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A Proclamation: By The Governor Of The State Of Michigan

A Proclamation: By The Governor Of The State Of Michigan image
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I, John S. Baruy, Governor of the State of Michigan, ju accordance with a custom, long estnblislied ond saiictioncd by generol apprnbation, have thonjht proper to recommend to thepople of the State to eet apnrt a particular day for returning ihnnks for thc many fu vors conferred bv Divine Providence, and have therefore appointed, and by these presents do appoint, Thursday the twen ly-srventh day of JVovemher nexl, as a day of public Thanksoiviq nnd Prayer; and I do reeommend (he observance of the Bame for tliat purpose. On that day, 'n their eeveral places of public worship, the peop'e f the State nre recommended to asseroble, nnd hum bling thetnselves before Almighty Göd with confession of sin?, oflèr np the efFusion of thankful hearts and a&k Divine a6sistance for ffuidance and direction. Let ub on that day, so fret apart, return our thnnks to the great Ruler of the Üniverse for all the blessings enjoyed nt His hands, and esppcially for our preservation as a nation, for the the coniinuance of peace, both at home and abroad, for the plcntiful harveste with which He hos abnndantly rewardod the toils of the husbandman, for the preservation of our lives, and for the comforts we enjoy in the doniceüc and in the social circlc. Lel us render Him our thanks that He has so mercifully manifested His di#iie will and made plain the palhs of duty to all. Let us also humbly pray to the Giver of all good, that in future time He will stay the pe8tlence and avert the fnmine - that He will save us from internal convulsión?, more to be feared than a foreign foe - that He will preserve to us our civil and religiwua institmions - that, as a nation and as individuals, He will take us into his holy keeping and make us a people whose God is the Lord. In lestimony whereof I have caused the Great Seal of the Slate to be affix [t. s.] ed to these presents and signed the same with ray hand. Done at ihe ciiy of Detroit ttiis twentysevcnth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiht hur:dred and forty five, and of the Independence of the United States the sevenlieth.


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