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ijet their liuiuing grounda, too, I snppose? 'Vs; bul nut by driving tlicse poor peopl ;wuy from them.' Nn, indeed, hoi then will o get the 'I mean to btiy t'ieir lunds of tliem.' 'Buy thcir lands of tliem! why nnn yc linvfi ulrcody buughl tliem of me' 'Yjí=; 1 knovv I hnve, and at a denr ra too, but I lid it nnly to get lliy guod ivi not that I ihought tljou hadst any riglu tlieir lands.' Zonnde. man!- no right to their lnnds!' 'No, frier.d Clinrle.-, no right at all. Wh right hant tliou to their land.-?' Why, ihe right of discovery; the rig which the Pope and ol! Chrlotiun kinge ha ügieed to give one another.' 'The right of discovery! a strange kind right ii.dced. Now uppose, friend Charl some conoe-louds of these Indians, crossi the eea, and discovering1 hy islnnd of Gn 3ritiin, vvere to claim it as their own, ond i it up for snle over thy head, what would r Ihou think of it?1 Why- why- why,' replied Charles, 'I mi confess, I should (hink it a piece of great i prudence in thera.' 'Well, then, how const thou, a CmisTi and a ChkIsTian Princk too, do that wh thou so utterly condemnest in tho6e peo whom thou callcst savufzes. Yea; fri 'sf Charles, snd snppose again that these Indi rn thy refusal to give up thy island of Gr Britain, were to make wnr on thee, and hnv Ie weapons more deructive than thinu, were destroy tnany of thy subjects. and to di l.i [o-t nvunv. iviiillpnt tltmi nnt tíhtiIí if hure ribly cruel? The King cesenting In this ïvith 6tr mnrká of conviclinn, VVilliam proceedei Well, then, friend Charles, how can I, v cali myself a Chiistian, do whnt I should hor evpn in heatlien? No, I will not dcj But I will boy the rij. ht of the proper own even of the Irdinns themselvee. By ío di I shall imitnte God himself in his jusiice mercy, and thereby insure hts bleesing on colony, if I shonld ever live to plnnt on ' North America.'- H 'eem's Life of Wtll Penn. The arrea rages due to Bishop Onderd up to the day of his suspension, nre to paid, amounting to about $6,000; but he i icceive hereafier no salory; at lenst not t some further action is taken at the Gen Ep;Bcopal Convention,that is to be held in ] adel pli ia in 1847. I regnrd to matrlmony, Frederika Brc 5ays: - "Adam was the best off. For tl oeing only one Eve in his days, he could be mistaken; but we do not find it 6o e in the enormous swarm of Adam's prog to judgc who is the right one for us.'The following extracts are from a Reart of an Exploring Expedition to the ú ocky Mountains, and to Oregon and fo forlh California, by Brevet Captain remont, of the U. S. Topogrnphical th iiigineers, made in June last, and juát n ublished: tu uIn the course of the afternoon, dust hí sing among the hiüs at a particular el lace, attracted our attention: and, rit ng up, we found a band of 18 or 20 be úñalo bul Ís engaged di a desperate light. a 'hough butting and goring were bestown liberally, and without distinction, yet m )eir eíForts were evidently directed aM one - a huge gaunt oíd bull, very lil an, while his adversaries were all fat m nd in goó'd order. He appeared very m eak, and had olready received some of ounds, and, while we were looking on, or as several times knocked down and badta r. hurt, and a very few minutes would n ivo put an end to hún. Of course we bi iok the side of the weaker party, and J tr tacked the herd; but they were so blind I th : 1 1. ■L_ MA Kaí Uní (. .t i rrii t rr !i 1 tf rl i'f1ugardless of our presence, although on foot li and on horseback we were firing in open view within twenty yards of them. But tlils did not lnst long. In a few seconds we crented a commolion among them. - One or iwo, whieh were knockedover by the balls jutnped up and ran off into ihe hiils; and they began to reireut slowly along n broud ravine to the river, fighting furiously as they went. By the time ihey had reached the bottom, we had pretty well dispersed them, nnd the old buil hobhled ofi' to lie down somewhere. "The air was keen the next morning nt sunrise, the thermometer standing at 44 deg., and it ws sufiiciently cold to make coats comfortable. A few miles brought us into the midst of the bufialoes. swarming in immense numbers over the [lains, wliere they had left scarcely a blade of grass standing. Mf. Pruess, who was sketchingat a little distance in the rear, had at first noted them as Wge groves of timber. In the sight of such a massoflife, the. traveller feels astrange emotion of grandeur. Wc had hear trom adistuncca dull and confused murmuring. nnd, when we carne in view of their dark mnsses, there was no one among us that did not feel his heart beat quicker. It was the early part of the I day, when the herds are feeding and eve' UT ry where they were in motion. irlere ond there a huee old buil was rolling in:o the grass, and clouds of dust rose in th air from vaious parts of the bands, eac lc the scène of some obstinate fight. Ir dians and buffalo moke the poetry an :ir lile of the prairie, and ourcamp was fu of iheir exhileration. In place of th quiet monotony of the march, relieve 'U only by the cracking of the whip, an ■ an 'avance done! enfant de garccP shou jl and songs resounding from every part tó the line, and our evening camp was a ways the commencemsnt of a feas wh'ich terminated only wilh our depa iat ture on the following morning. Ar time of the night might be seen pieces ( 'M the most delicate and choicest meat roa: ive ing en appolas on sticks a round the fii and the guard were never without comr OÍ ny. With pleasant weather and no er m my to fear, an abundance of the mi g0et excellent meat, and no scarcity of bre Mt or tobáceo, they were enjoying the oa


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