tn Uio nloce of beffinniügi containing two nnd iuchiding also ;ill between the doöng line in whole nareel and the reuter of the BaUne rivur. Dated. Bentembei 2!, A. X). i72. SfAKY t. H0LCMCB, james LAWBEN0E, 13ÍK) AdminiafcratoTB. T1T0TICE. A-T Tho st.ïfkliolders of the Detroit, Lanstef and Ejftte dichúran Hoiiroad Comjuiny are r meet al lic offloe of the Secretnry ol 8iid I 'ompany, in the city t" I-t roit , on theS8th day of Kovt mber, A. D. 1%T, it 'i o'olock in the of I nnoon of aaid day, to takfl andaz DOtUideration, and aet upon and approve, or diiwpm agreement to consolídate i nv with he XorÖAi stanton and Nortb rn ElaUrond Company ; whfeh said iirt i Kient made between the Board i Dimies aud duly exeeuted, wül theA uxl thmv }■ placed before tho stoetlioldi ;roit, Lansing and Lake Michigan Railroad Comfany 'ov tluiv fit pvoval or díaappi"ovttl, Dated i.Mroit. Midi., OctoberSth 1"?. H IE. SWITH, Tresident. Gso. L. Tratt, Sccrctary. 1393td ïrocs! FloAvers! BttlBs! Soeds IIKEO-Iï: PLANTSf lurtery Stock ! Vruli and FIow er Platea ! Addreaa V. K. PSCENTX, BLOOMÍNGTON NURSEEY VOIS. KfrAcrfi; 'Ju i-car: IS Grwnhoufo ■: By. $40; -ly.i.-,' ■ itoguMi, S( oeuta, 138. m4 i ■ ■ m i i m B i ii san_l_ lli_ . -. Estáte of Iioots - minora ' " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Counljr f iJL, , Ai u reunión oi the l'robutei ourl ■„, 11 ". h '■ulitenaw, huldoii ..I. tl.u i'iobnie (,' '■' Htt 0( ■ Ann Albor, 01. llonday, ti.., tlnrtilfC?01? tlut yeur ano tlwuuiud ei-lit I,',', i V iventy-two. b l ""wliwi ,j Preiwnl HirnmJ. Beakes,,Tudgeof Prol.. In the matter ot (he estul John (■ bS!1,. ionio Boot, l':iii!iy I,. Boot, Sarah V. lt, , ' . él T. Koot, minors. Trwy W iw"'iliu Thereuponit isordered, thnt Mondar u... ghthdayof üctober next, ut teu o'clock h?Fl' oon, tu ansiimcd for exnminingand iiüowi,ü ' lo'tonnt, nnd tlint Ihe next of Ï S'l'. linón, and all other persona ím.-."? "ni a io Grato1. i ..t !ai(l Court, tlien to W Víi " ' ti Py of a„„ S? '■ miity, ana show cause, ir uny tlaroV Ï" h uid aecunt rtiould not lio allowed. And it'i '" rdered, that said guardián give i.ulin. toti. ""W nterested insaidestnte,ofthcicndcncyofiu'1 nd the hearing thcreof, by cnuaing a Mt,v "?l rder to be published in the MMdgu ir? "" paper printed and circulating in"saiil Cuuút! Ï1 uceesaive weeks previuus to unid day of hc " "-I (A true copy.) HIRAM J. dkakm 13'J4 Judgeof Tru Estato of Benjamin II. GlomT " QTATK OF MICHIGAN, County o f Wnsht ' , U Alnscssion of the Probate Court forth n '" f"Wshtenaw, holden at the Probate offiV. ■ "' City of Anu Arbor, on Tuesdav. th?cí '" k of October, in thu year onc thounand 'tiiïïfr dred and seYcnty-two. utlhi,. Present, Kiram .T. Beakes.Jodge of Prohm. In the matter of the estáte of Meniamin li . deceascd. "' " Charles Olenn and Kroily .r.Okmn, Admini.t,., of eaid estáte, comí! into Court and r„n that thcy are uo prepared to reuder thcir &"' count as KWh Admtinstrator. "-"lUt. Thereupon It is Ordered, that Mondav th. ty-chjhth day of Octofcer, „,t., al ten „■& the forenoon. beaHsigncd for examinino„j ,if " iog aucb account, and that the hei! law of ml dcreaïcil, md all other '' 8ons interested in raid estáte, arerm"' to appcar at a session of said Conn .Lw to be holden at the ProbateOfflce.ln tlte Citr r Arbor ins:iulConnty.aiHl8howcai(ei'fanvihpr.i'1 wliythcsaidaccountshoulduiitheallowci)' AiT rarther ordered, tlmtsaid Adminístralo ve.,, tothepcrsoiisinieruatedin said estáte ofih. dency of said account, and the hearing? thermf' cansing a copy of this order tobe poWirtdh,',? Mf tupan Argus,a. newspaper printedaiiaci-cpi ■ insaidCounty, threc snecessive weeks nrevln. ' naid day of hearing. Hrewow t, (Atrue copy.) II1RAM .1. BEAKES 1394 JndseofProbiú. Estáte of Charles Stuck, Sen ÍJTATEOP MICHIGAN. ConntjofWasiiili,,. O At aaesslon of the ProbateCourtforthtf ,'; of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate OBlce In il' City of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday th, „ day of Octobcr. in the year one thowand effl Present, lliram J. Beakes.Jndpe of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Charlee Stnck n decca-cd. lu,S(t Chrlea Shier, Admini8traU.r of mij tu comea ino Court and representa that tie if now pared to ronder his final account as auch Admitiorl tor. uiwn. Therenpon it b Onlcrnd, thatMondar thpi.. eishth day of October Mist., at ten o'clMk i! ih' furnoou, beaürtgntd for examininj andullo! such account, and tbat the hcirsailaw ofaaidj ed, and al 1 other persons interested in said tt tstejii requir. d to ai)pear at a sescion of said Conrt Hei Z be holden at the Probate Offlce, in the Cürolin Arbor, in said Conty, and show canse, If ani tberí be.why the lïfd account should not below And ie s furtlier ordered that said Admii.nn givenoticeto the persons Interested in said esu!-' of the ]eud'in-y ofoald account, and the hetriu thereof. bycausing a copy or this order to be nf lishedlnthe Michigan Argut, & newspiper prlm i and clrcalating in sald Connty, three ouccessiij weeks previous to saidday of hearing CA trnecopy.) U1RA1IJ. BEAKES IM JudgeofProbite. Kstate of Thomas Edgar. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, ( lounty of W.-nhttiui a At o session of the I'robate Conrt for the Coojhrf Washteaaiw, bolden ;it toe l'robatc Office, ittheuii of Ann Arbor, on Mondoy, the liiirtieth day oí iwteinber, in the yeur ono thousand eijrht hundredmi aeventy-two. Present, llirr.m J. Beakes, Judgeof Probntc. In tbo matter of the eatate ol TliunM ïiitt. decea.soil. Ou ronding and íiling the potitionulf Teiifled, Jamed l'ickiii'd, praying iliat a certain uuiraBÓt now on i'üa in tlii.-i court, purjjortinf,' to be tbe lost wiQ ' and testament ot1 said aecenaed, may be admittedu probate, and that uduiinistration of said estáte nui ' be ranted to hira. Thereupon it i ordered, that Mondny, the troit eihth day of October next, at ten o'clock in tlie[KÍ: noon, be assigned for the hearing of said ptü. . tion, and that the tegntees, devisecs and hm at luw of eaid deeeased, and all otiei persons intetested in said estáte, are rcquirel to m , pear nt a session of said Court, then to behnlden, ri the l'robute Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. ai show eauiie, if any there be, why the pravi : Ictitioner should not bc ip-anted : And it is fnrtlier orderetl, that said petitioner (rive notice to the penwii interest ed in said estáte, of the pendency of said prtition, and the hearing thereof, by causingu copyoftfei order to be pnbllshed in the Michigan Argtti, n neit. paper priuted and circulating in said oonnty, thrt; suceessive weeks previou to aid day of ho.irinp (A true copy.) IIIKAJÍ J. UKAKtS, 1S'J4 Judge of l'nbitt. Estáte of Moses Eich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Whtenw,si. At a session of the Probate Court for the l'ountj of Wttóhtenaw, holden at the Probate Oltire, inu City Of Ann Albor, on Fridtiv, tfto sixth ríjiy oí September, in the year one thoiiÉaad eight hunured and scvonty-Uvo. Preeent, llirara J. Benkes, Judge ol Vtobate. In the matter of the estáte of Hoos lüch, de Maseda l'liiloS. Uich, Executorof the last ml! and tut. ment of said deoeased, comes into eourt anti repre. aenta that he is now ju'epared to reuder bisflcilMouunt aa Huch Kseeutor. Thereupon it is ordei-ed, that Momlay, tlielwontyfirst day of October, next, at ten o'clock in the I noon be asaijrned for examinin and allowing snfh B I coiint, andthiitthelegatee8,deriseeaandfaeRsatlfti -fai.l ueoefteed nnd all other persims interest in aid estáte, are required to iippir jit a sion of said Court, then to be holden at the Pïv" bots Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, iiuil County, and show cause, if any therebe, win tLe I said account should not be alloweu : And it sfurtbil ordered that said Executor give notice to tht jwtona interested in Baid estáte, of the pendency oiil account, and the hearing thereof, by cnnsin?orf of this order to be pablished in the Michignn Arp", il newspapt'r printel and eirculatinff in said C'ounty, three sueeesdive weeks previou s to said dnyof heanog. (A truc copy.) 1UKAM .1. BEAKES, 13U3 Jndgo nf ProbnK. Estáte ofWilliaiu Bnckingbam. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WasMoat, ► At il ncwiion of the l'robate l'ourt for thi of Washtonaw, holden at the Probutc Office, 'J I City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tlic fourtetiitk f I of September, in the year one thuusand eighl k dred and stv n'y-two. Present, lliraui J. Hcakes, Judge of Prolmtf . ' In the matter of the estáte of Williuu !■ infrliam, doceasod. , . Ou reading aud tttinf? the petition, dnly venfled. Clartea G. I.. üuckingham, praying thatïmj sorue other suitablo person may 1 uppointed m ministratrix of the estáte of saii! deceascd. Thereuponit ia ordered, that Jlonday.tlw twentj-l day of Octobcr next, at Un o' in tlie wiw tned for !í" hearing of said petition, na u" the heir at law of said deeeased, and all othnpew : interestod inmid estate.aro rinivi'dtoiippcarui' sionolsaid Court, thfn to he hulden at Diera' Office, in tVo City of Ann Arbor, and show ti.J any there !■■. why the prnTcr of the petitioner n not begrantod: And it i further ordreo,Hiai"" petitioner give uotice to the oersons intermita m estáte, of thependency of said petition, ana ■' ing thereof, by cauglng a copy of tliií ordtr to published intheJfiWnaun Ar;ius, a" and circulating In said conntr, three succaTeiw previous to .said day of hearing. . IA true copy.) ÏIIÜAM J. BWOT, IS'jS Judgc of rrotutfc lístate of Ebor M. Munroe. O TATKOF MICHIGAN, County of Wash; k Ata sessionof the Trohate Court fortlieUU! of Washtenaw, holden at the rrobaH(Hlirc,mtli' of Ann Arbor, on Snturduy, the Bevcnlh w "."ij tcmber, in the year one thousand citfht niuo""" scvinty-two. Present ÏTiram ,T. BSsafce, Ju.Ige of rro''?tfwm„ I BBtter of the ertatc of Ebcr M. ï""' ' On reading and Bling the petition, dnly mJ' Lucy A. Munroe, Eiecutrix, praying tatKL.. lieensrf lo sell certain real estáte, wboreo' "" ceased died aeizcd. , „.-.flrft 1 TheronixmitisordeMrt, OihI M.m.lay.tlietwjW .;. v gf October next, :it ten o'clock in UieJ!IjX beiuisigncd for the hearing of said i-titiii. J""?1,, legatee, devisecs and inii at h of "'"l"1""! all other ju rsons interestcd in said ist;'k'' '"'LhoUiiv to appenr at a sesaion of said court, then to ""Jj 10 Probate Otücc-, in the City of Ann AWj canse, if any there 1-. why 'lie,rif(Kiw petitioner should not lie grauted: And it ' . orderod, that said petitioner give uotire t0,'„ ,( sous interested in stiid eatate, of the Ií-i petition, and (he hearing thc-rcof, í cÍÍj3i I oopj of this order to punKahed m 'lry I !, a newspaper prfntfO and civculatm? i" ■ ( eoonty; faux succeaaive weeks prerioittw hearinir. , !)r,rrj .Atrcopy.) të Éstate of Joel Hornbcck. OTATE Ol' MICHIGAN, county of n " ,', rf n At a session of the Probate Cciurt fw""."!! Washtenaw. holden at the l'robate offlce. " ' ) of Aun Arhor, on Saturday, the sewnm - Beptember, in the yoar tmthousnnd eem and seventy-two. „ rAc Present, Hiram J. Ileakes, .Tudge of rwl': j, In the matter f the fstnto of J' "" deoeased, . . ,„iv Tcrifl1 On Madingand flhngtlie petition. "ul , bí u FaMuenio Davi, executor. proymg ""m be lioensod to sell the -val estáte hm '" ttx?t üed seized, for tlie parpose of u'tbtt''"Srf in' I : such sale amongtbo deriseea na1 will of asid deoeaaad, „r , .. thet1"1' i' Thoreupon it is ordered, that MonW. iSÜS orstdaj ,.l ■()otl,l.-m.-xt, at ten o'c oekl '"".„Jt'1 for the hearing f said 1"'" ' ij'diA the légate) a devisees and heirs at ' ■" ;J atiüi and all other persona intcrestiil in ► 01,rt, areiv-]üii,,lt,.av ■■■ '' s n'oityof 2 to be holden at tfi Probate Oce, m 'l'by Arbor, and show cause, if any 1'"c "ei: TOf the petitioner should not M pr, it i' i . i.i;ts'.li'1rt"'""fXi' jons interested in saidoi -:' idpetitioriandthch ' '. UV},W' copy of this order 1 a, ,inf.l.mdeirci.Uti r'4iia . tv tour s v-Mii' iA previous to " Commisaionew1 'fwn. OTATE OF MKHIOAN, county ot ' Ici bfl The undersigncd, having „ffioíí Probate Conrt for said eounty, ' ■ -,' Jaoai oeive, i xaminc and acl.inst 11 . ji. all peraons prnin "' . '' „cf lateof emd eoonty, deccaaed, here PgrfiJ aix months from date are !!''''; "-, tliciri Probate Court for ereditors to prcsei agabut i he i state of said ilw.-:,-!. ;"" „ ,w "S ,„,,t at Uie office of Snovr & K-M. ' V"1, Clinton, in Lenawee Coimty, ■" ' " ";v fourtl'JV ,1 er, and on Mondny. the twcn of - March nei, at ton o'clock a. ■■ „j du1"' lava, to rv.ive, examine, and Dotcd, Usptember ;■! th. {'. Y?AjlW


Old News
Michigan Argus