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o o o gsyzë1 ató Or Tnslelcün-Coafoc'', ;onrcittratPï, Root ni!l Herbal Jalee, AutlBUioxtaC.rannlca. THrtlTri,E GIA3T" C.Vrn.lKHC, or IfiuHtim In rarvo Pfcyslc Tin; novclty of modern Sindical, Chemical and Puarmacoiillcnl Scleuco. No nu of auy longer taking tho ]argo, repulsivo and nauseóos pill, coraposed of clioap, criule, and bulïy Incrrdlvnts, kvhonwocon byacarefal appllauluii af Chemical aclencc, oxlracl all tho cattiarlic and otlicr medicinal propcrtied fr :n Lbo must valuahle soots and lierb, and concéntrate üiciu luto íi inintito Oraatilo, careely lararr Sisan a miiHlard nood, that can bo readlly ewallowed bytbosoof the oio ens and foftidious tastes; Eacnllttla I'tirrratlvo f'rllrt represente, na form, mnch cathnriic povror as ia embo.licd in any of Iho lanro pilla (tarad tol palo in the drog shop. 1'; m Uii Ir wonderful caLnftrtlc power, In pro"orllon to their Pïze, pcoyla w-h ) have uur. triol tnem ro pt to tuppÓM tnst th'-'y Are harsti ordrast1o i'i efloct, lnc gnch isnot 01 lill the caso, tiiu diflbrent active medicinal prinof whlch thoy nro compofert lieini: so Uarmonlzed and modlfled, oim by tlis otlutra, as to proJiire a Klont rirr!ilnjr aml i3ioroaj(h,yet gcntly utul kindly operailug catnurtle $500 Rpvrnrd ín lierc'y ofTrrc.! lw tho proprietor of theae Pellets. tJ any ehemist wno, lipón onlvis. til fiud in theni any Calomil f.r otlicr. form of mercury or any oiher uiifiral polaon. rM BcIiik artictilnr care ia rcqulred whilo nsin tlii'rr.. They upcrato wHhoot diptnrbanco to iho ctinstitnlion. dit't, or occuptition. F;r.f anndlcft ÏScwduchr, CoDatipntloii. gmpiirc T21ood, Pnlu In the Shontderi), TlpliiurMs f tho Chctt, nizzliicsi] Sixir Lrnctutiona of tlae Kliimarli) Rad taste In moulh, ïïHlonn nttncUft, Pain In roRloit of Stldncy, Intrnnl l'efr, Dlonied fcrllna bont Mnmarh, Rush o? Blood to Ilcorl, Hlfth Colorcd Irloc, f'nnot Inolllty and Glooinv 9'orPÏxKllnga, takc Dr llorcí-iiIlea'aiití'nrifatlTCÍclIct. Incxplanatii'nof tl.crc :.oúinlp"Ter of my Purfitivft i'ellctö over po prvat a variety of dirfcaies, wi-Htoi-sy artion npon tho animal cfiinomr 1 nuivrr%it, nota i[liiul or tivKue encuplnff tneir sana tire 1 na pri'fii. Age does cot impair theni; tnell coftticg and ' oeinft enc!o?cd in gla?3 feottles preserva thelrvirtuea unünpaired tot any langth of time, in any ciimüt, so tlulttUeyare alwaya rrcsD nv.d reliibla, wMch ia not tho wïtta tho pilU found in the dru stores, put u] In cheap wood or paste-board boxea. Kecollüct that forall dlaeaaea woere e. ï.a ntiv-, Alterativo tr Purgativo is indii-Htod, thoie little Pellets will g! vtf the moat perfect eatisl'actiou to all who usc thcni. Tlicr aro sol-I by all rntorprisfngr Bruij(fit;tf at . coutü a toillo. Do not aliüvr any drojRlat to iniluco vou to take anythlug cie thatbe may say is just as good as my Pelleta buiauso be uiakcs a lurer proflt on tlitit wliich he r'-commt-'m! ïf ynur drnegUt cannot aupply Uiciu, cüclose 25 ccuts indreceive tiiom by ivturn mail from Jt. V. JUEJtCJi, M.I, JProp'r, BCFFALO, K. T. NEW BOOT & SHOË STORE! At lío. 8 Soutli Main Street. Tlio anderpifned tftkea plearore in annonnrinp to he cifizons of Ana and viclnity that he has pöOdd u new husineP place, where he will keep cünstantly on hand a full assortment ol BOOTS & SHOES A:nl eyerything in that in s "HICII WILL BE SOLD AS L0W AS POSSIBLE. ílepairing Done Neatly and Promptly. tW Picase give me a cali. L. (ÏHUXER. Ann Arbor, Aur. !, 1SV-2. 1 Btf T A, L t.S 1NSURANC ÁGENCY. Kis Compnnics Are Sound. pnaiNix insurance co., HARTFORD, C0NN. C APIT A I, AXn ASSETP,.Tut y 1, 18T1 . . . . Í 1 ,TS1 .000 (MI1CAGO LOS3KS 760,000 tut: i'iïcr"Vix is tKcbost condneted Flre Insurance Company in tlir ( nited ''tntcs. Aliïiiys prnd-t and noiiikI, and al wuys proxupS iti p:i mout of losHIÍS, INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YOKK CITY. Tho ftrst Companr to pass thporrtnn! of t! Wew Vork Insarauce Commieefonen pincothe Chicago Piro, comlpjg'out froia thcyevcre test THIUMPriAIST ! il ociated Proa Disputen, November 2, 1ST1, THP.INTEBHATIONAI.INnBASCECOMPAXY. The superintendent of the New York State InsoranceDepartmeott whoivmaklng ncareful offi il examlnRtion of tbc New York (Mty Compnniee to-dfiy, ccrtiilcs that the International Company1 ueetaof íl,riiiooíi an; socnraly inrosted, and t capital of tSO0,00O,after proTtólnu for all H'abIHtiea, Inclndlngthe Oblcago lr", is wliolly nnimpaired Tliip Oompany is paying allits Chicago losscs and Ie ■■■} .n ;iuii rell :()!ü. Policiee tasaedat f:iirr!it[p at my office, No. 11 Kaetllnron street, Ann Arbor, J. q. A. 8ESSI0NS, Agent. TAMKS MoMAHON, Juslice of tlie Pcace, Office in now blook, North of Court House Money coTleeted and proraptly paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Trlumph, asselB, $727.nns.U Niirtii Missouri, " 845,417.01 Hibernla, " 35u,ooo.ou RKAL KSTATffi. I have 8 acres of land H of a milo Trom the city Imltfli flnel) loented for fruit or garden pnrposcs. Also 40 acres. i 10 acre, with hmiae and barn,and a liveh stream of waterronnlngthrongh the buru yard. id teres, a iniïe onl. 1 will Heil any or all the above cheap, or exchani;f for city ptupL-rij'. 1.74 JAMES McMAHON. f IVE ÖSESE FEATHJÍRS jnsiantl)OEüand audforlcby BACH& ABEL, FIRST NEW SMS IN" MAEKIT, AT FSftSLEY LEWiS' THE Finest, Largest and Most Complete tock of Fino Gooils for Lndics, Misses and Chiidren, at FINLET and LEWIS' Bnrt's Fine Calf Boots vt Finley & Lewis, and at NO OTHER Placo in ïown. TJic Host Kip mul Sloga Boots in Town at FINLEY & LEWIS'. Tüe Best Boys' Boots at FINLEY & LETV'IS' The Stock whloh bbongbtfor CA8Bcfnb acid at b .ter prices than th se bou.'lit ON TIME. Finley & Lswis BUY FOR CASH ! a □! can sol] t ■irgoodH at FAIR F RICES. IS BK. yyiw. wagner - IS ROW BEADY FOR THE FALL TBADB Hnvlng ReceivedaLnrgeStockof q-ooDS, 1NCLUDING OLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES; WHIOH HE W1LI. MaHÏÏPAO TUBE on terniB to suit. Also a fullline of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND aents' FURNISHING Goods. BEST ST3?"S"X.3E2f ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.21 South Main Street,- EnstSide: CALL AND SEE THEM. . AVII.I.ÏAM 1VAGNEH. Ann H.T.OT, Octoh I lat, SI. g bTgidlet, Sttccossor to COLGEOVE 4 SON. DRÜGGI8T Al CflilIM IN COOK'S NEW nOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON SI REET, DEALER IN MMJ8) HE9ICHTE8, siRGic.iL iuntracim, pistE wi.YES ya LiQioas. CFOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLYJ Fáncy Goods, Perhimcry. PAINTS, OBl.s, VARNI8HE8, GL.ABS ANI WWV, PHYSICIA5ÍS' PRESCRIPTIOKS Cnrefully compounded at all honrs. I PBOPO E NOT TOBE TTNDERSOTT BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS G D AH AR1ICLE. B. GIDJLIT. is67tr TJOÏÏLED LAGER, ALE AND FOUTER, Put up in Pints and Quarts lor Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. VT Ordcrn left ut felter & Co.'k Dnsr Store wili be prompt 1 y ïillcd. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor.Mny 59, 1852. IStetf LOVEJOY, TOBAOCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT ANI) SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, !Pipes, &cAT O. 7 EAST HUUON STREET, Next to the Express Office. ANN AllIIOIt, mCB. 1845tf -( O 10 TUE PAKMEES'STOKE AND BUY YOUB VJT Cárpete, OU Clotlie and Hut,e chi} ior oaeU. I A I AM NOW OP1N1NG 1OO CASES MEJï'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes I Ladies', Misses' and Ckildren's Boots, Shoea and SlippersTheso goods have just boon pnrchased of (Ir el ha ti s, nnd as I h tve no expense of RJ NT,. ;ii.d íive my cnlire personal attentioii to tho business, I hoe to Ccnrpete Successfully wlth all cníjageJ In the A. D. SEYLER, No. G Nortli Main S t. Ann Arbor, Ang. 8, 18T2. lSSGmS J. Walkkr, Propriétor. II. 1!. McDoHA & Cu., Dracghtl (o. AclU, SaL l'"rudcti, Cal., nmt S-t Commrc trtl, N . V. JJMMilON'M Bcur Tcsmnony tu theit „ Woudcrfíil Curativo Eflccts. Thcy are not avilo Fnncy Di-ink, Mude of Poor líuni. Whiski' y, l'rouf Spiriis nnd Itcfuso ljiquors doctorea Fiñced and swcetcncdto picase tho taste,called "Tontos," "Appetizers," ulifstorcrs,"3íc., thatlend the tijtplerontodru ti kcnnrssíind ruin, bn taro a tnic Medicine, nmdo f rom tho Nativo, ltnots and Ilcrba of California, freo froin till Aleohollc Stiniiilauts. They are thcÜKEAT IIIOOI I'IKIFIKRand A LIFE CU VING 1MMNC1PLE, a perfect Keno vator aml Inviptorator of tlio Bystun, carrying off allpoisonousnmttcr and restoring thoblood to a hcnltliy condition. No per.son can take tlicso Bitters accordjng to direct iona aud remftin long imwcïï, provided fchelr bones tiro not destroycd by minera! poisonor'other tneans, and tho viul orjfuna wasted beyond tho point of repair. Thcy uro a (cntlc ínrirntlvc ns wcll nsa ToBtCt'PoraOBsInfCi al-so, the peculiar merit of actinff a a powctfnl nciiL Iti relloring Congestión or Inllatnmation of the Livcr, mul nll the Visceral Organs. FOK FEMAL.E COMPLAlNTft, inyoungor oíd, married or ingle, at thedaWnot iromanhood orat Uo turn of lifc, Uicsc Toníc Bitters have no cqual. l'or I nílii m ni n tory a mi ('lironic IMioumn. li-ui and (ioiü, Dyapcitnhi 01 I imIísomiíou Hilioun, Konilttciit and Iiitcrmltteiit Foti'ih, Dlseasea of thr lílood, Ltyeri Kidncys and IJIadder these lüttcrs liavn been most reocesaCuL Bnch líiseascs ardcansedby Vitintcd niood, wtaloh isgcncrally produced by derangement of thc Digestivo Oi'Knns. DYSPEP8IA Olí INDIGESTIÓN, Bead(icho, Paio i ti theShoiUders, (Jougha, 'J'igbtDcsa of tbo Chepí, J)izzineas, Sour JSructations or the Stnmach, Bad Taste in the Alouth, JBilious Attacks, l'alp?iation of tho Heart, Indammatlon of thö Lune s, laiu iiithtTcg-ions of tho Ridners, audahundredotherpwnrul symptonis, aro tlio oílspiinírs of DyBiepia. They inricorate tbe Stumach andstimulatethetorpid Liver and llowt-ls, vhleh ronder tbom of unetiualled : efficacy in cleansing' thc bloost of all impuriiiea, and imparting new Ufe and vijror to tho whoití system. FOK. SKIN DISIÍASKS, BruptionTflttw, Salt Itlieum Blolchfs, Spots, Pimples, t'usttilos, Jïolls, CarbaneleSi Wornu, Bcald llcad. Sotp Kytm, AistpCN las. [tcb.Scuns, Discoion tlons oftlie Skin, Humors and of tii" Skin. ui' M'i.iitcv-r name Ot nature, aré lite rail v dng u) ii in i carried out of 1 ! t short timo by the thete Bittere Ono liotth; In sucli cases will couvidco thouiost iucroduloua of their curativr tflt-cts. Cleauso the VHiateil Blood whenoTor yon fiml lts Im pnrities burstirig: throachtbo skin In Plmplef, Eruptions or Sores; cleanse ft when you iïnd it obstructed aad slug-gish In tho veins ; clcanso it wlien it ia foul. and your feelinfrs wiil tellyouwhcn. Keep tho lilood pare, nnd tho hcalth of tho BTStem will foüow. Pin '11 pi-, nnd otlirr Wui-ms lurking: In the systera of ko many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. Baya a diitinvuUbed pbnlolewftt tliere is BCftreely 11 Indlricluál uion tin; face oftho carth woon body i-s exempt from the proaeooo of wormü. It la ooi npon the healthy clcmonts of the body that wornw oxisti luit upón the l Iseased Inimor and slhny deposttsthftt breed these liviuir innnsters of diKoaer. No Systom of Medicine, no Termtfttíea, no antiulmínticH will freo the öyutum from woims liko these Bitters. 3. WAMCEK, Proprietor. R. H. SrcDONALD & CO., Drugg-ists and Oen. Ajrents, San Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Connncrce Street, New York. IÖ"SOU) BY ALL DRLUGI8TS AND ÜËALÜUS. JFor .Si'ofHla, SeroflllOHH lÍHk:iHOS Of tïie Eyea, or Ncrofu la isa iiny form. Auy disease or eruptïon W oí the Skin, disense of the (■ j :■ Liver, Rheumatiflm, PimWgL-fy plrSjOIdSorcñJJkí'i-H.Brok( on-down Conetitn t i ons, Os Byphilis, op any diseasede5,O pending on adepraved conírOvíX í't'on the blood, try . DR. CROOE'S (?:■'■ ■:■O syrup of ' POKE ROOT. WpT3 It liastlie iaelicin;il prop"A ertyof Pokecombinedwith i jy a (jrepanition oflronwbich Uy goM ;u once into the blood, Jmaf performing the most rapia anti wondorfol cures. Ásk yonr Dniijfiist or Dr. Crook' lüompoimd Syrup of Poke Koot - take .1 and be healed. Real Estáte for Sale TBBVOLNBY CHAPÍN HDMESTEAD, Waar fu1 nort eMt corner oftlie Court House 'Ciiuue 'l'his pjopertj will be Bokl Bt nriKOniible niiivi In loto eultablo for a reldence, or forbueilUIer Aveuaecast o( Poois' green house. Also a Farm of 160 Acres, v.'cll rateredand leneed, trlth gooá orchurt and 'airbuliainit. withlBamlIo of the ('onrt V si Jobos, Michigan, andseyeral lm. timbered lanas In Baglnaw County, Mi-!r.'.'i'.l). Intuir, f F w (..n:,,vl,R)Or 1390m8 0. A CHAPÍN. mHR 1M.A' i TO GET ÏOUR NEW STYLUS Oí X Ure? TrimuitDxs, is at the Fhidicis1 Store.


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