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-- ALT. nXT.ont THHSATiSIÏÏfffiiSw In tho wondcrfal medloino to whleb tho nflileted we nl-ovo pointod for relief, tho discoverer bellOVPS lio bas combined t'n ilormonj) inoro of Nature 's nutst snveroign o-nrntv.-o propertirs, rUoh (;'il has iimlilleil into the vcgotablo ktngdom for licitltag tho Blok, thnu Tvero wet beforo combined In one medlolno. Tho rrldenco of this fact is fiMind in tho great 'varloty of most obstinate disensos whlch been ïonnd to cooqner. Jn tho euro of Uronc'hllln, Hcvcrn Co;li. and the onrly stage óf Coinaniptlcn, it boa w-toniBhed tno medical fnenUv. nuil emlneift phyeldana prononnoe it tho greatèat medical dlscoveiy of tho age, Whilo it cures tíio Bovorcst Congba. it Btrengtbenfl tho eystem and imiiiics !ïc lluofl. By its (CTMt and thorongh blood purifying prorertiPR. it curoa all Humon, trom tho' worst Scrulltla to a common niotch. Pimple or Kntpíloti. Mercurial dine.iso, Mlaoral IVipona, and thelí eíTects are erndicuttd, and vioroua henlth and a sound conetitntion eBtablisbed. Krynliwlu. .Nult HiKUm Kcvtr S(r-, Srnïy oi' Il;utw Skin, ín Diiort. all the numfrona d!'iases enut'd by bad biooa, aro eonqnered by tliis poweifal, punfvLe oud invigoratinj; medicine. 7t tou foei dulli droway, debilitated,' have low color of skin, or yoIlowlsQ brenvn ppots on fice or body, frequent nendacho or dizzlneíí.had taste in mouth, iatfrnal heat or rhills, alicroined wlth hot flnhS3, low ppirits. and gloomy forebodines, ïrre-nlar nppotito, and trngue eoated, vou aro Btifferlng frorii Torpld Xlver or BlllOHU08." Ia many ca?ea of "I,iTOr ComplHint" only pirt of these tymptome re experienceA. Ai ;i re leay forallinch'a?e. Dr. Pierce's Me?i Medical Dli-tim-ry has no eual, a it eií-íl-i perfect cures, letvlng the liTer 8trentheaed au I hcalthyi For the en 'of Habitual Cousll ptlon of the boic!s it, is a-n7er r-tilini rem. ■ ; who bv u-e- i: fbrthls pnrpoíe aro I :.s :n Itspralfe. Toa propriotot ofera $1.000 reward jor a medí cine i : 1 it for the cure o all tile dis. aaaoa for whvcli it Í3 recommcnilod. 6 !■! by druïgista at $1 per bottle. Preparod K V Plerce M. 1).,P"I'' Propriotor, at hiaChemi cl Laboratorjr. Viï Seinen rtruet, BuifUu, N. ï I youraddreMlbrapampUlut. NEW BOOT YSHÖÊ STORE! At No. S Soutli Main Street. Thi iiiulorinf;! takei plensnro in nnnonneins to thedtUensof Ann Arbotaod viclnity that he has opened ñ oew btidlnem place, wherfl he will keep COBett&ÜJ on tmud a full aurlaicut oí BOOTS & SHOES And ererything in that ine, WIIICII WILL RE SOLD AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. Repairing Done Keatly and Promptly. IS Please givo me a cn.ll. L. GRUXES. Ann Arl)or, Aur;. 2, 1872. lE8Stf T Q. A, SESSIONS' INSURANCE AGICI. Hls Compnnïcs Are Sound. pHffiNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AWD ASÍETS.Jot.t 1.18T1.... $1,781,000 CHICAGO LOS3BS 750,000 tut: fiïncrïïx i tllocit condocted Fire ïiisïiriviict; t'onipuny iu tile l'nitcd SJiKcs. AlwilJN irusli-iil nuil sound. itml iilwnys proiupt i ii iii s 'iiicut uf losINTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YOllK CITY. The ftrt Oompanyto pass the ordenlof the New York Tnsnranec Commissioners .ince the Chicago Flre, coming out from thesevere test TEIUMPHANT ! Associated Press Dspatch,Novombor 2,lS7l, TUEINTEUN.ITIONALINHÜRANCKCOMPANY. Thí Superintendent oí the New York fíate ínsnrance Department; who Ib maklng acarcfui offlcisl examlnatlon of the New York City Companies to-day, eertlfleí that the Inlernational Compnny's assets nf H, 901,000 ure aecnroly Invetted, and it capital ofMO,000,after proTlfllng for all liabilities, Inclnilingthe Obleago Uro, I whnl!7 unlmpalred. This Oompany is paying allits Chicago iosses and is sound and rcliable, Poliríesissiiedst falrratcs at my office. No. 11 East Hurón street, Aun Arbor, J. (J. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. 13JTtf. YTTHITMORE LAKE. Hsving rcoently'rcfitted and fnrnifhcd Iho CLIFTON HOUSE! I am nowpropíirod to reccive nnd entertain plcnsure, fishiui and dftnclag psrttes, at ooc of the most attrftCttrOi pleaMUkt audhealthy water i ni; pl tices in thc Wet Uybofttt nreTicw.larfffi and eommortlons, and wcii adapted for the ase oí plea&ara se( Iceit, Anglere v. iil íind u f 11 ;md cdiupletu equipmcnt :ilY r.s Olí hmul. I ,1 atcentlon Klvcn to tho wants ftnd romthosewho wbhto ppenda few weeks in recreation durlnc the warm Hommer montUa . Nopalna wIHbe Bpared to mako whitmork AKK, in the ftituro n iu ilio iit, a favorile sumiiiur resort. D. F. SMITII. T IVE GBBSB FEATHKRS FIBST GIXTA-TIT ST , (ouetantlonhand andforsulcby BACIl ê' ABEL, HAVE YOU SF.EN THOSK NICE DBI88 GOODS at tho Futuvrt' Store If not go aud sec them. 'I 'HE FIRST NEW GCOBS IN M.A. KKBT, AT FSSSLIY LEWSS' TUR Fiiiest, Largest and Itfost Completo tock f Fin :s Goods í'or Ladies, Misses and Children, at FINLE7 and LEWIS' Burí's Fine CaK Boots at Finley & Lcwis, and at NO OTHEIl Place in Town. The lïfsl Kip and Btoga Boots in Town at PIÏÏLET & LEWI8'. Th Best Boys' Boots at FIN LEY & LETIS'. The Stock wliich 'I honpht Tor TaSÜ ttn 8" eold at bltcr priecs thim those bonght ON TIME. Finley 8c Lewis BUY FOR CASH ' and can solí thflr goods at FAIR PKICES. ismu. IS HDW I1EACY FOR THE FALL TRADE Iluving Receivcd a Lnrge Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS7 1NCLUDING OLOTHS, CASSTMERES, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QTJALI TIES W1IICU II E W1LI. on terms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FÏÏENISÏÏIEG Goeds ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS No.31 'sonth Main Street,- EaetSides OALL AND SEE THEM. WnUil Tt'AGWER. Ann rbor, Octobcr IattlST2. jgj B. GIDLEY, Succcssor to COLGROVE 4 SON. DRUGGI8T AND MUIST IN COOK'S NEW nOTEL, Nft 12 E. HURÓN STEEET, nRALER IN lil .S. KIEDICIItES, SrKI('.lli HSTRCTIEHTS, ri'KE WIRE8 AI LIQl'OAS, CFGRMEDICAL PÜUPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pcriumery. PAIIVTS, OII.S, V A J J.-iHI.s, ;i,.sn AND PtJTTY, PHYSICIASS' PBESCRIPTÏOSS Carefally componnded at all honra. I PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN AitTICLE. ,.B. GIDLEY. 13CTtf pOïïLED LAGEK, ALE AND PORTER, Put up in Pints and Quarts for Family 086. ALSO BY THE KEG. 73T Orders loft itf Leitnr A, Co.'s Ornr Store tvill bc prouiptly fillcd. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor,May23, 1872. :3I6tf LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Doals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, [Pipes, fec, AT NO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN AUïïOÏÏ, 3SICII. 1345tf " O TO THE PARMKRS' STORK AND BUY YOUR ' f Carputs, Oil Oloth auil Ungs cheop lor cash. 3. Wjii.kkr, rroprialor. R. II. McDoHALO A Co., Inio;iis Gen. Ajtot.W, San frnnriiwn, Cn!., iml M OonmiM 9lTW., íí, 1'. ñlLItffO'NS Bear Testftnony tu theït „ Womlerful Cutallvo KiTccts. Thcy are not a vilo Knncy Drink Bfadfl of Poor Rum, Whislicy, Proof Spirits nnd RefilM Uqiinrn dO0tff6d, Splced and swectenctito pienso tho tustc.ctilletl " Tonica," ".Appf-tixerv ltcstorer9,"S:c.t thnt lend tlie lipplcr on to dninkeimossnntl ruiii,biit ure fetnit Medicine, mmlc fromthn Native Xlootfl iindHerbn otOollfomfa, freo from all Alcohol Ie Btlma ínts. TlieyaroMieCiRÜAT ÜI.OOIÏ PUKJFIF.Itaiul A UFE GVING PRINCIPIE, a perfect lïonovnior nnd ImriflOratot of tho. Byttom, carryiitiïofïiillpoiisonousniiitterftntlrostorinff theblixxl to r liealt-hy comlïtioii. Ho person can take these Bitters nccordhiR to tlirectkms and rcroain long imvd!, provideJ thefr bonen are not destróyer by minora! pofson or other menna, and tho vital organs waatcd bevond the polnt of repair. Thcy aro n Gontle I'iirentïvon welï nna. Tonïc pnsscssinf;, iiIro, tlic peculiar merit of íioting ïis a power ful agent in relieving Congestión or Inflammatlon of tbc Livor, nnd all tho Visceral Orffans. FOR FEMALE COBIPLA.1MTB, inyownsfor oíd, marricd or fiiit;ïo, at tbc dnwn of wonianliooii or at Uit torn of lifc. tJioscTonic Bitters havo no cquai. Vor fnflammatory mul Clironic Uhoiimn IIhiii and (inri;, Dispepsia or Indiecstion itllioiiK, Ucitiïttcnt mul Inlrruiif tent Fe vers, Disoiiirs of tlir Hlood, Mvor, KM ncys nnl IJludilrr these lïilters bavc been most snocessful. Suoh DlBOnieflorocansedbyTltlaMd lïlood, wblob Isgcnorftlly produccd by dcranRcment of tho Ii{?oKtivo Oreani. DVSPEP8IAOR INDIGESTIÓN, Deadacbo, Pain ia thcShouMers, Conrl]?, TffhtnMI of tha Cbest, DizzinoKiï, Snuf Jíructatfous of the Slmuacb, lïail Taste in tlio ftfontb. líilio:is Attacks, l'alji:ation of tho Hefirt, InHrimniation of iho Luha's, l'ain in tbe repions of tho KldnerSi nd a li umi red otlicr painful Bymptoms, are the oflsprimjs of PyspopfflSi Tlicy invicorato tha Stomacb and stimulaie the lorpld Livor and lïowels, nvhfcli ronder them of iuiequn.Ilod efQcacy in cleAnainff tho bloocl of all impurities, and impartiujr new üfe and vior to tho wboleBjstcm. POR SKIN DTSF.ASKS, ErnpÜonfi, Tetter, Salt Bbftttm, Blotcboo, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, JBoils, Cnrbandes, RfnWornu. Beftld Uad, Bon Eyes, Bryslpolas, 1 LohtSourfs, Uiscolonttloiu of the Skin, llumorsan'l :i, of whatfvor name or nnfurf. aro llter&liv dng up nnd carrled out of the system in a short timo b th ise Bittsra One ïmttle in Bueb ca&es will coiiviiico tho most incrcUulous of their curativo ti Cleanse the Vitiatod Blood whenoyer fon Ond iH lmpurities borstlDff throuffhtho skin in Pimjiles, Eruptlons or Sores; doaoao t whon you find ft obsiructcd and sIuíTísh n tho veins; cloanso it when H tabal and your fefltngs will tellyouwhen. Eoep tho hlood pure, and tho healtii of tho sntem will follotr. Pin, Tapei nnd otlicr Wovms lurkinjlntho sj-ptom of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed añil removed. Baja a distincuished pliy-Rioïosrist, hen Is Bcarcety an indiTidnaj upon tho faco of tho cari} wbose body is exempt from tho presence of ■wormw. lt in Dot npon the healthy elementa of tho body that wornm exist, but upon the dtseaaed lmmors önl slimy iïoosits that )reod these living monsters of disenso. No System of Medicine, no v-r:nifuíjes, do anthelminties will freo tho system Erom wurms like thte Bitters. 3. WALKER, ProprU-tor. R.n. HoDONAU) & CO, Druffijists nnd Oen. A-ronts. Bftn Franc i co. California, and 32 and 31 Commcrco Street, New York. lÖTSÜLÜ BY AM, DKUUGISTS AÍJD CBALKR3. "ÏBoWwTiËÖFTMT álO YZARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved I5r. Crook's JL X3LJC ;To Iiiïto mor _-erit lliau suiy s' ' Sk Sí'5'!1 lrejar;t the pti!!ic. Tt is ricï iiï ihe ntcslieinal qn:lMusiirT:ir, anrt iineqnalert or ti':iKts of the Tli roa t smJ I5iLy;f-, performing the most reinurk aiile ('invs. Coughs, Cold, tlironlo Cougha. It eiTecltially cures tliem all. Asthuj;! and Ufoncliitiah Has cored so many cases it hu line pronoonoed a spedíic for these cotuplaints. 'or pains in Bi-east, Sido or Back, Gravel or Türtney Discase, Diseascs of ihe Urinary Organs, Jaundico er 'any Liver Complaiut, Tt lias nocqual. it is also a superior Ton ie, Restores the Appetito, Strengthéns the System, Iiestores tho Weak and Debilitated, Canses tho Food to Digcst, llemoves Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís ?tlalarïons Foyers, Givcs tone to your System, Keal Estáte for Sale THE VOLNKY CHAPÍN HüMESTSAD, Ncar ih Dorthet corner of the Courtllonpe pquare. Thla pioperty vtlñ bo -u:'! :n reftsunable jrlcfe, In loUsnliable Tor a resldence. or forbnsl. ilota on Mtller Avuuuecait oí Ctoms' green hootv. A Ñ 9 :l Farm oi" 1(50 Acres, Wol) wateredand fenced, wiiii good orebard and Mroolldlugs wlthtnamlle ofttaoConrt Honsetn st . Johus, Mk-hi'-Tün . and8eyeral hnndredacrea ol lne and Oflii timberod Iuikíhíu Saginaw County, n. hlgftn. Inqulre of N. Vv-. CIIFFVF.IÏ.or 1390m(! O. A. CHAPÍN. MOT I OEI The BTibscrlb' rt hsq attliclr cemmnnd, as a central th:.i'.r. lYom Bve handred t Bvfl thoasand doliiT to lom) ■ d ttrel an'l flret clasfl montgago ltoato o tho Couaty ol Washtenaw, - ttme Trwn thiree lo ( Ive yeara. ïerma liberal Olilca oppositfl tbe Post ; )flloe,and ato. A, Lelter & Co.a Drug store. No. i I tregory Block. Oor Abstract líoükaii'e posted np q dat6. A uu Arbnr, Ifaj 30, 16T8. ; TitA'jv w. BOOT, ROOT & LETTKTÍ. CUA. A. LKUlüt. )8 Otí HURRY UP ! I) AUTII2S wUhlog Wall Paper, Cloth mui Paper BhadesHollan0fWlndow PtxtarcSi C le, ÁCi nll New Styles, ;iL Sa tts factor) Prtces, byJT IC S eiMter 5c Co., Uuk tlore, onar the KxpruM Oflico. t X X '


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