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Local Brevities

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- The Fnll term of tlic public schools of tliis city closed on Wcdnesday. - Oxen are occasionally seen In our treets, remindinff one of ohl times. - Prof. Gueex, successor oí Prof Wood, has nrrived iu town wlth hls family. - Streaked; the weatlier. Now mild, ncxt gusty and cold, aud uext - wiio can Uil? - Winss & WojinEx have tn advertlsemcot In anothcr column of especial Interest to goods-buyers. Bien & Abel are pushing business just the same as though thelr wool was not burned up in lioston. - The "eplzoozy" is still quite prevalent In thls viclnity, though the horses flrst taken are recovering. - Mack & SciiMil have boiijfht about 20,000 lbs. of wool since the Uoston flre. They aro paylnír CO cents. - A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors lias been callcd to be held on the 3d of December - Tuciday next. - Phil. Bacu is back Irom Boston, and say the wool speculatlon of B. & A.. is not so bad ac tlioy thouht the day after that big flre. - The Litcrary Dcpartwent of the Unlverslty ia IndalglUg in a brief vasatlon ; from Tuesisy to Monday. The Law and Medical Deparmeiits ouly "juraped" Thauksgiying. - Next Tucsday evening Hou. D. Bf.tiivxk Duffikld, of Detroit, will deliver the second lecture in the John Knox conrse at the Prcsbyteriau church. Subject : "John CArVTN." - Rev. E. H. CnAPix, recognized as one óf the best pulpit speakers and platform Orators in the country, has been added to the lUt of bcturers for the current course of the S. L. A. - The PresUent and Steward are occupjlng their new and commodious offices, Bouth side of main hall, llrst floor, new building, and are supposed to fcel tuciroats in consequence. - Prof. Watson discovered another planet on the night of the 25th. The little fellow was playing arouud in the constcl latlou Taurus, letting hls lisht shine like a star of the lOth magnitude. - Hcport has It that a lïepublican delejjation pilgrimaged from our city to Hlllsiiale la week: to congratúlate Wai.dkon bn hls election and demand the head of Postniaster Dkax In a cuarger. - The Students' Lectnre Associatlon has ëngaged Gf.oií(ik V. Cuhtis for a single lecture, at the moderate sum of $500. And thU wben they might have had IÍrnry yjfttlú Bkkcjier for- bnly $1,000. - hy a new advertisement in another feoliimn Mack & Scü.mid Invite the attcn t1on of the public to their large and desiral)le stock of fihick Dress Ooods of the rery latcet styles. Go dnei see tbem. - Ex Gov. Wise, of Virginia, and Ed■ivi.s L. GoDKDr, of llie Natiun, ure new dditions to the Stitd'-iits' Lecture Assofciation, cnrrent course. John B. Gougii is to HrMh the course witli another of hls "last feètu'i - Tliat 17 Ibs. Turkcy ori wliicli the Ab fcus fnriH-fcastcd Tliiiííksplfl'i;; rtaj Mine from Mack & íJchmid'b witli the compUment of the tirin. If n this case it was "better to givc than receive," the givera must have gotleu to th'ériíselves a heap oi SOixl íceling. - In the Supreme Court on Satfirciny last, the ludgmout ren'dered by Ju(íí;c tííoijy Iti the case of Kitsüx vs. this city wus fiiUnnol. This cstablishos the validity of ihe liQense onliimnce, aml saloon keepers Vrill Ihid it nccessary to C. 6. D., that is " come omtjlately down," ovenlues and all. A. trlJ1i4, which is only evil can noiv M ide to }y a smdü portion o'f the exIwnse In which It involvcs tli'e puhllo. - Thaiiksjjiviiij; was a sort of lialf-holiflay. Banks were closed, a portion of the flry goods store were labelcd, " this store élosed alter 1() o'clock," and other places of bmiiiess played the game of " open Üttl ihut." The weather ?as cold and the Btreets unuS'Aally qrfiet. Services rere held ot the M. E. Church, at ïl o'clock a. m. - the I'rihjt;riiin, Cougregatlonttl, Baptist and Methodist oaugregatlons nnltlng - Hev_ Mr. IIujinKi.i., übugregatlonal, preaching. Pcrvicés were also held at the sanie honr at 8t. Andrew's Church, the Rector, Rev. Dr_ íin.i.isriE, preach'Mg-'; at Dr. Bhioham's Ólnirch (Unltarian). and at the Luthsian ánd Catholic Churchcs. .udge IIiGnv opene't a regular term of the (jirciiil Coiirt on Momlay. ThcCalcnAnr mnnberert 65 cases, classlfled as fo!" lows : Issues of Fiict, 44 ; of Lnw, 2; fanparïance, 'A ; Criminal, 6; Ch'nnccry, 5. A large nuniber of cases were dlspowd of on t'he lirst cali, lea,ving 21 set down for trial by jury aiul a numbi'rby the Court. The first jnry case taken up was VVUllam Stephens ft .fohii Mlller, whlch carne toa suelden énd Wetlucffcfay iborning, Judge II. intructlng the jury to render a verdict for dcfenilant. And aftcr thet the Court was adjottrned. untll Monday next, at 10 o'clock A. IL


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