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The London Press On The Election

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London, Nov. 6.- The resnlt of tho American I'rcsidrritial eleotion is publisfu-jl t b is pjoming. TLe Telegraph believea tbai Grapt desorvea re-eleotioo. The Standard raakes a violent attaok upf!) tho República!) party, whicb, it .s:iys, bas douo nationally what Tainraany and Fiftk did looftlly. Grant and Groeley were botfa uniit for President, but of tvo evils !h ■ lesser s-:;s chosen. Londos, Nw. (.- TIn; i upholds the pijaciplcs upon whieh tho Southern States seceded froin tm Union, ind 3 opposed to Republicanisiu, wMoh it donounces as the deifloatiou of tho ! sions of a temporary tnajority, and as i ■:ih1 witli personal an] )oliticalcorruption. In coosequence of a supii of the Eepublican party thu States are lonilcd with enormoufl dcbts, and the f'ort ign holdera of thoir secuiitics receivo iiuthin. Tho itopublicans are ros;;:rií-i ble, also, for tho insuirtction in Cuba, anarchy in Mexico, and ïnunïcror of Eraperor Maximilian. The Deinocrats, however, are not any botter. Lom-.::, Ncv. 3.- Tho Duüy TeUgrttph, irring to the ro clcction of General Grant, saya no oite desetves bcttcr of lii. country or is worthfer of a plíico ai tho illiisini .is i.'il w'.ft; ncn who h .vií twioe hald the L':ril. ntinl i Ufase. Rngland has had cause to romplain of inany things, but President Orant's policy towards lier has never boen wiliully petulant or hostilo. Tho TéUgram hopea the United States wiil now tiiko cara of Mexico and Cuba.. It believes the West, not tho Ei'.st, demnd8 thcir attention.


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