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Board Of Supervisors

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Wednksdav, Oct. 30, 1872. Board niet pursutint to adjouruimnit. Called to order by tho Chuiriuuu. lioll ealled, quorum iirosent. Journal of yeaterday read and approved. Mr. Thatcher, f rom Comrnitteo on Criminal Claims, reported the tbllowing recommendiug their allowance at suuis stated: , _ Claimtri. Aird. 121 Jna. Ijawrenco, wit. leen btforejus. i l 53 a 1 .;; 122 Mr. II. Lawieuco " " 1.53 15,t l&l O. X. Allyn, Constable, 5.08 0.0 124 WilUam 11. Mt;Iiityiu,bep. Sheriff, 63.40 (:3.4(i 1-5 Wllliam H. Meintyre, 42.10 42. Jü ï-ü Btephen Hitohoockf " a."8 3."tt 127 L. li. Gilman, juror iu juntice court .Í0 5(1 128 U. li. Kelley, " ' " .50 50 129 Nelion 11. Suhoff, " " " 50 50 130 Nathuu H. Droké, " " - .so .50 131 11. II. üoodneh, " " ' .511 [50 132 Johu ilurkiiain, " ' ' .50 .60 133 ltutua ('hU', ' ' .30 .50 Ió4 l.ukci Cuyle, M ' u .50 .60 135 John Hjaii, " i i .50 .50 136 Xelou ii. Xye, ' .50 '.50 137 John V. ilaynard " " " .60 .50 138 Uicliael Dcmuhue, M M .50 .60 139 1'. l.luunrd " " " .50 50 HO D. A. Keiler, " " " .50 60 Hl li 11. Wiss, " " " .50 [o I ij Uhauncey liranch, M ' " .50 .50 143 Juhu li. Maynard," " " .50 .50 144 Kruatus tiiltielt, ■' " ' .50 .50 145 JeUtTBOn I.uwiï, wit. before justieu 3.30 3.30 Mb WlUiam Üagera, ' ' 2.58 2.58 147 L. O. Kogels, " " " J.58 2.5 148 J. b. CaW) " " " 6.C0 5 46 149 IJuu. W. lïrown, Deputy Sheriff, 13 40 13.40 ljo Uriiu Tlnitciier, iusticu, 0.55 (3.65 lol ÜU'i'liuii V. llilcbcock, dep. sheriff, 23.46 23.45 152 W. il. Uultiiit, jur Uiïore jua. court .56 .56 153 UeortjuJ. l'ruwell " " ' .56 .56 154 liunj. Wiuuus, " ' ' .56 .Ui 163 W. 1... fe oud, " " .56 .50 luU C. il. UiiVLlls, , " " " .50 .66 1Ó7 ti. H. Colcuiuu, ' .66 .56 16 J. M. Wood, " " " .56 36 ló'J 13. S. Billing, " " " .56 .5(i 160 i'ruuk UllUrt, " " " .66 .56 161 Juin; Huddlcr, " " .56 .66 1(J2 L. Winaii.s, 4i .66 .56 lü:í A. X. Koburlson, " ' " .56 .66 lul Praderick Knuue, constable, 119.09 119.08 lli.ï J. N. lluwlaud, wit. btlöre junlice, .50 .60 106 ticoV'e Uagor, " " " .50 .60 1C7 C. A Kicliarüa, " " " .50 .50 lii Orrin Ctupwlfi, ' " " .60 .30 IBS John Lttdur, " " " .50 ,&o 170 Ueuben Kiuimell, " " " .50 .60 171 Cieuryi; (Jullius, ' " ll .60 .60 172 Mjiuii llrown, w .60 .30 173 Wiüiam Baker, " " .50 50 174 S. O. Urake, " " " .50 .50 175 Hc-nry Koods, " M ' .50 .60 176 Thuluus Uoods, ' ' .50 .30 177 Frank Speur, " " .50 .50 178 Iti-ube Truax, " " " .30 .50 171) Claw&oQ Dülis, ' " .50 .60 180 Frauk optar, " " " .50 .50 151 John C. Clark, ' " .50 .50 152 titurijc Voohries, " " " .60 .50 183 Mary iliscock, " " " .60 .60 1S4 Frank Wlütlow, " " " .50 .50 186 Uioero .Newell, " " " .50 .50 18(1 Caroline E. Lewis, ' M M 1.50 1.50 187 Maliy LiiWis, " " l 1.50 1.50 188 Ohustvr Yoat, " " " 1.50 1.30 189 Ja.s. M. Chulcjter, " " " 1.50 1 50 ÏW) Wm. Campbell, " " " 1.60 1.50 li'l Jonathan Vortly, " " " 1.50 1.50 192 lathor McCurlie, " ' " .50 .ÖJ Ün motion tho report was acceptcd and adopted. Mr. üregory from the committec to settle with County oflicers, presonted the followiug : To the Honorable Ihelioard of Supertiton of 'Waihtcnuw County: Thu undersigned, couimittee to settlo with Couuty otlicers, rospectfully report that we have settlud with Stophen Fairchild, County Treasurer of Washtcnaw County, and havu compared and oxauiined tho books and vouchers of his offic and find them truo and correct, and wo also üud tho balance due said County to bo as pur statement herewith submitted : STEPHEN KAIU( H1LI), To Wa&hlenaw Cuunty, Xr. To balance on last yeox'a Btutemtnt. % 1,497.(6 btatC tax, 37,862.79 OountytttX, 46,209.;3 1l!lh lx. 5,1B5.21 Rsjecled ux, 01)8.44 Beoeived ot SuperintendcnU of Foor, 7,074.27 Uu fcccouut ol l'i'ubutu Iets, 1.00 ïinea, 1S5.C0 " 5 uO i'i 1 SnbrtfJ mtytava e icn r,.i Delinquent 'faxen, 1,121.50 Total, #106,683.00 Cr. Cash paiil on account of State Tax $34,953.41 Uu delinquent and rudemption tnxes 220.81 On jiirois and witness lees, 2,948. Oü ün Couuty order, 14,907.43 Ou County orderu, contingent fund, 10,229.19 On " " poor fuild, 22,016.71 On rrimary School fund, 6,314.96 Fino money, 158.18 House of Oorrcclion, 938.45 Insane Assylum, 640.02 Old W ishtênaw County ncrip redeemcd, 1.00 Delinquont taxes roturned, 3,427.94 Paid 011 dilch order, 3,8U.48 O11 haud to balance account, 6.KÓ2G TotiJ, }106,683.00 All of which is respeotfully 6ubniitted. "W. Ihvino Yeckley ) Elias Haibe, Committeo. A. A. Gregohy, ) Ann Arbor, Octöber 29, 1872. Ou motion of Mr. LoBaron, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Tuomy offered the following : To the Honorable Board of Üwpcrvisort of WuMenutc Coun'ii : Gentlemen : - The undersigned, on a careful examination of the minutes of this Board claims that injustico bas beeu dunt; liiin in tho report of the coinmitteo on public buildings made on Mouday last, as appears by tho journal of this Board. Tho undersignod does not wish it to go forth to the public that he thinks the city of Ann Arbor pays more now, and has for yeais past, than her honest ahare of the Stato und County taxes. The report was propured by the chairman of aaid committee, and read to the undersigned by said chairmau, and that part of said report whioh related to the oxcessivu taxes ;aid by the said city, was entirely misapprehendod. On motion of Mr. Wynkup the statom;iit was accepted, and on ïnotion of Mr., Thatcher the samo was entered on, thu ournal. Mr. LeBaron moved to take from the ;ablo the report of the Qoinnntteo Qlj, Public Buildings. Agreed to. Mr. Wynknp moved: that the report t rcferred back to the Gouiniitteo on Iubic Buildings for correotjons.. Agrped to. Mr. Yeckley offered the following : liciolivj, That the Coinmittee on Settlement with County. Oöicers bo instructed to burn all paid Cqunty orders, ditch or-. dors, and oid Washtmiaiw Gounty scrip, now in possessioi. oi' tho County Trjasurer. Adopied. On motion of Mr. Shurtloff, the Board; adjourod, uutil two o'cloQk, 1. M;. AÏ'SK1S.X.OO' ÜESSIOJÍ. Btair.d.iuet pursuant to adjournmont. Calkd to ordei by tho Chairman. Eoll called, quorum present. Mr. Tuoiny from Committeo. on Civil Ifiiius roporttd tho followiagandrcQonx nciuiud tucir allowanco : Clnimal. MPd. 93 Mvron Wcbb, Sheriff, S62S] ïMin 94 O. H. Mluily, BUD. lr Kcr. ütiie, S 0 5 DU dj J.. R.Webter, blank lk, Register, 37 50 37 so M Dr. T.ewitt, uiediCHl servicefl nt iail, 16 25 16 fV 87 (. W. JuckBuu, Dep. Cily MiaslüJ, SS ' " ïi A 98 I)t. It (.'linke, iioslmortem, MO fi 0 'M JaincH 1. Bela, jus. ÍCQ6 ou inqust, 7 05 íi 6- 00 W. IX Sinilli, jury on luqiiosl, 100 1 Oft 01 .' Bübbitt, " " 1 00 l (W 02 P. WulsV " " 1 00 10.) OS B. TburetoB, ' " I o 100 04 Jq)iii liiiiiion. " OP 100 05 Kdwin K I'n:in, " " 10 100 DO fitrick Rabbitt, " 1 oo 1 oq 07 John Dulan. " " 1 0 1 "O s Willuiiu Connor, " f 100 100 i.i .. Suminorvillu, witnMa üa aijuest, 50 50 in (íeo. H. Jedclee, ' " 6 5" '.1 Haniel A. Jewell, " ' íft S0 U Dr. Hun' -y l'lurk, " 50 60 On motion of Mr. Geer, the report was acceptod, adopted, and the claims allowed as rocommended. llr. Shurtloff, from Committeo ou Civil 'laiins, raported without recommenda-i ion certaiu (-luui.s for juroi's services bo'ore a Circuit Couit Commissiont-r. On motion of Mr. Cook tiao claims wero aid ou tho tabio. On motion of Mr. Forbes, tho Board djourned until half-pai aine o'clock ,o-morrow niorning. Tiiuusday, Oct. Sist, 1872. Board met pursuant to adjourunient. Called to order by the Chairman. lioll calkd. Quorum present. Journal of yesterday rcad nnd approvcd. Mr. Thateii"r prosented eortain claim?. Mr. Forhps nioviil that they lie roferr.' 1 tïi ;l SptSfciiïl (Miainittcc of three, con fiistin of Mewtra. Cook, Thatclui' and . Mr. 'Wynkup movod os i substituto that tlit? tiuin tbr receiving claims be extended ono week. The substituto was bcaeptod by Mr. Forbes. ïlio uiotion was not agreed to. Str. Tuomy moved to roonsider the voto last taken. The yeas and nays heilig oalled, tho motion was lost; yoas 12, n.iys l'i. Str. lt-mwick moved t! aL, the claims bo roeeivml and rcferrod to tho appropriate oomniittoes. Mr. Thatoher moved a división of tho question. Agreed to. The claims were thon rocoived. O:i motion of Mr. Yeokïey tho Board adjoümed until óne b'ólook, P. M. AVTF.KNOON BERSIOW. Board mt pursnaut to ndjournmont. GvlVol to order by Chairman. Koll callcd, quorum present. Mr. LeB&ron, from committon on smnll pox olaima, reported the iollowing and roooloiuended thuir allowanco : Claimed. AU'd. Ï13 Dr. .V. L. "Wulkor, modioal sorvic.?n la m:ill rox c-iaes, J11-' S5 ?115 'J 314 Townsliip of Snlem, expenses iu iivill pox c:ses, 3"!5 K Ï1S Jl.' insmnllpox 1ÍI 60 lllw MSB T WnlkiT, i-itp. insmallpox 10 7S JO 7S alTi AlbcrtT. Mnson, " " " ü 25 00 C. A. loiter 4t Co. med. " " 8 00 8 W) On motion, tho report was accepted and adoptod, and tbe claims allowed at sums stated. Mr. Jones offered tho following: Wkertat, It is imperativo upon this Board to receive and audit, oach and overy claim agninst tho county, presentod dtiring the time of its annual sossion ; and, whereas, it is important that snch claims should bo reviewcd by somo proppr oommittoo beforo being adoptod by the Board, thereforo, Renolved, That the rote taken on Mr. Teckley's motion, made Ootober 15th, to the effect that the Coramitteo on Criminal and Civil Claims bo instructed. to reoeive no chnms after tho iOth instiint, be aiid is horeby resoinded. Tho riisolution was adoptedMr. Wynkup offered the following : llemhcd, That the committeo on por diem aUowanoe be instructed to include in thcir report, tho ruileage and per diem ollowance of each metnber of this Board for tho April sessiou of tho present yoar. Adoptan. Mr. Thatoher, from Committeo on Criminal Claims, reported tho following and recommendoil kheit allowance : Claimed. AU'ii. S19 E. W. TV. Jluc.1, Dep Phecifl $i0 os $131 S0 2i) '.Jumos HcMnlivn, Jusrici-, !)3 80 'M 80 On motion, tho report was accopted and adopted, and tho claims allowed as reooiiimonded. Mr. Forbes moved that the portion of E. W. Wallnco's bill not allowed by the committeo be rnjected. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Olcott, tho Board aliourned until Thursday nextat 10 o'clook A.M. TuunsDAY, Nov. 7, 1872. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by Chairman. Koll callod, quorum present. On motiou of Mr. Shurtloff, tho Board adjourned until half past ono o'clock P. M. AFTEUXOON SESSIOX. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Callod to order by the Chairmau. Koll called, quorum present. Mr. Gregory, from Committeo to Settlo with the County oiBcers prosented tho following : The Committeo to settlo -with County oflïoors report the.balanoo yet remaining yi the Cuunty Troasurcr's oflice belonging tp tiie various funds as specifled bolow. " Pinc money . I Jliror mid Witniese !,ar,a House of CoiToctipi), iíxS Ötioogrnpl, l 1 Immn? Asylum, ïoï Foor Fund, g " 8lary of County Offlcore, ?', 14. O And we further report that wo havo dotroyed the old ordors, as per resolution qf the Board... L. A. GrECJORY, ) n W. I. Ykckèet, Qn inotibn: of Mr. Shurtleff the report ■was accopted and adoptod. Mr. Wilsey, from Coinmittee on Civil Claims, roported the follovving: 821 J. B. Webster, Btntionery for Clerk'e Office, Í18S0 Í1S80 Í22 J. R. Webster, " " " 1 20 1 20 On motioii of Mr. Forbes, the report Tfas accepted and ndopted. Mr. Sago moved that Stephen Fairohild, County Troasurer, bo allowud ton dollars for extra services in furnishing tbe Board with list of rejectod tases. Agreed to. Mr. Yeckloy, moved to take from tho tblu the cliiiiii: of jurors before Circuit Court Commissioner Bubbitt. Agreed to. Mr. Forbes moved to rejoet th& claims on the ground of not being legal claims against tho County. Agreed to. On.motion of Mr. Forbe6, the Board iwïinurnod until to-morrow morning at half past niiio 'clock. lBXXAT, Nov. 8th, 1872. Board met pnrsuani to adjournment. Called to ordor by Chairuaan. Roll called, quorum present. Journal of yestcrday read and approved. Mr. Fori)efl, fronv Special Oommittee,. reported as fpllows : Your Couimittcc to whom was refersed. tho subject of gas and fuol furnislied by tho County for tho pólice head quarters, in the Sheriiï's ollico, respectfully rejjort that tho ainount used by tho said pólice ie as follows, to-wit : Gas, $28 40 Fuel, - - - - 10 00 All of which ia respect! ully iubmitted. L P. F.OBBE8, ) A. A. G-itEOOAY-V Com. (S-eö BoWB, ) On motiön of Mr. Oloott, the roport ■was accepted and adopted. Mr. Thatcher moved that the Clerk bc in8tructed to present to the. Common tifooncil of Ann Arbor, in behalf of the Oounty, a bilí against tho üity of Aini Arbor for tho amount of fuol and gas furnished the pólice head quarters, as reported by fcli6 Committeo. " Agreed to.. Mr. Thatchc?, from Committea oa Criminal Claims, roported tho following, reoommending tiick allowance at sums atated: animed. AlVd. JM K. Benhnn, Jastice fre, } 23 I'S $ JS 80 S24 Ezru Jones, " " 22 61 21 20 Ï25 Alfreil Millor, Depuly Sheriff; 7 S8 97 88 2Ï6 C. H. Vnncleve, Justice, JQ 78 7U 337 Myrou Wubb, Sheriff, 89111 25s " ' " 489 89 4a'j i T 229 F. Butler, wilnosB fees, 3 80 MC aSO W. H. Mülntyre, Deputy Sheriff, 12 0J 12 06 231 F. A. Balduin, witnew HM, 2 70 2 70 332 John A.Jncluun. Consliibk-, 20 00 20 00 Qn.n#tioii si Mr. Goor, tho report was aoeepted' ado)ted. Mr. Krapf offered tlie fallowing : llmolted , That tho Boarji of Supervisors of Waslitenaw County reiuost ta JJoard of Superintendents of tho l'oai: to issue proposals for furnishing all the principal 4y goods and grocories whioh they may require from time to time lor the use of tho county) poor, and buy themi of tho merchant wo olfurs theiu at the lowast Ottsh price. Adopted. Mr. Wynkup otrbred the fóllowing : Resolved, ïhat tho County Treasurer, in rencwing hïs official boad, bo and is hereby inetructed to flx the aam at ono hundred and (ifty thousand dollars. The resolution was adopted; Mr. Scott offered the follovving : iletsohed, That the salary of tho Register of Probfito for the Oounty of Washtonaw bo and is her::by fixeii'at the sum of uix hundred dollars per annmn, payable in monthly instulmeuts of fifty dollurs c#ch from the date of the appointment of s.uch RcgÍ8t(r, provided, ltowover.aiiu the resol ntion ís adopted on this express Oyondition, - that the said Probate Rogistprshall as soon as reasonably may bo rtc the expira tioa of cach year file with the tkmnty ('l.-k atmiá ermnty i 8brtBmuu( nnder oatfi, BböwiDg t!i i araoanf of fors i. .■, iv ' iv biaj exclusive oi ii'i sal( ary, under cl 70 of the session laws of 18C0, and for othcr services refidered ii eaoh year i:i oonhection with I'robat liusiiuss and prooeedings (exclusivo o gach :v!.iry) and iu D&se tlio ainount o sucli focs aud Kuch snlury símil toguthe (X!'fcil cm; thousttnd dollars tlien suol Pro! mío Regivter shnll pay sueh oxees itito the County Treasury. 'i'lu' resolution waa adopted. On motion of Mr. Goor, the Board ad journed half-past ene o'clock P. M. AFTEKNOON SESSIOKi Board met pursuant to adjouroinent. Called to order by the Chuirman. Roll calleii, quorum preseut. Mr. Éowö, from the Ootnmittee on Rejeoted TaxeBi made tho followinjr report: Your Coniiiiitteo on Hojootcd 'faxes, to ffliom was referred bark tlio rejected t;x of the townsb.ii of York, wonld report that thpy ha ve re-examined the sume, and (ind two orror8, one by the Supervisor on his asseosment roll, thu other by the County Treasurer in his roturn to tho Auditor Gcnoral. Wo reooramond that the amount be re-assussod, on tho parcel of laiid whore it rightly belongs. ÜEGKGE EOWB, ) J. Ausïin Scott, Com. RlCHAED Walsh, ) On motion of Mr. Gregory, tho ropoct was aocepted. On motion of Mr, Scott, the report was adoptad. Mr. Thatcher, from Comruittoe on Criminal Claims, rwported tho following and recommonded thoir allowanco at sums statcd : Claimed. AU'd. 533 O. M. Braffter, Juror 80 60 SS4 C. M. Harria, " JO ga 289 I!. I.. Skiff, '■ 60 50 .-o ii. w. iii.(.]ow, " 60 e 237 Wm. H. PhllÜp, " 60 SO 238 GeorijeMorribOn, ' 50 CO 23'J W. C. .Tdlinsiin. 60 60 240 Henry JohBon, " 60 50 'J-U Wi)l:am-C,-lrort, " 50 50 ■? A]Wn D. goaCU, " 60 50 843 Si'lomon Bou, " 40 50 244 .lolin Lewll, " 60 60 ■-4j O. B BradleTi ' 50 60 54'i Ralpb Vm Kussen, " 50 50 til A. M. Nuble, " 0 60 248 P. Case. " S0 56 -'43 Jumes Nihill 4 50 fi11 50 FleiiiT Parker, " 50 50 3jl Wm. B. Siinrlo-son, witnesst 1 96 1 6 '-'5i CbHrls Fm!, Juror, 50 50 460 Km. 1 liillips, " .) f.0 ■-'54 Charles Coillnr, " Í0 50 B..!S A. P. ünrklaud " 60 60 2S6 JohnTaylor, " 60 50 2!i7 Jacob Miirtin, " 60 60 25S Lee ïort, " 50 50 i5!l John Conklin, " f0 50 2C0 Bdmund Ilew.-tt, ■ 60 60 861 OrrairL'e Heden , " 60 50 26i Pttyetlo S:ni(ier?, " 50 50 2C3 nm. Phillips " SU 50 284 Jumes II . llególe, wiiness. 2 04 2 04 2C5 C.C. Pnudiuk, " 1 02 1 93 :r„; John Tate, " 1 2'J i 29 207 IshiKolsey, 2 is 2 10 2 8 Tilomas ooii, " 2 04 2C'4 2Ö0 W. H. l8venport, " 1 SI 135 S70 Charles Fosdick, '■ 1 II 1 17 271 J. Q. A. Snssluns, Jnstice, 20 4i 20 44 4K Ocoige IWnUFtl. ConshiWe, 5 40 b BS On motion of Mr. Forbes, tho report was accepted aud the claims allowed at suius statod. Mr. Shurtloff offored the following resolution : 'Resolved, That tho Chairman of tho Board of Supervisors of the County of Washtenaw appoint acommitteeof threo, as one of tho standing committoes, whoso duty it shall be to settlo with the Superintendents of the Poor and report tho amount expended in each Supervisor's district and by whom expended ; also, tho qualityi prioe and amount of all supplics for the County House, and also tho names of the individuals or firms furnishing such supplies. Resolved, That this Board of Supervisors respectfully recommend to the next Board the adoption of the abovo resolution. Resolved, That the Board of Supervisors instruot the Superintendents of the Poor to keep their accounts with tho county in such a manner as will enable tho oommittee to make a full and correct report to the Board of Supervisors. The resolutions were adopted. Mr. Cook moved that Dr. T. K. Rexford, of Ypsilanti, be appointod County -f '.. t . ■' ing three years. The yeas and nays boing called for, the motion was adopted by tho following voto, viz. Yeas - Messrs. Berdan, Cook, Gregory, Jones, Krapf, Olcott, Pierce, Een wiek, Rowe, Scott, ohurtleff, Tuoray, Wilsoy, Wynkup, Yeckley, and tho Chairman. Js'uyx- Messrs. Annabil, Burch, Forbes, Geer, Haire, LeBaron, Sago, Thatcher and Walsh. Yeas, 10 ; nays, 9. Mr. Yeckley moved that the Board of Supervisors appoint a Drain Coaiinissioner. Mr. Tbatcher moved to lay on the table, and tbc same was agreod to by the f olio win f; votó : Yeas - Messrs. Annabil, Burch, Forbes, Goor, Haire, Jones, LeBaron, Sage, Tuoniy, Thatehur, Walsh, Wynkup, and the Chairmun. Kays - Mesers. Bordan, Cook, Gregory, Krapf, Olcott, Pierce, Henwick, llowe, Seott, Sliurtleff, Wilsey, Yeckley. Yeas, 13; Nays, 12. On motion of Mr. Ilaire, the Board ad journed until to-morrow inorniug at halfpast ii-ine o'elock.


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