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SCBlBÏgjOülTlllï ! A Serial Story By DR. HOLLAND. Neto Story liy SAXE IIOLM. A Long Story From Bret Harte. BRILLLANT AIÏllAY OF CONTRIBUTORS. CLARENCE COOK On Furniture and Dccoratwns. ü. H. STODDARD On Autlwr. SXTBA08DIXAB? llTBÜSSJfEJTTS TO HEW 3ÜB3C2I3ES3 SOU Pages f or 8 1 .() ! Are, 4c. The Fubllshers of Sowbnír1 Moxthlt, In thclr Prospectus just issned, promise for the ensuing year a more brllliant array of contributors, and au increase in the variety and beauty of its illuxtrations, alrcady conceded by tho critica to be " finer than any which havo hitheito appe&red In any American magazine." Dr. Holland, the Editor, will writc the serial story of the year, which will bo autobiographical in [brm, and will be illuttrated by Miss Hallock. It is eiuitlcil ARTHUR BONNICASTLE, and will deal with some of the most dimcult problema of American I.ifo. It will bc commenced In the NoYember JNum er. Thero will be a new story by S ixk IIoi.m, THE ONE LEOGED DANCKRS. Bkkt IIartk, the beat writer of short Ptories now ving, will contribute a charatterietic story, entitted l'IIE EPIC OP FIDDLETOWN, which will be illns:ratcd by Sheppard. R. H.Stoi.d.ird will write a series of entertaining papers aboilt AUTHOKS, Til KIK PERSONAL CHARACTiKISTICS, HOMK LIFE, FAMIMKi, FRIENDi, WHIMS, AND WA Ta A series of PORTRaIT.S OF LIVIXQ AMERICAN WRITERS, is also promised. Ci.AnENcK Cook wiil wrlte bout FURNITURE, AND TUE DLCORATION OF AMERICAN HOMES These papers will be eminent!; practical as well as artistic, aud will be illtistrated with designs and sketches by numcrous artists In addition to those which the writer himaelf will fnrnish. Among those who will contribute are: 1ÏANH AndEBSON, BkyaNT, ISrSHNKLL, EoGLESTON, ''roui'E, HiGGlNeON, Bicuop Ul'xtiXoion, Bret íaktk, Jou.v Hat, II. II., Macdonalï, Mitohkll, Mies Pim p.1, SiEnüAM, Stockto.v, STOrDABn, Celia Tiiaxtkr, Waiivkr, Wii-KisaoK, Mrs. Wbitnev, be. sides a host of others. The editorial control and direction o( the Magazine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to wrile "THE TOPICS OF THE TIME." which the New York IndrifiuUnt saye " are nore widely quoted than any similar papers iu any American magazine.' Watsox Gilukk will write ' TnE OLD CABISET ;" as bitberto, Prof. John C. Drapkr conducts the Deparlmcnt of "NATURE AND SCIENCE." The deparlments of " HOME AND SOCIETY" and 'CULTURE AND PROGRESS," irffl engage the contribuii'''ns of more than a score of pens on both sillos of the Atlantic. The Wutchman and RtjUclor says: "Scribner's Monthly for September is better than n?nal, which ndlrates a needless waste t editorial brains and Publishcr's money, for the M.iira. zine was good onough belore!" A.VD TXT THE PUBL18BJSR3 PROMISE TO MAKE IT ST1LL SETTER FOR THE COMINO TJSABII The Subscnption price is S4.0U a year, with specal ratfs to Clergymeu, Tfachcrs and Postmasters. The following EX TRA ORDISAR T IND UCEMENTS are offered to ncw subscribers : Kor $5.S0 the Publishcra will cud, or any Book. ellcror Ncwsdealer will supply, the Magazine for oneyear, and the twelvc numbors of Vols. III and V., coiitalning the beginning of Mrs. Oliphatu's Schil, "At Hls Gates;" for $T.5O, the Magazine foj onc year, and the 24 back numbers bnund (4 vole..) harge8 on bound paid. This will givc nearly 0(0 pages of the choicest readinp, with the flneet ÜQstrations. for $10.50, or nearly 500 pages for a dol ar ! and will cnable every eubscriber to obtainthe series from the flr.-t. Special Terms to Dealer, Clergymen and Teacher. SCKIBNER &TO., 654 Iïioadway, B. Y. I" IVE ÖEESE FEATHJÍRS PIKSTQTJALITY, tansiautlyonhand andforsaleby BACESf ABEL, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NICE DRKSS OOODS at the Farmers' Store r U uot go and sec hem. IUST RECKIVKI) AT TilK PAKMKKS' STO UK A ' vcry larpe totk of Bonnet aud öash Ribbons, New Stjlii aud Cheap. Mortgago Sale. DEFAXJLT having been made in the mdition of t mortgage executed by Henry Goodyear and riiabeth (ioodyenr, his wii'e, to the underagned, ï'nitaick Uuson, hearing date the flrst day of Ociober, Á, 1). one thourfand ciiíht hundred and uixty-MTen, aal recordel in theuliiceof theUegisterof Deédsof W'ish. temv CoUDty, in the State of Michigan, in Liberíí of Mortgages, on page 681, un tlit lst day of Cteobti, K. D. 1867, bywhich detuolt the power of sale oratiiined in said mortgnge has become oneratrre, iitd tliere is claiined by me to be due on said mortptgeat the tlate of thifl notice the sum of four thousanuíour hundred and iorty-six dollars and sixty-seven ttnll principal and interest, and also the sum of flfty dot Unu a icisonable Solieitor'a or Attorney's iet ob taking these proceedings to forteloee said Mortgiuje, ai expressly provided in the ame, and nosuit nr proceedin? at law or in chaneery having been Datitated to recover the debt securtdby said niorlgRge, oraij part thereof, notice i therefote hereby given thal t virtue of the power of ile eontained in said mortaja and of the statute in stich raso made aDd providei, said morlgage will bc foreelosed by a sale of the mort gaged premisesat public auction to the highes! bid3er, on Mondity, the 27tb duy of tea o'clock in the lorenoon of tliat dny at the noutidi of the Court House in the City of Ann Arl-or, in said Ooantjot Wnshnnaw, aaid Court Houte beiij tl place of holding the Circuit Couri ior said Couott of Wasntcuaw. The premises so to be sold are deaenbii in flstid mortgage as follows, to-wil : All of theireft half of tJie nortiiwüst quarter of section twenty-fie, enst half of the northeast quarter of section twfntïsi.x, and the aoutheast quarter of section twcnty-KTfn all in Township three south in lïange thrre eaat. Airo the northwest qnarter of the northeast quarter of Kttkn nineteeu iu Township three sou th of itangefoar ewt; all in the County of Woshtenaw udMiUo.' Michigan. Dated Ann Arbor, Miehipnn, Kovember Ist, 1872. ÏKEDE1UCK HVSOX, Felch fc Ghaxt, Mortgagw. Attorneya for Mortfrngee. 1 Estato of Charles Gyer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wannten, ■ . Ata seHsion of the Probate Court for the Countr of W.iahtennw, holdnn at the l' the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twnnty-eighthdiroj October, in the year one thousand eight hundred M scM'nt y-two. Present 1 1 ram J. Boakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter oí the evtate of Chirles Gyer, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly rerifled, Barbara Mauz, praying that John Schenk orwm other suitable person may be appoinled adminifitra'iM of the estáte of said deceawd. .... Thereupon it isordered, thal Momlay. thetwenty-fift d:iy of Movembel next, at trn o'clock in tlic foreoojn, be assigned forthe hearingof said petition, sndttói the heirs at law of said deceased, and 11 "J er persons interented rn said estáte, are "j to appcar at i semiorj of said court, then to behoM, at the Probate UfHce, in the City of Ann Arbur, ma ■hov canae, if any there le, M-hy the prayer " petitionershouldnotbe Rranteil : And it fttrtMï ortlered, that saict petitioner give notice to the persons intorested in. said estat, of the pendcocy said petition, and the hearing thereof, by c"': copy of thw order to be publWied in the '"!f'Ly Arguê,tt newspaper printetl and circulatinff in "■ count y, thi-ee auccessive weeka previoue to sala cay " (A tru'e copy.) HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1393 Judge ofl'robate. Estáte ot' Matthew Schaible. OTATE Oï MICHllíAN, county of Washtinsw. ' At :i seasion of the Probate Court for the cou? Washtcnaw, holden nt the Probate office, mtie"( of Ann ArWir, ou Mouttey, the twcniy-l!"' 7JJ October, in the year oue thouiand eighl hmw1" and seventy-two. Present, lliiam .1. Deakrs, Judge of rrobate. In the matter of the estáte of Matthew Sd Aeoeaaod. -flDj of ( m reading and flling the pcfitton, auly ""f ' . John (i. Teldkanip, administrator,prayini!tl)t"JJ be licensed to sell the real estáte whercof f "i". died seized, (or the pulposo of dwtributmg IMP' ceeds of such salie among hiH heirs at law. .-t. Thereupon it isordei-ed, that Momlay, tnV"" ' flfth day of November next, at ten o'clock '"'""„j noon, be assigned for the hearing of Mid pwaw t , that tho heirs at law of said decemwall other p1" interosted in aul ?T 'tbeB required to aptear at ft session of saín t-o u . to be holden at the Trobato Otüce, in th"lt iy "kl Arbor, and show canse, if any thtre Y. i prayer of the petitioner sbould not be grapteo . (J it is further ordered, that said petitionet 1VC aeorr the persons interested in said estáte, of the I w,t of suid petition and the hearing thereof, I'S' ;" Jr. copy of this order to be pnblisbed in the -"""!& utgut, a newspaper printed and cireiiltnS in ■', j, 1 ty, four suci'c.-isive weeks previous to saw hearing. „nrvtl .Atrueno HIRAMjK. Estato of James Stewftrt. O TATK OP MICHIGAN, CountyorWasht'M, O At a session of the Probate Court for tt ■ , of Washtenaw, holden ut ihe Probjte "V:i,oBti City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twen it .. day of Octolicr, in the year one ibom"" hundred and seventytwo. ,t.,ste Present. IliramJ. Ileaki'i.Jndgf of I ros rf In the maner of the Estáte of Jamea Me deecneed. , , ,,v. Tnrifirdi OnrcadincniidflliiiKthepctitlon, dn'} „„tin, of Sarah A. Stewari, praying that Amr "in .";..,) idoreóme other suitable praon "ybePP" mintatntor or the ctate of said YCJ. Thereupon it i ordered. tliatMirdaj. BtM tv-tiithdav of November next, attcnouov t(. assigncd for the hoarluS oi ' d ' t. ti.n. and thai the hcirs at ' :."' ,,,euKceiiíed,anda]]itherperoníintcrortedii""Coili arerciiuiredto appcar nt a fession oi-; j W then to be holden at the Probate w „],, Citv cl Ann Arbor, and show caaeir"Wj. oo, wh"v the prayer of the petitioner .no dpfti. grintei: Andltlsfarther ordered, tbJ „ EionerjrlTe notice to the pereonj 'n".[f, „ui tb estáte, of the pendency of said letlí' ,,i ordef " thereof, bycansingn copy '""e„fH bepablUhed In tbe Michigan . r? thtte,tf printed aut circnlatinc in pnid p'ÏÏSrfM. eMWeweekiprevioua taidd , pgAKKS. f A trnccoi.y.j U1RA,udL-


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