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- The New York Tribunt claims - in tho face of tho October oloctions - -178 votes for Grooley, gives 119 to Grant, and marks down 09 as doubtful, - the doubtful States being California, Illinois, Minnoaota, Mississippi, New Hampshiro, North Carolina, Khode Island, and Wisconsin. Of theso Tribune doubtful States Gen. Brinkerhoff, Chairman of the Ohio Liberal Republican Stato Coinmittco, transfers California and Connecticut to tho Grceley column, inoroasing the sure vote to 189 - 5 spivres. He also transfers Nevada, Ohio and Orngonirom tho Grant to the doubtful column, diminishing the Grant voto to 91, and leaviug as ful, 96. Tho Grant journals and rmgïnastors, on the contrary, figuro noarly all the States for Ulysses the First, concede Oreeley hardly enough to couut, and mako the doubtful column shiue. It is as easy to cipher out victories in advanoe as to " fall off a log." - The Pennsylvania " Straights " or Bourbons held a State Convuntion last week, and resolved that as the Octobor elections had rendered tho elcction of Greeley impossible it was unnecessary to nomínate an electoral ticket. This is an open confession that tho inovement is being engineercd ín the interest of Grant, and ought to open the eyes of honest " Straights" who imagine it a pure Domoeratic organization. Aro the Washtenar "Straights" Grant mon ? - The Kopublican majoritioa in Ohio ara officially announced as : for W'ikoff, for Secretary of State, 13,955 ; for Welch, for Supreme Judge, 11,187. Thirteen Republican Congressmen are elected and geven Democrats, a Demooratic gain of two. The total vote of the State was 520,037, the largest vote ever polled. The i'Straights" vctod, by concerted arrangement, for the Republican candidatos. - The political business men of tho country are entreating Secrotary Boutwell to re-issue the $44,000,000 of greenbncks retired by his predecessor, Hr. McCullough. Tho less the Secretary of the Treasury meddles with the general ness and finances of the country the bettor for all interests. Manipulation from Washington is manipulation in tho interest of speoulators and monopolists : nothiiig more, nothing lcss. - Another Radical victory is reported in North Ctiroliua : the blowing up of the office of tho Raleigh Sentinel, a Oonsrvative daily. Had a Radical printing office been blown up tho President would havo declared the State under martial law, but as Consorvatives have no rights that tho President is bound to protect, it is not yet reported that any tears have boen shed at the Whito Houso over the outrage. - Judgo McKenna, a member of the public toat, wants to succp.ed SimonCaníeron in the United States Senato. We don't know AIcKenna or anything concerning him, but as the old niaid is creditea with exclaiming when the owl said "to hoo" in answer to hor prayor for a husband, " any body, good Lord." - Froudo, the English historian, said in a recent olection in New York, referring to the provalent corruption in governuient : "Wo must either have liberty and cast out corruption, or havo corruption and cast out liborty." It is singular that he has so soon taken the measuro of our Radical rulers. Let tho American peoplo tako warning. - Dr. iluhlenberg, tho U. S. Internal Revenuo Collector at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, under arrest on a charge of offering an inspector of elections $200 to stuff tho ballot box of bis ward so as to reduce Buckalew's majority to 100, is a brothor-in-law of Simón Cameron, Ponnsylvania " boss " Radical politician. - Tho Collector of' Intornal Revonue - brothor-in-law of Cameron - arrested at Lancaiter for offering a bribo to an eloction juclge, is reported saying for Limself : " I had no occasion to buy tho judges of election when an endless number of Germana offered theniselves to voto for Ilartrauft at f rom $1 to $2 a head." - Attorney-General Williams indignantly denics tho report that he is soon to retiro from tho Cabinet. Ho nover retires from an offico with a good salary - not as long as ho can havo his own say and way about it. Ho is no such man, not ho. - Oov. Randolph says that a considerablo importation of negro voters into New Jersey is reportod, despite which ho is confideiit tho Stato will go for Groeley. - Threo million dollars : that is tho sum spent by tho Republicana to carry Pennsylvauift for Hartranít and secure Cameron's return to the Sonate. - U. S. Senator Morrill, of Vormont, ha3 boen elected for another term of six yoars from tho lth of Ataren, next. The horse diseaso which has so long been working destruction in Canada, is rapidly spreading over tlio United Statos. In Rochestvr the tolegraph saya thero are not scoro of sound horses. Street oars have stoppod running, livery stables are olosed, and all businoss roquiring horses is at a stand still. Merohants aro employing men and boys to doliver goods. Tho diseaso has also broken out in Syracuse, New York, Boston and intermediato towns, and on tht: 234 fifty cases wero reported in the stables of tho Wost Side Car Coinpany, Chicago. At Rochcster it is stated "that oniy in cases where bleeding has boen rosorted to have horses died.'' A New York telegram says of tho disease and treatinent : "Tho exact naturo of the disease seems to puzzle the votorinary surgeons. Blaod -letting and drenching havo been found failures, and many horses havo died from this treatment. Among thu various remedies used aro a solution ut' tar and bolladonna, acónito given homoopathically, and Taylor's compound food, the product of tho Manhattan i'oed Mili Company. This last mentioned is the only remody which has mot with uarkod success as a preventivo aad cure."


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