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The Pennsylvania Frauds

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Thero is no longcr tho shadow of a doubt tbat tho Radicáis carriod Pennsylvania and gavo IIautuaxft his mnjority by an organizad systora of fraud - by ropeatcrs, ballot-boi stuffing and forgod or altered roturns. In ono Philadelphia ward - the 15th- tho four olection judges cortify that tho returns as thoy made tlicm up and signed thcm were snbsoquontly altcred, incroasing Hakthanits inajorily 200; in anothor ward - tho 2óth - tho variation or alteration in favor of HaRTRANFI is 400, and BO it runs all through tho Stato. Concoruing tho manipnlation of returns the Philadelphia Jedrjcr, a Republican journal and supporter of both HarTRANI'T and Okant, says : " Thoro havo boon somo singular performanoes with tho roturns of tho recent election. After the polls closed tho reporters of the newspaper pross, who havo always heretoforo boen cheorfully furnishtd with tho returns, wcro refusodthem by tho officers in six of tho wards. On tho following day tho law which requires tho división returns to be flled in tho Prothonotary's üftico was flagrantly disobeyed. On the day when the return judges met thoir business was transacted in a mannor that made accuiacy of count or detoction of oroueous returns utterly imponible, and tho Board adjourned without footing up tho figures tho President read off in oxtreiue hasto. Since thon therehas been difficulty in gettmga view of tho returns in the Prothonotary's Ofiïoe, although tho main reaeon for ing. copies of the returns nled thero is that they may 'oe open to public inspeotion ; aud this last difficulty was not removed until r.n order of court compelled it. üur election oiEcers and the Prothonotary have thus adopted the " Morinon" systeiu- that none butthe " loaders" have a right to know what is done, the common people being only bo many iay figures, whose weight of numbers is to give force to what the " leader " do in secret.1' These return-judges and Prothonotary are Ropublicans, so that the "siugular porformnncBs " certainly were not in the interest of Buckalet,-. The Press, Foknky's journal, a Gbant organ, gives this exposure of "repeating" and " personating " - all in the interest of Hartraxft : "Gradually our people begin to oouiprehend tho atrooitios on the ballot-box on Tuesday, the 8th of October. Tho revelations aiready made and daily being mado indícate something of the Bcherae by vhich the peoplo of this fair city havo been once more placed under the ieet of desperate and denigning men, nnd we are not without hope that the whole plot vrill be tinally disclosed. ':' Hundreds of reputable oitizons of Philadelphia have oallod at our editorial rooms to present casoG of repeatod and open porsonation at thoir respective precincts. We refrain from giving names for obvious reusons, but most of them we have long and favorably known. üne of tho oldest merchante on Harket stroet 8tate9 that when he reached the polls ho found that hiS name had been voted. Tho offioers refuscd to tako hia ballot, upon which he proceedod to the Court and secured an order constraining them to receive it, and on his return ne iound. tüat anotner person bad in tho moantimo voted upon bis name. Two of the sons of a well-known journalist were personated in thcir wards, as we learn from their father, and one of them was aotually informed, by a respectable voter at bis precinct, that ho wus the twenty-sixth citizen who bad been personated that morning. In one caso a ropeater attempted to persónate a wellknown gontleuian while that gentleman himself wan on tho ground, and the vote was only rtijected when ho denounced the rutKan. An eminent physician upon presenting bis vote was aotually informed that ho had ilready voted, upon whichhe ramarked, " I have two sons at hoiae ; please let me know whetber somebody has voted for thom - in which case I will save them tho troublo of coming here." TJ)t..Tpnlv that they had both voted, glorious privileges ot American culiü'uship. These are only a few of very many cases indicuting the publicity and the enormity of the scbemo set on foot under tlie auspiccs of Cameron and Hussel Errett." Add to " repeating," "personating " and lorged or altered returns, tho bribing of inspectora to stuif biillot-boxes, as attempted by Cameron's brothor-in-law at Lancaster ; the sworn charges against Congrossman ShoemaKER and othor high officials - including the biibery of electora and of election officers, and the issue of fraudulent naturalization papers, and the damnable rooord is made up and tho unexpected majority for Hartbanft aocounted for. What say honest Republicana to snoh developments. V


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