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WANTE. A Hittintion (19 Salemnanin a T)ry Ooodaoi Clotliinir Store. Addrcss subscribir ut. CheUwn HOOvl B. WIXANS. A Rars Chance ! TOLÍT. A largo nd mndorn new (üroccrv Store in Buchoz Blork, retro t Streek Ondi nbtedlj tbebeat locntlon in liiul ]:irt of tin: City fot Buld business. A good Lirge celfilr and new brtrii murlicd to the premlses. ent i.i i:ioo yearly, to be taken in groceriea lor my faiiiiiv uso. Als ■ n (nu ncw Meat Markct, all complete, joinin; my blo k, willi modern imflp vements, innrfcU: tbl &c. ,liirgt new unoke iiouso, larse bri:l cimera and cellir, now barn anrlnll readj for nse, wlth tbree fainüy rooms above. Store ret3 for $-50 yt;;irly ; tak'-n in ment fur my ffimily ose. AImo a Kinall store ia my block, hoiisos, rooms, Ac, to let. ruft SALE - Three cort lar;o carriage or farm nnrae, onu Bne new carrlnge, bngglos, wagon, lurmIok tooi. Also thrce good eows HiOtf luquird of L. R. BCCnOZ. HilTs Opora House ! Three IViglits Only ! COMMENCING November 20th, 7 2 Tlie Beautiful I.ittlc Star," MISS SiiuOnnil A1TD TK.OTTPE. AdmissloB, .... 50 Cents. Rcservcd Seats, - - 75 " Wbicb may be luid at Gilmore & Fiske's Book Store. 1400 F IR E I The fïre in Ilnsion ha causeil a comraotion in Ineurance Compnnie, and tboue tliat want their dwellitigo insnxed in a Company ib:it dorsnot titke anythiug but dwéUings, hould insure iu the WATEIiTOWN COMPANY It is :i First-Class Company and stands high on tho Insurance I.i ta. All the business portions of uil the cities of the country muy burn up und tliis Comnany would uot btí affected. It is one of the fincat Compauies for dwelliniis in tho counti y. Culi on C. B. 'lliompstiii, Ajfcnt, Au Arbor. S - Tilia Company takcfl the best riska and does not rob l'uter to pay J'uul. . Oüice No. li, at A. A. Terry'a Hat store, south Main Street. HDJwö J Q. A. SESSIONS' INSURANCE AGENCY. THE F,!i Xl:i.lKl.l. pHCENIX INSUKANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Boston lossee do Dot exceed $500 000, which will bc promptly paid, as ut Chicago. Net cash anisete, ONE A ND A HALF MILLIONS. Cinoinnjiti, Nov. 11,11:16 P. BI., 1S79. The Phoenix of Uartl'ord will ny ita Boston losses prornptlv, n& it dld at Chicago, and continue to erre the public faithfully and weU. II . M. MAG1LL, OenU Agent. T IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Li INSUBAXUE COMPA'Y. CniCAGO, Nov. 18th, 1S72. J. Q. A. SESSrON?, Esq., geut. The loases of this Company by the Great Pire in Bo ton, cc vered by polldes amouDting to $1,689,000 wil] be paid bnmedlately and in full by draft on the Uverpool Offlce, tb Assets now in tlie United States (í3,600,00Jj will rentáis untouched. Youra very truly, WAt. WABltE.V, Oen. Agent. Policios issned at my ofilce at No. lf East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. HOM. Deshierba Fèvcr and Agne Pilis. 13 no new remrdy, hut oue that hos stood the test, of tweví; ysari use. They contain no mercuryt arante, or qfínííií1, and inntrad of reducinf tho system, strengthen muí avigórate it und leave the patiënt in a healthy and .sound eondition. From a multitude of lettefa we inserí thefollowhifr: Jamaica, L. I., 'Tune 8íh, 1871. " I tnko pieisure Ín bearintr wifnrs.s ihe cfticaoy Of 1 -hlcr's l'Yvrraml AffQe Pilis, having udbd thctt in my iuinily with complete bucpoas the Iaat ten veáis, and ebcerfuUy reoomiaend them to nny ene alílioted With Fevef and ;v s. . CÜOSSMAN". ïWRalc by It. W. ELUS&CO., and KI3E11 BACII & (O. Commissioners' Notroe. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wasfituv, B. O The iniliïiinoil, hariitg been appoiuted bj the Probtitc Conrt fov sjiiil oonnty. í 'omnusfñoDen to recoive, exfunine, and adjust nll cluims and demande of all persons npivinst the estáte of Jumos Cdndon, lat of said ooúnty, deoeased, hereby give notice tliüt. six montlifl from d:rto fire iilluved, By oí! , oí ii ] Probate Coqrt, Ebmodltorsto present Uieírolalma ogáinst the eatate of taid deoeaaed, and that thoy will i.i t at therfdlenoeof Jweph l.mdoiioi' Bndeewar, [n n;iid oounty.on Saturdav, fchetveniy-fifth day í' annarv, and on Monday, tho twentr-fehth day f April next, al 10 o'clock a. m. of each üf said days 0 reoeive, axniuine, nnd adjust said claims. Datad Ootübc-r 28th, A. D. 1872. DANIEL I.kUAROX, WILLIAM V..U'IH), NOOwl Commissíoners. Commissioners' Notice. QTATE OF BCICB tOAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. !5 The andersignodj haring been sppointcd by ti: xobate Court foi suid county, (omraítóionera to reeivö, examine and ttdjiurt alrdaime and demanda of 11 persons agaixtkCthf' estáte of Joaepb Q, Ottmar, hto of said county deoeastd, hereby ive notioe tliat ix montas from date uro olloved, by order of suid rob;it Court, fov oreditors to present thcir clainie iüin&t tlie cstute of said deceased, ancí that Uto y will neet at the shoj of said deoeaaed, in tho vülngeoi' aliñe, in said oounty, on Satui-day, the twtotyfth day of Jnnuary, and on llonday, thc twoJíth day f May, next, ut ten o'clock a. m. of each of said ays, to reoeive, examine, and odjuat siud eluiine. Datcd, Xurembcr llth, A. ]. 1S7Ü. 'ir ARLES HUIíKTTAKDT, "WILLIAM H. DAVKNi'OKT, 1400" Commissioners. Sheriff Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Washtenaw. j ss. By virtue of one exeentíon Essned oui of arto nder tho sea] oí' thc Circuit Court for tin t Viiühtenaw, to modirected aud dt-livered, agaiost tïïe ootls, hati'jl, lands snörteneinents of David Brownell, y virtuo of wiiieh I dil tn tlie -tli dny of Angustí A. , 1872, scizc aud levy ujxn 11 tho rifht, title and ntírest Daniel Brownellfias m uud to the followingdecrilMid real estáte, to wit: The west Iwülof thesouthtist quarter of section nix iti town tlireo sou-th of rano x east, being in thc townshin of ritf(k-ld, County f Waahteaaw and State of M iehifran ; which above esoribed real estáte I shail sel] at theouter south oor "f the Court House, iu the oity of A nu Arbor, tt ablio anotion to thebig'hest bidder, on the 2fith day of )Beembcr, A. 1). 1872, at ten o'clook, A. M.of said Datef, Kot. I3t)i, A. D. is;:. MVfiON" WBBB, SheriiT. 1400 By Johxxn l-'oitiffis, Vuder blioriff. S:, ,-i;i ;' ■],.. ITA.TB OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteotunr, bs. 1 ïly virtnir of one execution issued out of and unur the eeal of the Circuit Conrt ios the County of rashtenrw, to me dirocted and delivered, againd r) e jod.s. chatteb toada and tenementa of G corvo Colrove, by virtue of whïch I difl 00 the nínth day of uittikt, A. D 1872, win and levy upon all thenorht illo and interest QeorffQ Cuúrove lias in and to the ollowinr described real estáte, to wit: !Lul nnxnber Hir i blof.'k six, twelvo eaat ; stiid real estáte being tuated iri tho cily of Ano Arbor, County of 'ilsílíuiiw and State of Michigan, which abovo desorlbed eal catate I shall bpII at theouter south door of the Jourt Houscïu the city of Ann Arbor, on the 28 th ayof December, A. D. H7'2, at ten o'clonk, A. M., of tid day, ut public nm" ion to the hiheat bidder. Dated, November 13th, 1872. MVKON' WEBB, Bhoriff. 1-100 By Justin FobbbS] Vuder Sheriff. CiÈipW PIANOS HAVE TAKEN THE FIET PREMIUM OVEE ALL COMPETIÏION IN AMERICA, ENGLAND, AXu FRANCE. These Standard Instruments Are now offerod at Reduced Bates on The One-Piice System. 1413OOOJ OF TUESE Standard Piano Fortes Havo been made and sold sicce 1823, and Eighty-Ono First Premiums II m been awardcd toour Firm OVER AU, COMriON. Thexo Pianos iiro still regarded ind univifiviilly conceded to be THE STANDARD JNSTSUMUNTS of tuk WORLD, und are so pronounccd l.iy all the great artista. Dr. Fran Uszi says-. '! eonsidcr tho Chickeiinff Piano stiiicrior to uny madeiu Europeox America, und amfully envinccd that they vore justly entiüed to UlS Firot I'rize. Chlckerlng & Sous' Mamuioth Manut'actory Is more than one-third largor than nny other Pianotooei! Maaniactory in the World, and is, in every respect, ene most eomp nl maohinary and the ijKililii'.s tbr doing tJiO rr.ri) Usl clan nf wOrk. :.l-.-,i s (. . & Bons have, nnce the establishment of their buaiuees 111 1S23, mudo aud sold 10,000 Pianos, and these Standard Instruments aro now oiferc-d at rednced rutes uiun tho One l'riee System," free trom all discount and conimissionB ; and they aro, beyond all refutaUon tlie very ücst and véry coeapest fitst-class Pianos now ulTurcd. A. OARD. "Wc cali especial attention to our ÜPRIGHT PIANOS, Whloh are, in every particular, the flnest iostrumenU of their cliiss manaiootared, and second only to the Urand Tiano, for whieh thcy are a good sub&titutc. Every l'iauo warranttd lor tive jears. CHICKERING & SOKS, 12 E. Itth St., ew York. 354 Washington St., Boston. 1400iu2 Sheriff Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 8S. By virtue of a wiit of cxvcutiun issued out oí mul ondel the sil of ihe Chcuit Court lor the (ounty of Waslitenuw, and to lite directod and dolivfered, agsinst the stoods, chattles, lands and tenenients of Eenry Goodyear. I did, on the twenty-tbird dayof February, A. T. l7-, seize and lovy upünull tlie right titleund interest Henry Goodyear bas in and to the followins described propetiy, touwit : Lot two, except two feeVoff of west sic!..', and cast two thirds of lot threc in block twenty-two, soctiou to; lot nme, ten, and eleven, except twenty-four by forty feet in south east corner; lot nine, in block tweuty-two, sccüon two. AIho lot six in block six. section two. All of tlie nbove described property beins sttuated in tho vinne of Manchester, Ooonty ol Waaktenaw, and State of Michigan, whiíh nbove ''.rsf!ribl pruperty 1 sbaD i xIJüse for ale ;it public auciion to tlie blghost bidd r ;it the houtli door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbot, on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1873, at tea o'cloek, A. M. lated at Aun Albor, November 11, A. D. 1872 1 W0M M V BON WKXJB, Slierifl. Estáte of Philo Hitchcock. STATE OF MICUIGAN, County of Woabtenaw, ss Ai asession of Mie Probate CoártfortheCountyoí Washtenaw. holden at the l'robaw Üiliee, in c'itj oi Ann Arbor, on Wedneaday, the Bixthday m' Ho vember, in tho yeur one tliou.-and eight huudred und seventy-lwo. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of ths cutirte of l'hilo Ilitcheouk deceasod. On readinpr and flling tliepotition.duly veriíied.oí Amariuh JJitehcock, praying thata cc-rtain instrument huw en file in this court, pniporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, maybe odmitted to probate, and tbat be jaay be ippoiutcd solo extcutor thereof. Thereupon t is ordered, that Mondar, the day of December noxt, ut ton o'cloek in the forenoon, be ussigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the legateee, devisecs and heiro at law_ of said tlcceascd, and uil other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear ui a w .-um of said Court, then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayei of the petitionorshould not be rantedi And it is furthtr oi-dcrcd, that snid petitioner jrivc nolii-o to the persons interested in snid estütc, of 1 In; pendency ol Baid nel ï- tion, and the hearing thereof, by causinga copy ot' this order u bepublishcd in the MÚhigtui Arpia, á nwspapex printed and drcalatlng in Bfiid county, three auccessive weeks i)reviou to said day of hearinp (A true eopy,) HIHASÍ J. BEAK ES, WW Julge of Probate. Ëstate of Moses C. Edwards, Sr. - OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washteuaw, ss. O At i session of the Troiiate Court for the eounty of W'asiitonaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, tho eighth day of November, in the ycar one thousand eight hundred aud seventy-two. Present, Hiram J. lïeakcs, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Moses C. Edwards, senior, deceased. On roading and flliog the petition, duly veriticd, of JaneP. Edwards, praying that she and Baríes C. Edwards may be appouted administxatats of the estitic uf .said deaeased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the nintlid.ij of December nest, at te6'clocli Inthoforenoon, he assigned lor the hearing of said petition, and that theheirs at law of said deeeased, and all othei persons interest! d iü Boid estáte, are reqai du . at a session ei said Court, then tobê holde, at tie Probate O:;ix-, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, itatiy there be. wliy ti:o TüMver oí the petitionez shouldnot begruntea; And it IsArtíier ordered, tht said petiiioiKT give notioe to tlie persons interested in rte, of the pendency of said p titione, and tliu heariog thereof, by otiusiiig oopy of this order to be publisood in bhe Sichtpan Argust n newspaper printed and eiieulatinpr iti said eounty, thrce suceessive weeks prev:;,its tfs:ud day ot hearing. (A trueeojjy.) ' 1' 1 (;AM ,1. ÜF.AK'ES, H00 Jwdse of Probate. Estáte of Ulrich Klumpp. DTATK OV H UlllírAX, founty ofWaehteüflw, . At a session of the Probate Couii fortheCounty of Waahtenaw, holden al tne Probate ifftoein tí 'ity of Aiui Aibor, on Monday, the eleventn day of Nüscfiiht-'r, in the yoiir onu thou.snim oiüht hTUDtdrcd ind soviMity-two. Present, uiram J. Beaken, Jndi-mi1 Joróbate. In the matter of the ftte of Ülrioh Klumpp, di ceae4, Lumbert List, Administra tor witta tlie wul ■ i i su id iin-LM-".1'!, coinés into court&nd rep , reaante that Le is now preparad to render Ma final account ;is sneh Administrator TUeroupon ü ia ordered, that Monday. thc nlnth day of December next, nt ten oYloek in the ioremxm, be asaigned for examjninand allowing sueh ac ii ■ 'nu! itia' .- andheinatlawaf said deeeased) uud aU other pereonja iutweeted in saíd estáte, aro required to appeor al a BcásJon oi said Court, then t be holden Rt the Probate Office, in the City (tí' Aun Albor, En saJd county, and show oautto, i' ;a:y rii m be, why tha 8aid account honld ■not büHllowcd: Anditisí. ■ .thai saidadministrotor giva noticototltfpersoneinterestedinsaid ebtatOi '' ;iir i ■ ■ ■ oaring ; thereoi', by causing acopy of thia order to be publisbra in tlio hioan ■;■:'--, a newapaper printed and eircnlatinjrín saíd ( kmnty, toree sucoaetoive weeks previous to Batd day oí lioaring, (A truecopy,) EdBAM J. BEA K ES, 13íh Xodgp of Probáto. Estáte of ïfartha Phillips. STATE OFMI0HÏGAN, At asessloD of the Probate Court fort he CoanQ of Wahtenftw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City oí Aun Afbor, on Tttesday, the twelftti day of November, in the ycar one tfiOQeand elght hundred and eevonty two, Present, Hiram J. Bea}ie& Jadge of Probate. In the matter of the eeïate of Alariha PbJlüpa, lied ased. , On ronding nnd ÖHngthepetition.dnly Tèrlficdof John Geddce, proylnc that a cerratti Instrdmi'iit now on file in tola Conrt, pnrporttng to be the lust wtll iv. tsstameDt ol saul deoeaiod, may be admítted to Probato, and that he may bc appointad iole ExcciUor Uierof. Therenpon It Isordered, thai Monday, the clnth day of December m-xr, a( ton otlock iji the foreqoos b assigned fbrtheheai Ingof aafd pelftioB,and that tho lc,r!iteeB. devlseesaaa helrs itt Ibw of aald deceased, and aU other persons interetted in daidestate, are requirctl to appear ataiesstoD of ■■.■!. Clien to be holden, at the Probate Office, In-the City of AnnArbor, and show canse, (f any therc hc. why the ptftyef of the peUtlonerehoatd not be granted: And it is ftarther ordored, thflt said pot.itionfj" irive nofice to the persons iiitercstcd in mm UI estiite , of the pendency ofsald petition and the hearing thcreof. by canefng t copy of tin order L( hc pabllahed in i b e Michigan Argüid v aenspaper printed anddrcirifttliigfa sald County,tliree soeces s ivc weeks prcviotisto said day of hearing. CA truecopy.) H1RAU J, !ïi;Ki:s, 140O Judirc ol Probuto. FOR SALET The good and substsníinl Brlrfc líonnañil io lols, ?auf ifully sidiated on State Street, soutli; ulso Sttirfoed House nndiu'o lotoj o. 13 ! üiïrrsllv Piafe; abo Building and lot on Pear Street ; algo Buiíding and lot on I'otitiac Street ; i.Uo lots on Pear, l'onti.-tr. IVarh, Tiavir aud Pluui Streets. , The above lots are very aceessiltle to water ' and ju the mast healihy part of the city. 1300 Api)!)' to A. H. PAUTUIitGE. ' WAL. WHEKK ARE YOUGOIN'G? DOWN TO ■ the Farmers' Storo irhere thoy hve juetreOi'ived snch lots of New Guods ; why they areso chaap you eau get M mnch fot 0 cents in Ureia ï Ooodii'thorc na you can get for $1.00 al nuy other ttorein Ihlscounty. TEN REASONS WHY taken when the first symptoms appeM Wy 5th.- It is a most excellent Emttt. Bogue, nnd tothe You nR CIh?"iV .ged Wpmen, and at ih= Turn f u'fei 'c remedy is of incalculable valuó '"lito eth.-It will remove wind from the kirrt, and heneo a few drops in some swectened I J eiven toababc is better thar, a docn ZZ" fteheve and make It Sloep. Cc,oti'J ing no anódyno. -onuta. 7th.- It is ajute relief (br adultsand chiid rlfídiaíS the "' morStlmulate the Llver to healihy "' Relieve He art-Bu rn and actask2, Regulator f the system. Poú When taken dilute the dosc with Sucnr .-„.. Water toa Win e-0ia88 fuïf Jd " havca pleasant tpnie. ! WMjtjesey Oysyepsia Cure) $ pn bottle. Whittlcsey Ague Cnre 50c. per botlle Whjttlesev Cough Granules 35c. periottk. '' Eold byall druggists and warranted 'ttiescy Prop. Mcd. Co., ïo!edO)0( THE NEW YORK EïlIE POST. SAFE, SCII Al STEADF1ST. A JOURNAL FOE ALL TEUE REPUBLIOANS, FOR ALL TRfE LIBEHALS, AXD ALL TEUE DEM0CRAÏ8. THEEWYORKEVENINGPOST Editod by William Cullem BiiYAXTaad Pakke Godwin, assistod by the strongest talent that can bo engaged, has for mots half a coutury maintaineá the sama principies of Freedom and Progrea through all clianges of parties and polida. IT STANDS FOR EQUAL EIGHTS; for the Distribution of Power ; for Honosty and Economy ; f or the security of the glorious rcsults of Emancipation and Enfraucbisemcut won by the war ; and fot all practicable Kcforms. IT IS OPPOSED TOIXJUSTICE.ot SPOLIATIOX, disgviised under the nw of protection and to all eorrapt party combinations wnich sacrifee principie to mere success. THE EVENING POS1 kequal to any other as a newspaper, and is complete in its Political, its Literary, its Scientific, its Agrie ui tural, and its Commercial Depariïuents. TEEMS OF SUBSCItll'TION. AVEEKLY. SINGLE COPY ONE YEAR $1 1 [A E COPIES ONE YEAK f TEN COPIES ONB vka.K lü TWENtY COriES OXE YEAii ! SEMI-WEEKLY. SINGLE COPT ONE YKAE (! FiyECOFJES ONE tEAB 9 TKX (3DPXB8ONE YKAll Those subsoribing now for cno yearwiü receive tlie paper until January 1, 18ït Or we will sond the following perioáicals to subscriben in connection with tli Eveniso Post, at tke prices named: with mi WeeklT Simi-nA Ev'ns l'i'iit. Jiï'ajW. Harper's'Wcckly, . . . $4 S9 }t ]l;'.rjlOl'.s li;iar, ... 450 Ö Qaipers HoffazinOf . . . 4JO Kvery SaturdKï, ... 600 S Atliilitifi -Momlily, . . CO s ) uut ïuuiif; i'oiKK, , . . ó vu '" 8cribiur's Monthly, . . . 4 0 Old aml New, ... 4 J0 TheOalaiy tto í :: I'hrenuloieal Jonruat, . . 3 50 Tho Agriculturitt, . . . 2 Í0 i and Homo, . . 3 7J LitteU's Living Age, . s no Appleton'B Journal, . . 4 50 6J Wood 's Houaehold Magazine, . ï "0 Home Journal, . . . SM Xbe ChxUUan Intelligencer with K Chromo 3 "5 J To each subscribcr to the Evikiko 1'ost nt'l tian ïvill bc sent the .bcautiful dim 'l'HE LrLKASKlts. TRYÍTÍ TRYIT! For 25 cents wc will send the WEEK0 Etbhing Post for two months, orforW cents we will send the SEi(I-''EEKIïE'ENING Pust ior the same time. Specimen Numbers Skxt Fbei. ADDEESS, WIIXIAM C. BRYANT & CO., JiJEW GROCEltY STOBï! full stock of G-roceries and Provisión1 Whicli will be sold at the lowest The higbeol pi ice paid for rrodnAnn Arbor, Oct. lïth, liíl'. nB imim GEOBOB TTTANTED. 500 Cords of Hickory Wooi 500 Cords of Hard Maple500 Cords of White Oak. Halfoeaaoned and half bTin. for wllich p:iid ou dclivery. roraC' Inquiro t tlc Woeil Saia, w Huren uutl Fif II Strecls. Ann U-bor, Octobtr 30th, 1S72. yjs. 1398U AH1W_-THE BKTGHT SIDE iE AND FAMHÏ CIBÖJ i willbe published icfy in 1873, be'd'téS than ever, at only I .O per TSftjSLa lo t Chiomo, "The Calla Ulie, ' ,11 U t'B ütnl Bubsoriber. Agenta wanted .' '"w"'Lrito "- oommiseions. Bpleadid rw"g}gST8c5B ■ TN PACT, IP YOU WI8HT0 OKT „uil? 1 and gei the worth of vonr " ' ; ■ , „u o1 to the Farmer" Storo where tlu)


Old News
Michigan Argus