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A ÍW ARRANGEMENT ! I AM NOW OPSN1NG 1OO CASES MEÑ'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes ! Ladiea'. Misscs' and Qhildrea's Boota Shoes and Slippers. . These gooda havo jnst been pnrclinted of flrst banda, nucí as 1 liuvc no exprataofBEKT, aL(l ivo my eniiro personnl attenlion to the businusa, I hope tu tapeto Successfully wi(h all engaso lln the SSX3CO3H3 rrM-XSE?. ... A. D. SEYLER, Nu. O Nortk Muin SI. Aan Arbor, As. S, :■ 13SCn3 A ÍALSK REPORT! TH AT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TBADI HE STILL LIVES, AKD HAS A LAUGK ASI) Cü.MPI.KTfi STOCK OF HATS & CAPS I JUST THE STYLE, AND AT l'RICES TO 8UTT THE TIMES. ALSO AFDLLUNKOP GENTS' FURMSHIXG GOODS! JltiN'T I"IiCIlAEiK YOÜR Fall and Winter OUTíTiS DÁTIL YOU give T-acinvr -ft., x.. 15 Scuth Mala St.. Aún Aibct. un-tf, MOTHERS! MOTHERS!! KOTHERS ! ! ! Don'l fail o procure ÍJKS. WI1VS LOWfl noo-íiiim; svittp roit CHJÍBíii;.V TEEXH1NO. Thl vfiliir.Me preparatlon !nis heen n=cit with NEVEB-PAUUNG SUCOtf IX THOUSAND8 lt nol cnily relieves ('■■ chíM fretn pain, bni Invlgorates the Btonucü ml bowel, correcta oclUICy, nd n and eaergj (o the wholu systcm. Il wi.l íleo In tantlj reiieva Qripingin tlie Bowels and Wind t'olic. v. iirluv it tho l'.iisi' and 8URE8T RBMEDY IN THB WORLDi in 11 casee of DYSEKTKRY vxn DIARRUCEA IN CHILDREN, wh.rtln-r ariaIng froin teethlng or, anv other ca e. Depend npoii it nolhera, it will givcrest toyourselvesi aud Iti'lioX nnl Health to Your Iofantg. Bc euro and "■ - : l 1 1 for "Mts. Winslow8 Soo1!:inj: Syrnp." v.n: foc-aimile ol "CURTÍS PFRKIN8" on the outside wravper. Suhl bv Draggista thronïhont tho world. iy THE "LIGHT RUNNING" 4-ugV "Eomestic" S, M. Co , ki Cambeis St. N. Y., or 214 JeSferson Ave. Detroit, Mích. 13fl5m8 JIBÍ SEOEIVEB at tho Farmers' Store Ann Arbpr, FIFTT DCZ2N of Ladios' Wrappers and Drawors, FÏFTY DOZEN Mens' Wrappara and Drawers, and a Splendid Line of NEW GOODS. Como and Seo Ta sm, thoymust baaoïd. i3r,w4 G. V HAYS, Supt. TAME8 McMAIiON, Justicc of the Peaee, Office in n!v bloek, Xorth of Couvl IIouso Money oollcctca and pvomiitly puid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Triumpli. assels, i"-'7.ns.ll NorUl Missouri, " M3,417.BI Qlberala, " 85U,ooo.oo RIÜAXj ESTÁTE. I hflve s i a.T(' ■ f and '.i ot' a inilo froni thecity tmttA. 1 . tor l'raii or gniden purpoees. Atao -10 ü' : Also 10 acres, with hnuse and l):irn,and a Ilvely Htreani of water running throuhthc barn yard. o acre, a mlleoiit. 1 wil] r.i-ll :iuy or all the abovo cheap, or exchancc for city prupeity. 1 Tl JAMES McMAHON. illÖÖÖÏMiFAll FOR SALE. 1IKXJÏY G00D1 BAB,of Shiiron, h:ivinffassiffnedall Ma proper t y to uu for the benefit of bis on ve nov onet the property c ■■ ti parcela tonuit nuïdiai e Brrt olnss- none beitev In tho Btate. Ovar one thousand rosub ol Lmpioved land m ;i body. IV:. -ons buylng can auuïhe iooriga a part of the purohase money. Ail ba-ving olaima ■ theania Goodyeai uw requested to present theui to the nstiign -.1, September 26lh, U72. SMTTir. W, ff, fAUvIN". 1303 JOB. Mr.MAIK'.V. ■"iÍA C9ft T iln7' Agent wnntcrïl AM pi lü 5V cl;t,M., Of WorWng pwple, of elther sex, youns or old, nuke more rooney at workforustn tüeir Bparo moinenta or uil tho rimo, Ihaii at anythin elfe. Particular frve. Addresi .. 8tlnson k Co., rurtlunU. ilaiao. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER AND PLATEÜ WARE TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, SPECTACLES. FANCY GOODS, ETC. C. IS k SB, So. 11 South Main St., HAVE JUST EECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSOUTMENT OF THE ABOVE NAMED GOODS. NEW AND ELEGANT PATTEHNS, A fine stock of Ladies' Watches and Chains, Fins (xold and Plated Sets, Rings, &c. CALL AND SEE US. OUE PRICSÉS ARE AS LOF AS ANY .IN -TUIS COUNTRY. EEPAIRING OF WATCUES, CLOCKS, JEWELJIY, Ei-ccutod Ncutly and Proinptly. 20 I 20 ! who will exnlnin this simple Ign, Jyn i e 1 uk will it pay to Cali at the li 29 1 hut inean thosu mvxiu: Intern thice Over bhtn oew grocery- C. ! J C for Credit ? and D fir a dun ? That's the wiy buttneM is olten dnne : 15ut tbt'a not the way to ri'jul tin' f:an Oí L. (jolbv, wiio eclls grocerlea st 29. C ts for Oahii : for the yioOs he sells bo chciip, 1 l'is better to huy tlicm jour moucy to keep. t O. II. - ( 'a ri -ihii is ihe way Hl :ihl: to sell ao low HtiA uüiko it pay. H( ii. i bul debta to maka hlm croas, or tox nou more to nmlte u hú loss. Ho tOHt'8 the place tó buy Voor food, Hevlllsell rebeap, aud ;ou wUI flnd It good. M the C. O. I) Grocery you will nhvays tlrnl The Ix'bi ofCotbe and leaa of all kinds, WitlisuL'iir. t-o.and irefh. ripe fruit, Oroannrd.ordrled, ill taste tonuit ; Oraugl 8, I.cmoiiB FlgB and ltnlian Penri", All the picea thattroo or shrub oftropic bears, Nota .raiaii.H anij varioua kinrte "I Crindy, 'I hatchlldren lovo and mothera bandy, To keepoo band bidden A '■ Htick " oí lliïs will n-.),. them more Thiin the old fnflüoncd Tod" our fathem uscd, Wlii i. rblldrcD wcre pKnty audottcu ubuacd. He ha all kind ol Piovisinn? tho palate to piense. KUh, bacon , Boor, bread, butler :ind cheese. Oaokies and crackers, eherrles, chocolate nndeako, Tbiogs to boil, fry, roatt. Btew, Bteajn or bakc. (lernas pecana pAiannta, provea und plckle. To coax thu appetiie, no ca])i icious aud lickle. He hu glaswar', crockery. and vesselsof ton, l'K'iH-h Luatral Soap - the bost evor known ; Tobacco and rmr, both for chewing and smoking And oever uili frown if yon ahonld Be Joking. And niiitiy other thtnffs voo ncmerotis to mention, All of which tb aell ckeap fur casMs bisUitentla i. Thcn C"me. Rood people. onn and.all, And ve the U. O. I). t'rof.ery a Cali. Cmí try ourprlco-i and try our W;ires, '■r in our proiitK the buyer sharea. You pay ihe cash lor what you get, Wlth bo tarlfloB lossen to 'make wn fret ; Dnn'! '!.;■ for creútt, thongh yonra millionnlrc, Uut buy yoiirjrr.iccries fo"cah at prices fair. Come from the country and the'town, Prepared to buy aud pay cash lou-n, Oi mOj lich and poor come black nud white. Yu will ffnd provfaloni plenty and prioee ri?ut, ComeiMeodsof Orantand Irienda oGretle _Slmkc banda at 89 and trade C. J. I. fni-ly. üñiñii ■ ■ H ATT ER ! HAS RECEIVKD UI8 FM l MUI STOCK osr Hats and Caps, IX LATEST RTYLES, LADIES' PUR8. fiEOTB' Fl'KMSH!S .OODS, ETC, WIIICII HE PROPOSKS TOSKI.I, AT PRICES WniCII DEFY C0MPET1TI0N. 7 South Main St., Ana Arboi. RACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy largely of Mannfacturers and Importers, andexcl nsively for cash, and, invite theinspcctionof the closest cash tado. our stock: of LADE' J1RI1 (ÜODS Will bc foiind largu and attractivc, embracing man y new styles - Black Silks and Lyons Poplins at very Low Pi'ices. BAOH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES BLACK ALPACAS Just rceeived. We shall mak e a SPECIALTY of these goods, and will make prices lower than ever offered before in this cily. BACH & ABEL. 50 PiecesWamautta Bloach. Cettone 50 ' I.onsdale " " 50 "Ilill'sSem.Idem" " At lower prices than thty have been sold for in the city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. Our Cloth Department Is very complete, consisting of Englisl), French, and Germán Coatings and Bnitinge, with many of the best American brands. We give especial .ytention to this branch of onr Inisiness and invite an inspection of the goods. BACH & ABEL. S5 DOZEN" Feit anti Emlbossed Skirts. We have the Celebrated " Ponson " Cloak, and Cloth, (the Best Irnported ) BACH & ABEL. We are agenta in this city for the ceiebrated UARRI8' SEAÜLESS KID GLÍ5VES, And have in store a Fnll Asso-rtment. BACH & AJ3ËL; The Clieapcst nnd Bost Fire Department in the World. Ocer One Thousand Actual Fires Put Out WIT!! IT, AND MOIIE THAN 8,000,000.00 Worth of Property Savcd From tho Flaracs. _ - THE gg A B CöC( ïï rt W te i "3 c. E i fcv vF ik o -i Fi extinguisheB" Towiis that liavo boiiht them sy twclvc Exí'.n íínisberit inakc n rtre (k'partmcit tia efficiënt,, a'nd more avallublc thau a -inm vuyiue. uso, The Kabcock Self-Acling Fiio Engine, POR CITY, TOWN an. o VILLAGE USE ItlsmonetbcUve ili:'.n tlie Staain Firo Eiisine beoaoseit la nistnnta-jeously raad} umi itirowsa powcrinUtrcnm nf Oarbonic acia gas and water (ui ui leuKtb of lUna. It is Ihe bc..t umi hcapet Piro Knfrine in the wrUI,aii(] comes wlthln the fiuancialabiluiesof every placo, H doasnot requlre a oipensive syitem of ratr workö, and itt never out of repair. ScuiJ fr tiifir record. Uvi-ry tiiwn In the State shonld havo them bf.fore thudry wcather sets in, und prevent conflagittaona. E. X. IÍAitíTI, (;c.Accn(, 118 Woodward Ave., Detroit. M:inufac!urcr of Iron, Brass and Copper Wiro, wire Clolh, Wi.-e Haillng and Fondue, Copper Weather "anc.aud Wiiü Work generally, ■ lyr Q L. PACK Keeps on band a ñrst class stock CIGAR3, TOBACCO, PIPES, SiSTUFF And all smokers articles AT TnE OLD STAND 2 doora -west of Cook'a Hotel at the sign of the BIG IXJUN.


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Michigan Argus