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HORSE DÏSEASE. E. W. ETLIS & 00. TTOuld cali Uso attcntion of th otrnor oí horres to their lino oí Tíot-po M(-lininï. T ,. WATJiTN'OTON'S PurifyiDfr Powler; the best 1'owder in use for Ptirifjrtngthe ISlood and Preventiug Diaeiise. Tse ■W'AM.INOTOX'S rectoral or CoTigTÍ r'owacrs, - tliey aíe invnluablc for Cqpglu and ahoultl be used nt the flist syroptom of coughing. All other medicines aaed in tbc prevailing Hotae Kpidemic uro kcp:. t I I ' ' atrcaflonnblopricéí. Do not delay, or w.-vit for your horse to be inki-n sick, but uso the Oreat Blood I'urificr, WALLINGÏON'8 l'urifying Powder. Afl who liave usedthem testíff to thcir gre;it worth as a Preventivo of Disease. (Ari ounce of Preventivo is worth a ponnd of Cure.) Tho best I.iniment to use on the Swollen, Qltmds and Throat is to be found at our store. Takc the best of cure of yerar horséíkeep them warm and do not overwork them. Good care and plenty of rest will go far toward doercasing tho number of sick horses. ' BLACK DRESS600DS Until y ou havo seen the richest and most desirable assortment of Nqw Materilas in common, medium, fine, and extra ñce Grades, í$ered at the lowest pricös by MAOK fc SOHSVSID. The vei'dict of tlie puMic is that they keep the finest and best line in the city. Estáte of Matthow Schaibïe.QTATKOl' UICH1OAN, connty of WasUV-iT, -w. i ' At. a soMon ot'the Proba Court for thf cMï-ntyof Washtyimw, hoïden at thé Proba+o office, iatliocity if Amo Ainor, on Mbnday, tho eihteenth' dy of November, in the year one thousand cigiit hunorèJ j iiiid Boventy-i wO. Present, .T. lioaltts, Jndeof Pröbntc. In tii" nHrttanf ff the estwtc of Mutthow Hchaiblc, idoodfl Onn - :..■■ i ■ ' Bling' themftition, ihily venflwl, of 1,. L iulcrkirclicr, Ailininistruior, pmyinurtlmt heuviy bc liecnaod to &ell ccrliia renl estáte whereol S:li'l dCOCfUtfd dlCd SL-itl. Theraupon it is orderèd, tlini Mdnday, the tlnrtiolh iluy of 1 ieci'iiibpv iit-xt, at ï'."S o'cock in the fore.■iioon, W : for the heáfiit of sitid petition, und tlmt tb beLM aF lf'W of Bid deoenasd, nnd all ollu-r TWfieftri mftiTsttit in wiid est ut e, aro required i-' apeajf a( ftS6sktn of snid Court, then to bc hoMcn at the Vrobate OHiop, in the city of Ann ArbOT, -i nil s!niw oanse, if my tljtrc bo, why the praycrof fchepotilonershouldnot bo gTttntw: And ttisfurthei ordered, felint witd potil ionerrivo notiee to tbo petuonB IntrestÁd in Baid oststè, of th prndency of sttid petition and the hearing therciï, by cnusintr a copy of thia oi'rTer to bc p-.i ■:;! ■■! in the Michigan Ar;'.■', a hWSp : ''1 ífttinly. f',:ir bui i cj prcvifuis to saíJ dny oí 1 (A trnV oopy.í 3TIRAM .T. ïïk.vk::s, 1402 JaT-tifC of PMite. Estafe of eland Walker-. dCTATEOPMICHIQNCountyofWftshteñaW; .3 Ata sosstonof the Proimte Coart for thé Connty of Wachten ftw, holden nt the Probate otHco. n the city of -Aun Arl)or,on Wedn Bday.thfl t'íittyvonth diiy oí Novombor, in the yeét o;tc thousïiid eight hond red ttd Bffvénty-tiio, Prosrtt, lfiti:n.!." linkps. J.ido of Probate'. . En tbe matter of flweBta te orLelniid vr.utr, de peasecf. Psvid Pnrkor, AdHfinlntratöf, ofsaid efnïe, comes into Conti ftnd p presen '8 thftl bIfl aowpreparedrto rendev bit üna.' ïiccount as &?eh AdimniA Irator. 'rin-rciipoiiit ft ordered, Momïay. tbc twentj FUilrddayói ['ecombèf next, at t'elS olo-k In the ■ forenoon, bc aasincd for exnmiiiinjr -u allowlñl such account, and thal the hclrs at iaw of Mi( decoaaed'i and all other persons IntereMet ; in sdtd etfttp, afé rc'tircd to appear at a BeBslfD "f BAtd ( ourt ttu: to be holden at the Prabïite Oíñrc. ; 1 ie C'l.y of Aim Arhor, in ?ai( corwity, and Bhowcanettf :i!iy tbercbe, why the sniilftcconnt shonld iot boullovved : A-ad it i'sfiirther orderoi), thatsald A(iRniíirnlor;ivenotÍce to the persona rnterwteá in .'ii'1 eefate, of tbc pendency of h:u(1 acconnt, nnd thehc&rfDff tbereof, by caoslnga copy of tirlf ofrdertobcpubUatel la the Vickigan Arg a _ ■ H tcd ni:d cLrcu 'lattng In sai i three ucceasive weeks previoas to snid day oi hem inif. 1 fAtmecOpy.J H1KAM J-BEAKES, 1402 .indseoi Probate. Coranussioners Notice, S" T ATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty f Wmtokn#w,m. The iintieriiignod, hvin beeu ap]iolnted by the Probate Court for Hitid cinity, Cémmuaimen to i"Cceivt', examine titid itfljïiMt ftUclailXU t&ñ ilemamísof all j i ons sjhiÜD&t i ín estáte "t TAom'aa Alcxrimler, late of snid ciunty, deceaaod, hreby pive notiee that six montha from'date re allo ww by otder'of said Fio■ rtT föroreditora to present theirobUmsagainst the '-t;! of Hitiíl dcoóastíd, and thal they will meet nt the oöitip of John N. (ïott, in the city 61 Anu Arlxr; in paid county, on SHtiirihiy, the twenty-second day of Febraory, nnd on Wednesday, the twenty-flnt day of May next, nt ten o'clock a, m. of oflch of snid dan, to h'vmvc, rx.uniiic, and aïjust aiU claims. Date-i, November Sist. A. J). l72. JOHN X. GOTT, L. It. 8LAW8ON, 1402 w4 Commissioners. Commissioners Notico. OTATE OF M1CHIGA X, oonnty of Washtenaw, . i j Xbe undewigittd haVing been apixtinted by the probate Court i ■■ iald fou'iiy, ConiiiiissiuiHTi to reneivt., :'! iidjust ;tllrl;tiniH nul démdtfdé of till peraona' a:inst the estáte of ('hurles liyor, lute of suid Obunky deeeaiwd, hcrey %ïw noïico that lix mtmtlis from date are ullowod Ey cedes of aak) Probate Court for nredltors to present thoir claims Kguinst thoetteof said deoeased, nnd that they tvill meet at I Of nül deteascd in Freodom, in sai') county,on B&tuxday, fehertwenty-nnbdav of Jhhnirry, nd Moirfy, the ttréhty-dsth day of uay next, at at two o'elnek l. f, oi eèch of lid day, ta eeive, examine, and adinsi taid da i ma. Daled, November 26th, A. !. WT2. JOHN KOCK, GKuK'm-: WALKH, 1 12v4 Coainiissioiiers. TwroxiCKTboOEBMAN FARMEB7B FlIïE IK8VRAKCE COStTANY.ol Wftshtennw County. Mieh., wfll hoM theiv ■■ijiiiiti. imïL'tiTiii in the 8ehee1 Honte, bt8ci6, Benr the Cterman Irarch, on the1 llt lionday t Ueoembei nead , at ton o'cIooje A. .M., to étoci aew offlaars and propose othef Üi9o nn Arboi, Novmjtbcr Tt h, 1872. ljywwé LBWIS FRITZ, 8ee'y.


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Michigan Argus