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- It is alrcady cookod up in cortuin quarters that Brigadier General O. O. Iloward is to bo appointod Major General in jjlaco of Gen. Meade, deoeasnd, thus jumping his superior officers, and moroly to permit him to retire immediately with thenew rankand full pay. Such scheruing in behalf of favorites and at tho expense of tho Trcasury is what is to bo indulgec in for the next four years. - Tlio Reiiublicans boast about the Grant victory, and exclaiin that the lik was never heard of beforo. Van Buren gotbut GO electoral votos in 1810; in 1852 Scott carried but 4 States; McClellan, bnt 3 in 164, and if tliat isn't enough, go back to 1S20, when but ons electoral vote wfis secured against Monroe. - - J. M. Lsngston, colored, wants to be Attorney-Goneral, but Williams absolutely refuses to get out of his way, and the President having ftlready recoived tho colcrod voto will net be in haste to tiudo Willianis for Langston. ■ - Thü Ohio " Liberáis " ftte to meet at Columbus on the löth, to-diy, to consider the future : tho original cali for the Cincinnati Couvoution being considored the base of action. Mts. Virginia L. Minor, of St. Louis, Mo., h;is comiiieneed suit ugainst the wtration offices for rofusing to recognisv. bor as a TOter. ÍShe onl y olaime damago in tbc moderate sum of !?IO,OÜÖ. - The Uadieals think tlicro has been a wonderiul sweep made by Presiden (Irant, but the fu.ll returns will show his popular voto less than in 18C8. Mark ;hat. - Ono Democratie Senator: that is tht number now claimed in this State. Ho is named John N. JMeïlen, and hails from Macomb eounty. WUat a big tUing his oaucus will bo. - 2,400 employees at the Broolclyn íavy Yard were ordcred dischargod on Saturday last. Ihoy had votcd fur Grant and Dix and nothing more was nceded of them. - A special train was sent from Boston o Worcoster on Sundny, for the Worccser Fire Department, made the vuu -14 1 -2 miles, iu 45 minutes. - üreeloy was expected to divido the negro vote and carry all the Southern States. He divided the white voto and ost all the Xorthern States. Quite a difarenae. - We gave the Tïndicals 11 membersof Congrcss in our election articlo last week. They only bagged 9. Reaaon for stopping at that : no inoro to confíscate. - An ungallant Coraell student of the malo breed wants the laüy studunts subjeoted to military drill, the eamo as their utifortunntü féllowe oL the harder wx. - The O'Conor tioket recoived the wholo of 18 voto in Chicago. Such is tho treuiendous influence of tho Chicago Tillll'3. - The Pcnnsylvania Constitntibnal OonmBticn met on Tueaday. Hon. "V. L. Mereditb wns olectod President. John Quincy Adama must fcel that he sold out to the " straights " at a very small figure. - Kernan led Greeley, and S. S. Cox. candidato for Congressmau- at larjt?, led Kernan. Seymour geenred SO electoral votes in 1868; Greeïtjy takes but 74 in 1872. We ahe quito Biu-ü tliat the reador of the leador in last wcek's Courier, " Washtonaw Eedeeraed," can not fail to bo remindcd of the oíd nursery tale of " Cock Eobin. We quote : " Who killed Ck ltoiiiii ? " 11 1," ifnul tlnj BpoxTOW, " with iny low anti urrow, I KUled Cm KuWu." AVe liluiost see tho death-doaling " arrow " shot by our Courier noighbor still sticking-in the body of the dofunct Dernocraey of this county. "What a horo it is possible for a iuau to imagino himsulf ! Tue Chicago Tribune ovidontly don't bolieve in " crying for spilt milk." Uear what it says of tho defunct " Liboral " party of wliich it v.-as a leader: "If it did not construct its matchless custls iu Spain, it has produccd an iinposing picturesquo ruin. K it did not electitscMididates, it has succeeded in bringing out a mnjority against them largor than any othor party hf.s succeoded in doing." It might havo added, it has aidbd tho Domooracy in establiehing a landmark er mathematical point from which to figuro futuro gains. öeorgiamnlea arebnrring themumps; und wlioii the l'Her are in their most ilvanoed stafte lio -nulo is said to resnmble a cheeky Bcttoj drummer ai-ound thu coantenance.


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