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P. T. Barnum's

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THE CREATEST SHOW Oi EARTH ! ■ - - ■ Gr H JE _A, A. . . , _ N".- r f „-.._.. iTpuTPliiiffWflrlilítííiip ■. ÜhT ÉÍÍÍ L TEN TIMES LARGEE, THAN ANY OTHER SEOW WjËSBfi ANn'aïIOKMONDAY, Oot. 28th, 1872. jÉja. M nirirnt wliich timo tbrwtrraod, full, and onJm.lf.l nxhiMiium w!ll bc giveo, mornlnu-, aftemoon anl erening, for tUe wrummodutii u of Iho jw gjg iiidu. Kxtru tri.iiT4 will bp run nu nll tho railrouds to convey visitors to and from Ibe Lxhibition ut liaU Í1U8. S ffcjtBtJF m y ' " . Doors Opeu at 10 A. M. and 1 nud G P. M. HIppodromo Pcrform(ino s to I 'Ij -finy S - Commeuco at 11 A. M. nnd 2 aud 8 P. X. r 131. i AgÊ A iOp-Tl!IílK i Admission to the Seven Colossal Shows only 50 Cents. fciPt JBI jlB fBfc jlm ■LïIHBïJ1 A The RTiimal cages will be closed in the cveninf? at S o'cloek in orrlcr lo preparo for Inndirg the KjWMBjjpL ■SAIP ' '4-"i' B& ':liílfSSLlíÉBLL ÊHMtxAy 'll0( i'"'[1(n9 truins requiretl tu move the exhibition. Although six dislii.ct tenis ure uaed, it ia Ifa--JF y iD&Jlfl EpBj ' lllli''nt believcd that one of ' sv ,, ■ ., ... .. , . ,, . , _,_ ftnri ,.ii of nnv otlior concern ad ver I ised iu Uu countrv. A ml this, bo it remcml erod, is onlj' " k.i2i)t elabórate combiantion of exhibitions tver kno wn, nnd for TEN TIIOUÖ N J ilKASON'ö rejnains LBLiïyIk Í JíflB'W "tK" -A-solutsly "Witlaout a Parallel in tb.O Sistory of tb.O "World f Jj tt Pf T hTe" 3VE T7SE TT IMI g L i, fuii Ofjr;re living tdMottal nnd representativa curiwitic, wonderful human phenomcmi, and btrange freak of boni the i ttemt parU of the carth. rhePolytccUnic Iustiliit1, Mininiaturc world wortliytlioinvcstisiition of tlin Pliiloiophei , Stntcsinun, ArtiM j 4mK0&ÉtÊfÊci Q2%&4{!&Lh .e 3? - ""ÍSTvíüraSF 'net, Scientist, Archíuoluíimt, Antiqiuuy, si udent nnd ui vine. Xlir IÍ iptiud nnd i rena, wljich isstricl MöBBS $&& '1 il njpv. . . $y.' ■ &2KjTf W-'Wt mol mij refl.iod. is reprasentnl ly [00 of the best performers in the world, including the celebruted wffi)Ê2Mik vSZS&ïïW'tïlffi&'y'XïWiiJk %L':- " ''" '' MEI.VILÏ-B i5k.2TD KIS TALEITTED FAMILY. PKMyWCS


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