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Local Brevities

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- All qnlet on the Fluron. - Tiio Board of Supervisors resnmec busli css yesterday. - Thu Board of Coonty Canvassen wil meet on Tuesclay next. - A few conla ofseasonedhlckory wuoil wanted at t!is office iminoillately. - The wcitlur is not the most lovely as we go to press- Thursday evenlDg. - Onr rooster isn't cxactiy sick bnt has a tit of the snik and refoses to crow ovei tho result ot the elect'on on Tuesday. - N. II. Sohoff, of thls city, reporta nueoíhls bcDsdying itli the liorsmüM'"-'"', or if not tbut somethlng ncarly aklu to t. - Wc pcivn a very inti re-tin' ktter from otir (orclgn correspondent tlils week, lts depcrlptions ofpeasant Ilfe and castoms are weJl wortb reudlng. - It Buowert Qnely for an liotir or two ysterday mornlng, and snow sliovels were in clemiiml for awhlle, bot the walks were lry fg!n before nKit. Now that electlon Is over wc slmll bn ble to gíve lesa spac to politics and more to aeneral readlng anl local affitlrs. It is just the time to subscribe, - The Berger Family appear at Iho Oper;i Ilou-e ïuxt VVedoesday even'.uff. Tlils troupe has no superior In its Une, and wlth bells and lioms and voiee will iliscourse ood nmsic. - .Lyck & BoEorro are jast gettlng n .tlieir gecond ful! stock of ffoorts, bonglit at i-educed prlces and for sale correspoiuHng)y low. See thelr ucw advertisement aml go and see theni. - (et your miI-JUeadS, L.etter-uea(is, 'Cards, Uircuíars, &c., prlnted at the A.BG1 a ofllce. Wo can't prlnt for uotlilog or less tdiin cost, bot wil! glve Lood stock and Vrk at Ule Iowcst llvlug pnces. - As an loducement tu new subscribers the Aunes wil! be farnlsbeci "roiii th;s (lac until December Sist, 1878, fourUén months, for $2. If yon are readlng thls Ítem Ín i hurrowed unmbeí of tiifi Anoua dou't ■sponde nny lohgcr bnt subscribe fur i.t. - E cction divy ivas anythlng bnt a picasunt day, tíverheacl or underfoct, aud ovviiis to tlie horse distomper baVIfig 'reaclu-d our City aiiil vicinity in "SWlngÍDg aroimd the clrcle," it was a diQ5cult job to .ffct out tlie sick and lame and la.y roten. - Tlie Jackson jourhals write ín a very 'compümcntary strain of Manager Stbvuh son and l:is coiapaoy, and eepeclally'fif hls Btar, Miss Lillic Eldiudge. Tbe seuson opcMis ii t ,!;-(i:!. . n ti," I2th inst., und icoon a'ftcr that daie in ths_::ty. - In 'tlio procccdlugs of the Board o" Supervisors wili be l'ouud a proposit'on looklng to tbe balldlQg oí a new Comt llonse. To adopt it wonld cali lipón this ■city to pay a very s'iisll IV.iction less (ipii lulf tl.e cost or ubout ?4T,ÜOO. We BW not ready to vote yes jast ye:.


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