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A Cold-blooded Murder

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Mew York, Nov. IR:' A terrible tragody was enactcd to-day at 12 Fine street, just o-utsido of tho office of Judgo Sutherland, on the third Hoor. Thfl fucts in the oase are as follows r Testimony in tho suit for the divorce of Mrs. King t'rom her husband, James C. King, a lawyer of 140 Sast Sövcnteenth street, was being taken befbre Jud-gcííntherland. Ambrose C. O'Neill, a deteetiv on the ,Brie Railroad, and his wife were vitm.sses in. the caso. It is said that the evidónce of both showed very brutal eonduct on thc part'of King toward liis wife. Aftor the case had been adjourned O'Neill left tlie oífico and started down gtairs. King followed him, seisera-l steps bcliind. When O'Neill hadd reached the second floor landing King drew a pis tol and fired threo shots in quiok succession The first struck the vietim in tho suiall of 'lie back, and mu3t liave caused him to turn .around facing lis murderer, as the futal Inirlot entored hid light breast below the collar bono, about two inches from tho moridian Hne. O'Neill wiülied into tho office ofMr. Quick, on tho floor, sat down iñ a chair, and in about haLf an hour breathed his ást: As soon as tho Uiird shot was íired King wv back into Judgo Sutlierland's office and handed his pistol to the Judge. Ho then rau iuto the inner office and lockbd himself iñ A crowd surged into the building; Cfficor Gustney arrived Lew aiomaits and was foroed to break in the door of Kitg's rotreat in order to effect his arrest. Aftel entraneo 1TÍU gained into tho roem ho made 110 atteinüt at rosistance, and mis quietly removed to tho Now street station. Th victim was not able to givo an account of the shooting, a wounc in the liniíís prventing utteranco. The body 6t"tiie murdered man was taken to tho Now street station and now Hos there awaiting the iiction of the coroner. , It is alloged that King killed a man in tho Sandwich Islands somo time ago, and attomptód tho Mfe of" arespectablo eitizen of San Francisco at B later date. Groups of men aro congregatedr about tho sidewalks in the vicinity of where the tragody was enacted, oxcitedly disevssing tho frequoncy of shooting affrays and OMMcdnations in this city. It is foarod that an attempt will be mado to drug King from his cell and deal summarily with him. Both tho doceased and prisoner aro said to bofcealthy. - Washington dispatches sy tbat a floa was. put in the President's ear by t!it Eadical leaders, and that ho will withhold liisexpcciei recomniendation of general amncsty.


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