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Klection JVotlce. tIPFS OF] tí, í -. An-.i.i,, August 37, iti'i'Z, ) ■ Yiui :; that :vi the next Gencrnl ilecl ion, to !■■■ boW on i he 'J aösduy e u tan, the luiu... Il !it Of ■ju, Auditor (J ■ . !i'( 'il. tont oï Public IiwtrueUon, n tember ■ Board oí' tSducation W iï, and a !;■ or the Beou il li.-,tiii;t, of 1 1 rhlch Washtenaw County i ourtta Bcnatoi i iVashten Vet ÈJo. i Lava ot 18j I . . i viví b in tl o piovwions of Act No. H60Í I 871 'robat'1, ■ ounty Clerk, ■ tere, two !or. . heruby notitled that nt iiutioii f tlüs Stut o ft] i i :' i tO the ion or rejection, pui )f tlio I. u. viz : An " Aun!. Ung for fche payment of ikhi'Is iasüed and nej thereof realized pri ■ , n: k &a ol rownshipa and municipalittca imuing thesame, for uivi in uid of any liaiuoad Company," provi by Joint BflBolution No. SI of tl Au " mlmi-nt ivlafivo tO the limita of ■Tur.lii'iul Circnitfl, and the nu for by I i'.-ulutinn N(. 36, of the Soüsion Luwe o) 171. And }n ' Ai ■ ■ lative to the sa I i ourt," providcd iur b) aforeauid Joint liesolution. MVKOX WEBB, Sheriff. fóortgage Sede. DT2FATJ LT haring been made in the condition of a , made and exi out l bi Nelaon i hofif to Comstock F. Jhll, bearing date the Brut day ol Maren, ,. d. eighteei I and -■■v'-niy-i'iK', and recordad in t!. ■ ■ fonr httndrcd and tweni y-fiye, on the nf leent! Muren, a. d, í-ighiet'n hundred ■ ten and oue-fouxth o'olock a. m.; and the power o atained in said mortgage baviug become opera a of sui-ii di-fïiult, and the sum of eigh ; and twelve dollars and flfts oonta beini claimt ■' . ie date ot thi . and the bond . olso ju provided for in sai mortgage, and nosuit or pruoeeding at law oí íb 1 ;i uti d tu rever the saino or an ■ reof: Notioe ís I ebyotven, tha said mortgage wil] be fonclosed by a Bah of the morí gagred lands taid premiMs therein described and hen inaftev mentíonea ;nni sel foxthoi bo i n will benei d arnount, on Batui d:iv, tlio beventh day oi December nextj al forenoon of aaid day, at I ■ of the OoTirt Honst . the Ircuit krart for il. aahtenaw; the sai i bc sok by virtud of the power ol Balein raid UI of tl .: 10), b dng fonr (4) roi widebynün -; rodi amber uve (5 noothof ii -■'■ nnmbe ■■ ■ ■■-:, in the Ann Ar litionto the city t Ann Arbo (formerly tü! naw county, Michi Dated Aun Arbor, Bept. U, L8ÏÏ, COMSTOCK F. HLLL, P. Ckamf.ii, At: 13'Jltd. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT ] in t)io condition of oertuin morte ige, inade and e rated by Amai da Burbank to Densmov ■ kring date tl thirteonth day of September, A. 1. dred and evi ntj -oi - I nnnty t' Wadhtenaw, nn st;iic of Michigan, in Liber forty-five gages, on page one hundred and soventoon (117) ;it si ana one-fuurth P. M,, andthepowex pfsaleinea] niovt'j ■ ave by reason i-i bh default, and the sum of one hundred and twenty-ai dolían and eiglity-two cente being claii mdthe notoaocompnnyingthe mh attbedate of tin s feeo forty dolíais ij provided for in sal and i .-.uil oi : ii luw or inohancery bai . .; V) reeoTerthfl Bumeor anypart thereof; Notice ■ h □ that said n will be fgreoloaed by a sale ói the ra premisea Uie and m t forl h, or söi tosai: ■: dayoj December next, at eleven o'clock iu thefore■ t Baid day, at thr. pouth door of '..'■ Arbor, that being the pluoc for holding the t ucuit Court for ; washu-n.-iw. The : ■ by virtuu of the power of dale in aid mortgnffe mortgage aa fuUowa : All those 4rac1 land fenown ni i] and Four, ; J.. in .f I '. Baldwin's j of Ann Arbor, in the County of eaaw, and Btate of BUofiigan. ■ . -r,, W7S. EC Mori Moi'tgugü íáalc. DEPAUXiT haring been made in tho nondition of n oertoin indenture of mortgage made an ted by Charli ■ a hls Jil'o time, ajid Bfaxy i;. ■ ket, bearing ■ tirat d:y i . La tlie ycar of ovir Lordone thonaano eig I . i ad reoorded in Hoe oJ the Kegiáter í Deede of Washtenaw Connty and State of Michigan, in Liber 36, f IJortíth day oí" Deceml e and the power of fíale oontainedin said i ■ ome operativo bj reMoaol uch defaulV- and the Bum of eleven hunarod andl twenty-llve dollurs, jaimed to beduo upon Baid mortgage at the ■ I . beside tho sum of tl stipulated therein ■ sonable :üui ney feo for the t"' .( - and no suic ur proceedings al law. nor in chanoery havins - tlie debt Mcurea by saic ' o or any part thereof. Notice ia thexefon her by given thal Huid moi I oëd, the ■ ■ on oed and sel forth, or dqc paii thereof, wiü . bj me al public auction, to the higheet bidder, fy said morjgage ándeoste, on Saturday, the ui day oi" January n odock in the forei th Bonth dooi of the Court H ot' Ann Arboi aaw ia held- the mortgaged pren Lol numoerthree inbloek nambetrone outh of Quron BtreeL and range eli ven east, in the city ol Ann Arl or, Miohigfen, a icording to tho reoorded plat of tho Ann Arbor 1 i t ion. Dated Anu Arbor, Üctober 8Ui.' II. LOU1SA8A1 KET, E. C. Skaman, Mortgageo, Att'y lor Mortgagse. 139Std Chanccry Sale. 'TiIIK Cirenii Court for the County of Washtenotr, ■m. In Chancery. Gotivexneui Dr&ke. ('omplainnnt, vs. John A. Vol, Admini d, and [aria Volïi Wldow of uald ■ -.■.: Anua Maria n.t Dorothy Vola, Frederici Volz, I VolztJi Vol2f, and John Adam Volz, ohildren of taU John Öeorgo Volz, ini 9, Ia ji'i '"Circuit Court tor the County of YVashtenaw, in Chancery, i 1 the ubove oause, thero will he soid ander the di of the Bubscriber, :it public auction. n! the south front door of tlio Couri Qouse ín the City of Ann Arbor, :-.n'l County óf Wuhtenaw, on Saturday, the h aas of NoTember next, at twelve o'c ock, noon, the foflowing described pu.'ce orparcelol' land viz : The easi hau of tin 1 1 be bouÜiwosI imbi i ten, Lu Xon nship - three Konth, in Kange nnmber live east, oontaining ioily ai s, or BO murh thereof Ha ni.. y be neooeaary to aatisfy Baid degsi and costa. Dated Octob E. BEAHAK,Circtiit Court OomnriBsioner, W, Koot, naw Co. iti Bolioitör iur ComplnnKiiu. i;í!jí; Drain Commissioncr'a Xotice. NOXICE is hereby given that the Drain Commto Bsoner of Waiuttonaw Connt] will be at tlie iouso oi ii. i;i : he Townsbipof Freedom, ín r on the 12th day of November, at ock in (he afternoon, to 1 tocon: the oxcavation an ion of a drain be knownaa "The fager Eake Dratn,1 eommencog Ut the out] Lake and running ■ torly and nortnen ■ Lnding in i)utlet in what is known as .Mili Qreok, and in iu - the Boutheaai quarter ■_ hirty-four, the soutiiwesi quarter of 96 tion thirty tiontiiir . urest half of northcast quartci of section in Ü1C ToWÖSnlp of I.iin-i, I Ing Own - souto -1 eftst. l .- i 11 alto l.; at the l'" .iotlieb Kalembaoh, i:i the Töwnshipof Freedom, on ïaturdtiy thoètndaj r,al oneo'clook in tc ifternoo ad place 1 will exhibí t mapa drain, and deecriptiona of the leveral pareéis of ltu ■ 1 there ty, and the amonntand deaeription by divisi su h-ri i -i -.■:: of the above 1 ;-i by mesrKrtioned to tie ownex of each desoript ion of land to onstmot, and to heaz reasons, i f any ara oflered, why such apportlonment should be revi d aud conected. Ann Arbor, Oct. L4th, 1872. DAVTDM. FTXLET, I3i)7w; Drain Commieeioner of WaahUnawOo. Estáte of William Buckinghnm. QTA'n: OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtonaw, sb, Notioeia b . thal by an order of the Probate Court for the ( ïounty of Waahtenaw, t he twenty-eecond day of October, A. D. 1872, six aontha fróm that date were ollowed for creditors to e of William aaia county, deoéaaed, and that all re of said ■' required t -. iifir claioM to Baid Probate 1 louix, at tho . ' ittioe, in the City of Ann Aj imination and Ulowanoe, on or before the twenty-neeond flay of April tnd that such cdaima will be heaxd before bate i tonrt, on Baturday, the foorUi diiy f Janunry,and on Tueaday, the twaaty-seooncl day t April next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ', Aun Arbor, October 22d, A. I). 1872. HIRA11 J. BEÁKE8, 13971 Judge of rxobate. Estáte of Ilcnry Fairchild. 3TATE OP U raahtenaw, m. o Atasoaslonof Üu ■ ■ for tlw County .holden al the Probate Office, in the Üty ot Ann Arbor, on Uonday, the twenty-ffanrt flaj of üctober, in the year one thoiUHUld. eight hunIred and seventy-two. ■ , ili; nu .1. : of Frobfite. in the matter of the estáte of Henry Fair■hiltl, !■ ■ Joel FairchiM, prayingthat WilH may be ippointed adminiatratorof thee 'i ner □ l;ty of vtock in the m aed for the hearing of said peüüon, and that ■ ..uit, then i ■ ' the Probate ■1 Uic City af Lnn ! : : " A ad ii i 1 fnrthi ■ ui Boid ■ ■ , ■ . ing i copy 1 ! (o be . i'rinted : ity, throe BnccessiTeweeki io saiddiiy of honrinp. (AiriM-ropy.) ' HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1893 Judije of ProbatO. INFACT, TFYOU WISK TO OET ANÏ (JOODS and gal the worth of yoor money, yonmn s' Store vrhere Üey uell all goode beaper thla Fall thnn ever hofore. Ci. W. II AYS, Superintendent. Estáte of Jacob Beti CUIGAN, County of', T A t ,-i scssiou of tho ] . . ' ,, "t, „ ■I itnd 'iglit J1 ■ .Judgeof Pj, id Hlinf lliopetition.dKi, , . hn (.. Andrés, Adlninwtrutor, vin ,1 cnki lascddi ■ nci sijT .. aidn. '"'-iaitt } of l loi tï ttl L ion, and the 'T;ttrc i i-, ordi i to ■' '"o,, ''-L ' bunty, four successive weeks previ',? 53 i 1' heurinií. "dsi ito of Joseph Crañr" OTATE OF SI [CHIGAX, iounty of W-úu ■ 'rt fot tu'. itenaw, hnldcuut Iliu l'rol-nic h "t i'.y ■ t Anti Arbur, on Saturday, l]...,,iii " car ono thuiundeii,ï?ï renty-two. 81" 'iQ at, J. Benkcs, Jud"eof l'mLi urttcr of the estáte f fi I il. t0 Cnj and fllingtho I"tition, dulr T.o Willinin li. Crime, pi nl ïiStM ppointed adniiuiitralors of thci . ti I . . i. wlltüliii Then ordered, that Mond iv. teenthdayofNovembei noxt, at ten oVlooiiJftj ■■■il ui ii ■ :■.: luw in said deceaKd au1 n11' cd in suid espito, are ramm-iJT " ■■■■■■■ i t'jli-'l„j,i ""1 Probate Office, in th! rit; of Aun ArbTXíi' cause.ifn ivliy theprayoroftheiwi-' 1 Bbouldni !: Andit. istunlictoiCí" ! aaid pot:uotice to the permni üwSt 01 IKor'w publisficd in the Michigan Argm,a nKys'm? andcirculntiriK in miíúijiüihy, tureetimLl prevñms tu .said duy ut hes ■ ' lt:ii (Atrneenpy.) H1RAM J.BEArJi Estáte of Daniel S. Birch CÍTATE OF 3IICUI0AN, County of Wkta„ I 1 At ii sessiou of tho Probate Couttfoiüwnü Washti , oiüiv "ï"'!1! of Ann Arbor, on batuiday, theninetwnti.ïïi'fl the year ono tbousiïud ti-m huDdied J ■nt, Eliram .T. Beaiccs, Judgcof l'robate hi tho mattei of the catate of Draielsín i iiding and fllinff the potition.dnli yin that a c-.rt-iSS ■;:!, ]'niii-tiin:tobcthei2i5 and testament of Baid di.-eetsed, may be a-lakij1 I , a ml tliat he m:iy bc appointed leeS!ï I of. ' '■ : nin it is orderoil, tht Mondn tht M. I teenthday of November next, at ten oVloóliintk? I notjii, i lor the heaiinir of i tkm, and thut tin , ï L at luw of said d and all ' . ar M'iirpiCf' 1 -il. then to behnlull the Pi-obate Office, in the City of Aun AiuT-í show causo, if any there bu, why Ibe iriTt-r ofti mted: .iiil it 'j, Zï ordcriid, thal ■ ifi, of the pendeney of saidtion, and the - order to be publinhed in the Michigan .irjw i, paper printcd and circulating in said cwih nl i i . 1rj " (A true copy.) 1HHAMJ. I : 1:W7 ■'"'lgeofrrT.ktt. Estáte of Charles Burden. DTATE OF MICUIOAN, Cmntyof WoAtm At ii 'leCoari lerrobatcOffiniLtlíeñt " ui Ann Arbor, on Wedneöday, ti,e (Ut Octobcr, in the yujir uno thousaud eigbt liimini -twe. Present, Hüam J. Ige of Probitt. In the matter of tliü estáte of Charlea te I ! eek, Ailminibtrator of id I :o couri and icprweMt ihathebw I pipred tu render liis tiiiiil aceouai as siichAdnii I trator Thercnpjn it is ordered. tlmt Monday, tl uext, at ten oVlock in t];ejtn i noon, be asigned for examining aml aliorèi saeh account, nul tliat the hein at a said deceased, and all (Kher persons :■ ■A are reqnyed to appear atasaásiri ourt, then tu lc hulden at tht; Probate Oitt, of Alm Arbor, in saidoounly.asd A il my tlnre be, why the &aid aecouatsMI DOt be nllowed: Andii is linthor ordereóV niiniitrator i;ivo noticetol . id account, and tbetaáv . copy of thw order to bB pubbW I in tho Micitigan Argus, a newspaperprinedaiiddiBi I tui in s liii i 'uuuty, three successive weeks pnróa I day of Indring. (A true copy.) HIEAMJ.BJ W1W Judge of Protatt. Estato of Anthony Ely. O TATE OF M ie i tHi AN". County of WaíhtíM, O At u session of the Probate Court for the Coot) ilvnaw, holden ut the Probate Oöicc, iatii Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the tenth cUj ai October, in the yeorono thouáimd ei'ht hundïÉdnod gereni y-two. Presont lliram .7. ofProbste. of Antl-iiiy Bj, !. Hiram ]J;iy. A'iiain'LstmUjr of - comes into couxt and representa thatheü now y o rendeyhiftlli racb administnfel ipon il ordered that iloday, the ekt enth duy uf November next, ut trn o'clock ntk forenoon, I forexaimuingandallovüigNè account, ai ui thal the 1 ■■ -ii -.t lavol'saiii'lean,ai all other persons ïnterested in said estáte, ftrereqaú id Court, then to behotía . ml, ai o office, ín the city of Ann Ailjor, in bü county, and show cause, if any thert1 be, why tlieaü hotild nut W: allowed: .' in eaitl i stai and tbehearing thei-eof. bycntiflngftnajrf 'liirf order to ïi nublished in ti ng in aid ihbIj, ive weeks previous to said cïav of hta ruccopy.) HIKAM J. D 13U6 Judge of Prohtó. Estáte of Carrio Taylor- minor. STATE OF MICniOAN, County ofWasMemiJi A! a session of the Probate Court for theCooü of Washtenaw, holden at theProbateOBeftiilS City of Ann Arbur, on Wcdnesday, the (iiWüt day of Oi-toAei-, in the yeai uue thonsand eijM aandred and Beventy-wo, Preeent. niram J.Beaket, Judiicof Probit'. In Hiu matter of the E iftW , mluor. Ou readlDcand fiHns the pctitlon, duljTwiliW ■ . M. Nichola Guardián. praylngthtW I i Bell certüin real estáte belon;if w said miMor. TherenpoD It is ordered thal Moniuy. t eiffhteenth day ofNoi tteno'ctoekliw etl for the hearing ol ticm. and that the ni-xt ( kil and :ill other persons intcrested in salí [alred 'o appear at a sesgion ot ■ then to be bolden at the Probate Office, in theut"' Ann Arbur, and show cause, f any there be.vrnvtoe prayer of the petltioner shonld not be frMtwíAml il is further ord . ■ I -;nd petltioDet JW not Ice to the next of kin of wiirl m'nor, ! other persoue interested in said estáte, or n pendeney of said peti tion, and the liearinü tnereoiig cau&ingacopy of thi ordi r to be iuWi(hedi n .!■"■■. :i newspaper priutod aucl c:rciI in said County. three successive weeks said day ofheartog IIIKAM .i.Hï-AKli i ' Atrria copy. Judseof Pr' I 1896 I Estftto of Volncy Chapin, Jr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ol Wasbw" rol ato Courl for tieCBW of Washtenav, holden nt tho Probate yjfz. City of Ann Arbor, on Wed year une tliousaaü S1" tw . , j [iram J . Bcakcs, .TikIrc of rro Avi in the matter of the estáte of Vobwy 1 On readinjt and filinit the ■ vc" i Emma E. Chaprn, praying that a ivitain nu2 nuw on ■ ■ ourt, purporting to n w"j wül and testament of '■ :I;'!, . 1 1 that she ruay be apiwinted so. Ii" truc V', "!ePf(l. I day of November next, at ten o'dock ""JS, I noon, !■ l'or tho hearing ot said F;1 T, I ' "'' teeii ■ I of snid i ■ tid aU other lr8"118 "„ ,i I ed in said .-tule, ure i. uircd to IJ" ' I a -ion i.i t, then to be M" iSol I mse, il any there I "Siui1 petitioncr should not lie granted: A']" ,J vá# I ordered, . in said estáte, of tho pendeBCJ"2SJ tiun, and tho hearing thereof, by e-f'.t this order to bo puWished in the .UichtM J od circulating in wl",,.(,11IiIi, e weeks previo'ixtn (Atrnecuny., aIEggU Estato of John G. Ottmar. OTATE Ol' MICHIGAN, countyonj"" í otr O At scssii n of the Prol ..'in en at the Piohnte ""Jj.yii city of Ann Arlor, on PrWay, i1 in the year une tliousund tigm irenty two. j.T,hftte im J. BcakCB, J'iilg' In the matter of the estáte of JoMii. i ,iv Tcriflling and IlliniT the uctilion, " .ir!ili mar añil Magdalena ot"'!'[je'í that Christian Baley or otlu-r su i. " „ d administrator of U daj ol ' It'tiúo. } that the hoirs at law of id . ,deïSS a 5 other pcl-sons inl.rested il :kfll t quired to arpea) n of.snifl courl, holden,, -""," ''"{' he ffi hor, and ' "! there be, ; ' uilit titionor should not be p'"' '■ jw „iM : thal eaidpctitionerciye n poivons intiTCstcd in ïaid petition, and tho liearii jnaiA oopyofthisoi ■ lltiaji5 Arjm, a newspapcr print.jl and ei miln soiïnty, three sooc8sive weeks previouBtoi hearing. iiiimM.T. K (Atinccoi.y.) ■ TaOTICE. ThoStockholdersofthe Detroit, ';1"'''i'f,"mt' I ■■ „vol said I ""'.;: ,f Detroit...,, iday of X moinofwiM' , „pon aml ■ „ent I","!"1",1;'11 ...l:d( ...,i].uiii. -.■iudi."-1.,;, „of tlie'J I mdtherobepl i ! (.■ooi . ,,. .it. Ram ■or their approval or disapprovai, rJatedüo?roit,,ócobírU..:j, Oeo. L. Tiutt, Secrctary.


Old News
Michigan Argus