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- Demócrata may console thetni for tho deicafc of Greely and Brown by tbü story of tlio rabbit which the boy tritd to solí. Preisisg hú fatness and being told that very fat riibbits wcro not tho best, lio ingenuously declared "it is n't such d - d fat rabbit alter all." Greeley wasn't muclj of a Dcmocrab after all, and it nrght have beun burder to make bis a Democratio adminietrafcion tlian to niiiku a wbistlo out of a pist'gtail, - Aocording ío tlio Tribuut tlie Democrats have n't oleeted a siDglo Bcnator and only five Representatives. Well, tlio Democraey will have no responsibility for any of tbo legislation of tho cc.xt two years, and unless it averages better than that for sovural past years Ibat will bu somo consolation. - The Toledo Comí ys that tbe rcsult of the election on Tuesday vindication of tho intelligente and virtuo of (he people," which is a very singular way of putting it, and very suggestivo cf a fertile imaginatidn. - One of tho brotbern-in-law Dent, the hanger-on at tho White House, is now chargod with selüng "bis influence with tho British Governinenf' to tho attorney of a claim agent. Tho " rogues have fallen out," henee tho exposé. - " Panic of the Radioaifl in Ohio." That was tho heading of an article in the N. Y. World for Monday. It was n't exact !y the kin.1 of a panio on Tucsday predictcd by tho artiole, whioh was from tho Cincinnati Commercial. - Vioky Woodhull and Col. Claflin, both Grant women, bcing occupants of Ludlovv stroet jail on electiou day, wero unabla to perpetrato tho farco of a year ftgo by rkiiiig ia state lo tho polls and offering to vote. - At Roohester, N'. Y., tho election officers Wfto so anxious to swell tho ( majority {hat they permitted Süsan B. Anthony and iit'teen otber Btrong-minded women to vicíate tho election Luv aud voto. - .Tudgiiig by tijQ aggrngatj Qrefcley vote Liberal Uepnbllcana wero " ioase a hens' teeth" on Ttiesday or larse bers of obstinate Pentoorata held back in the breeoiiiag, whioh? Perbapa both. - Grant c; rriud Bourbon County, Kentueky, by 108 majority. Now lt the Repablicuis dry up about "tho Bourbons," wc always knew that they vvi-re co-wor];ers in tlic Radical canse. - ■ The so-called election on Tucsday was wliat tho schoolboys uowtidaya Ciill u "tiial exi ininatiuii." The i.„l oontest is yet to come, - say wben Clys8O8 is trotted out fcr the iirst liet. - Horaco Greeley has publishod acard withdrawing from politics and rusuming tho edltorship oL tha Tribune. IIo says th-j l'rib"iu: will never moro be au organ nor a partisan journnl. - The President is satisfied with the result of Tuesday's, and e?pecially '-gratifiod that tlie peopl havo vindicated bis privato character." A big éa'ys work, tlsat. - Two women voted in the third ward of Toledo on Tuesday, - 011e for Grant and tho othor for Greeloy. Tho Commercial pronounces it illegal voting and censures tho offtsers. - Old convention goers aro familiar with the phraso " informal ballot."'' That waa what took placo on Tuesday. A"ait until a " formal ballot" is ordercd, and then. .-T- Jt was the horso disenso which kopt 30 raany Democrats away from tho polls on Tuesday. lf not, what was it ? - A Counecticut woman was rofused registration and apncLik'd to the courts for aid, which wan ici'ascd. - Geo. Francia Train tried t'J go bail for Mrs. Woodhull and Col. Claflin, but was rejected. - The President's korses aro down with tho provailing distemper.


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