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S S selO-s Or TasItJcsB.Coatrd, Coüfcntraíed, reoo assd Herbal .fn'.cc, Anti DU toas Granulos. 'JTïïr.: ;.ST'rr,r, GIANT" c.v:r:;AHïac, or Muli In Parvo Pliyaic. O Thu norolty of modern Hedical, Chemlcm . . ■ Pïiar i. I Sciciico. Ho se e; t;i,i; tllO kt._:t'. rrj-ni: vi; ïi:-ï nftll co;ii; lo lof mmI bfilky iiiKredlentí, Whon wo can by al ttiion i l ■ ictsnoo, oxtract n'.l i!i: calliarlic and othcr riledl', U!i liorbd, n i;t c Llioui hito a wlnnt6 C.r;ianli!, ■earcoly larnor Uinn a tusutard 8039 Cbat ca 1 ) -.üov. í'íl 1-y tiloso !■ƒ the m .1 ■! taste?. Bacil Uttlo Purgativa koll." rcprawitis ina mort coucenHitteJ fonn, i ■ thnrilc powar as U einboïlle In any of Ilio la ■{)■■ ' i ■ i ■ ,■■ .i ; : ii ip. F i tl r i derfaleafi ■..■ pow -.ii pronortlon t.i tbclr eizc, pcopla wli.i ii:i. ■ Dottrled ihemare R;t to pnppÓM toat thcv a:: bun or tlni'tic i n effect, hut f uch is not atrlll tho cae, tha dltTcrent acih-a medicinal priuclplcsof whicb thcy nro composcd l)fng eo harraoutcod i:;l HMi'liill. onc by tito otherv, fl-i to prodoco a inoNt ■oaro.bliiR an.l lorniiah, yct Qcnliy n:nl lii:iily oporcuiug cathurtic. $3í;O nivar'l Is hereby oflbred bytho propriotoi' ei I . lo auy c.ifiiiï-t vbo, upou n-.iiiiy.-:-. wlll li 1 i:i them nny Calomcl or otaor funufl (-f uicrcury or uny oluor nilï'rtraJ polaOT. ISrí!1?t oii;trcl7TC.ota"Io,r.opnrtK ...r euro ir tcqulrüd wullo u '■'■ üvitn. 'i Ucy ',■■■- rato without dlatnrbanco 1 l ■ tuntltntlou. dfet, or occu.ii ion. FurJami oadacbCj Cou8Sii:tl!ni!, 2iiiiiit-u Bloodj l aix in tito :-hi;lcrf) Tl(rb(nosa o! tho Cliost, tïizziiifK', Sour Ci'ttctations of tiio wiosnacfij bad I s(o in moutii, Billons ntt;i!íH, l'nln iu reRlou of Ki5iioysi, Iiitcrnn! Fevcrj Bloatcd loelinc óbon Stos:oh, Kusii of Hioud to IJc;'-3, Rlsb Colorcd VriuOf VJnftocl&Diliiy snU JIomy Foirohof iiifrs, take Itr. Piorce J?Ie;ji:ii!i tiratlTe fcljolp. In explana on r the remedial power of taj Pur fitive Pelleta oyer eo proat a variety of dieafes, vvish tosay tliat tltoir actiou upoil tlio aiiiiuul couuoüiy iHnsiivorsal, nota f'luud or tissue escii!ng Ihsïrsann. Ivö impri'fis. Aie dors r.ot impairthem; thoir OOftttag aod bcln eiicloted in glass bottlex pro orvetndrvirtaesuiiimpalrod for nny lenUi of ttmo, in uny cHmate, so tliat thcy aro alway: ffcah and reliuhle, which is not tho caso wltn tho ñ'.U fonnd i t!io drog stores, put np in chean wood or pastc-board boxes. Itccoüect that foriill dtaeaaea whors a f.axntivc, AiLor:iHvo or F'ursntlvo in Indlcated, th.'so littlo Polli t wlll Rivo tlic most petfect satisfacHon to all who uli thi::l. Tlioy aro soid by all cutorprlsíiig Drugpiuis at SC6 coat u boCtJo. Do not allow any dntgglat to i;uluco you to takc anytblnz e!i; tliat I o ny f-.'iy ia just as good as my Pellets beoaaae Ik: rnakos a largor prollt on that which ho recommttnds If your dmi'lst cjinnot stipply tlioni, encloso 25 ceuts and ruccive tht-m by return ïnail from Jl. V. l'iEllCi:, M. I) , JfVo)'r, BT7FFAT.O, N. Y. A IW ARRANGEMENT ! I AM NOW 0PFN1KG 1OO CASES MEN'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes ! Ladies', Misses' and CMldren's Boots, Shoea and Slippers. These poods havo jast bce purchfised of firBt hands, and as I hivo no cxpeime of lïi-NT, and glv6 my entire pqrsonal attoiu tiou U) the business, I hope to Compete Successfully with all engaged In the A. D. SEYLER, No. (i North -Tïnin St. Ann Arbor, Antt. &, 18T-2. I88tmt FÍKE ! FIRE ! ARE TOU INSURED? Don't wnit for a Firc, bnt soeure protr-ction by proco] inii a Policy in ono of tho iollowIng l-'irst ci;t=.-3 Companlsa: Home Ins. Co., New York, A8SET8, - - - $5,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, ASSETS, ... $2,000,000. Girard Ins. Co. Philadelphia, ASSETS', - - - $650,000. Oriënt ns. Co. Hartford, ASSETS, - - - $C00,0OO. These Compiuiios adjnit and pay losses promptly. c. ii. ' i j.i,j:'. tío. 4, s. mitin st., ANN AIíBOlí, AÍICH. m8 LOVEJOY, TOBACCONÏST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SÖIOKING TOBACCO, SirafF, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 EAST HUROX STREET, Xcxt to the Express Office, ANN AHBOR, HIOBi 1345tf VTTH1T.U0HE LAKK. Ilaviníí reccntly rcfittcd and furniehed the CLIFTON HOUSE! lam nowprepared to receivc and entertain plenflure, fietaing mul dancing partios, at onc of the most stüactivo, plftOM&t and hcalthy watering placee iu tho West. Urboats arcnew.lariïe aud commodïous, and ■ itt'd fot tho ose oí pieMQK seekere. AnglerH wïH fiuda t'ull aud complete cqulpment al w.'.vs on hand. Bpecla] attentlon elven to the wautsand comfort of those who withio ependa few weeks in recreatlon do ring th warm summcr montha. N'd palna wlfl bc spared to rauko WH ITMORK AKI'), in the future asiu Ihe pi--t, a favorito summerresort. I). l' 8MITH. OR SALE. The good ind sufrstanlial Brick IIowsc nnd (o lots, beaulifully sltuated on State Siifct, South; atsQ Stuccoed House and (wo Inív. íío. 13 liiiversit Place ; also Building and lot od Pear Street : also Building and lot ou Pontiac Street ; also lots on Pear, í'ouf Lar. Peaeh Traver and Plum Streets. The abovc lots are very aeteesible to water and in the most healtuy part of the city. lö'J'J ipuiy lo A. U. PAUTUUXiG. J. WaI.kbu. Pioprtttor. R. H. McDoXALO Co-, Druggim Jt Un. AgwiUi Sm Fruiidwio, Cal., nnl 3-1 Comiiurco tret, N, Y. MIKMON8 llour Tcntlïtuniy Lt rhett m Wondorful Cut-.atlvo EfTcctn. Tnoy are nut a vilo Fancy Drink, Modo of Poot K:itn, WIiImIlcv, Proof Spirits nnd Refíino L.l(]iiorM doctorod epiceil oud swoctonodto picase tüo taste, callod "Tonica1 Aitictizcrn,M llcstorerfl,"áic, Uittt load the tlpplcr on to drunkcruiosa ftnü ruin, lm t are atnic Medtclnc.matfo from tho Nativo Iïoots and HerW of CiiUfnrnm, fror from alt Alcohollc HllmuInnt. ThoyarotheUREAT ItLOOD l'URIFIEItuml A LIFK (IVINU PKINCIPXB & perfect Iteuovator mul Invigorator of tho System, carry ing off uil poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a licalthy comïitlon. No porson can tako thcBo Bitters according to directlonn and remoin lonjf onwell Irovflcd thclr boncs aro not destroyed by mineral polsou or othcr mcana, and the vital orgaiia wastod bcyond the point of repair. Tney aro a (íenilo l'iirtcntlvu an Wfll asa Toutc, )OAosHtnt;, aleo, tho peculiar merit of tutttijf aa a )ovrcrful rifrcnt In roliovlnji Congestión or Inüatnmatlon of tho Livcr, ond nll tho Visceral Organs. FOR I-'EMAM! COMPLAINTB, inyonngor old, ruarrlod or Binelo, at tlio dawn o( womanhood or at tho turn of Hfe, Üioro Tonio Bitters havo no cqnoL For Inflammntory aud Chronlc Uhcnmn tlüim and (iont, Dyspcpsla or Indltresdon, Xiilloitfl, Romlttont and Intcrmlltcnt Fe Tem, JlficnHC of tbc Hloori, Uvi-r, Klilnpys and lllnddprttheso JïlitcrH havo been most HueecaRfuI. Such Dlsoancsarooauscdby Vldatcd Blood, which isgoncrally produocd by doraugomont of tho Digestivo Orsans DYsncrsïA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Ileadaehe, Pain In tho Sbouldow, Uooff hu, Tlghtccsa of the Chest. DiulDOM, Sour Lractatioos of the Btoniach. Bad Taste Ín tbo Moutli. Billous AttacKfl, Patpttatlon of tbe Hoort, Inflammatiou of tho Luha, Paiu in tbo regionR of tho Rtdnoys, and a hundred othor pauiful sjmip tornn, aro tho oflsprings of Uyspcpsla Thoy In vigorato tho Stomach and stlmulato tho torpld Livor and Bowols, which ronder thom of unequaJletl eScucy in deanslnf tho blood of all Impnrittcs, and lmpartlof now lifo and riiror to tho wholo pytem. FOR SKIN DISEA8E9, Eroptlonfl.Tottor, Fait Rheum, Blotclios, Spots, Pimples, Puntillen, Bolla, CarImnclcs, Rin-Worms, Scald Ucad, Soro Eytts t Eryaipols. Itch.Bcurfs, Ulscolonitlons of the Skin. Ilutoorsand Uiscases of tho Skin. of whatvor name or nature, aro litcrallv dugr ap and carricd out of the ByBtcm in a ahort time by tho únoot theuo Bittors. Uno bottle In such caiios will convinoo tho uiost incrcduloua of thoir curativo etTects. Cleanso the Vitl&ted Blood whenever yon Cnd lts lmpurities burstlnff through tho Bkio ia Pimples, Ernptions or Sores ; cloanso it whon you find it obatructed and sluggish in tho veins ; cleanao it wlicn it Ih fonl, and your fecunda will teil you when. Keep tho blood pure, and tho hcalth of tho sretem will follow. Pin, Tape, and otlier Worms larkinglntho systcm of so many thousands, aro cíTectually destroyed and removed. Sayg a dlntinimlabed phyefoloffist, th ero ia scarcoly an individual npon tho face oftue earth whoeo body is exeinpt from tho presence of wormií. It is not upon tbo healthy olements of tho body that wonns oxist, but upon tho diseased humors and slímy depoBitfl that brood theae liviuff mouaters of disease. No System of Medicino, no vermifuges no anthclmintics will freo tho system froin worms liko theae Bitters. 3. WA LEEK, Proprietor. B.H. McDONALD & OO Prueírists and (Jen. Affents, San Francisco, California, and 33 and 34 .Coniraerco Streot, Now York. , nareoLD by all drugüists and dealürs. jL ü. GIDLEY, 3accossor to COLGROYE 4 SON. DRUGGIST Al ÜHIMIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURÓN STREET, DKALER IN DRUG8, REDICnrES, Sl'RGICAI. nSTRlMESTS, PlttK WIKES .IH'D MQIORS, fPOR MEDICAL PÜRPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pertumery? PAI1VTS, OII.S, VAKXISIIES, SLASS AN PTITTT, PflYSICIASS' PRESCRIPTIES Carefnlly compoundod at all hours. I PROPONE NOT TO BE UTJDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WKOFuainsH ás good AIí ARTICLS. e. ii. iEi,s;v. 13C7tf yyrm. wacnei 18 NOW BEADT FOR THE FALL TRADE Haviug itcceiToda Lnrge Stock of MU & WINTER GOODS, 1NCLUDING 0LOTH8, 0A8SIMESEB, VESTINGS, &C. of the LLST STYIES and QTJAIITIES WHICH HE WILL ÏXTANUFACTU1E on terms to suit. Also a fulllliie of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goode. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No. 21 South Main Street,- Enet Sido: OALL AND SEE THEM. fPILLIAM WAtNIB. Ann 4rl;or, Octobcr let, 1S72. "DOTTLBD LAGER, ALE AND PORTER, Put up in Pinls and Quarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. 12" Orders left at I.rilcr .V Ca.'s Irupr Store wilt bc prouiptly lijücd. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor, May 28. 1872. 287BIÍ UA VI', YOL' SERN THOSE NIOE DRESS OOOPS at Hio Faiuitre' Stoto 1 IS uol go aud scu tota rjtnE FIRST NEW 630CS IN" MAEKET, AT FI3JLEY LEWSS5 TOE Finest, Iargest and Most Complete Stock of Fine Goods for Ladies, Misses and Cliild en, at FINLE3Y and LEWIS' Jïiirt's Fine Calí' Boots at FinTey & Lewis, and at NO OTli: 11 Place in ïown. Tlie Bost Kip and Stoga Boots In Towu at FINLEy & LEWIS'. Tho Best Boys' Boots at FISLEY & LEWIS'. The Stock w mh b bongit for CAl ■ '■ at bctter prices thau ttiusc boiiijht OX T 1ME. Finley & Lowis BUY FOPt CABH ! and enn feil tli.Mrgoods at FAIK. I'K.CE. 1S"6tl. H ATT ER ! HAS BECiUVED IJI8 PAU Í WINTER STOCK. OF Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLE.S, LADIES' FURS, EHTS' FIKXISII; OOD8, ETC., WIIICII DE rROPOSES TO SKLI. AT PRICES WniCH ÜgPY CUMPETITION. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor mCROOX'SWINEOFTAR álO YEARS PUBLIC TE8T Has proved lr. Crook's WTUE t ir L-JSilL a ;To have mro @tJsi similar jprepsira iSifiiSagès Uosi vvcrnueriHl the public. Tt ín rio'j in tlie nicdiclnal jiüiIJHt'SorTar, and uneqoaled for dtMeasea oí' tiic Tliroat asid Iiilllg8, performiüg tlie u:ost rem;irl{ dble in res. Coughs, Colli?!, C'lironic Cojighs. Iteffectually curca tliem all. Astkiua aud liroiicIiüiSi JI;s cnred so many cases it lias been pronomiccd a specific (ox these ciuiiplaintn. f'or pains in Breast, Sido or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Biseases of the Urinary Organs, Jamulice or any Liver Eomplaiut, It liaR noeqnal. It is also a superior Tonie, Restores the Appetite, Strengtliens the System, llestorcs the Weak and lichilitatod, Causes the Food to Digest, ltemoves Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Prevenís Malarions Feers, fcüves tone to your tíysíeiu HURRY UP ! PAKTIES wlshlng wn Papar, Oloth andPapor Shades. Holland, Wlndow , lixtorea, Ooid, Tanels, Ac, all New , gtylas, at Satisfactorj Pricea, by J". It. , Wcbslcr Co., Buokilorc, neartho Bzpreas Office. i X -X


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