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Board Of Supervisors

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lUESDAT, Oct. 22,1872. Böiml met pnrsuant to adjuuriimciit. Called to order by the Chairnian. Iioll oalled, quorum presentí Journal of yes. terday read and approyed. Mr. Yi.ckloy, i'roiri Committeo on Criminal Claims, reported the followiug and amended their allowauco ut sums stated : 1. .VI!' ■..-.■]. Munaon Qoodyenr, Jnstice feéi ..$ 499 4 uiï Jumes Kelloy, Depuly BhcrUl BU 12 15 JoaiahS.C'aM " " ()l Pfiiil Volnoyll. Pottor" " 6488 BOM Wm. J. DmuiiiiK, Conatable, 12 95 12t;l J.K. Bowere, Justioe few. Í539 1385 On motion of Mr. Oloott tho report was accoptod and tho claims allowed at sums stated. Mr, Bowe, from the Committeo on Itejocted ïaxes, mado tho following report, to wit : To the llinnvi'Tilc Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County: "Yout Committee to wliom was roferrod tho snbjeot of rejected taxes respeotfully I thatthey hav exarained the oomfiitfüication from tlie Auditor-General, a'nd ftttd oharged liaeic to the stivoral towrisnipa and warda the föHcWing sums, which tlicy reoomtuend to bo rc-assesscd upon sueh townahipa and warda in accordanfco with the descriptivo lists furlished by the Auditor Genetal: it City, fint and noond wardi tinoco " " tlrild iini! tcmrtll "" h 1 ! " " il t' Ut and uixlh " 112S " Tuwn ... ; I". Aiilrusfi i -i 4y s ate -. - 21 Ofi loxtdr k; cio 4184 , 0 i):t ihftrou - 30 65 fork 58o rpmlanrl 108 Ypsiluiil! City, Firsf rlislrirt bflftfi " '■ Second " ín -m Total .....$783 42 All of which is i-cspcotfiilly submitted. Sigucd) ÜEOBGE ROwE, ) BICHARDWAL8H. ■ Gom. ,T. AKSTINSCÜTÏ, ) On moiion of Mr. Goor thu report was acoepteá and adopted. On motion of Mr. Shnrtlcff the Board idjourned until 2 o'clock f. M. AFTEBKOON 8ES8IOK. Biiard mot pursuant to adjourmuent. C;illi'd to order by tho Chainuan. Eoll calk'il, quorum present. Ir. 1' jrbcs. ander Sheriff, at tho repu 'st of the Coinmittee on Claims aplaared bef oru the Board, and asked that ie bc allowed for board of prisoners at he rato of 7 o cents por day. Air. Geer moTed that the undor Sheriff )0 allowed that SUBÍ per day for boaidnx pribonorB. On motion of Mr. Wynkup the matter (raareferred to :i committeo of threo. The Jhnirman appointed as such committeo Missrs. Wynkup, Seott and Geef. Mi-. Cook, from Committee on Oriminal 31aime, rnported the following and recommendéd thcir allowanco : Cluimod. A11M. ames (inmiili'tt, Constable feea (31 M 2'; 1'! I. M. Soabolt, " " 7 50 7 50 l ; 93 !)2 On motion of Mr. Forbns tho report v:is aceepted and tho claims allowed at he sume stated. Mr. Wilsey, from Committeo on Civil Cluiins, reported the following and reoommendeil thcir alloWance, except the natter in. relation to bounty for killing wolf, which' was referred back without recommendation : Claimod. All'clV. V.. Tm:i.=, Hünks for Probate office.... $U 75 14 75 ir. . !'. Sniitli, medical services topauper ..... 400 300 On motion of Mr. LolWon thé report vas aocepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Olcott tho Board adouraud until lialf-past nlno o'clock to norrow morning. Wepnesday, Óct. 2!i, 1S72. Board met pursuailt to adjournmeht. Called to order by tho Chairman. lioll called, quorum present. Journal of yeserday rcad and approved. BLr. TeBaron informud tho Board that nformation had reached him that tho Superihtendents of tho county poor vould bo roady to make their report this afternoon. Mr. Haire moved that the report of he Superintendente be made a special order this afternoon at two o'clock. Agreed to. Mr. Wynkup, from Special Committee on board of prisoners at the jail, reported the following: Your committeo to whom wás referred lie matter of compensation for boarding )risonors at tho jail would report and recommend tho adoption of tho follownp; resolution : ,., That tho Sheriff bo and is ïeroby allowed tho simi of soventy cents er day for each prisonex for buard wliilo inder his charge ; and that the Sheriü'bo md is hornby requested to prosont his )ül for tho same in accordance with this resolution. All of which is réspeetfully submitted. J. WYNKUP, Chairman. Mr. Cook moved the acceptance of the report. Agreod to. Mr. Thatoher moved to lay on tho taile. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Forbes, tho Board adjourned until half-past one P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met purstiant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll oalled, quorum present. Mr. Scott, from Committeo on Salaries of County Ofticers, prosonted tho following: To the JTítnonúile, Tloard of Supervisors of Wasltfenaw Oounty: Gentlemen, yonr committeo would respectfully report that they have had tho subject of salaries rader consideration, and would recommend that the salaries of County offieers be paid as follows : County Treasurer - - $l,2(n.oo County Clerk - 1,000.00 Prosecuting Attorney - - 1,000.00 Also recommend tó raise for the following offieers salaries, to wit : Sup't of Schools, 300 days, $1.330.00 Judge of Proliato, - - 1,500.00 Probate Èegistet - (00.00 All of which is respftctfully submitted. (Signed) J ATJST1X SCOTT, BMEBSON A N. NABÍL, W. TI. BEKDAN. On motion of Mr. LeBaron, tho roport was aocepted. On motion of Mr. Wynkup, tho report wíls adopted. Mr. Tlrtielnr, from Committeo on Criminal Claiinn. reported the followiag, reoom monding their allowanco at sums stated : Claimcd. AU'd. 29 Thomu J. Hoakin, Constable feee, 30 M. Warner, Ju tice feo - 183 (7 me? On moiion of Mr. Forbes, the repori was aocepted and alopted, and the claims allowed at sums stated. Mr. Buroh moved that tho Board visii ihe jail in a body. Tho motion wal agreed to. Mr. LeBaron moved that the Board adjourn until to-morrow morning. ïho motion waa lust. Mr. Scott moved that tho Board resolvo ltself into a committee of tho wholo on tho subject of visiting the jail, whieh was ot agreed to. On inotion of Mr. LeBaron, the motion was re-considered, and the motion ot' Mr. Soott was then adoptud. Tha Board thun went irito committoe of the wholu, with Mr. Scott in theohair, and after some timo spent tberein, the comuiittee rose, and through its ('hairiuan reportod that they found the jiiil In a olua&ly and comfortablo condition. On motion of Mr. Wynkup, tho report was aooapted and adopted. Tiie huur for the special order having arfived, Dr. P. Davis, one ot' tho Superintendente of the Pooi, read the followiüg report, to wit ; Tv ihv Honorable Board bf Siïpervuors of Washtenaw Oounty : ïho undersigncd, Snporintendents of' :he pfor of saitl eoiinty, would rospeetftilly submit the follownig report for the year onding October 18th, 1872. Tho wholo expense incurred during the year is as follows, to wit : FOR TEMPORARY KELIKF. Ann Arbor .■ ; $ 3,732 94 " " . . . 61 90 Augusta, . .■ 47 00 lirklgewater, ... 22 75 Dexter, . . . ; 184 75 Lodi, .... 53 s Lima, . ' . . 45 00 .yndon, . . . 10 00 Manchester, . . . 31 00 Nortlifield, . . . III 65 Phl ifield, . . . 5 00 Sylvan, .... 285 95 Sharetfi j . . 29 40 Scio, .... 433 22 Saline, . . . . . 304 61 Superior, . . 51 70 Webster, . . . . 13 63 Vpsiland City, . . . 1,256 46 " Town, .; . . 94 00 York, . . . . 42 22 Tofaf, .■ . .f 7,016 68 FOR SUPERVISORS' SKRVICKS. nn Arbor City, . . . 85 00 " Town, . . .■ 2 50 ugusta, . . . 4 25 exter, . . . . 6 55 -odi, . . . . I5 25 Manchester, . . . 1400 Nortlifield, . . . . 23 00 Sylvan, . . . . 14 75 Sharort, . . . . 13 50 Saline; 1 ... 10 00 Salem; . . . 6 75 Ypsilanti . . . . 45 50 " Town, 1 . . 4 50 Vork, .... 450 Total, . .- $250 05 FOR TRANSPORTATION. nn Arbor City, . . 4 85 Jexter, . . . . IO 20 '"reedom, . . . . 2 80 Salem, . . . . 2 60 SciO, . 1 ; 1 . 7 8O !xdi, . . 1 1 6 00 Ypsilanti City, . 1 . 6 00 " Town, . . . 2 00 York, . . . . 6 00 Total, . ; ; $48 25 FOR SÜPrÜÊS. $7,883 75 FOR HELP. ■Ceeper .... 500 00 ii 1 in hand, . . : 30000 Cook, ; . . . . 318 67 1;üc attendarit on insarii;',: 86 OO ■caíale, " " : 105 00 " help in keeper's house, . 25S 19 Total, . . . #1,661 S6 'or medical services at thé County House . . ; ; 5 00 "or repairs . ; . 3 i 5 00 or óld indebtèdness ; . 972 20 " interest on loans from Oct. 19, 1871, lo Feb. I, 1872, . . I ÍS 63 Total expenditure, 1 : $18,29642 Contra; Cr. y ápjl 1 . ; 17,072 20 3y cash of L. North, ori liisanc account, . 95 00 3y cash of Goodwin on insane account, . . . . 64 25 3y cash of Uogers on insane account 62 21 11 Otmar " " 12000 " Win. Ö'llarïi, irt full to Oct. 18, 1873 . . 490 27 3y cash of 1'. Tuomy(Guaf(!itin' ; 49 70 " lieaumont (insane acet.}; 65 00 " Washington Hill (board and care), . . . 1 7 25 [ïy balance in Treasury to cr. of the Countyj Oct. 1872 . . 20781 Totai amoütit received, $18,243.69 mount to be provided for . : 52 73 The vljple number of paupers admitted to he poor-house during the year is 292, of which here were, insane, 38 ; idiotie, 7; blind, 2; nutes, 1 ; all others, 239. Total, 292. NATIONALITY OF PAUPERS: Americana, . . . . 123 Englisfi i ... 29 [rish, ; . . . .72 Scotch, . : . 4 'ennan, . ; ; ; 29 [''rench, ; j 5 Z!anadian, . ; . . .12 Colored, ... . . 13 Unknown, . . . . .5 The whole number of paupers in the poorhouse October l8th, 1871, is 86'; óf which 28 are insane and 4 idiotie. The average numrer of persons suppnrtcd is 102, at an average cost of $1.93 4-5 cents per week. The whole nnmber of deaths during the year is 12: The farm consists of 1 20 acres, the estimated value of which is . . $9,00000 Ëgtimated valuc of buildings on the farm, . .■ . 11 .900 00 Tofa!, ; . $2,800 00 The stock on farm consists of, I span of horses, valued at . ; $ 550 00 1 threc year old colt, . . 12500 7 cows, .... 225 00 4 yearlings, 1 : 60 00 2 calves; . . . 20 00 I buil, . . . 25 00 21 shcep, . . . . 50 00 10 hogs, . . , . 50 00 Lot of poultry, . .' . : 50 00 Fanning implements ; . 543 00 Househokl furnitur, t : 2,241 71 Total, . . . $3fii9 7' rRODVCTS OF FARM. 245 bushels of wheai, : : . 343 00 156 " oats, ... 46 86 17 barley, . . .1000 850 " earsofcorn, ; iv 21250 500 " potatoes, : : . 350 00 75 ' tiirnips, ... 18 75 15 " beans, . . 22 50 Yi ton of broom conï . . . 35 21 " hay ., .... 240 00 2oolnisheis of cirler apples, . . 2500 23 bbls. winter fruit . . . . 23 00 .S)'_, !bs. wool, .... 47 57 Products of orchard not mentioned, 300' 00 Total, .... 1,674 18 The estimated expense for the coming yeai follows: lor Keeper, - - - - $ 50000 Farm hand, - - - - - 300 00 Cook, 30000 lints 011 insane, - - - 31000 in Keeper1 -' - 30000 Temporary relief, - 7,00000 Supplies, ----- 8,00000 Repairs, - - - - - - 800 00 Total, - - - .; ; Ji7.5foo All of which is respcctfully Rubmitted: P. DÁVIS. BENT. W. WAITE, TDWARD DL'l I V. Supervisors of the Toor, Washtenaw County On motion of }Ir. Geer, tlm report was acceptod, adopteS, and orded spread upon the journal. Superintendent Waite made n verbal W-' ort as to ohangee in tho heating apparutus of tho county ioorhouse. Mr. Wynkup moved that tbo Superïncndunts of the Poor report, at an early day as possiblo, soine ïnethed for heating the County House with tbo. tiew to' greater ec noiny in fuel. Agreed to. On molion, the Board adjourno'3 Until ïalf-past 'J o'olook to-morrow uiorn'ing. Tin;iisi).vY, Oct. 24, 1872. Board met pursuunt to fidjournmentj Calletl to order by tho Chairihan. Holt callctl, quorum present; Mr. fhatoher, from Cornmittee on 3rimirial Claims, repo'rted tho following uift recommended their allowance at suuis ftated : Claimoii. All'd: 31 Tlioa.T,. Howitt, Constable few.... f 138. J4 na 54 M John " '■ SK.00 28.' 0 lyitiond. Deputy Sherul 12.74 J.JJ 14 w. F. Hatch.Justioe fees 10.10 13 Geo. 0. Page, ■ " . ... lö'.so í' Spencer C ln:ike, Dop, Bhniff 408'S2 493. "2 proféwional mivJoplevs. Wanner 50.09 6000 17 N. H. riei(;t', Constable fees 2't.í 23.i 18 K. l i'-Hui.-r, UanhiU . 5.U I9T.F.1 isteble fee 37.07 3?. ir 40 Peter JNine, befutaJaf1 tice 2.02 2.03 On motion of Mr. LeBaron, the rep'.'r was aceeptcd und tho claims allowSd at sums stated. Mr. Tuomy, from Comniitteë on Civrt Claims, reported the following artd ree oinniended their allowanco at suma stat-' ïd: ,_. Oluimca. AU'd. 41 WmtB & WOTdan, matting for Trousuref'éotneo 0.42 9.42 i-l H. u iiiiiiT, Justi'èe on in&HMí.j HM ll.'JÏ 15 linnily & Co., vork ior juil i.4,ij 4.40 14 3: H. Maynard, suppliesfor Juli 3.17 3.17 Uf Wiuen Worden, ' 35.13 35.13 i' 0. A. Leitei, medicine for jai] 15.13 15.13 )7 C. B. Pond, I oiuuuiciuiiiruudblanks for Clerk'n offloe 170.50 170. W H E. 1Í. Pond. l'liiuks forl'rubalo oflico.. 31.00 34.00 19; W. F.liicnkoy, meUical services at J:ul . . 4 50 4 ÏO W u. M. Manin, coflin iiml licii-Hc at 'jait 8.00 8.00 Mt Forbes moved tbe acceptafjce ana idogrtion of the report. Agreed tö. Mr. Porbee offorod the following : ved, That the County Clerk be instruoted to draw certificates of attendince to witnesses on tbo part of tho1 dVfenso in. crimina] cuses, as provided by law, whenever ordered 'to bo subpconaed by tlie Court. Adopted. Mr. Wynkup oft'ured the following : ed, Th;tt tho compensation to be paid Superrisors for the return of birtha nnd déatha for tlie coming year bó paid frora the contingent fund of tho county. and that the Cuunty Clerk bo and ís iiereby instructed to draw tho necessary jrders for the same. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Shurtloff, the report of the Special Committco with referenco ;o board ol piïsorrors was taken from tho table. Mr. Shurtloff moved to strike out 70 oents f rom the report of tho commiitee, and insert 67' Í cents. The motion was ost, and on motion of Mr. Olcott, the report of the cominittee was adopted. Mr. Krapf olt'ored the following : WuiiitKAs, Tho tax-payers of Wnshteïaw Couuty manifest a desire and have the right to inquire how the tax colleeted of them for the relief of the poor is appropriated by thoir soveral Supervisors and Couuty Superintoudents of the Poor ; ;herufore, lïexohcd, That the Éoard of Supervisors and Superintendent of Washtenaw County adopt thu i'ollowing form of ordor for tho relief of the poor : M. - . Oct., , 18-. Mr ..- l'lüaae deliver to Dollars, in By order of . . " ■, Supervisor. Mr. Krapf thought that this form of order would assist tho Superintendents of ;he Poor in making a plainer and inore speciíic report, and tho tax-payers could tnow how the tax; is appropriated. Resolved, That the Superintendents be ■equeated to report by districts, go that ;he aniöuntXexpended by each district nay bo easily ascortained, and if the Suierintendents givo orders for the relief of ;he poor, that thoy charge them to the districts for which they were given. On motion of Mr. Wynkup, the resolutions wero accepted and laid on tho table. On motion of Mr. Cook, the County Superintendents of tho Poor wero instructed to mske inquiries at tho State Asylum for the insane in relatión tö ihë jrobabilities of the recovcry and cure of Èlizabeth Ilarrihgton, and if pronounced incurable, then the said Èlizabeth Harington to bo roturned to our Cotrnty Poor House, and tho said Superintendents, in caso of said Harrington being re;urned, to use the means of said Harrirlg:on for her maintenance. Tho motion was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Goor, the Board adourned to one o'clock P. M: AFTERXOON SESSIOX. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Cal led to order by the Chairman. Eoll callod, quorum present. Mr. Wilsey, from the Committé on Civil Claims, roported the following and recomniended their allowance at sums stated : Clnimeá. All'á.51 A. v. Uooison & Co., lor conveyaoee to County House $0.00 IO.Ofl 5i PlDavis, Bnpt. of Poor US.38 113.38 Duffy, " " Kö. 24 1(12 14 'il 13. W. Wuite, " 128.16 128.16 55 R. A. Bent, blank booksfor Rcgister's oüice 73.00 73.00 50 K. A. Beal, prmting for 'J'reasurer's office 5.75 6.T5 ri7 1!. A. lViil, irintiiijfforClerk'sofficO.. 110.25 110.25 ÍS lt. A. Beal " " ri(;biite " .. 37.00 37 (H) '.) B. A. Heul, " " Kupt. Schools 16.00 16.00 ün motion of Mr. Yeckley, the report was accopted, and the claims allowed at sums stated. On motion of Mi. LeBaron, the Board adjourned until to-morrow at half-past nine o'clock. Friday, Oct. 25, 1S72. Board inèt pursuant to adjournmenf . Called to order by tho Chairman. Eoll called, quorum present. Journal of yes-' terdity rejtd and approved. Mr. Thatcher, from Committeo orï Criminal Claims, reported the following and recommcuded their aUowaneo at sums stated : Claimeil. All'd. GO J. n. Peeblos, City Maiabal.. } 37.35 57JS 61 Drrniel R. Kelly, .,'ury Jus, Court 50 80 62 Gcorgo Mach, '4 M' 5U 50 63 C. Braach, " " ï.oo l.o 04 Hansmi Sossions, " " ■■ 50 to 65 Geoio Havens, " ' 50 50 (fi Wilüam BfoCreeryi " " " 50 flO" 07 h. M. Tnykir, " " " 50 }0 G 3. 1. WiloOBMB, " " ■' 60 50 tiit A. BlcBlohecan " " " 50 50 70 C. C. Jenkins, " " " 60 50 71 Qeoxge stone, " " 50 o 72 C. Leiter, " " " (io 50 7;; Aivtus Dunn, " '.' " 50 t(y 74 Hm luw llmif, ' " " -Atf jott 75 J. W. liiynaiil, " " 60 50 7 .1. M. Cóle, " ' " 60 50 77 C. B Thofnpaon, " " 1.00 1.00 78 Charles Jr'antle, " " fio 60 7Ü (ieorge J'mth, " V ' btf 30 80 Chaa. Williams, " " ■ 50 so si B ■'. l.'iiiiiiis, M " 50' ÖO 82 H. Balcotnb, " " " 80 60 s:i A.Beximer, " " " 50 BC Ki ,1. e. WatU, " " " 50 50' 86 L. Oruiur. " " " &0 40 86 il. I'. linley, " " 50 50 87 John Kecmin, " " " 50 60 M C. B. Oook, ' " " 50' 10 89 J. H. Maylinnl, ' " " 50 ft 90 Wm. l.ovejuy, " " " 50 60 !1 Martín Clark, " ' " '60' S0 92 Henry Paul, " " " IO Jt 93 J. W. Streeter, " " " N' 50 !11 Midwel riTming, Dep. SlierifF S44.R8 S44.SS il.'i Oi-riii r'i.ith.i, JuatiCé 9.40 9.46 86 J. (1. A. SüSMons, " td.BS 4Í.1I8 97 J. Q. A., " . -)5.45 On motion of Mr. Forries, tho reporfc vas aócepted :unl adopted. Mr. Krapf oft'erod tho following: Retofotd, That tlie Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County add to thèir standing oommittees acommitteo of thrèai tosettle with tho Superintendents of tiiè Poor. On motion of Mr. Yeekley, the resoluticn was laid on tho table. Mr. Thatcher moved that Darius Pierce bè allowed the gum of éight dollars, as bouutv i'or killing a wólf. Agreed to. Claimad. All'd. 98 Dariils Tielr., lnni(y for inlIiüT wolt ÍS. 00 8.00 On motion, the Boayd adjourned until half-past one o'clock I'. M. AFTF.1ÏNO0X SESSIOX. Board met pursuant to aiTjournment. Called to order by the Chairinan. Koll èalled, quorum present. Mr. Tuomy, from Committes on Civil Claims, reported the (ollowing and ommmdod theit allowanco at sums stated : Chlmed. A11M. D9 Wm. C. Tinncy, Jtti-yonlnnnost $ I .00 4 Ofl l'lf O. A. B.-lkir, "" " -Í00 4.111 1 iil M.inly Uolbnok," 4.110 4.0(1 102 Lymai W. f. ilto," " 4.00 4. mi KUS A. nuriind, " " I.11) 4 00 101 O. 1'. II irt, " " ÍO0 4.00 On motion of Mr. Forbes, the report was aecepted ftnd adopted. Mr. ThatcTrcr, frotn Committee on Criminal Claims, rpporta the fotlowing und rcr.onimcndud their allowanco at suius statoiï : Cl.ilmcd All-d. IO.'i .T. M. Pnnythi TVp. Sheriff f 41. '0 il.' MM J. M. Kiirxvth - ' 74 3; 60.44 lor Í. IJ. A. -''kiüiiü. Juetice 4S 04 4-.0) On tuotion of Mr. Forbos, the report of the coraiuittee was accepted and adopted. Mr. Wyukup moved that Mr. Yookley ha added to tle cominittec to suttlo with County officiu's. Mr. Forbes moved tlmt a coramittoo of three be appointod by tho Chairman to hiquiro into the amount of gas and t'uel fiirnished by the County tor tho Poüce Headqivirttrs, in the Sheriff's office, which was-agreed to. TheOliiiirmanappointedMesRrs. Fórbns, Gregory and Rowo as suclv coiumittoo. Ou motiou of Mr. Forbes, the Board adjourned until Monday at lialfpust niue o'clock. MondaY, Oct. 28, 187?. Board met pursuint to adjournment. C.illed to order by the Chairman. KoH aalled, quorum present. Mr. Gregory, from Committeo on Public Buildings, presonted the following : To the Hommtblc Board of Supervisors of Waihtenaio County : Your Committeo on County Buildings, to wlioiu was referred the subject of building a suitable fence around the Court Ilouse square, respectfully beg leave to report that they havo had the subject under considoration, and havo iuvestigated it as fully as they can with the opportunity and moans that they havo had for inforination would permit. Your couiniittoe aro of tho opiniuii that to build a good, substautial and suitable iron fence, stich au one as Washtenaw County would dtisirc to have around the county buildings, would costabout eighteen hundred dollars. Wo would respoctfully suggest that a cast iron post, six ínrfíe average diameter, one half inch thick, and i}, feet abovo ground including ornamental cap, with suitable amount besides below the surfaco, would not bo too heavy, and such a post would weigh about 200 pounds. Vo tbink a cabio chain of (i-10 iron would bo suffieiently large, and perhaps largor than is ïiecessary. It would weigh about one and oue-half pounds to the foot. Now, to build snch a fenco it would take at loast twenty thousands of posts, worth in Detroit six and one-half cents per pound or thirteen hundred dollars. It would take ovor throo thousand poundg of cable chuins, worth probably two hundred and fifty dollars in Detroit, besides transportation on twenty-four thousand pounds froin Detroit here and placing the fence in proper position. Now, in reference to tho amount that the city of Ann Arbor would bo willing to pay, besides their taxes, towards building a Court House aud fence for Washtenaw County, we would in all candor gay that tho city of Ann Arbor is not willing to pay more than their taxes, from the fact that they now are aud have been and will continue to pay largely more than their just and equal proportion of the tfixes of Wuhtenaw County. But we think the city of Ann Arbor would pay ten thousand dollars besides their taxes for the building of n new Court House and iren fenco for the county, which would make the city pay about twenty-two thousand dollars, besides building the sidowalk around the square, placing protuctimg posts aud a stone gutter. All of which is respoctfully submitted, and your committee request to be discharged from further eousidoïation of the subject. A. A. GREGORY, 1 P. TUOMY, ICom. CONRAD KRAPF, J On motion of Mr. LeBaron, tho report was accepted, and on motion of Mr. Teckley, laid on the table. The Clerk presented the following : l'othe Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtcnaw County: Genïlemex - The undersigned, pursuant to a resolution adoptod by the Jast. Board of Supervisors of this county, reBpectfully report that they havo inspectd the books in the Auditor-General's office at Lansing, and find the county indebtedness to the State to consist of interest on State tax and taxes charged back to the county. All of which is respoctfully submitted. Dated October 28, 1872. JOHN J. ROBISON, Co. Clerk. STEPHEN PAIRCHILD, Co. Treas. On motion of Mr. LcBaron, the report was acoepted. Mr.. Shurtleff moved that the County Clerk stamp each order issued from his office witb the words " recoivabfe at par for t&xeB." Agreed to.D. M. Finley, County Drain Commissioner, made his annual report, whicb, on motion of Mr. LeBaron, was referred to the special committee on ditches. Mr. Walsh presented affidavits of Erastu P. Mason and Andrcw Shields, in reIhtion to ditch taxes in the township of Scio. On motion of Mr. Shurtleff, the affida■rits were-received and referrod to tho oommittee on ditches. Mr. Wynkup offered the following : Resolved; Thftt the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to examino the county order boolfs, atid enter upon the journal of this Board' a description, as the law direots, of all orders which have remained uncallod for on said order book for the term of six years and! npwards. Vhich was adopted. On motion of Mr. Yecldey, tho County Drain Commissioner is instructed and directed to prej)are a written report of his doings for the past year, and the County Clerk is dimctcd to spread the same on the journal of this Board. Which was agreed to. On motion ot Mr. LeBaron, the Board adjourned until to-morrow morning at half-past nine o'clock.


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