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Local Brevities

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- Weather: not tlic mast pleasant. - Itaw md cold wind prevalí. - Wooil wanted : Inqulre at tliis office. - Brlug aionu' yoiir orders for job work. - VVood is wood : If you dou't bel leve it try to buy a load. - The horse epidemie Is quite prevalent In tliis city and viciiiity. - Judge [Iiobt bas been enjrasod slnce Honday In clearing u tlic September Calendar. - Baob & Abel had a large lot of wool biirntil in Boston, but theif liouse reports lusurance in goud compauies, so that their loss will be sniall. - For a week or ten days our cltlzeos have been cnjíniírd In a general or concert" cd eflbrt to int op an ludían Snmmer of thelr own. Tliey tncceeded so far as to créate a great snioke. It was done by ljuriiing leaves. - And now comes tlic very liberal publlsher of a N. Y. Journal- which shall bc namelesa as tliis is a free notice - asklüg $10 in advertlsing for four chromos, wliicli ■vcry four chromos It glves with its paper for $3 511 Wc (lon't bite - The Piesbvtenans have a new bell on the groand - bood to be in place. Welghs over 2,400 lbs. without the han ging. Is insc ribed : "First Presbyterian Church of Aun Arbor. Ring out'the darkuess of the land. Ring iu the Chiist that is to be." John E. Owen, an actor of note, and the original "Solón Shingle," will pltiy in the Opera House In this city, on the evenijngs of the 27th and 28th inst., supported 'by a gooil company. An unusually rare icntertainment may be looked for Stevenson commences hls theatrical engagement at the Opera House on Wedncslay evening instead ofMonday, as hereto. fore advertised. Miss Eldiudge belng slck, Susaïï Duxman, a well known and popular actress, wlll 1111 the bilt, sopported by her own compauy. - Wednesday evenlog next. November 20th,'Prof. M. Ij. D'Oooe will dlscourse upon ".4 Month in Aifiens," at the M. E. Church, aiid under the auspices of the Students' Lecture Associatlon. We have no doubt that tt large audlesce will greet Win. - The Literary and Medical Students Indalged In a big rush on Sïturday alter-' noon last, enjoyfng thcinscives hngely - we suppose. " Aftcr the ba'ttïè " one or two were reported cousiderably lnjured, and innumerable shirts and other garinents were scottered around the campus. - The Barnabee Concert Troupe had a Jtiill house on Monday evenlng. Their programme was the saine old atfati;, and 1 'uabee brought down the house as usual. Pcrhaps we inight have laughed wlth the rest (to sce ivhat a fooi the man could tnake of hlmsolf), but belng obliged to go a fnll hour before " the show " commenced to secure a seat - and a mighty hard one at that - we were not in laughing humor wben tho time carne. Our sympathics wew too inuch with the tlred chalr. 'The Presbytermn divines of the Eiist are U8t now lnterested In the three hnndredUl Biiniversary of the death of their old champion, Johs Kxos. And not to be behind liand iu the matter the Presbyterian Church pröpose toioiiservc the occasion in suitable ■style by a yjourse of three lecturas in our own city. Hev. Dr. Or-o. Dufkiel, of 'Baglnaw, will lecture or Jonx Kxox ; llon. ]). Bmthurb Duffiei-d, of Detroit, wlll take John as lus subject, and Re?. Samdkl W. Duffiei-d, of Aun Arbor, will teil us what he knows about Martin LuTiiKit. We are infonncd that the principal purpose öf these lectores ís to Increase the interest in those historie times end to atTordH picture o.' the men and thtir surfoondlnga Ifhe price'of adirf.ssion will be inerely nominal - twenty five cents for each lecture or fifty cents for course tickets. The lecturf will be deliversd in the Presijytcrlan church and tickets wlH be forsale :at the bookstores by the ilrst part of next "week. On Mondav, the 18th, Prof. AbASte will Tiegin a course ff University lectures on Franco since the revolutiou of 1789. The lectures will be at half-past three o'clock in the afternoon, and will be held in the Lecturc Hoorn of thet-a Department. The' Imbllc will bc welcome. The Buigfit Side. - In these days every Yamily should have a weckly paper desistí ed especially lor There are m'auy of tliis class, but we especially reeommend the Briyht Side and Family ï. V published by the Bright tíide Co., Ch!cago ïll.,at fl.00 perix;art includlng a flncChromo, wiilch would cost at thï stores irom 42.00 to $3.00. It is finely illustratcd and illled with useful and instructive articlcs It Is hlghly prizcfl by the the young folks' The paper and Chromo will inake a bcauti-, ful preaent for any youth. Greelky carries 7 States : Georgia Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas. Gkant takes' -the rost. Enough said. Tho Ëpizoc Grtfnb. [üirculrtr.] Headq'hr Df.i'atïtment of ths Kast, Office Cmxr Quabtebmastib, [ New York City, Oct. 28, 1872. ) The attention of offioers aud agente in chargo of public animáis belonging to tho Quartcrmastet's Department in the Department ot' tho East is called. to the " epizootic catarrh," now provalent among horses. They are dircoted to observo tho following rules for the treatment of this disease, and to report results to this of iice at the end of tho present montb, and overy ten days thereaf ter, until the disoaso disappears. It is assumed that the stablea are always kept clean, dry, and well ventilatod, with plenty of fresb air and 6uulight when possible. It is also assumed that the horses are nover overworked, but proj)erly exeroised at all times, whethor sick or well, and that they are fcd with wholsome forage, rcgularly groonied, and kept warm. RUFUS INGALLS, Colonel and Assistent QuarterniasterGenoral, Brevet Major-Gonornl, United States Army, Chiof Uuartermastor. KULES FOK TllKATIXtj THE DISEASE. On tho first appearanco of tho diseaso givo the horse a thorough steaming with Ijoiled oats placed in a bag, and bo fastened to tho head that thu stoam Irom the oats will be inhaled. Repcat this until tho discharge froia tho nostrils is free and of a natural color. Tben take the leather, or, what is botter oarbolic disinfeotant, in grains like largesized canuon powdor, plauo it in a shallow pui and burn it whero tho horses ■will be obliged to breathe it. If tho throat is soro- which generally will be the caso- apply hot vinegar frequently. rubbing it well in with the hand and wrap the throat in nunuel dipped in vinegar. Springe out tho nostrils frequontlywith warm vinegar. Blanket .well night anil day, but not enough to prprluoe sveating, and givo plenty o fresh, clean bedding. Give scveral bran mashes, with froia one-hftlf to onc ounco of powdered nitro in eaoh, aiad uw linseed m6al or flaxsned in the oats. Ü86 to}il water in the mcsb. The hay and oats should bo moistenud with water - tar water preferible. Most casos, if taken in time, will yield to the above treatment ; but should the attack bo very sovere, aocouipaniod with considerable fever nnd very soro throat, instead of the vinegar, au mnbrocation of equal parts of li-iseed oil, terpentine, tincturo of cantharides and hartshorn should be rubbed in, íiight and nioming. ■ Powell's Bmbroóation" is veiy good. Gívg as a drench, night and uioruing, tho folio win g : Spirits of nitric ether, - - 1 ounco. Laudanum, - - - tdraobms. Nitrate of potassa, - - .'i draohins. Water, _ - - - 1 pint. Mix. Should tho horso refuso his feed, offer dim frequently thia gruel with ft handFul of pulverizad slippery elm bark and licoricc root stirred in it. Whon convaloseing exercise gently daily and stimulatn the appotito with tho Tollo win g ball : Extract of pentian, - 6 draohms. Powdored ainger, - 2 drachms. Mix. A handful of wood ashes mixed with a ittlo salt, thrown into the feed trough 'or thfi horso to lick up, will bo relished y hiui, and be beneficial. Beechcr snvs that religión that isn'f 'mixed" with politics and the business of life is worth about as much as yeust hat is neVer mixed with flour.


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