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Board Of Supervisors

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Tuesdav, Oct. 29, 1872. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Colled to order by the Chainnan. Koll called, quorum present. Journal oí yesterday read and approved. Mr Wynknp offcrcd thofallowing : Whereas, Tho order of the Board of Supervisors for the yeiir ls7 1 reqniriDg the Supervisor of the township of JN'ortliluiht to lovy .-i li;m tax on certain taxabJo property in süid township, was not obeyed nor said tax collected, therefore, Hetolved, Thatour Proaeouting Attorney bc and is hereby requested to state to this Board what, in his opinión, are the duties of said Board (if any) in relfltion to the above uamed ditch tax. That our Clerk is hareby requested to funiish tho said Prosecuting Attorney with a oopy of tho abovo preamblo and rosolution. Whicli was adopted. Mr. Cook moved that tlio report of the Cüiniiiitteo on Rejected Tuxi.s bo referred back to said committee for corrections. Agreed to. Un motioil of Mr. Shurtleff, the Board idjourned until half-past ono P. M, AFTEUXOOX SESSIOX. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Cbairman. Eoll lalled, quorum present. Mr. Tuomy, front Committee on Civil jlaiiii?, presentad the following and reoimniended their allowance at sums staed: Claim?!. Atril. i'l Krapf, rcpnii"son C't Iïousc 4 50 1 itt 09 J. C. Wubon, stntionery, 7 co ; ,vi 10 E. C. Traver, rcpaiiï on loyks, 1 146 a Èy lor '■■-uit BODSO) 1 00 1 00 U J, A. Polhemua, cunveyonoe or I in Co. Qoum, 8 1)0 7 00 13 F. Borg, pitintingundglaiiDgforCo. 8 17 9 17 H L. O. KiAdo Btoya tor ivirifi. ( tttic,i ■:.-. 1 9 lis E. li. Poii I, prfnting for Sheriff; is (0 18 uo U6 & tkmdheim, clotbrug for pnsouers ut jail, 2 00 2 00 117 Iï. A. Bcal, printing fur Supt. of Schools, 50 75 20 Í5 18 O. Tbatcher, jiAtice rf thopeace, 150 ISO i') ! r J. Knpp nu ktjtdi, 1 50 1 GO o Wicka & .. : i.t i , Buudriea lor Coort House, ' . 6 3U c 30 On motion of Mr. Ileuwick, tho report ras acceptod and adopted, Mr. Krapf moved that therejort of tho üouiity Drain Commissioner bo referrcd o him, with instructions to itcmize li Is cpori so as to show tho ïiumber of days ctually spent on each ditch. Yhich motion was agreed to. On ïnotion of Mr. Yeekley, the County 'reasurcr made the following report: ,Co. ïi:i;Asri:i:i;'s Office, ) Oetober 29, 1872. J "o the Honorable Board of Svpertitors: C' nii.i:mi:n - 1 would report to your loporablo body that the amounts of fine loncy reoewed at fcttis1 oigoe froni Ootojer 30, 1871, to dr-te, are is foUows : Nov. 1, lsri, ironi P. Fleming, $t CO April 83, 1873, " Watson Burr, 4 00 ,lu y 0, " " Ezra Joni 9, 2ó 00 Sept. 17, " " Giorge C. Psge, 25 00 Oct. 17, " " J. Q A.BeSfieii.-., ■ " 23, " " M. W&tWX, B6 00 " 23, " " V. F. Hatch. 2r 00 ii v(j c( .i ii g 00 All of whi:h i '. :c;.tectfully submitted gïJSPSBN PAIECHXLD, Counjy Treaeurer. On motion of Mr. Kentiick, tho roport vas iiecepted and orderod spread uponlie journal. Mr. Cook offered tho following proam)lo and resolutionG : )Y', ij af, Qur County of ïTaahtenaw in vealth nd .populatie tatowu our üourt Hojwe aud Cítty offices ; ii:l 117 @oatt House :;nd County ulo not afiford anything like good or Bufljcieut room or áccomniodatíons for ihe Couit, jurore, and pdrties litigant doing business therein; and, Wkereat, Tho health, comfort and wol] ■■ of the Conrt, jurorsj a 1 i r. it ios at [aw and menjhers oí the bar and Countyí ofBoers absolutely regttire bettcr accom-modations; and, WAereas, The dilapida ted oondition oi the Court i cottaty offices is an induooment to incendiarism ar.d crime; ana, UV. ..., '.ly ;i ñtfi i'"' ïaid offices the connty would suffer nót only t I iii:n milt of loss in dollars ajid cents Iban it would co:;t to mjld :v goei lire prooi' building, bjit v..'lM also suü'.:r au irreparablè loss in hcek, papers aiijj. "records that n ; nd, Wh'erea, Önr oóunty is abundaatly able to huild the necessary prooi building;, being wholly and entüely out. of debt; thei . , That we tho T3oard nf Supervi- snid oounty wiil t:iko the necess.i'v steps. to provide meaos to erect a. buildinjï be built iu the center of the üourt Hou ut for all ne purpo'sea, ut a cos't to tho whole county not to oxceed U'i, ()()(, .provided ty of Aun Aiii . payingher.. share of tho general ■ , shal) ;'.!si appropriate and raise the sum of (38,060, being one-third of tho abovo aiiiount, for that purpose, thereby leaving foi the whole county, including tho city of Ann Arbor, 106,000, and +'or the city of Ann Arbor, 39,0Ö0. Remhed, ïha'l il ís Ihe opinión of this' B iai d of Supervisor.I y and . city should issue bonds for thoso two aniounts, viz. : County bonds tor ff.OOO, and city bonds for $3:5,000, bear■hi interest at Beven per cent. Betofoeetl That tho Board appoint a Building Cpniuaittee of three citizens of tho county whoso immediate duty it ehall bo to procure plans and ostimates of the cost of tho necessary buildings - provided tho city accept and agreo to the foregoing. On motion of Mr. fihurtleiï, the resolutions wcre accepted and orderod entered' on tho journal. Gn motion of Mr. Shurtleff, tho Clerk of the Hoard was excusod from further attendance on the Board uutil Priday morning. On motion of Mr. Renwiek, tho lioard adjourned until half-pasi piiio o'clock te-nKrrow morning.


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