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A Word With Democrats

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The Republicana roly upon Demócrata staying away f rom tho polls in suchnumbera an to givo thsm an ensy victory in tbis oounty on the 5th day of November. Xhey do not claim many Democratie votes for Grant, but thoy assume, and with great confidence, that scores and hnndreds of Demccrats, dissatisfted with the nomina tion of Greei.ey and Browk by the Baltimoro Convontion, wili stay at home and their votes be lost to the local ticket. Sball tho Kepublioans be gratified and their county ticket bo electod by suoh mean ? Thie is the question we put to our Democratie friends in the several towng. Wo urge every Democrat to come octano vicïory, ana a local jjemocraiv: mctory is a nticesiüy to thefutv.reof the Democratie partí in the county. Demócrata should not stay at home bocauso dissatisfied with the nomination of Greeley or because thoy think thoy can not or have declared thoy will not vote for him. Neither should they[stayat home because the Ootober elections have, in thoir opinión, made the election of Gbawt cortain. At no time has thore been any probability of carrying Michigan against Grant ; nevertüeless it is equally important that we loso no ground. Therefore let no Democrat stay away from tho polls, and let oach Demoerat oonstitute himself a special commitree of one to soo that evory Democratie voter in his neighborhood or school district is out. A local victory IS WORTH WINNING AND MUST BE WON. BorCt stay away from the polls and MAKE YOUBSEW KE8P0IÍ8IBLE l'OR TUE DEFBAT OF A SINOLE MAN ON THE COUNTY TICKET. If you do you will regret it when it is too late. Wo say these words now rathor than noxt week that our Democratie friends may know the exact position and have the more time for actio.


Old News
Michigan Argus