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BÏÏ3IWE33 DIRECTORY. E1A8TITS THATCIIEH, Attomev and Oonnaetor at I,aw, No. 5 Kust lluron Street, Ann Albor, Kioh. 138G MF. WI. 1. Office over A. A. IVrry'H store Itesidence Washington Street, fnnr doirs cast of State. 1S78JI Ai A II II Dit HINERAL SIMSING8. MorrW Hals, M :.. Snporlntandent. Office n baildlai, corner Mann and WettHorou itreets. WIÍVES V WDRDIvV, íO onth Main strect, Ann Ar tor, Micn-, wholesnle and rutall deal-ers in Dry Go 1. Carpeta ancl Groceries. ltSttf MACK SC II til D, Deaion in Dry Ouoda, liroceries, Crockery.&c. No. 54 South Main Strvet. itfrlCtlAEL miTRRAY, Roofer. Fire and iil Water Proof, Feit ad Comp'osltloo Qroyo] Rt.'s put ou t order and warrauted. Besidenceon JeTeraou Street, Ann Arbor. RW. I5M.ÍS :., Drogglsta nn;de:ilers in riiuts,Oils,ctc No.á South Main -Urcct, An Arbor. WM. JTACKSOX, Dentlst.snecessortoC. B. Portcr. OIBce coriu-r Main and Hurou streets, vr,r tho store of U. W. HlHs & "o , Ann Arbor, inesthcticsadmlnistcred if reqaired. Wf. BUK.IKÜV, 31. ., Physicinn and Ssrseon. OUtc, :it ro-iidonct coruer of Huroa and División Str.'cts Srat door cast Óf Prtsby.eriati Church . Ann Arbofs Mtcb. j J. JOII'SOX, Doaler in Hnts and ('nps, I-i Pnrm, Straw Cïoods. O'MUb' Furnisliiiíg Goods, c. Ño " Smith Main .-trivt, Ann Arbor. Alich. DIIXHEBLiNII A lli:io, Life and 3 FIrclnnrance ■cnt9,.ind dealernin lical Esiatc. D nee on Eïnron Street. LF.WIS i'. !tISIr, lícn'ér in Hardware., st'ivos. House furni-liiug Uoods, Tin Ware, Ac. No.3' South Main street. ___ _ _- ___ _- - n.iCH Alli:3., Dealera T)ry Goode Orofr!ee,.tc Ac.No :0 South Malli trcet. Ann Árbor. S3,.VS(" 4; SON, Qroccrs, Provisión and Ooraoalsslon Mcrrhnnis. oud tUalers In W&ttB i;nu .'l l'laster, anu Plasicr Paris. No. 16 Eaat i? aron street j ■ : IHI.n, nriintetále and it'tail Dealer o in li ■ilv l . i . 1 ; - Is: ■ . C.issimeros, ntln í . iuá OonL'e Furnishini,'Goid8. No.'.' South i'ii Stwet. W" n. 'AXKR, Dénier In K".-.dy tradeCloth' Ing.'-lotb. pftamereA. Vostlnffs. Hats, Caps, rranki, Oarpet Bugs, .c Í! 'oiitf Mainsiree.. t 5I.n;if. te t'ISKB, Bnnkm-llPn andStaT ttouiTs M - iicil Law and College Text Boolos, lkol üd Miíoell.ineouc Booka. No. 3 North .Malu i'íói'.i, Orejorí IV.ock, Ann Arbor. FIl.i:v k IiETriS,PealerslnBoo',Shoe, Uatttre,S i)pcrs,c No.ü :ÍHt Ilí'runí-trout, no rbor. fffolH W.CIIKEVElï, ATTOENEY AT LAW ! Ciltiewith É. W. Morgsn.Eiietsldc.ofConrtlIonso Sq-iire. Wíl i . J". F. SCHAEBEKLE, To:ichtr "f Music. G''c nstnn-lion on the ÍMANO, yiöklN AND GUiTAR, at hlfl oní-:o1 No. s? i'inth M-iin stret, (Moore'p WHtfagff ;it Eh rWi u' ■■■ of the jinpll. PIANO TÜNlJNiG, öiftde a Bpccinlity and satlefactios guarantoed; 1324yl Tr GCKEKÏ r(JLA.SSYA!Í:; Ü GliOCITt ES, J. TP Donnelly II ave in itore alarbe stock "f :rockerj,Oln?Pware, flatod Ware, atüy .ilroceieii, Sc, c all tobe FiSld at nnnsqal löw iirices. N'o 11 Buít Haron Street. Ann Arbor. ll8tf J. A: V. Oi:i.I.V. TO1IN O. QALL, DBALEB IIT, . FilESH AND SALT MEATS, f.AtJ. 8AÜ8AOE8, Ktr., dradfusoiicUcdandpromptly Slled wilh theb,ejt ni.;at in the market. il Bast Wathlngtonetreet. Ann Arbor. Sept. lfith. ISfiD. lSB.'tf AttKNKY, oéF'SK ïlanu'iicturer of Carfiáges, Buggies, Wagots, AKDSLSKiaS, of cv.-ryslvln. mvlcofthe best miterial, and wurranted. Repalrlnfr done promptly and prices reoapüable. Detroit treet, ncar R, K De.p ■(, Aun Arbor, Mich. I384yl. ÏR. G. A. LKITER CONTINÚES TO PÜT ÜP AND FITX Pliysicians Prescriptions, At II hours, at No. 1 Grogory Ulock. CA. LEITKK & CO. Ann Arbor. He-.. 22d 1S71. 13fi4 rR.C.B. POIÍTER, DENTIST. ffioela thcSAVIKGS BAHKBLOSK, Ann Arbor. rVll Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITU CARE. UNSURPASSSD FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCB SBTTIto ABTÏFÏCÏAL TEETH, TO GIVE KACH INDIVIDUAL; ly-.nturti of the proper $ize , tkapr .olor, firmnenMond na al zpre$ion. 1244 HURRY UP ! I AHT IKS wlhlng W11 Pper, F hades Rolland, Wlndow Fixturry. o'"d", Tasfels. Ac , nll New Styti' nt S:illfartorj I'rir.. in j. il. VcbNter A: Vo., Book Stir"--,near the Espiéis Ofilco. FOR SALE. The good and substanlial Brlck Hnnsr and Ivo Ifttl, bcaul fiilly illnated on State Street, south : also Stutcocd ücm-i1 and (o IftiS o. 4Ï l'nlvrrsilj Piare; also Building and lot on l'ear Sire I : aiso Building and lot on Puntlar Strret ; al'O lots on Pear, ronliar, Peacli. Travcr aud Plura Sfreels. Tiie abovc luis are very arrcssible (o walcr aiid in the most Ik altliy part of die rily. 1809 All (o A. 11. PiSlRIDfiE. . MOTICE! The tnbscriber hnqe nl their cemmiind, np a 8rcniral tlniii.'. froin live hunrtred to livt thonaacd do] lurn tt lonn mi lirsi and iral cam mortKRe iluatè in ihe L'o.iïity of Wftfihtebaw. - time Iroin three to flveycan. Tern liberal Office oppoatle tDoPuat Oflice. aiul at C. A. LelterA Co. 's DrilL Store. to. l Oreijory Block. Our Abstract liooks a-e poeted up lo date. Ann Arbor. Xïn} 3rt. 1S72. TAï w. root, IiOOT & LKTTER. ITl'.i.UI'TI, lï.Ctt MICKItfAX CENTRAL RAILUOAD. Kvr.I. TIMU TABLE. Passengertrainsnow lc-ave tho severnl itations.n t'ollowt: GOIXO WEST. TATIOKS. „ l f L M . 1 M? s I e 's s a. m. a. M 'r. M. r. M. P. K. ! . H otroit.leavo, 7 15 'J 40 4 05 5M 8 [S 9 M nsilantt, 8 U 10 47 1 S 88' 7 12 0 -is 11 07 in rbor. !' ll 11 M fi M 7 M H' 15 U ■'■ exter 'J I 6 Sü 8 1" ]" 44 9 58 8 30 11 06 OrasLk, 00 11 35 . m. Juckson, U 00 1-' 2il 9 M I 00 12 50 P. H. P. M. . 1. k. M. Knlunoxoo, 2 20 2 M 12 25 4 20 Chioigo arrive, s tí B DO G 30,10 20 0 00 O"1N EAST Ij i Jjll & w a sjí ö_ _a_ o P. M. P. M. A. U. A. M. Chicngo, leave, 5 1S S 00 5 30 9 00 A. M. A. . 1'. M. Kalninazoo, 5 '20 5 00 11 30 2 05 A. H. !' K. Jacksnn, 12 40 4 45 8 05 2 U 4 40 GrOM l.:ikc, 8 S2 3 2-r! Clielseii, a. M. S .ri7 S 52; Dexter i 25' n 15! 4 in Aim Albor, 1 58 G O0 6 5.1 1 9 45 4 Vpnlnnti, ! 29 ■ 2" ? M I 1" S 2 5 3 Dotroit, nrrive, 3 85 ! 7 2Si 8 45 11 80l_6 20 0 45 Tlic Atlantio anl r:icitlc Expíen run betwecn Jacksrm nl Xili-s on the Air Lint'. DaledOot. 27.1872. pOUT WAYNE.'JACKdON AND Sapinaw Rail re ad. The most dbect route to rittsVmi'p, rhiliirtulpinn, Biiltiinon-, Washington, nl 11 poluta south und toutuwest. Truins run by Chicago Time. lftAlNS GOrNG BOI'TII. Mail. Exjrrts. Angola Ace. Jneksorl, T 14 a. M. 12 lü p. m. 4 JO i m. Hnnori-r, " 64 12 4U B 20 Jonesvillc, R 25 1 20 Í 50 Au-.ihi. 9 53 7 35 WaliTloo. 10 S3 - S 15 Auburn, 10 47 8 19 FortWarno, 11 45 u 25 Indianoplis, 6 00 p. m. IjSüa.m. Cincirm;iti, 6 50 I.üiüsvillc, 10 45 - 10 45 P.M. TBAINS DONK! HO1ITII. Attgola Ace. Erprcsi. Mail. Louisville, 9 10 a. m. - - 10 25 r. . Cineinnnti, 7 10 a. m. [ndiwiApoli, 4 0Oi M. 10 10 Fort Wuyne, 7 05a. m. : ■ 1 2j v. M. Anlmrn, 8 00 5 22 00, 8 II 5 37 Angola, a SO G 35 Jonesville, 10 IS 3 05 r. m. 8 02 Hanovcr, 10 50 3 30 8 ,t: JaduoD, 11 30 4 15 9 10 Al .hiekson- Close conneetiorR nrc madeviUi Michlgaa Central, Jackson, haiainget n-ucww, imdürand Rivet Vúlley Koül At Jonpsville- Wiih Lako Shoic& MicJngnnSouthern Kttikoad. At Wnterloo With I.fiUc Bboreft Micliignn Southern (Air 1. iDf. kX Fbrt Wnyne - With rittshurir, I"ort Wnyiie fr OhiciiRo; ïoteio.Wabaeh & -'■ iti.aii'J Ft. Wafie, Muncie & iincinnuti Rulli W. A. EBN8T, Supt. 1!obt. lïiiMi-., Ocn'l. Ticket Ag't. PLAAiTATION BiTTüRS. S. T. - 1860 - X. Tliis wolideifiil vtsgetaWe restorative is the sheet-ahclior of' the feeole and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial fbr the acd and laiifruid it lias no equal among Btomachics. As a rfmefly for the neiyona weaknesess which ■romen are especially sybjectedj it is eüpereedih feery otlier stimulant.. In all cliniatcs. tropical, températe or frigid, it acts Üë a specifie in every species of diooider which undennincs the l.otlily strenpth and breaks down the animal spirits. 1S55-V1. LYON'SlÉÁTHAmON. For Preserving and Bcnuiifj iiisr tliv Hnmau Ilair. ïo l'revonl it ialling out and Turning tint). A wcll preservtd Hetirtof Ilair, in a person ofmid d!oage,atoncebi;ponkeroflm'i!Hínt,''ifíancr-,hea]lh andheaaty. Jt !iis tf-Jl j bc Ca'.lcd voman' crownnpRlory, whiiomen re ■■■. toitadvntpscsaud charros. Few thinRS aro more disgusliug thnnth'ii rriif]y.bnsii.untarneilliair withheadiud sredwithdandraff, Vlett a tarberinflyoii fceland look likea new man. Thisiswliot yon's Katliuiron will do all tbc timo. The charm which lies in wcll placed Hair, Glosf y Curie, LuxnrlautTresscs.andallcaiiUead, i iiotioeable and i'rresiütiblc. S"ld by all Drniuists and Country Stores. i:-;-0o3wly JBüOKS. [books. 1 i . j. r. web8teb & co. m;w ook stobk NEAB THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK T0 YOL' II INTEREST AM GALL. BOOKS. 1 NX AllBOR Mineral Springs House. This bo:uitiful re?ortfor hcalth-seckerB is now npi'ii, with ita IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHÜR WATERS, Coaimoilionshnildii u' lieated by stcam, and lorge and i'll-vi-niihited rooms. WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of nll tcmpcrrituref, also Shower, Vapor, hfedicatod mul Electric Batbe iru cmply d with advantaffti Ir the treatment of ril forme oí chrnnlc dlsefteen uid fliseiisca of females. BpetAft) attentloL paíd to (liet. With plei'íint nnrroiindinirp. and stttintcd in onc of the moví nealthy und beauitfalcittaa In theoonofry ir ]-(ise!'si'p attrnctloitg for invalids or for pkiaöar icekere feldom foand The :i!i:i! . nf Springs will beiurnishc-d on appttotlon. Pefvom drsiriiu.' riiTulnrri to pcnd 1 thelr - an procorc rheni t tbc i fficeoftbe Proprletors on Hnron ftrect, or ut the '"prints. .Addn m 11 l'ttrrs of irquiry to HOBEIS HALE, M. ï)., Supt. Ann Ardor, Míen. Sutbcrlattfl sxnil Wïictlon Prop". Ann Arbor.Mich. June, H( 1Í72.


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