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Local Brevities

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To the Court House. - To the Court House to-morrow evenbg. To the Court House to-morrow evcning and heiir Gen. McReynolds. - All qnlet on the Huron: that is wlth Boph and Frcsh. - Mrs Hazi-ett enllghtencd the"trooly loir conierniiig their politlcal duties ou Tuesdny evening, at the Opera House. Go aud hear that gallant soldier and eloquent speaker, Hou. A.T. McRhYNOLDB, of Grand llapids, to-morrow eveulng, at the Court House. - The full dronght has glven way before Hne showers, to the great dellglit of the iarraers who were complaiulng of "bad weather for wheat." Every man and hls wlfe and some men wlth othcr men's wlves (PresklentTAYLOH lsour pattern ior this way of putting it) were intown on Monday- tojsee Barxum's gVeat ahow of Lourse. - We take it back; by the ald of liberal Democratie subscriptions money enough was raised to get the Opera House for the .mass conventlon of colored folks on Thursday evening of last week. We have several lnteresttnE; letters from our foreign correspondent, J. M., Esq., but politlcal inatters and supervisors' proceediugs claim almost ex elusive use of our columns thls week. - We learn by the San Francisco New AgetXiht Foxontlnues to be ap preclated by hls brother O.ld Fellows, havlugjust been preseuted an elegant gold walch and chain by the members of Bay View Iodge. - It Is asserted by both Demócrata and Rppublicans that the speech of Mr. Ricil akds at the meetlug of colored Repubücans Hst week beat the sp?eches of Ciiaxdleb, Wai.dron and the other Kepublican big Luns "clean out of siglit." - HfcxuY W. Stevekson, formerly of tliis city, (lied at CJalveston, Texas, on the the lCth of October. For years consumpiion hada flrm grip flxcd npon Urn, and a change of cümate was souglit too late to l)e beaeflcial. He had a large clrcle of friends in thls city and vicinity. - The Superintendent of our city schools pives us the íollowlng'flgures from hls report for the present term : Enrolled in High School, 271 ; last year, 247. Nouresident pupila in HUh School, 129; last year, 100; in all 161; last year, i53. Tuition received this term over $1,200. - The Jackson Theater, undcr the management of G. W. Stevenson, with Joux ]). Wooi as leading man aud Miss I.n.i.n: ELDUinaE as first star, supportedby agood stock troupe, wlll commence an eugagemeut In thl8 city soinewher3about the nilddle of this inonth, In Hill's Opera House. - Barnum has come and gone. Ile had a few fine animáis and some Indifferent ones, a large nuinber of not vcry lustcuctive curlosltles and Borne ingenious ones, several monsttositles, a little good rldlng and perfonnlng, Wlth gemleraanl ynshera and attendants. It was a little stiow for a big one. But everybody expected to be humbugged by Barnum aud went away rejoicing. - If a stranger were to be dropped down tnywhere In the vicinity of the Uulversity Chapel at about the hour of 6 o'clock P. M., the unearthly howllngs which would shock hls ears and "ralse hls hor" would not Indícate to him that hc was In the vicinity of an educatlonal Instltution and belng serenajed by law and medical students. The slck and nervous iu that re giou are objects of plty. The polls iu thls city will be held on Tuesday next, November 5th, - opening at 8 o'clock K. AI. or as soon thereafter as may be, and closlng 5 o'clockJP. M-, sharp - at the following places : lst Ward- at ttie shop of F. Sorg, Washington street. 2d Ward- at the office of T. W. Koot, Huron street. 3d Ward - at the Sheriff's office in the Court House. 4th Ward - at the shop of Moses Hogers, Detroit street. 5th Ward- at the shop ot Geo. H. Rhodes. 6th Ward- at the store of T. F. McDouald. Electors should remember the day, the hours, aud the places. Doa't wait until after 5 o'clock, or to be sent for. Vote early and then spur up yaur lagglng neighbor if you have oue of that kind. We are able to report progress on the T. A. A. fc N. lï. The work of grading and brklglng is nearly complete, all of the hetivy'work being done. Collections arebelag actlvely made on stock assesf-men's in ar. rears, and contractors' and right of way bil Ii promptly met. The Dlrectors sce light ahead, and flud themselves iu positlon to negotiato for connectlon, ironing and operatiug the road, and we hope to be able to aiinonnce something defiuite in that direction before long. Charles II. Manly, present Register of Deeds and candidato for re-oleetion, has a good record as soldier, citizen, and officer. He ought to receive the vote of every Democrat and Liberal-Republican. If he does ho will bc triumphantly elected. Remember ïhat Piiilip Bltjm has boon tried and proved. Haviug held the offioe of County Treasurer two terrus and left clean books and square accounts ho s entitled to a full party vote. Shall he havo it? Ue take pleasare In calllug attention to the lulvertisement of the National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America, publlshed in anothcr column. An Inspection of this statement shows thfit the Company is superior: - Fiü.st. - In the amount of its Aels and their ratio to the LiabUities. The total Assets August lst, 1873, were $2,313,168, while the preeent value or accruetl Liability upon all the policies In force wast $l,l!)4,609, and the (otal.Liabilities, ol" every description, were only $1,223,136, gkowtng a surplus over all liabililies of 1,090,033. The whole ol tliis Burplu.s is held as Pecurity for the poücy holdcrs, additlonal to, and over and ubove, the uecessary reserve or rc-lnsurance fund. The Company lias S1S9 of eood nnd iivailable Assets for every $100 Of Llubillties. Siícond. - Iu the diameter of üs Assets. - Tliey are all BOlld umi nruilable, and nearly all iuterest produclng. Every dollar representci! can be couverted iuto cash without loss, except somo sniall Items wlilcli ure a valUI.oilset to tliu Uabiütles for au equivalent amount. In character of assets and in ratio of as sets to liabilities thls Company Is liïïëx"celled. The paid up cash capital of $1,000,000, the cash accuimiliuions of over $1,3(3,000, the cliaructer of tlie Asaets, the business ablllty and Integrity of the proprletors and monagcrs, att prove that there Is no securlty in the insurance world superior to that aflbrded oy the Nntlonal Life Insurance Compauy of the United States of America. lts plans are simple, lts rates cxceedlng ly low, and contract dellnite and easlly uuderstood No dividend delnsions, and no disappointmeiits. Itallbrds advantages ut least cqual to those of any other company, combined witli greater ecurity. We culi the ftttentlon of Life Insurance men to the fact that agents ure wantod ia every locality. The horse disenso is spreading very generally through the East, and business is very much ineomoioded. Oxen aro in use on Broiulway, N. Y., and all sorts of niake-shifts are resorted to there and in other cities. But tho crisis is thought to be past in New York, and with favorable weather and care it is probable that street cars, hacks, drays, &0.( will soon be running again. - Tho disease has boon quite prevalent in Detroit, and the Jeffwson and Woodward Avenue cars were takon off on Saturday and Sunday last, but are now running again. Livory stables are feeling it and hackmon and drayincn aro hard to bo obtalned. Wo wero in Dotroit Wednesday evening, and notioed aa unusual quiet in the streets. We have a mimber of Woodtull & Claflin's Wéeklj,mried X, and requeting editora DOtlclng its contoiits to send marked copy, &c. Wcll, lts contentS' are very fllthy, throwlng the Policé Gautte or Day't Doings entirely into the shadï. The socallml exposure of the "Beocher-Tilton Scüiulai Case" ís about a3 vile a piece of composition as even a womnn of ]Mrs. Woodüulis repntation, incited by the mo3t evil of spirits, could pen. We send a " marked copy." Tho lécturo on "Tennyson - Man and Poet," dolivered on Priday evoning Uut before the S. L. A. by James T. Fields, was a scholsrly produotion and wcll rncoivcd by a largo and appreciativo audience. The porsonal characteriaties of tho Poet Lauréate woro vividlyportrayed, his manncr of reading or recitation imitated, and the man, as it were, stereoscoped and held up to view. But an injunction was put upon our reporter' pon by the speaker, which wo respect. The East Saginaw Knterprhse of the 30th uit. says : Mr. Moiwick, of Ana Arbor, the architect of the new Mercliants' National Bink building, wliilc deseendlng the stalrs In tho Buena Vista Block, on Monday evening, feil and broke hls arm. The fracture was reduced by Dr. Wheeler, and Mr. Morwick is now duing well. We cai.l the attention of the several township or ward inspectors for the ensuing eleotion to tho fact that, undor the present provisions of the olection law, thcy must procced to canvass tho votes and doel aro the result as soon as the polls are closed at 5 o'clock P. M. In no caso must they adjourn until the next day to complete the count. We are glad to hear that the meetings held during the last and present week in different sections of the county have rosulted in setting the Doinocracy to work. Yery near a full voto will bo tho result, and only a full voto is nocossary to secure victory. Messrs. Felck, Booeks and F&AZEB are still in the field, making telling blows. The Beroer Famii.y, Bell Iiingers and Vocalists, are to give an entertainment in Ilill's Opera House ou Wednesday evening, the M inst. Tliis troupe ha the reputa, tlon of being flrstclass, and Is eutitled to liberal patronage. ii ii J. Willahd Babbitt has made a thoroughly competent Circuit Court Commissioner. Always prompt, iutelligent and faithful in the dischargo of his duties, his unanimous ronomination for re-elcction was justly deservid, lie ought to receive the full party vote. Let hiui have it. The November number of the Kcleetic Magazine has a timcly and very handsomely engraved portrait of the Knglishj histo rian Fronde, now a visitor to thls country, witli a brief blographical sketch. It also has s. biograpliical sketch of the late Wm. II. Benard, whlle its papers selected from the leading English ptirlodlcaU, seventeen in number, covor the usual ilclectie range, incliuling Japan, A Voyage to tho Uingcd Planet, Novela und their Times, A PI1grimage to Port Koyal, ücorge Eliot, Secret Pólice of Paris, Prosc and Versop Oo mestic Life und Econoiny in Franco, The Mother of Jacques, Dcvelopment in Dress, Meteors and Shootlng Sturs, nnother iostallment of Strange adventuras of a Plise ton, poems, art uotes, etc. E. H. Pelton, 108 Fultou street, New York. The wive of IIorace Gkeeley died at the residonce of a friond in New York City, whither she had been brought from Cinippaqua for a chango, on Wednesday morning last, and hor funeral is to tako place at noon to-day, from tho church of Dr. E. H. CiiAi'ix. Mrs. Gkeeley has been a confirmed invalid for inany years. Send us in the returns, - tho night of eleotion if possible, if not tho next day by mail. To aid in correct returns we send blanks to eaeh town. Look out for boous and fraudui.ent tickots. Also for iiajsoal voters. A fair vote is what is wauted.


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