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Gen. George Gordon Meade

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l'his distmguished BOldíer, whose ñaue will be reniembered as long as tho buttle of Gettysburg and the turning poiut it íormed in the fainous invasión of Lee, dioii at Lis residencie in Philadelphin last evening of pneumonía. General Meado was born it Cudiz, in Spain, in 1816, entered tho United Stutos IMilitary Acudemy at West Point froin tho District of Culumbiii, and was graduated thoro June 30, 1835, and appointod second lioutonant in thu Third Artillery. Ho rosigned hia commission Octobor 'M, 1SI5G, but after living six years in retirement Ík; reèntered the service, and received the appointment of second lioutcnunt in tho Topographical Bngineers May 19, 1842. Ho was breveted first lioutenmit for gullantry at Monteroy in 1846, became Bist lk'utenant in August, 1851, and was inude captain Biay 19, 180(5. On thé ö!st of August, 18(51, Lo was eomuiissioned Brigadier-General of voluntoers, und reoeiyed tho comuiission ot' nmjor in the regular anny in June, 1802. lie commanded a brigade in McCall's división ot' Pemi8ylvania reserves in the Anny of tho Putotmic until September, li"ü, when he took comtnand of a división in tho anny corps undor General Reynolds. General Meadetook part in the battlos of Mechanicsvillo, June '2G; of Gaincs's Mili, June 27 (ti few daj's after which lie was woundtd, but not serioush) ; of Antietam, S. ptember 17, in which he was slinhtiy wounded, and had two horses killed underhim; and of Frederioksburg in December, ÏSG'J, when the Union torces, under Genera] Bumside, were defeated witli so much slaughlor. Two áuys after tliis repulse he supereeded General Butterfieid in tho conimand of the Fiftb Anny Corps; was appointcd Commander-inUhief of the Army of tho Potomao June '28, 1863, and fought the famous battle of Gettysbnrg. After this báttle and the rctreat of Lee General Meade continued at tilt1 hcad of the Union forcea until General Grant took his position as Comtnahder-in-Chief in April of 1SU4, General Meado serving under him. !I; was soon intrusted witli the execution of one of the earliest of the important operar tions of the oampaign which resulted in the fall of Biohmond - the passage of the Rapidan, in attempting which ho was almotf utterly defeatedi In the later ■ tions condueted by General Grant in that memorable campaign General Meade played a prominent part. Among his soldiere, although ho was noted for Kr-':'t severfty and stnetness in the execution of every measore oí diBoipline, he wns very much bcloved, perhaps more bo than most officera of the war. - N. Y. World, Nbv. 7. W tSHINOTON, D. C, Nov. 7. - 'ïhe t'ollowing is issucd tliis afternoon : General Order No. '■■ . II EADQFABTER8 AllMY, J AdJOTANT GENERAL'a )! FICB, Wjsiiimi ion, D. C, Nov. 7, l S 7 2 . ) The General-in-Chief is pained to announce ti the army tho death of MajorGeneral Gcorgo Gordos Meade, which occurn d at. Philudelphia Kovember ü, at half-past six P. M. The history of General Meade is so interwoven with the great events of the past thirty years that it need not be atterapted in this connection. Born De cernDer 31, 1816, at Cadiz, Spain, his lathor being United States Uuiisul, he received careful education, and entered tlio Military Acndebiy with theolase ui 1831. Graduated in is:i"i, he s ived as lieutenant of the Third Artillery till October, is;i(;, when he resigned and engaged in civi) euginepring. June, 1842, he wan appoiuted to the anny in the Corps of Topographical Engineera, and was industriouely employed in the rr('at surveys froin Lakc Superior to the Gulf of Mexico, till the Mexicun war of 1846, when he rendered most gallant and valuable Bcrvice near the persons of Generáis Taylor and Scott. When the civil war aróse ho was among the irst to offer hia services. He began his most brilliant careei as a Brigadier-General of voluntoera in i! e Pennsylvonia Reserve Corps OctobeT 31, lsiil, and was engaged in all the carapaigns of the Army of the Potomac i'rotu that date till the close of the war. Ilisin i tbrOugh the grades of división and corps commander at a must critical j)oriod nnsolioited, he was appointed by President Linooln on tli" 'jsth of .June, 1863, to command in chief the Anny of the Potomac, thon goattered and moving hastily towards Ponnsylvania to the great battlo-field of Gettysburg, at which he commanded, and on the Jirsi, Beooud, and third days of July won a victory witli whose glory and majestic resultshis name will ever be identilied. From that time he commanded the Army of the Po toinác to the eloso of hostilities, liis commission as Major-General in the recular army was conferred August, 1864, and by virtue of tliis, on tho Ist dny of July, 1865, he was assigned to command the Military División of tho Atlantio, with his headquarters at Philadelphia, which post he has held, with one short period of detaohed servico in Georgia, till the day of his death. Bripadii i-Genera! McDowell will nrike all Buitable arrangements tor the funeral, and give publio notice of tho time and jjlace. Mlieers of the army gcnerally are inviti-d to attend. The ilaj-'s of all tho posts within the Military División of the Atlantic will bo carried half-mast duriniï the day, and fifteen minute íuiis will bo iired at midday on tho day of tho receipt of this order. Officers will wear the usual bacge of mouruing for thirty By command of General Sbrrman. (Signed) E. D. TOWNSEND. Adj utant-General. One Missouri editor says of another that "his eais would do for awnings to a ten story wholesale bog-paekitig establishnu nt." Gail llainil'on snys in lier new book that] does not want Opportuilities, but quulities.


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