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Miscellany: California

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Our cousiti and ottr sister Lizzie Shnll part of every day be bnsy, 'I'licir ow room they shall pul in trim, And keep our brother's neat for liiin, The parlors they must tnke in caro, And keep nll things in order lliere; Must sweep ond dus?, and wnsh the glaas Dut leave for Anna all the brasises; On wash day set the dinner tabie, And help fold clothes when'et ihev're ab Shall lend their aid in too, And aught else they incline to do. And then wlien they have done their sh Of work, if they have time to spare, Assist their cousin A. C T. Till she's their cousin A. C. B. Dear lillle Lu' símil be the runner, Because our Patty - blessmgs on her! To boarding-school has gone away, Until briyrht spring returns, to 8toy4 Her t i relee? kindness won each heart, And we were grieved with herto pBrt; But iu this thought found ease from pair That our great loss was her great gain, Sarah shall in the Uitdien be. Preparing breakfaet dinner, tea;And keeping free frotn dust the closctej Wherc flour, etcétera, elie deposits. Annefhall on the Uible wait, Attend the door, see to the gate, Clean the front steps and pavement too, And many other thiuga filie'll do; That al) may in mch order be, As each one of us likes to sec. Thus all their duty may fulfil; And if 'tis done with checrful will, A ure reward to us will come, Id finding bero t happy home.MlötJULLAIN ï. STERVIEW BETWEEN CHARLES II. P( AND VVILL1AM PENN, 1681. When William Penti waa about to 6ail om En(land for Pennsylvania, he went to ike leave of the King, and the following nVersotion occurred: - P Well, friend Wilüam,' snid Charles, I have ild you a noble province in North America: ri it Mili 1 suppofe tliat you have :io thoughts pi ' poin? thither yoilrsëlf.' jj 'Yes I have,' replied VVilliam, 'and atn just me to bid thee Carewell.' r 'What, venture yourself nmong ihesavaes of North Americo.' Why, mari, whnt etirity have you, that yo will not be in leir war kettle in two hours after setting S ot on thoir shores1' 'c 'The best security in the world,' replied ai cnn. w 'I doubt that, eaid William; 1 hve no idea w 'any security against those cannihala, but w a reiriment of good soldiers, with their j uskets and bayoneta. And mind, I teil you . 'forehand, thut with all my good will for you id your farnily, lo whom I am under ; on, 1 will nol send a single soldier with r 3u.' w ♦I want none of thy soldiers,' answered g iil.iam. 'I denend on somelhinp better than ahv Boldiera.' The Kuitf wished to know whal tliat toas. t 'Wliy I depend on theniselies - on their , noral sense - and on ihat grace of God which i ïringeth salvalion, and haih appenred unio uil non.' 'I fear, friend Willinm. thnt ihaUgracc has lever appeared to the Indiati? of North ! ca.' 'VVhy not to them as well as to all othRtf?' 'If it had appcared to them.' said the King, ihey woiild hardly li'ive trpnted my subjects so btirbarously na thi-y h;ive done.' Thnt is no proof to the contrary, friend Charies. Thy siibjcctt: were the apgrestpra. W.héh thy subjccis firet went to North Americn, tïi'py fouiid these p'or peop!e the fondest nnd kiiwlest crratures in the world. Evory (TáV 'hoy wotild walch fr them to come nshore iuid implen lo niet them, and feasl them on tln;ir best fisli, nnd vension nnd com, which wusallthat tlioy had. In renirn for thi hoüpilaÜty of tlie savages, ns we cali tfiëhr, thy subjectp, terme.l Christians, seizd on iheir country and rich hilliÜUg grounds, lor for t'.-t mselves! Now is it tobe uoiídered at, ttiat these mncli injnied peoplo shottld tmve been driven to de.-peration by 6iich injvislice, nnd tlia. iburu&ig wilh revende, '. litjv should have commiued sntnc excesses?' Well, tliPii, I liopp, friend Wülium, yon w.ilj


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