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- Weather colil : snow tlitn. Xbankfglvlng : next Tboraday. _ Fonrtceii Inchea of snow fcll in Cleveland on Wednwday. On'y 14 degrees above zero : merenry yesterday luornlng at 7 o'clock. - The IJoanl of 8apervlra adjonrned sine die. on Suturdiiy Bfternoon last : it dld. - Winter is giving us an early unfl sub stantial cvidence of hia capacitles a mi deslgus. Thftt was nn Ineplred poet who wrote, 11 Ile whrt voull m lmsine?3 thrive Must takc tlw Aiwicjaiul advertí." -The ludies o( St. Thomas Cliurch commencc tbeil animal Fair ou Weducsday next, at Hengstertert Hall. - Prof. D"Ooge is to dell ver his lectnre, A month In Athens," beforc tlio Normal Lyceum, Ypsiianti, this ovenlng. - Wc are glad to sec that President "Wiute, of Cornell. is üstcd in the S. L A course; for December 7th, we belicve- Thnt Presbyterlan Church bell wclghs 3,400 lbs., plus, without lianïings, instcad of 2,400 lbs., as the Arqus had it last week - The Ahoüs, Oodey's Lady's Book and a flrst-chis Uhromo, "Our Darling" (mounted), for $4.50 a year. Now is the time to subscribe. - Get your BlU-Hotd, Lettcr-Hcads: Canls. Circuhus, etc, priutcd at the Auous office, and yim wfll et good stock, beauti ful Work, and low prices. - The State Oentál Assoclatiou at its late meeting at Jackson fixcd upou Aun Arfr as the next phice of meeting: time, second ïucsday In üctober next. -The dweliing of Mrs. jnoisman Phf.lpsi In YprtlMtl town, was burncd on the 18th lust., with portion of oontents. Insiired orif 1,800 in the Washtenaw Mutual. The flrst of the series of lectnres com memoratlng the death of John Knox is to bc glven in the Presbyterian church this eveniu, by Rev. Qko. Duffield, of Sagina w. - " A thing of beauty is a joy forever " . and that's jast wlmt "Ó.ir DarUng"ts, whlch you can get with ths Auoüs aud Gvdcy't Lady's Book for $4 50. Now Is the time to subscribe. An exchanfre has this &tatrtUn item : ■"'Tlie dearest spot on eartii' has at last been located. It can be found at the store that does uot adveTtise." There are several such "snots" in this city. Wc were pleused to "receive & cali on Baturday from B. J. F. Hanxa, editor and publisher of the Salina (Kansas) 7craM. He reports favorably on the conditiou and prospecta of cutral Kansas. An adjouroed term of the Supreme Court Is to be held at Detroit to-morrowAmoug the nndeclded cases which are to bc disposed ot is Kitson t. the City of Aun Arbor, Involving the constltutlonality Of the license ordinancc - We Invite attention to a communica tion headed " Rowdyism at the Depot."- We bave no doubt that Supt. Sahgf.nt and hls assUstant, Mr. Huhd, will cheeriully KM hel ping hand and issue uny orders necessaryio abate the DOlsance 5otplalncd of. Every person owing the Abgüs office ii single dollar, more or Iss, ior subscriptton, advertising or jobbing, is invited to lïiake prompt pay ment; so that we may pay all our credltors and celébrate Thauks ving with a cheerful heart and a elcar conscience. - The passenger train coming east Mon lay was thiee ■Mnri'Phind time. Cüuse; & colllslon ïit Conistock between the ICalajnaz train coming east und a westward bound frc'ght, whlch wrecked the locoinotlve3, a numtcr of frelght cars, and Bllght )y injured Beveral passengere. A larco. aiulieuco greetvd Prof. D'Oogeou Wednesday evenlng, n tile large audience found before thé lccture was throngh abundant occasion to congratúlate both tüe lecturer and Uie Association ander wiiosc auspiecs he appearod. ÍRs suhject "A Mouth lnAthens"covercd much broader territory than the title ndicated, sketohing Jn fact all Greecc, contrasting its present ond past, and taklng a roseate view of its future. The descriptlons ot Grccian Ufe. and Grecianjscenery, Grecian suficr'mge and Greclan lierolsm, were instructivo and oc casionally brlstled wlth humor. Prof. D evldeutly had bis eyes open while Ín Greece and in ttlllng what he suw and learnoil be puts the audleuce Ín Imiuedlate syinpathy vith himself. - V ith soch homc lectliTtrs the Assocl ÉUon may snap its fingerg at the ezorbl' tant demands of "furriners" - whether trota Nevv York jouruals or any other place or píjsitlon. Jouk E. Owess, whosé fame as nn actor !í workl-wide, and. wüo Ís knovvil Lo every tlicater soer as t!ie original "Solón Slihigle,' Tv-iiich character lie playecl s:x nuecessive montlis in New York, and four monilis In the Adelphi .it Lotldeo, is bíliotl ft)r the Opeta House on Wednesday and Thnvsday evehln:j;s nevt. "Everybotly'i Fi'enil" and "40 Wlnktf' will 1j! bronglit ought the first evenlng, and "The Ilappiest ]")ay of My Life" and "Soion Siin;le" llie secoud. Ilis company is well selected, ilnd tlie enter taímment wlll be sucli as is rarelv ollered our cltizens. Tickets for sale Monday next at Gilmore it Fiskk's. Keu adVerIjseincnt f or pnces, whicli have been put below the usual scale o( Mr. Owkhs. Miss Bubas Denin and the Jackson The. ter close thts eVenlng with Lkau, The Fohsaken, with Miss Denin as Lhah. The coinpaDy has so íar gtven perfect satis factian, and as Miss Denin is one the flrst stars in the country, we trust shc may uot go aivay dlssatldfled wiih Ann Arbor patTonage. We nudftrstand that Miss Eldridge Is stlll lying very illjat Kansas City, bat will coiumence at Jucksou as oon as her health will permit. In a "rush" betsveen the classes at Co hnnbia College, N. Y. City, on SaturJay aflernoon last, a student named White was Wirowu or pusLied over the baiiislers- froin third to ground iloor, and was fatally injured: which cheerfol bit of information is coinmended to the notice of stuilents on the hill who can flud uo nobler cxercise ior tlieir musc! than in "riishing" other classes 01' departments. In anotl'cr column wlll be found an adTcitisunent of c Son- Pianos of which popular lnstruiiKuts 41,000 bavè beun sold, and which have recelved til iri.cs of a bigb grade, trom State, national and international I'airs. II. II. Smith, Jr., of Jack son, lia been ppolntcd Oenenl Agent (bc the Detroit,' Lansiiigjiml Lsfcc Michigan, and Detroit and Jiay City Ratlfoads, wit) lieadquarturs at Detroit, A good sclrction. If vou wish a bandsome dress bc sure to cali 011 Mach i Scximid awl se th display of new Dress Goods which they art selllng very chp. Sce tjjclr ad. in an-J oiljcr coluiun. The íollotvlng is the list of jaron draw for the November term of the Circuí Court to convenc on Mondny next, thcSGth Ira Annabil, Freertom. Samuel P. Bray, Pittsfield. Jocob Blnm, Bridgewater. Jacob Breinlng-, Freedom. AlbertS. Brenel, Manches! er. Fninkliii I). CummlngS, Sylvan. Lorenzo Davis, Anu Arbor'fown. Samuel It. Doty, " " " David Gardoer, Angosta. Martin Gray, Tpsilaatl City. Porler llincklcy, York. Kflson Howell, Dexter. Patrlck Mclntyro, Northiluld. John F. Millcr, Ann Arbor City. PhllerooD C. Muway, Öalem. John W. Renwlck, Bilem. Wllliam Bhelnfrank, Saline. Ambroee V. Boblson, Ann Arbor City. Phüaoder Stevens, Ypsllanti City. WUUamN. Ölevena, KorthneHl. James Taylor, Sylvan. ürrin Tliatclier, 8vlv:in. Eihvard Torrey, Ann Arbor City. John C. Tuoiny, 8clO. David Tyle, Ypsilnnti City. Wiillam E. Wessels, Lyndon. James I). Winans, Ann Arbor Towu. James 1'. Wooil, Sylvan. 1'eter D. Woo.lnirt', Ann Arbor City. The jurors uiv siimmouuJ to appear on fncsday mornlng. Tlie Ypsllantl Sentinel lias been cnlarged to a 32 column sheet and is printed on a power press - theJFairhaven. Be'uig llic organ of the Straights must pay- ibr whtob we congratúlale Bro. Woodkukf. "A Fat Place kok SoMB Öke.-- An agent is wanted In this county to interest hlinsclf or herself in aliow'ng the extraordinary premian] list of 'Otir Oicri, Firetldd aml gettlng canvassnjrS tó work lor them. 'Cur Oion Fireakkë is a lurgc lllnstratecl 1G paged paper and givcs each subscrlber the choice of three Chromos ilncr and better tlian oflered by any otlieï publislier." Tbe Chicago Railvtty Review, usually per. fectly reliable, makea tvvosingular mlslakes in its last issue : ono in locating the Grand Tnnik Jimction 12 miles west of Detroit instead of 3, and the other in locating Eaton Kapide on the Jacksou, Lanslng, and Saginaw roa.1. lt is on the' Grand River Valley división of the Central, and at the crossingof the Northern Central or old "Ram's Hom." Godey's ttáj'i fíook for december Is a hol iday uumber both in contenta and Ilustra" tions. The former iucludes Christmas sto ries, christmas notes for the housclioM, etc and the latter two steel engravlngs, i f;ish ion píate, a colored píate of silk stocklngs, Chvistmas Eve and Christimts Mórnlng - coinpanion pictures, and an extra nurabor of fashions for tlie sesisori. lt is a live number. Accompanying it comes the prospectus promislng the good things In stoi-e for 187;!, which incliiilo u ncw serial, "Carrylng Weight," by Marión Harland. üodey also ofl'ers a beautiful chromo, "Öoi Darliug," to single or club subscribers. $;! a year; two copies, Í" ; six c()))io, (14, with the chromo to cach anbsorlber, or for 25 ctuts from each, additional, it will be monnted ready for framing. O!' the chromo Godey says, and " lic nevcr lies": "It is i perfect bljou, thoi price in the store belng $3." - Now is the time to subscribe. AdUrcss L. A. Godey, Philadelphin. - The Anous, Oodcy and "Our Darling" mounted for $4.50 Show this to jour neighbor after QOtlng it yourself. We have mimber five of Ilnlf-JIour Re crealion in Popnhir 8eienct. lts contenta are an article "Ou Nebnle, Metuorlc Showers and Cometa, and the Revdatlona of Spectrum Analysis regardlng them," by Prof. II. Schellen and others, intereatlng to the acholar and instructiv to the unlearned. Also a shorter paper on "Coráis and Coral Islands," from a recent work by Prof. J. D. Dana, Bhowin? how those minuto " toilers of the sea" bulld the marvelons coral reela oi the tropical latitudes. - Both papéis are Hhistnited The ïitxt numuer of tlie little monthly serial will have a paper from Dr. NV. B. GarpkktbR' on the "UüCODSClOO8 actlon of ilic Bram and EpRlumie Delusioiüi ;" and No. 7, " The Geology of the Star," by Prof. A. Winchëll, t)f our city. Messrs. Estes & Lauriat, 143 Washington stw.t; Boston, publishers ; Daña Estks, editor. For sale at Gilmore fc FlBKris.