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Life Insurance Company

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FOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT O3F THE Oí' thc United States oí' America. JULY 31st, 1872. A.SSET8 . Cash in Bank and Trust Conipanies, - - r -. 8 21,171.18 United States Bonds (market value) 531,550.00 Dominion of Canada Bonds, (market value) ... 68,452.51 State and Municipal Bonda, " " .... 57,574.00 Loans secured by First Mortgage (property worth more than doublé tho loan) 628,688.44 Loans on Collatorals (Collatorals worth $1,191,849) - - 841,749.41 Offico Furniture, (50 por cent. of value) - - - - 4,771.07 Accruod Intorest 82,405.65 Doferred Premiums on Policios in force ..... 86,355.36 Premiums in courso of colloction, and all othor Assets, - - 40,451.07 Asaets, August lst, 1872, ..... $2,313,168.6 Incroaso of Assots during the year, - $ 358,551.45 LIABILITIE8. Total present value of Policies in forco, or amount roquirod to safely reinsure all outstanding risks, loss thé present value of tho reinsurod Policies, - $1,194,609.00 Lossos reportod but not due, ------. 28,527.35 Total Liabilities, Aug. lst, 1872, - ... $1,223,136.35 Surplus, boing Socurity in addition to the Buinsuranco Fund, 1,090,032.34 Eatio of Assets to Liabilities, 189 to 100. For overy $100 of Iiability the Company has $189 of valuable and availablo Assets with which to moet it. CASH CAPITAL, $1,00000, FUILY PAID. CHAETERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF CONGEESS- A STRONG STOCK COMPANY. SPECIAL FEATUllES-Security, Low Bates, No Dividend Ddusioiw. OFFICERS E. A. EOLLIÏTS, President. JAY COOKE, ClIAIRMAN FnUBÓB AND EXECUTIVE CoililITTEE. H. D. COOKE, "Washington, Vice-Presidknt. E. V. PEET, Philadelphia, Vice-Presidext and Actuary. JOHN M. BUTLER, Secretary. F. G. SMITH, M. D., Medical Director. Brancli Offlco, Philadelphia, Pa., wherc business of tho Co. is transactod. W. W. Whedon, Agent, Ann Arbor. FOE LOCAL AGENCIES APPLY TO GEO. W. SN OVER. Gen. Agt., 156 Jefferson Ave-, Detroit13'J8tf


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