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Dr. Mahan On Sundry Issues

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MANCIIESTEK, Oct. 15, 1872. Mr. Editor : Ono of tho activo canvassers in Hillsdale oounty kas forwarded to me the following series of questions, and roquestod an answor to the samo. Tho following aro tho questions with iny answera annoxed. Should you doom what follows of interest to your readers, I should bo pleasod to havo this communication inserted in tho Argus: lst. "Aro you in favor of public lands boing grantod to railroads ? u In roply I would say that during tho laBt college year a studont of tho collcgo inquircd niy views on this samo aubjoct. I furhished him with such facts and argumonts aguinst such grants as socured an alniost unanimous voto in favor of thoir validity in tho litorary society of which that studont was a momber. Those facts and argumonts havo oqually absoluto validity with mo at thu present time. 2d. "Aro you in favor of giving tho naturalized citizcn tho same rights which the nogro has r"' I havo ever held, and taught my pupils that the citizon, whother native-born or naturnlizod, who is best qualifiod to disohargo tho duties of any ofiico, should bo ulected to such offico, und that all constitutional impediments to such olection should bo roinoved. 3d. "Are you in faver of giving the net proceeds of tho public lands to tho States to aid tho cowmoa schools ? " Most assuredly I am. These lands aro tho common property of the peoplo of these States, and uo disposition of tho proceods of their sales can bo more jusfc or wiso than this. 4th. "Aro you in favor of amnesty to all? " Tho doctrino of universal amnosty I havo entertained over sinc.e tho close of tho war. I expoctod it when President Grant said "Let us havo peaco." For the want of amnesty and othor wiso me.isures towarüs tlio suojugatotl otates, wo nave not, as yet, had pcaco, but división. öth. "Aro you what is now callcd a Ecvenuo licformer, and, if olccted, will you voto with thora against tho protect ionist-, and voto to roforui tho tariff, so that it shall be a tax for revonuo only, and not for tho protoction of class interests at the general expenso? " In rcspoct to tho several itoms embraoed in tho abovo question, my answer is in tho affiirmutive. Such havo boen my teachings in the doparment of politica! economy. Tho lato law of Congrcss, for example, whieh letlVeS wool as it goos from tho hand of tho farmer, unprotocted, and luaves the sanie article under high protcction as it goes from the hand of tho manufacturer, I regard with the dcopest reprobation, as only adapted to secure tho most oppressivo monopolies. You porceivo from tho abovo answers that I havo never been a Know Nothing. If the views presented in tho abovo answers are correct, and tho printed record sent mo of my opponont's votes, especially in the last Congress, ig truo, his record on theso vital subjects is a vory bad onoYours. trulv.


Old News
Michigan Argus