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29 I 29 ! -St ! who wtll explaiu thi imple sign, AnJ lell U8 will it pay lo cali at tbe l2 ií I What.ofeun Aqñ mjatic lettara thrcc Over brau new jrocery- C. D. 1 C for Credit and D f r a dun f Tliatv the way business íh olten done : Hut thüt'ti nu the way to reail tho un Of L. (JOLBÏ, wn"o ecllsuTüccrlenatíp. C is for Casii : for the oda he selle so cHeap, Tle Iwtttr to buy thcni there yonr mouey to ktep. t!. O. !.- Cash 'tu íMtrr- this is the wfty Ilí h ablc to sel! aojuw and inake i pJ". He has no liad del;tL to make him croes', Or tax nou more to make up his lona. So that't thcílftcuíto buy A'our food. He will scll it cheap, and you wlll flnd lt good. Atthe 0, O. T). Groccry you will ulwnysflud The beal of OofiToa aut Te ia ofall kimls, Wiih f ngy yfto, aud Ireth, ripe frr,';, Or canni-rt.'ór driud. kI] taaftea toTCll ; Orantes, Lcmuiia I'lss nuil ltalian Pears, .■ll the -picea that irec or shrnb oftrunc bears, íditti.raisir. nnd variou kinds f Candy 1 liiuchildrcn love and mothers flndao handy, ïo keep ou hauil a hiddcn atore, A ' Ui-k ' oi'this will moúittiem moro Tlinn tho old-ffuAtaped "rodv ourfatherí nsed, Wheu childreü wcro ploiity and otteu abused. fie has all kinds of Trovisinr-.p the palate to please-, Fih, bacou , llour, bread, butter and Ql;eeeCookloa and crackers, chcrritiK. rhDColtttv.nndcaku, ThUlga to boil, fry, roast, steV, steam or bake. ilr pecana puanuts, pronos and pickle. To coux ilic appetite, bü capricions uud ñckle. He ha slusswar', crockery, and véasela of tone, Fniich Lustral Soap- the best evir known ; Tobacco and clgara, kuh for chtwiii" and smoking And never ili bruwa if yon tbo'Id be JojKlag. And iany other fchlnga too uuiperou's fo mentioii. All of wliicü to eell chtap for cash is hisiuteution. Thrn come, good pepple, one nud al't And uive thc 0 . 0. 15. arocery a caliCi'rtie try imr prico; and try our ware, For in onr profits Uie buyor uharct. Yon pay the Cfish íor what you get, WL!t uo tariffn lossca to make yoú fret ai'( aikor credit, thoneb your a mlllionalrc, But buy yonrgroeurlot for cah at pricea fair. Coiné from the cunntry and theltowu, Prepftred tobuy and pay oatk dqwi, Come rlch and poor. como bue6 and whif,ov Yoo will flnil provisión pleifty nhd pricce r 1:1, ome, Manda of Orant and Pili oGreri, Shake hnude at 2!) and trade C. O. S). freely. JFur .Scronila, ScroFuloii.s liseHs o f the Kjcn, or Scrofula iu uiiy loria. Any diseaae or eruption of the Skin, dUenae of the ïs Livpr, Rhciimatism, PiniO5-iJ ples,OlUSorcs,Ulcer.Brok0Ys endown Constitu t i o na, 04(v9 Syphili, or any disease der-OJ t pending on a depraved contB dition of the blood, try iMtF DR.CROOK'S O syrup of POKE ROOT. .OpÑO It ha8the medicinal propCTLg erty uf Pokecombined with ji jj a preparation oflronwhich ]Jy goes at Pnce into the blood, Vy" performing the most rapid f and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook's üompound Synip pi Ppke Koot - take it and be healed. TPÖR SALE. T)ie undersigned offers for sale, on rcasonablc tcrms His Residence in this City, Corner'of División and Liberty Sis. A most dusiraLle location, and onc of the best properties in the city. Enquire on the Premisos. Dated Ann Arbor, October 9th, 1873. DAVID HENNING. I095tf ÍVOTICE. TheGKRMAN FARMEU'8 FIHE INSURANCK l OMPANT.M Wnshlcnuw (ounty. Mich., will hold tluir jiitntütl ncctinjfjn the School House, In B0, near tlic (ïcrmun Churcl, on tho ürat Monday ot Da (■■■uil" r next, ;t teu oV.lock A. M., lo dect uew oflicers iiud proposwí otlicr tbingfl. Aun Arbor, November Jth, 1872. 189dwD LEWIS FttITZ, Bec'y. rpHE PLACE TO SET YOVK NEW STYLE8 OF I 0rtLie TiimnUoge, is at thc Faimtr&' Store. ■ I I , I t I I , t III . I .1 ■ I - WATCHËS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOI! S1LVBR AKD PLATEO tíll TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, ïECTAGLÈS, 3FANCY GOGDS, ETC. C. H k Si, No. 11 South Main 8i, nAVE JÜÖT EËCEIVED A SPLEÑDID ASSORTMENT OF THE A130VE NAMED GOODS. NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, A fine stock of Ladies' Watches and Chains, Fine Gold and Plated Sets, Rings, &c. CALL AND SEE US. OUR PIUCES ARE AS LOW AS ANY IN THIS COUNTRY. OF WATCnES, CLOCKS, JEWEL RY, Executed Neatly and Promptly.


Old News
Michigan Argus