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Mrs. C. M. STONK Ts friving instructions iu Oil Paintinf; at 20Soulli Kift strect. Any dt-MÍrin lcssons aro iuvi'ed to culi am examine her palntíngs. 13SJ6 Dancing and Peportment. PROF. G. W. KOWLK opens his select school fo tho above art at Aï-ricultural Hall, on Frlday, Hoi lst 1S72. Juveniles" Class Tvill meet from 4', til 6i P. M. Ladie from 7 Uil )H P. M. Gentlemen from S4' till 1 P. M. Tultion in either ciass S5.00 in aJvance. Music wiil bc furul-hed by the popuia violinist.Cci:. Bskdan. 1 "ïiiisuüoii in Iltutil U'uy, isonly the Kllbsütution of onu odor for unother. By uhIiij, Broluo Chloralum, you get fresh puiu air und no odor. Prepared only by Tilden & Co., 176 Williuiu St., Xew York. Sold by all druggiM.s. We are coming1 Fatlier Horace. Five lmndred thousand strong ; Weliave throwu awfly our crutches, In henlth we move aloug. Morelhan onc millioa people, men and anlmnls, that have been cured of Kheumatism, Swolllnii, ctlO'joiuts, and Lameness, by Centaur Llnimeut, ■re Jolnlag the crowd and shoatlllg out il pratses. It efl'ecta more remarkablu cireö iu one day tbau all üllier articles have iu one year. Cliildrcn cry - for Pitcher'? Caetoria. Itreg nlatcs the stomach, curee wind colic, and cuufee natural sleep It is a fcubstltute for castor oil. HOW TO GO WEST. Thlfl Is fin Inqulry whlch every one should have riithfully aaswercd before he starts on hUjourney aud n llttle care tnkrn In cxnmlnatlnu of Iloutou will In niiuiy casen save much trouble, time and money. The"C, B. & Q. U. R.," running from Chicago thronh Galesbnrf? lo Burlington, has achleved asplendld oepatatlOD In the Inxt two years m the leadlng Passenger Route to the west. At Burllngton it connects with the retit Burlington Route whlch runs dlrectly thronh Southern Iowa to Ne ([raskit tind Caneas, witti cloee connectiotiH toCallforni.-i -üiil the Territorios : and pnaeeners eturtin from Waahtenaw Oounty, on thelr way westwtird, cunuot do better thap to take tlio 0 & Q. und Burlington lïoute. Thlslino hns publlshcd a pAmphlet callcid "How to iL(t W0t,n which contnins much valunblo Inforrat-tlon; a lurge correct map of the Groat Wrst, which can be obtrtinod free ofclmre by addrospinji the General Passenger Agent B.& M.H. It. IiurIngtou Iowa. Pesliler's Fever and Aítuc Pilis. is no new rcmedy, hut one tliat hns stood the tost of Iwaily teun' use. Tlïey contain no mercurt, arssnie, (ir tiiin'ne, nnd instcad of retlucin tho Hystcm, atrengthen and invigorute it and le;ive the patiënt in a healthy and sound condition. From u multitude of letters we insert the following : Jamaica. L. I., June 8th, 1371. "Itiike pleasuro in bearing witnes totheetKcacy of Deshler's Kever and Ague Piila, having used them in my family with completo success for the IflatteD veura. and clic-erfully recommend them to auy oue atïlicted with Fover and Ague. s. i!. 0K088MA1T. Tot fnlo by R. W. ELLlti i CO., and EBEHBACU & CO. We have a circular dated " OfEco of the Democratie Stato Central Cominitteo," and signod Wm. V. WüEATOX, Cliairman. If our meinory serves us, Hon. FOSTBB Pratt, of Kularaazoo, is Chnirman of tho Democratie State Committeo. Is not Wiucatox assuming a little more than is usual for even W. W. W. ? Why don't ho play honest, and writo " Bourbon" instead of " Democn.t'c 'f" Dcstriictivc Kires. Special Dlspalch to the Detroit Freo Prei. Grand Rapips, Oct. 31. ' A fire broko out about midnight, and is now ragijvg. It appeared simultane ously in Grallup'a drug store, on Canal street, and Kood's block on Paarl streot. Six stores are ftlready in ruins, and the fire is still raging. Tho old Masonic Hall is now on lire, and tho entiie bloek from l'earl street to Lyon, fronting on Canal strect is in imminent daiiger. The loss already reaches about $7ö,ÜU0 ; insuranco not yet ascertained. The losers are thus far Houseman & May, clothing ; H. Pressburg, clothing ; Crane's museum ; Gallup's drug store; Hogebooms Brothers' cigar store. East Sagin'av, Oct. 30. A lumber pile on the doek at Joromo's mili, below tho railway bridgo here, took fire this noon from a passing tug. About two millioh feet of lumber was burned. The loss is estimated at $25,000. No insurance. Tho fire is not yet out, but tho mili and other property are considera! safe. Firo engine3 from this city and Saginaw City were sent down to stay tho lames. JAMES McMAHON, Justice of tlie Peacc, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collocted and promptly paid ovcr. INSTTKAlSrCiC AGENT. Triumph, aitscls, $T2T.003.n Nortn Missouri, " 43,41 T.ul Hibernia, ' 350,000.00 RKAL ÏSTATK. I hnve 80 acres of land 4 of a mile frora the city mits, fluely locatcd for fruit or garden purposce. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with house and barn,and allvcly stream of water running through the barn yard. 00 acres, a mlle ont. 1 will sell an y or all the abovc cheap, or exchange ror city prupcrty. 1674 JAMES McMAHON. TVEGISTRATION NOTICE. The TSoards of Rejrifttnition of the Cify of Ann Aror will meel on Saturdiiy, NoveniU-r 2d, 1.S72. at tlie 'ollowing places in the several ffíirds: lst Ward, at F. Sortc's Paint Shop. 2 Ward, at Traoy V. Hoofs Luw Office. 3d Ward, at ShorirTs Offic, Court House. -Hh Ward, nt Moses lifter' Shop. Sth Wurd, Bt the Shop of Ueo. H. Uhodes. Oth Ward, at T. F. McDonald's Store, commencinp at 8 o'clook A. SI., and clomwr at 8 o'clock L. M., for the purpose of coriecting and completiníj ;he several Ward re}?istnition lista. AUperoouHwho will be eutltled to votent the general election to he leld Tuesday, NovembiT 5th, 1872, should register their ñames. Byorderof tho Honrd of Itepistralion. CHAS. B. POIiTEIi, Chairman. John B. Dnw, Seotetaxy. Ann Arbor, October 16th, 1872. UW "POE SALE. The undersigned offers for salt, on reasonable termo His Sesidence in this City, Corner of DivUion and William Sts. A most desirahle location, and onc of the best proper:ies in the city. Enquire on the Premisos. Dated Ann Arbor, Octobcv 9th, 1S72. DAVID HENNING. 1335tf TBEliilllARM FOR SALE. IIEKRY GOODYEAK, of Sh;ron, having íissigncd allhi projwrty to ua for the benefit oí' his íwiIíuhh, we now olfer tho property for mile in piircela tusuit purcliasers. The lañan ur flrst cIusr- nonu better in the State. Ovor onc tlions:ind aero of improved land in a body. Persona buying can awume mortgages tor a part of the purchiifte inoney. AU having claim affuinat the mJa Qoodyeax dzq requentvd to present them to the a.SHÍnees. Uated, Seitember Ü6th, 1872. B. S. 8MTTH. Ar. K. CAi.KTN. 1393 JO8. McMAllON'. NEW GROCERY STORE! rpiIR nndersiqined has oponed in McMAIIHN'S X DLUCK, north side of Court House Square, o f uil stock of G-roceries and 3?:rovisions. Which will be sold at the lowest priecs. The hiL'h'st prico pald for Country Produce. Ann Albor, Oct. 17th, 1872. 1886 im O EO BOK MOE. ft'" tn C9A I""' 'ly ' Aaeau wantod I aii 9't IV ÍI4U doiwda of workin,; ijt-ople, of ritlifr fcx, youriK or old, makc more moncy at wirk for us in thnir .pnrt! motnPiilji or all tho time. tlian at anything )!. l'flrticulari fn-e. Addresn ü. btiiison & Co., l'ortland, Muiuv.


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Michigan Argus