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Plain Talk To President Great

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i rom tne Allantic alontnly, for Dc-comber. The eícction of Graut is thorofore thc dioico pf the losser ovil. It is not an unqualified indórsement of his conduet, nor a: deefaratíon of popular contontmont with the present status for anotliur fonr years. ()n tlin contrary, lm re-eloction íil)';s a vofovm sentiment which was rejprcssed by t.he pooeesitie of the eiection contest, The seiise of havi'ng been placed at a disadvantago before tho encmy by tfe shortcomiags of tha Administration wíll givp the refoim dcmaticr an energy it did notíhavc before. The wounds of battlc will give uu ïmvrontecï sharpness to critieism in the Adniinistmtiori' party. :ÜVÍhatever load tho supporters of the Presiclpnt have had to carry in the fight will ndw be .freely cast upon hiiu, and his conStíct villfá)e sul)jected to a soverity of jaílgment which will bo somfthing aew tojour party experiencos. Tejeré is in the Kepublican party, not excebtiag i vn tlioso public men who seem tolbe porsoríal adiierents of Orant, a wido spread fceling of discontent with lim an'd among all the thinking classes a feeling that wonecd an elevation of thecharactor of the Administration. The roraoval of the outor prosuro of tho election büttle will libérate this feelicg arwí give it a rpbounding energy of expression which it will be neecssary for the President to hoed, and which it would bo wiso in liim to anticípate by giving signs that ho is nlive to tho public sensibilities. It is necessary that freo public journals which desiro tho success of the Administrütion should spoak plainly on these mat.tors, for the Japanese Mikado is not more complotely out off froui all hearing of unfavorablo opinions of I113 conduct on the Bftljt of his personal supporters than is President Grant. Tho power which a Prosident possessc?, and the fapt that through his patronage he holds the political 'fato of overy Alininistriition Congrcssinan in his hand, would to a great extent, prevent aay President from hearing the truth trom those about him : but it is well knowu that this evil is iilcroased by tho dispósiüou of President Grant, wbiob ihclines him to regard With aversión any who Bpeák to him of faulis of eonduct. It is unfortunatu that Grant .camy into office witl the couspicuuui gii'ts of citizens to th süccessful general who in the line of pre codents was the coming T'resktent. Wlieho showed an inclinatiou to csll the giv ors to high places ia t.hc i gávo tho o]positjon a weapon ngainst him Whcn he toók a hare in tlïe gift t!ife"oi( izeres woro' contributing to Gonoral Hhor maii, and in his eagerneas involved him self in thjp sCBadftl with Mayor Bowen, h compromiscd. his. personal dignity, am oxhibitod qualitios uabecoming to h: station. f.ïis not a. greát (ftaft upon th public punso, nor. a creation of.cíáii;(:io ■fainily inñüencp whea the President ap "poiütS a.(loz,:u br.iaoicr of lïis relations to office ; but it is a bad exfimp'.o and shows ajow view af thPrüsi(l(n(ÍH: orirf'. Kut worso than this was the scandal of a riísidenfs brother-in-law at thc capital, i'ollowing tha profession of agent for claims against the Uovcrnment, ö&rrying his family juthionce into tho subordinare e--eeu■. ïja-rtincnts whero such claims are judgetl, and actualjy- as hu tcstified boforo a Congressional committee - appealing cases from the ctepartuentt to the Preiidemt, and apjiearing I;of6re bim to argne them. In affect this was the sale of thö Pre.sidtnt's influence against the ends pf justico by. liis brother-in-law. The summer abltaAeQ of tho President from the Capital' are matters of no great moment in the afi'nirs of Government, and his frequent j.unlceting ekcursions oould be exeused but tor bw urochvity tor a peculiar kind ot' entertainers who bvfna him anti the PreSidontiftl office into disrepute and exposé him to be innAo the instrument of designs upon the Government. Wlieu the gold conspiraoy tv malee a private specuiation at tlie cosí oí v7Í-.:;.-s;.vad ruin ot' the innocent buret upon the pub lic on the memorable Blnek Ftídjiy, tho public mind was shooked by the intelligeñee tltivt the President had been ennght In tho tbils of tlrp canspirators, and had beön nvidu to do their bidding by wïiting a letter to KuOTetary Boutwell adVising him ipiinst m.Teasing his sales of gold. The effect wtM net rmtigafced by tbc fact thivt ■■■:.-i 'r.-.d .,,: bad entangtcd tho Presirfont's f.'imily ín tiiö'jiflot. The pubYu: party excused biui vith thu oliaritoble ]lu:i tluit ln Wftdeceived by thesharpers Gould and Fisk:; but tnere was a general feeling that tho President of tho United States should jiot Unve ündè cóiríprt-iiions of inen RO notóricnia ns pi;Wc robb(s, nor 'receivcd hospitalities and otlnr t'avors ft-onv tkem. The American pooplo'do not fear tlmt tho Presidont'fl snrronndtng trim - solf wrtli military attendants raciins a'de-sign tosnbvort t!ie Crovcrniuent : batjealoney of-ioJlrtaalf suiroundings and ma'nors belongs to fi'ce instituSion aiwl fbe spirit of tree pcoples, anti the disregard of tliift shows a lack of perception of popular sentiment, or a 'conteinpt for it. It is trae that Oongress is laggard and reluctrvstiii'tho wórk of civil service reform; but tb.e President has ot the tratnmela tb.-il. bind CÍ neressmen. lie can wield a brcvaüijfcg influcne.e ' in promoting the I Ir'islali'oiT. }- ii nu oat ihe-mcthods of reform intb practke; by retaining and promoting capaéity, ftihlity, and cxlerience, and by refusing to reinore any capable and faithful offieer to nvake placo fov a partisan retainer, without waiting for legislaran. 3'ut while he asksof Con gress leRÍslatio'! to coerce him to reform the modo of app'oiiitmo.jits to the civil service, ho presents to tho country such a scandal :wYerk Custom-house, its ::'ii)l : nKipial services and its unofficial levies upou the uierchants, regulated by bis own híimí. It is truethat when tile President causpd out case to be presented to tho Ocneva Tribunal with ou r consequential injuries extended to the cost of the war, he went no further thari tho speech of Mr. Rumoer and tho alctost unaniiüous vote of the Benate and the gencïul acccptMicc of tho ountry, and that his lato compotitor 'ent beyond this witb a wild proposition ïat our claims sliould bc made the ground ( br demanding tho cnssion of' Canada ; but t cunnot bo forgotten that botween thcso vonts the Presiden t's ostensible reason 'or tho poromptory dismissal of Mr. Motcy was that ho stated to tho British Minster the caso of our injuries too strongly, lthough it camo far short of tho case preontod at Genova. Tho ltopublican party id not seek statosmnn for President vhon it chose General Grant, for it could not havo expected a statesman in him. t chose him because tho glory roflected on him in the popular view by tho mili,arv trinmph gave him a political availajility whieh would bo useful, and which t' not secüred by it might bo turneA agaist it. It would therefure ba ünreasoimble to demand of hiui a positivo and eading poiley of statestmanship. But it had the rigiat to expecfc from him an exainplo ui dttty, dignity, regard for law,and a high stlf-respoct which would havo a bonefiecntiiifluiineo'on the other branches of Government and on tho whole executive service. Yet there is a comwon impression that General Grarit takcis a low view of tho Presidential office J that ho looks npon it as a personal affair; that he maltes a calculation of whatisdno him from the value of the office ho gave up to tako this ; and that ho regarda it as a reward of raerit. All these things and others haro made tho labor of tho receüt contest nmcb greater to tho Administration party than it would have been with any Kepublican of fair standing, without an administration record, for a cjHididate. Tho election having given to GeneTal Grant another t. uu ol office, this f!litig iu Èis party shoáld have frse expression. His friends cannot do hím a greator service than to subject his conduct at overy stepto severa judgment. At the best ho will have diffioult part to play. "Whether he shall show an amondbility to intelligent pub'lio sentifnent and shall rise above tho personal view of the Presidency, will govern the erent whether he shall continuo to havo the support of a successful party and shall leave it in the control of the country when he retires to private lifo, or whether his re-election shall precipítate a disintegration of tho Eepublican party whieh will mako his administration helplesa and loave him to terminato hia official career followed by the roproaches of the party that elected him and with none to do him honor.


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Michigan Argus