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MffllpSl' PIANOS HAVE TAKEN THE FIRST PBÈJÍIUM OVER ALL COMPETITION IN AMERICA, ENGLAND, FRANCE. These Standard ínMñiments Are now offered at Reduced Rates on The One-Price System. 41,OOOJ OF THESE Standard Piano Fortes JI.iv been ui:i'l'.' tind Hold si nee 1&2S, nnd Eighty-One First Premiums Havc been aw.irded to our Firm OVEtt ALT COMPETITION. These Pianti are atill roKfrdïd nd univonmlly conceded to be 77 A' XTASDARD tSSTBU' MENT8 OF THE WORLDy urid are M pronounced bj all the K'rotit nrtÏHtK. IJr. Frnns I.iwti suy: ' I consitler the Chickerinv ri;inu sniKtior to nuy made in Europa or Amerirn, itul MD fully convinceü thwt they were jutly untitled to the Firitt I'riüe. Chickertaf? & Sons' Mamnioth Manufaetory iBmorethnnone-third lnrgcr thnn nny othet PinnoPorte Mnnufactory in the Wurld. nnd is, ín cvery rrnpectt the most complete ; regnrdt innchinery nnd the íncilitií'H for doinj the rtry bttt clasg of wnrk. MtHn, C. & Smis hnve, sincu the estahlihliment uf their buinesd in 1823, made itnd Muid íl, (KM) Pianos, and theae Btnndurd InfltrunientHurenow offered ut reduced rnti u[Hn the ' One i'rice Hytemt' free from uil discount tui commiftiiionN; nnd ttiey nro, beyond &11 refutntion the very beat aud very chcnpt'Bt flrat-cliiaa Pianos now oïFcred. A O A ü X w Wp ruil eApccinl nttention tu our ÜPRIGHT PÍANOS, Which nre, in every pnrticutnr, the flnet inntrnmont of their cUkh muntifnctrt'dT nnd nccond only to the Grand Pinno, for wliich they are a good substituto. Kvery Pinno warrauted for üve yearii. CEICKERING & SONS, 12 E. 14th St., Xew York. 354 Wnsliintrlon St., Boston. 1400m2 For ScroAila, NrrofT uIoiin DlwANei of the Kyett, or Ncrofni la in uu y form. jSpt Anv discase or eruption f of the Skin, disease of the &$L-$ ples,OldSore,Ulcer,Brokfj" en-down Constitu t i ons, OJk Sy plulis, or any diseane deejagi jiemling on mlepruved conjjfgfl, dition of the blood, Irj WteP DR. CROOK'S 35 SYRÜP OF m POKE ROOT. %SËSp%} It liantlie mediciniil prop W&A ert7 f Pokecombined with jlP preparation oflronwhich jyy goe at once into the blood, Jnt perfortning the mort rapM f and wonlerful cures. Ank yonr Druint for Dr. Crook'l Oomoound Syrup of Poke Boot - take land be healed. iy:oTicEi Noticf i givcn tn nll whom it mny ronrerr, that n penson wbatevt-r, is rr wijl bo authorixed to roulrnrt mij" debt nHinst 111-, without ïny writtcn auIthoiitv K) todo. J AilE.S W. WINf. Datcd, Pcio, Nor. 20, 187J. IWlw J Q. A. SEèSlÖNS INSURANCE AGENCY. THE oi.ii ui:i.i a ui i pHOíNIX INSURANCB CO., U4BTV0KD, 009K. Botton lüsefl to not excovd 1900.000, which wlU be' promytly pald, at at Chicago. Ntt cah assen , ONE AND A 1IALF MILLTONS. Ciori"Ti, Nov. 11.11:15 P. M., IM The I'hoi'iili of Inrlfiiril will pnjr lts Horton losses promptlj. al it dll at Chicago, and continuo to serro the public falthfuUy and vcll. II. . MAQlI.I.,Geo'l Agent. f IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Li INSURAJÍCE C0MPAST. CniCAOO, Nov. 13th, 187i. . Q. A. SKSSION3. Kq., Agent. The lones of this Compaaj by the Grcat Fire In ïo ton, ccvered by Hilicies HinnunthiK to H,i39,000 will le pald immndlatolv and in fnll by drnrt on the jfverpool Otllcc, AfHcti now In the United Staten 43,600,00 - will remain nntouched. Yours veiy tf nly, WM . WARREN. Oen. Agent. Policles tsBtlcd at my ofltc at Nu. 11, Esst Hnron Street, A tin Arbor. i. (. A. S KSSIONS, Agent. KOOtf. THE RJÜAT BOSTONFIRE. SUtcmant of the condttlon oftho riNTSTJlKrOEÏ OO-OF- NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA, OEOASIZED A. 1) 179. Over 78 Toan' Sncceaafnl BattUnff lili tbe Fire riond. Capital and 8nrplna, Nov. 11, 19TJ, $3,500,000. Dcrttictlnt; 11 the Iiwkc in Boston. nd frere tlll remainfl wlth the compnny, a iecurity to policyliolücrs, tlic mat;niflcent gnm of over $2,500,000. The INTet Surplus Over and above nll LUbttttS inclndiog Capital, Re iniurancc Rcerve, aud Boston lnsaen, is a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS, WHICH IS THE Knrgrt Xci Niirplus Posscsaed !r " J upan) in America. Iiimjio In the nlil rinnrrr Company- Alway safe andreliuble. Kor ioüciei apply to St THEllKAYI) k WIIEDOX. -


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